I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 298

How can this cute little loli be ashamed to refuse?

Mizuki nodded and promised: "No problem! But you have to be clear, it is definitely a very difficult thing to follow my practice. You must be mentally prepared!"

Hearing that Mizuki was willing to teach himself, Kahuo was of course very happy.But thinking that I haven't learned the "Return to Heaven" yet, would I be incapable of learning other ninjutsu?

The principle of greed and chew is very obvious, and what Mizuki cultivates is not the soft fist of the Hyuga clan, which is very different.

But don't worry too much about this issue, because the Mizuki here is not trying to teach her some ninjutsu, but just wants to teach her some practice methods.

Because practice is nothing more than persistence in practice, especially through training the ability of practice, it is easy for practice to make perfect after a long period of training.So there is no need to be too specialized, as long as you master the appropriate methods, theoretically learning will become very easy.

"No problem, as long as you can become stronger, as strong as your sister, it doesn't matter if you suffer a bit!" Hua Huo said impatiently, "Can you teach me now?"

Okay, seeing Huahuo saying so, Mizuki nodded and replied: "Well, let's talk to your father, and you have to prepare."

Because Huahuo is still young now, I have to follow the water tree to practice, and I need to be informed about everything.If she leaves without saying a word, she will be spanked again after coming back.

Nizu heard that Mizuki was going to practice with fireworks, and felt that this was a good thing, and naturally it didn't mean to stop it.But here is the question: "How do you plan to teach fireworks?"

Mizuki’s answer is simple: "Accept a few ninja missions and let her understand the world of ninjas. By the way, you can take her to see the world. If you can, it’s best to be able to fight, after all, no matter how strong ninjutsu is, no It's always impossible to experience actual combat."

It sounds like there is no problem, and the Japanese Football Association agrees.Although Hua Huo is less than ten years old, but there is a water tree on the side, it must be fine, please.

After getting permission from the Japanese foot, Mizuki let the fireworks simply clean up, mainly to bring the necessary changes of clothes, and enough silver, and the rest is to prepare kunai, and shurikens and the like. Items can be used as self-defense at any time.

Next, Mizuki and Hanahuo came to the Hokage office together, and found Tsunade-sama to seek two tasks to do. This is the job that allows Hanahuo to get to know the ninja up close.

Text Volume 535. Leading Practice

A few days after seeing Mizuki, Tsunade ran to her and brought his sister with him and asked her to do a task.Looking at the water tree strangely, he said: "You have only a few days now, why do you want to do the task? I didn't say, when you are accumulating the "Hundred Powers", do you try not to fight? Why do you still bring fireworks? Now, aren’t you afraid that the Japanese Footballer will say you?”

"Don't be afraid, my father agreed." Mizuki said indifferently: "You don't understand my strength. Besides, I don't want S-level missions. Simple C-level and B-level missions should be the same. It's done. After Hua Huo, she has to become a ninja, so she can have the experience of a ninja, right?"

Seeing Mizuki's persistence, and getting the consent of Nissan, Tsunade didn't say much.Command Mute to bring the task list, and then start searching on it, and asked: "What kind of task do you want, the D-level task is looking for Master Meihui's cat?"

This mission ~ D level?Mizuki made a look of "Are you kidding me?"

When Tsunade saw this look, he was already mentally clear, and continued to look on the form: "C-level mission, go to the country of Nami to maintain the bridge."

What break task?Maintain the bridge?

But speaking of it, this bridge to be maintained is not "Naruto Bridge", right?But unfortunately, Mizuki has no interest in this task!

Seeing that Mizuki didn't want to pick it up, he put forward: "It's best to experience it, the mission of a ninja! How to find a cat and how to maintain the bridge can reflect the value of a ninja?"

Well, it looks like it's not working anymore, I can only continue to search.

Tsunade quickly saw another mission: "Mountain country. Recently, there was a caravan going to the mountain country. I hope to hire ninjas to protect it. The level of the mission is D level."

Is it a protection type task?This sounds pretty good, in line with the value of a ninja.

When talking about this task at the same time, Tsunade also came up with another task by the way: "The land of the mountain is deep in the mountains, and it is quite difficult to reach. Let alone difficult and remote, and a recent task shows that the mountain country There are a lot of bandits."

The mountain country originally had a ninja village, but it was destroyed by Takigakura 30 years ago.Because of the loss of the existence of ninjas, coupled with the special geographical environment of the mountain country, it is extremely easy to appear bandits who rule the top of the mountain.

At the beginning, Takiin Village was cleared and suppressed, but because no matter how clear and suppressed, it could not be finished, it could only be nothing in the end.However, the Mountain Country has lost its ninja village and is powerless to clean up the bandits, so it often sends envoys and tasks to various countries, hoping that someone can help to clear it.

After getting a D-level escort mission, and a B-level task of clearing the bandits, Mizuki felt that it was all right after taking a look.Anyway, it's all on the way, and there is no problem with receiving them together.And it happens that one is a protection mission and the other is a combat mission, which is very much in line with the identity of a ninja.

Mizuki chose to accept these two tasks: "Well, I understand. Leave these two tasks to me!"

After receiving the task, the water tree and the fireworks together find the caravan ready to go to the mountain country.

It can be seen that this is a typical business group. There are not too many armed forces, mainly civilians who are responsible for transportation. This is the special terrain of the mountain country, and most of them can only use human and animal power.

With the sign of the task, find the leader of the caravan: "We are ninjas who escort you to the country of mountains."

This is a slightly blessed businessman. There is a smell of copper all over his body, but he is very polite. Seeing the two little girls who came here, they didn't directly say anything wrong. He seemed to be very knowledgeable. Taoist.

Of course, Mizuki and Huahuo are not very old. Maybe Mizuki's protection can prove the identity of a ninja, but the age of Huahuo is really too young, so it doesn't feel very reassuring.

Regarding this question, Mizuki replied: "The task of escorting you is D-level, so naturally you will not be sent to Shinobu. But you don't need to worry, my strength can guarantee your safety."

Whether this businessman wants it or not?But seeing Mizuki's vowed guarantee, I can only believe her.And because they are in a hurry, the sooner they send the goods to the country of the mountains, they can make money a day earlier.

The blessed businessman nodded and said, "Well, I beg you for the safety along the way! My name is Fulong, so I can advise you more."

The journey from the country of fire to the country of mountains, the boundaries of the country of fire at the very beginning, did not have any problems.After all, it is within the scope of a big country, even if there is a robber, it is unlikely, because basically as long as it is discovered, it will be immediately wiped out by a ninja.

However, waiting to enter the boundary of the mountain country, the situation immediately turned to the extreme.The first one is the remoteness and difficulty of mountain roads. Everyone has to walk carefully, because the road is only so wide and there is a cliff next to the mountain. The road is quite difficult to walk.

There is another problem with bandits. Anyway, on the first day after entering the country of mountains, the road was blocked.I thought it was a landslide that caused the mountain road to be blocked, but I didn't expect that the local bandits deliberately used this trick to block the caravan from moving forward, and then took advantage of the momentum to launch an attack.

But such a small trick, if it is to deal with ordinary people, it must be a good one. After all, because of the geographical environment here, it can only be explained here that there are wolves before and after tigers.But because of the existence of ninjas, the unsuitable environment of the mountains actually caused very little hindrance.If it doesn't work, step on the rock and walk over, anyway, it's not impossible!

"Cut, a bunch of little thieves!"

If it weren't for the thought, there are fireworks here, not too bloody, let alone throwing them directly off the cliff.Fortunately for these little thieves, they were asked to find a rope to tie them up, and when they arrived in the country of the mountain, they were all delivered to the government.

Because of Mizuki's outstanding performance, Fulong was very happy. He felt that he hadn't hired the wrong person. It seemed that it would be safe to transport the goods to the mountain country.

However, there is a saying that goes well, called: "Extreme pleasure produces sorrow!"

Maybe the water trees here didn't expect that the group of small thieves caught was just a few small fish in the school, and the big fish hadn't even been dispatched yet.

Instead, he saw that the caravan was protected by ninjas. Instead of launching another attack based on seeking success, he chose to wait for the opportunity and use tricks to deal with the ninjas!

Probably on the evening of the third day after entering the country of mountains, the caravan walked out of a surrounding mountain and entered a canyon between two mountains. Because the terrain was relatively flat, it was preparing to camp again tonight.

Text Volume 536. Mountain Country

The land between the two mountains is a dangerous place, because as long as there are enemies and attack from the two mountains, the people in the open area in the middle can easily cause heavy casualties.

This is seen by the water tree, suggesting that you should first get out of the valley, and then consider the matter of camping.But it is a pity that after I walked out of the valley, I just started to climb the mountain, there is no very flat place.

In addition, everyone has been walking for a day. It is really tired. It seems that the night is coming soon. Moreover, the night in the mountains and forests is coming relatively fast. If you don’t camp as soon as possible, wait until the night. Came, but I can't even see my fingers.

There is no way, everyone just needs to rest for a while, hoping that nothing happens?

Mizuki came to Huahuo's side and watched her look very strange to everything around her. He couldn't bear to smile and said, "How is it, how did it feel when you first came out?"

If you remember correctly, Huahuo has never been out of the village since childhood, it must be fresh to everything, right?

Sure enough, he quickly got a similar answer, and Hua Huo said: "Well, after becoming a ninja, can I come out and play every day?"

"Come out to play?" Mizuki gave a wry smile, but if you think about it, if there are no accidents, such a task is really similar to an outing?Said: "Yes, but this is a mission, not out to play. So don't think this is fun, you must always be vigilant to fight at any time!"

Mizuki pointed to the environment of this place and said, "Look, in a place like this, if there is an enemy who wants to attack, as long as we lie in ambush on the mountains on both sides, we won't be able to escape even if we wing.

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