I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 281

Take it, aren't these two idiots?How did you learn this trick?

Mizuki held his forehead a bit, but at this time, the people around him whispered to her: "Big sister, we have been on the boat for a few days, and many people are not used to it. It is good to take a rest first."

Big sister, this is an honorary name for these prisoners by Mizuki.I wanted them to call themselves "My Lady Queen", but I thought it would be too much, so I used a compromise.

Hearing what this man said, I felt that it made sense.Mizuki looked back at these prisoners. Although they were still very energetic, it was not difficult to see that they were a bit tired.

Most of them are accustomed to land and are not very comfortable with boats.I have just arrived at Villain Island now, and I am not very familiar with the environment. If I kill it directly like this, it is a bit too aggressive.

Thinking of the water tree here, he nodded helplessly: "Well, I know there is a restaurant nearby. If this one is still there, it should be a place for us to stay."

The place Mizuki said was the local black shop I encountered when I came last time.Later it became his own property on this island. I remember that it was handed over to the Ji Jiu and Dharma clan when I left, but I don't know how it is now.

When I came to this store, it was not abandoned, but now it was occupied by a group of people. When I saw the arrival of Shuishu and others, he wanted to forcibly prevent Shuishu and others from entering.

But the water tree here did not talk nonsense, and directly ordered the idiot brothers under him: "Don't you want to eat? Someone wants you to eat, what do you want to do?"

Text volume 506. New arrival

The power of Fengshen and Thor is not weaker than that of the Shadow Grade. It is not a problem to beat ordinary ninjas, not to mention the people who block them, it seems that they are not ninjas, they should be some ronin.

If it weren't for this place to stay, there would be blood everywhere that I didn't want to make, I was really afraid that they would be killed on the spot.But a fat beating is definitely not less!

Idiot brothers beat all of these people to fat, seeing that they were about to be beaten to death, Mizuki said, "Stop it, don't beat it, I'm going to stay here again, and kill someone, hell at night?"

Fengshen and Thor stopped because of Mizuki's words.

This group of talents was not beaten to death on the spot, but looking at the beatings covered in blood, if there is a panicemia, shouldn't be scared to death?

Fortunately, Mizuki is a ninja, and he has killed many enemies himself, so naturally there is no fear of blood.First, I ordered people to check this place, and at the same time, let everyone rest well and prepare enough to be ready to fight.

Of course, the most important thing is to let people quickly find something to eat and feed the two "idiot" brothers, or else they will be arguing in the ears to eat.

After ordering these things, Mizuki will bring the people who occupy this place, mentioning it in front of him, and begin to interrogate: "Who are you? How dare to occupy this place? How about the people before this place?"

This group of people was beaten by the fat, knowing that they weren't opponents, and faced Mizuki's questions, they could only speak up.

They are not members of the "Ami Society", but ronin from the country of Poland. They killed people because of a financial dispute. They were wanted by the officials of the country of Poland, so they had to escape to the island of the villain.

Speaking of them, about half a year ago, the Bodhidharma still controlled the island.People like them rushed to take refuge, and they were assigned to this shop as thugs with a little knack.

Later, about a month ago, the Bodhidharma clan was overthrown by foreign forces, and they had no choice but to bow to the feet of the new forces. They took advantage of this place.

Hearing that they had also entered the sect of Bodhidharma, this surprised Mizuki: "You said you came half a year ago. So, have you all experienced what happened on the island a month ago? "

Previously, Mizuki was Tanigawa, and had obtained information about it.However, Tanigawa was not a personal experiencer, and several crew members under him were also vague, because they were all sailors, and they were carrying on shipping work.The description of what happened at that time is rather vague.

Now that I know these guys, they actually came here a long time ago. I think I should know more clearly, right?Mizuki asked, "You can tell me what happened at that time?"

These people showed embarrassed faces, and just said in a daze for a long time: "We are all young people, and we have no personal experience. And the people who participated in the battle at that time were all dead."

Of course, even though they didn't have personal experience, they still hid and took a peek at the scene of the landslide when the battle took place.

The Bodhidharma clan is composed of Rebellious Ninja and Langren, and their strength is definitely not to be underestimated. In addition, there are many thugs under them, even if it is attacking a small country on the mainland, it is no problem.

Because of the existence of this kind of combat power, when the battle broke out, the flames were once blasted into the sky, and the earth was trembling from time to time. There were already roars of strong winds and thunderous roars. All the sights I saw were shaking secretly.

According to the description they said, Mizuki estimated that there had been ninjutsu duels, the fire escape, earth escape, wind escape, and thunder escape.But that is to say, the fighting was so intense, and the duration was not too long, and it was over only half an hour before and after, and then it was heard: the death of the Bodhidharma!

"Less than half an hour?" Mizuki's face didn't look very good. The Bodhidharma clan who had the ability to attack a small country actually only fought each other for less than half an hour?

It seems that a new assessment of the enemy's strength is needed.

Mizuki immediately asked again: "Do you know where the battle happened?"

If there is nothing wrong, at least hundreds of ninjas from the Bodhidharma clan will all resolve the battle within half an hour. Mizuki thinks he can't do it anyway.But if you want to say what kind of person is okay, at least it should be a movie-level person?

However, this is just an assumption, based on the conclusions obtained from previous judgments, but a 100% decision cannot be made yet.So Mizuki wanted to see it in person, and if he could see the battlefield, he could make analysis and judgments.

These people were very scared, and none of them dared to go, saying, "The place where the battle took place is the castle of the Bodhidharma clan. It has been razed to the ground. There is nothing to see!"

Seeing these people's insults and saying that they are the ronin who killed people, is it really not ashamed?

Forget it, anyway, I know the place, so I'll take a look at it myself.

Then I asked the last question about the location of the Ami Society. The answer was that it was on the mountain in the center of the island. It was said that the temple was to be rebuilt on it, so the Ami Society were all on it.

Mizuki was in a good mood to get all the answers he wanted, and he didn't embarrass them much.Here is to say hello and ask the people to lock them up.

Then he called the captains of each team, and Mizuki began to arrange various arrangements: “I’m going to take a look at the place where the Ami Society fought with the Bodhidharma a month ago, and first judge the strength of the Ami Society. Starting from this point, adopt the tactics of force attack or sneak attack."

The prisoners under his command, Mizuki said: "The captain is following me, the squadron is investigating the surrounding environment, and the squadron is investigating the local conditions."

She needs to judge the strength of the enemy and ourselves, as well as the environment of the opponent, and whether the locals are satisfied with the rule of the Ami Society.After collecting this information, it needs to be analyzed before drawing up a battle plan.

These prisoners are also ninjas, and they have not expressed any dissatisfaction with this well-considered plan.They are willing to listen to the dispatch of the water tree!

Of course, these prisoners are obedient, and Mizuki will not be stingy: "My mission is to rebuild the island of evil, but I am Konoha's ninja, and I will answer Konoha after completing the task. We have an appointment first, You can stay and live, so this is your home. You are not fighting for me, but for your future home!"

To do things for others, there is no 100% motivation.But for their own sake, for their own home, Mizuki promised to give them freedom!

Text volume 507.

I came to the place where the battle on the Island of the Wicked took place a month ago, because the time has not been too long, and now you can still see a lot of remnants of that battle.

Mizuki observed that the castle of the Dharma clan had basically been bombarded into a piece of rubble and judged that it should have been destroyed by the earth escape technique.Afterwards, there were scorch marks all over the ground, and large pieces of broken trees. These were obviously the destructive effects of fire escape and wind escape.

Through these analysis, it can be concluded that the Bodhidharma family encountered a strong attack at that time.The users of this earth escape technique are very strong, and they almost destroy this place with one move.Although from the traces of the battle, the Bodhidharma had a counterattack, they were suppressed from beginning to end. No wonder they were defeated in such a short time.

Coming to such an analysis conclusion, Mizuki's heart sank, it seems that he is afraid of the opponent he is about to meet, and his strength is stronger than himself!

Of course, this is not to say that Mizuki is scared. After all, this thing is useless even if it is scared, and if she wants to shrink from a strong enemy, she is not qualified to be a ninja.

Mizuki just didn't know how to use his strength to beat this enemy.Secretly gritted his teeth: "It's really going to be troublesome. I knew I should know more information first, otherwise I would have to invite a few senior Ninjas to come together!"

Based on the judgment obtained now, although Mizuki is not yet uncertain about whether this enemy has reached the level of shadow level, it is not too bad anymore.Such a type of master, let alone S-level?This is equivalent to an S-level task!

An enemy of this level is similar to the Oshemaru and Akatsuki organization, a guy of this level.It's not a shadow level, it won't be too bad, and both have their own unique places.

Mizuki returned to the stronghold first, hesitating what should be done next?If it is the wisest choice, it should be better to wait a few days.Wait until Tanigawa goes to Fire Land to find reinforcements, and then consider the matter of retaking the villain's island.

However, as soon as she came back, someone reported to her: "Big sister, our people went out to investigate and found that this island is weird!"

There is already a drawn map here. It is the map of the villain's island. After it is spread out, there are already made labels. According to these labels, it can be seen that there are all sides in the south, east, north and west!

"Formation?" Mizuki didn't know much about formation, but as a ninja, he must still be familiar with India.The simplest performance is the handprint, so you can still see a little doorway.

Mizuki had been to Villain's Island before, there was absolutely no such thing before.Obviously it should be new, and it's still a formation.Knowing that there must be a problem, he quickly asked the people around him: "Have any of you studied the formation method?"

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