I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 297

Text volume 533. Sit and watch

Because idle is idle anyway, why not be with your little sister?

However, it is a pity that Mizuki didn't have much research on "Huitian", so there was no way to give decent guidance. After all, this technique was a secret technique passed on by word of mouth among the Hyuga clan.I can only comprehend the mystery through my own hard work and training over and over again.

Watching Huahuo’s fortunate practice, Mizuki sat aside and watched, while mentally thinking: "Huitian is the unique school of the Hyuga clan. Even if it takes time for Shinnin to learn, the Japanese football will return to heaven. Is it really irresponsible to give fireworks to people who are less than ten years old?"

The water tree here is certain. Judging from the current firework ability, it is almost impossible to learn to "return to heaven".This is not to belittle Huahuo, just because I feel that the current age of Huahuo is still young, and the understanding and sentiment of Chakra must not be thorough enough.

You must know that Ning Ci, a genius of the Hyuga clan, learned to go back to heaven at the age of over thirteen.But at this time, the fireworks are less than ten years old. How can it be possible to forcefully want to learn back to heaven?

So Mizuki can bet that fireworks who are less than ten years old will definitely not learn it now!Thinking of such a trick that is obvious and surely impossible to learn, is it really too irresponsible for the Japanese football to be handed over to her?

At that time, the water tree was looking for a Japanese foot and asked why it was.But I got an answer. It turned out that Huahuo wanted to catch up with him.

The Japanese foot said: "When the elders and I wanted you to inherit the position of the clan family very early, this is a clear psychological point. But on that day, she was determined to train her as the heir of the clan family, she understood herself. Mission. Not reconciled to the choice of'you let her', so I want me to teach her stronger ninjutsu."

I didn't expect to get such an answer, which made Mizuki feel a little sad.But this also let her know that her own appearance has a subtle influence on the development of the plot.

Knowing that there was such an answer, Mizuki decided to help Huahuo as much as possible, and that was what would happen next.

Seeing the fireworks is already sweaty, Shuizhu brought tea and snacks: "Come and eat something? Take a break and practice again. Pay attention to the combination of work and rest."

Hua Huo did not refuse, picked up a clean towel, wiped off the sweat, then walked to the water tree and sat down, picked up food and tea to eat and drink.

The dessert is a simple rice cake, but in the shape of a cute rabbit. This is made by the maid of the fireworks, Axia, which is quite cute and fits the little girls' preferences.

Seeing Hua Huo eating cute things, Mizuki couldn't help but laugh a little: "It's such a cute, everything I eat is so cute!"

"Huh?" He ate the little rabbit rice cake in his mouth, chewed it quickly, and swallowed it. Hua Huo protested: "Where is it cute? Sister, are you making fun of others?"

Jian Yu Mizuki has liked to play tricks on Hinata since she was a child, and she likes to see Hinata shy and cute.

This point of fireworks is very clear. I know my sister, but she has a special hobby.So I'm a little scared, does she have such thoughts about herself now?

The look of the cute little Lolita is of course what Mizuki loves.I wanted to hug the fireworks on the spot, and I wanted to have a good intimacy.It's a pity to be rejected, because Hua Huo is not Hinata's soft girl character, and doesn't want to be played with like a doll.

So Mizuki deliberately showed a sad expression: "Am I hated?"

If there is an Oscar in this world, I believe it will definitely win the Golden Man!

Hua Huo was a little bit weak and leaned on his forehead and said, "Sister, you said you want to practice with me, why don't you come over? Just sit and watch?"

As I said before, I want to practice, but not only did I not come to practice, I was still watching the show?Now that I have to tease myself, it is really familiar and unbearable!

Originally, because of Huitian's practice, the progress was not very smooth, which made Huahuo a little unhappy.Now that I saw my sister, she came to make fun of her, let alone what she would think.

Seeing that his sister Huahuo became very upset, Mizuki had no choice but to admit her mistake and said: "Well, don't be like this, it's my sister who is not good, okay?"

After admitting his mistake, Mizuki began to say: "You are now practicing Huitian, but I don't have any research on Huitian. I haven't even studied it myself. How do you want me to teach you?"

Khan~ Yeah, Hua Huo remembered that Mizuki was not very dedicated to Hyuga's soft fist, not to mention a more profound return to the sky.

Hua Huo couldn't help being disappointed: "Why is this~"

"Cultivation, this is not an overnight thing. Don't be too eager for quick success." Mizuki looked at Huahuo's disappointment, and quickly comforted him, saying, "You are still young now, and you have time, and you have great potential. success!"

This kind of comfort is too superficial, anyway, individuals can hear it, obviously it is sloppy.But the fireworks here don't care. Who calls Mizuki has such a personality, and what about his sister?

But here again, Hua Huo asked Mizuki: "Sister, what was it like when you were practicing? I heard your father say that you always hide and practice alone. Do you have any secrets? Tell me?"

How strong is Mizuki, the psychological aspect of Huahuo has a bottom!

When the "Konoha collapse" broke out that year, Mizuki had killed many invaders with one person, but among them, there was a high-level existence.

With such a strong strength, it is of course inseparable from practice.

"Do you want to know? This is a secret!" Mizuki looked at the fireworks and blinked and said, "If you want to know, come and bribe me."

Bribery~?Two people are sisters!How can you say such a thing.

Hua Huo asked angrily: "I am your sister, why do you want to bribe?"

But the water tree here is really right to say: "Brother, no, sister, settle accounts! I don't want your money or beauty, as long as you kiss me, I will tell you!"

No way, Mizuki's character is like this.

No matter how arrogant the flowers are here, you have no choice but to bow your head in the end.Quickly kissed Mizuki's face, looking at her ashamed.Said: "Quickly, I have kissed. Now you have to tell me the secret of practice!"

Body Volume 534. Secret

The secret of practice is simple.Mizuki only said four words: "Concentrate and persist."

These two words should be very easy to understand. Concentration means to concentrate and concentrate on what you are doing.Perseverance means to persevere and have an unwavering perseverance.

Shui Shu vaguely remembers that Hua Xiatian in the three-dimensional world, as a great man of a generation, once read a book in a noisy vegetable market.The purpose is to cultivate one's perseverance, so that in the chaotic world, no matter how messy, he can still go to the end with determination.

Of course, such an answer makes Huahuo unacceptable, because what it says is almost the same: "Everyone knows these two points. What is your secret? If you don't want to say it, just forget it."

Looking at Hua Huo, I felt a little angry, as if I thought I was lying to her?But this water tree really doesn't exist!

With a helpless shrug, Mizuki said, "This is really not a lie to you. My secret is only two points. You should know that? I practice a rigid boxing method which is different from soft boxing. And I specialize in strength. , The pursuit is to maximize the strength. So I often do weight training. You haven't seen this since you were young. Do you still think I'm lying to you?"

Huahuo grew up watching water trees grow up, of course, I have seen water trees every day when they exercise.Moreover, the props used in the exercises are actually still stacked in the warehouse.

The suffering of physical exercise, this really requires perseverance.But in the face of daily practice, Mizuki never completes it in a day, and even in order to increase the difficulty, even if it exceeds the rated training plan, he will still make an effort to move forward.

At that time, the water tree often used one sentence to motivate himself: "Today is one step more than yesterday, and one step closer to tomorrow!"

If this is not persistence, the determination to persevere, and the support of strong ideas, how is this possible?

But such a secret cannot be approved by Huahuo.Isn't this just persistence?How is this different from daily practice?

In order to make his statement more convincing, Mizuki made an experiment here: "You know, don't you? I'm doing chakra control enhancement training recently."

When talking about this, Mizuki took the tea in his hand and motioned to Huahuo to check it out.

The water tree gathered his chakras, controlled the tea in the teacup, and raised it under control.Every tiny bit of power has an effect on every drop of water. This is the result of her recent practice.You can control your chakras perfectly!

Such powerful control of Chakra simply made the fireworks on the side stunned.Because she can see that to achieve such an exquisite perfection of Chakra's control, how much effort and price is needed?What concentration is needed!

After performing this little ability, Mizuki said to Huahuo: "You should know that I don’t know how to escape. What I did just now is definitely not a water escape. It’s just a mastery of Chakra, but I have to cultivate to this level. , What kind of effort is needed, I shouldn’t need to tell you more? But as long as you master Chakra to such an extent, theoretically speaking, I can basically learn any ninjutsu."

That's right, Chakra is the extracted human energy, and the mastery of Chakra is cultivated to such a level. If you want to practice any ninjutsu, you can almost always do more with less!

But Mizuki here doesn't have much interest in ninjutsu, but if you want to start practicing, it will definitely not be any difficult thing.So here it is understandable why Ebisu said it was the practice method of the third generation of Hokage.To master Chakra so subtle, how much ninjutsu you want to learn is actually very simple.

Hua Huo was very surprised when he heard it. I didn't expect that his sister was already so good?He immediately grabbed Mizuki's arm and said, "Sister, can you teach me? I want to be stronger!"

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