I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 299

Now Huahuo is just going to school, I want to come to learn related knowledge.Of course, knowledge of geography like this should not be involved in learning until the senior grades, but it doesn't matter if it is handed over to Huahuo, anyway, sooner or later, it will be learned.

Hua Huo didn't know much about it, but he nodded and said: "What my sister and Fulong said just now is that they want to camp in another place? But will we really be attacked?"

When asked this question, Mizuki sneered, and said with certainty: "I'm sure we will be attacked tonight! And just like I said, it will definitely come from the mountains on both sides."

Why is it so sure?Because Mizuki had already noticed, someone was watching them from time to time.Although the environment of this mountain country is easy to dazzle.But don't forget here that the water tree has a blank eye. Isn't it simple to find a few people?

But she had already told Fulong, this guy didn't believe her words, and it was getting late now, it was impossible to change a place to camp.That's why Mizuki didn't answer at all, just came back to prepare the fireworks, and always be prepared to be vigilant: "A qualified ninja must always be vigilant in combat. This is a necessary quality!"

But here it is to say that it was precisely when Hua Huo was ready for battle, Mizuki himself was asleep very much, and did not wake up in the first half of the night, as if he did not have the slightest worry about the battle that might break out at any time.

This makes Huahuo speechless: "It's not a good idea to stay vigilant in battle at all times. Is this a necessary quality for a qualified ninja? How can I sleep more dead than a pig?"

The answer to this question happened in the second half of the night.

Probably before dawn, this is the most exhausting time of a person's day. Suddenly, a rain of arrows shot down from the mountains on both sides of the canyon. A cry of pain before death broke the tranquility before dawn. .

At the moment when this shout was made, Mizuki immediately awakened from his sleep and rushed out of the camp to fight.However, I hadn't slept well in the first half of the night, and my eyes were still confused at this time. Even the cry of the person just before death, I didn't fully wake up, but thought I had auditory hallucinations.

As a result, waiting for the battle outside to begin, Hua Huo reacted hurriedly, and rushed out to join the battle.But at this moment, Mizuki had already beaten down seven or eight bandits that had been killed by himself, and the rest of the bandits had slipped off their feet when they saw that the situation was not good.

"Two people died and seven people were injured. One of them was seriously injured. He was hit by an arrow in his leg. I was afraid that he would not be able to walk." Fulong's a little ugly face knew that he was going to be unlucky. After all, the manpower he hired. He had to pay for the deaths and injuries.He was very unwilling to do this, and found Mizuki and asked, "How could this be? You are a ninja I hired. How can you hurt my people?"

Regarding the face of this typical businessman, Mizuki just hummed coldly: "I told you a long time ago that the environment in this place is dangerous and easy to be ambushed. Didn't I remind you?"

I tell you, you don't listen.Now that something happened, you still blame me?Pooh!

For Shui Shu, Fulong was embarrassed and he had no choice but to suffer from a dumb loss. Why did you want to save things and be ambushed by bandits?

But to be honest, I didn't expect the bandits of the mountain country to be so arrogant?Knowing that there is a ninja escort, what else do you want to rob?Wouldn't it be a bear heart and leopard gall?

It's a lot of knowledge here, but I didn't expect my sister to be so good.From the beginning, it can be calculated that someone is definitely coming for a sneak attack at night, and they all know how the sneak attack is, and what time might they even guess?

Seeing Huahuo's worshiping eyes on him, Mizuki said indifferently: "These are not difficult things. Waiting for you to become a ninja in the future. You can have experience by doing a few more missions."

The accumulation of experience in doing tasks, this is accompanied by time, the more tasks you need to do.It has been almost two years since Mizuki became a ninja. He was either practicing or doing missions. Of course, he had some experience in missions, and he mostly dealt with bad guys. The first few times were done, such as the suppression of bandits, Nangren, The mission of the black hoes naturally has accumulated a lot of experience.

It's a pity that this is not over yet, because the special geographical environment of the country of mountains is really suitable for the existence of bandits.The most arrogant group of bandits that Shuishu has ever seen, actually occupied a pass and formed a camp with a slogan "I planted this tree, and this road is my drive. If you want to pass this time: Leave money for the road".

Of course, it turned out to be a ghost. First, he was beaten up by the fat, then he was tied up with a rope, and finally sent to the government.

Text volume 537. Delivery

The territory of the mountain country is not too big from the map, but because it is surrounded by mountains, it is inconvenient to get in and out of the roads.

As long as a random group of bandits block a dangerous pass here, it is enough to act as a guard.Moreover, encountering three waves of bandits one after another is really an eye-opener for Mizuki: "What kind of country is the country of the mountain? How come the country is full of bandits? Is it that the name of this country hardly manages this? Country?"

Mizuki asked Fulong this question, but the answer he got was a little helpless: "If you can't say that, the name of this country is of course a headache. He often sends people to other countries for help and peace. Dispatch missions, but here you can also see the environmental characteristics of the mountain country. Temporary clearance is easy, but it is not a cure for the symptoms, and it will not eradicate the banditry problem of bandits."

Is that so?

Because of the environment of this mountain country, all you can see is an endless stretch of mountains.There are too many places to hide. The bandits here are people who are familiar with the locals. When encountering a blow, as long as they hide in the mountains, it is almost difficult to find them.

With all the natural barriers of nature, it is too difficult to eliminate the problem of banditry.There has been no ninja village in the mountain country for a long time. As long as the ninja sent by other countries is gone, they can still run out and take control of the mountain.With such a cycle going back and forth, over time, countries lose interest and are no longer willing to send people to help clean up.

The problem can be seen clearly, but when it comes to the root of the problem, there is another reason. Fulong here said: "Thirty years ago, the mountain country still had its own ninja village, because we understand the geography of the mountain country. The environment is very targeted when dealing with bandits. The bandits who can always fight have nowhere to hide, which once made the banditry extinct here. Later, because of the demise of the Ninja Village in this country, the outside ninjas have nowhere to hide. They are unfamiliar, and that's why they are not clean every time they are cleaned up and eventually lead to failures every time."

So it's no wonder that the bandits in this country are so bold, even if they know that there are ninja guards, they dare to attack and block them, and there are still obstacles in the way.It seems that this is still for a long time. The ninjas outside cannot pose a threat to them. The fearlessness appears over time, right?

After hearing Fulong talked about the national conditions of the Mountain Country, Mizuki felt that he was unlucky, so why did he take on the task of clearing the bandits?Mountain country is a country with a unique geographical environment. If bandits who are familiar with the terrain play hide-and-seek with themselves, don’t know that they can play with them until the year of the monkey?

When Mizuki was a little speechless, Huahuo said when he saw her, "Sister, is this task difficult?"

Most of the bandits here are locals, as if there is no ninja.So in the fight, Huahuo's strength helped knock down two people.This made her think that clearing the bandits should be an easy task, right?

If it is a fight, this is very simple.But Mizuki knew that this was not the difficulty of the task.The hard part is whether it can be cleaned up. Don't wait until you are gone. The bandits will run out and make trouble. Would you like to take up the task next time?I didn't panic about being idle.

Regarding this, Mizuki said helplessly: "If it is a fight, I can solve a hundred bandits, but if they all escape into the mountains, do you want me to chase them one by one?"

There is no other way, it seems that we can only outsmart, not force attack.

Mizuki cast his gaze on the bandit that he had just caught, and looked them up and down interestingly for a while, suddenly thinking of a way.

She walked up to these bandits who had been beaten by the fat, and first falsely interrogated their identities and origins: "What did you guys do before, why did you think of being bandits?"

The answers they got were all claiming to be locals, because they had nothing to do or were wooed by relatives and friends.If it weren't for people from the country of grass and neighboring countries, wars or other problems, they could only come to ask for a bite of food.

It sounds like there are many reasons, and they all seem to make sense, and even more so that they are innocent.Originally, the world’s great powers check and balance. Small countries are buffer zones for large countries. Even the big names of small countries live in the middle of the big countries, not to mention civilians like them. It is not unusual for them to fall into the grass to survive.

Seeing them all said this, Mizuki pretended to think about it, and then said to them: "Since you are all for survival, you don't really intend to be robbers and bandits, so today I will let you go first. But there is a ugly thing here. I’m going to talk about it first. You have to be self-reliant in the future. If you dare to do such a bad thing and get caught by me, it won’t give you good fruit! Can you hear me?"

Mizuki did it very straightforwardly, untying the ropes for them by hand, and then let them leave by themselves.

Looking at her doing this, Fulong and Huahuo were very puzzled by this behavior. When they saw that the water tree was about to release the tiger back to the mountain, she also ran to persuade her: "They are all bandits. How can you let them go if there is less harm to people and lives?"

However, the water trees here have their own measures, but they didn’t directly explain them. They just said in a perfunctory manner: “People are inherently good in nature. Give them a chance. If they can reform, they will be lucky. If they are obsessed If you start the bandit again without regrets, their good fortune will be ruined!"

Neither Fulong nor Huahuo understood the meaning of what Mizuki said.But seeing that these bandits have been released back to the mountain, it is too late to say anything now.

Fortunately, there is an advantage here, because the people who let go must know that the water tree is amazing.So after they left, the local bandits knew immediately after they passed the matter in their peers, which caravan is protected by ninjas, and they would naturally let it go with one eye closed.

The next journey was almost unimpeded, and finally on the tenth day after entering the boundary of the mountain country, I entered the city of the mountain country, which is the destination of this trip.

The first task to escort the caravan was basically completed.Mizuki said to Huahuo, "Do you now understand the ninja's mission?"

Text volume 538. Relay

This is the first mission of Huahuo. Although it was done with Mizuki, it feels very novel.Huahuo asked Mizuki, "Is it the ninja's mission, is it all like this?"

Mizuki shook his head: "No, different levels of ninjas perform different tasks. If you graduate from a ninja school, you can only do C-level and D-level tasks. These two types of tasks are mostly It's all trivial things, such as sending letters, bringing children, and finding things."

Speaking of these C-level and D-level tasks, Mizuki has done a few of them, but they are all just graduates. Because the commission earned from the task of hunting wild boars is not enough, they have to find some small tasks temporarily.

When she thought of this, she remembered that she had brought a little kid with her, it was so noisy.My two companions were still there at the time, but with the carelessness of the boys, they cried the little boy several times. The angry Mizuki beat them up!

But this has already made Hua Huo a little bit surprised when he heard: "The truth is that I will grow up quickly, so that I can become a ninja!"

Looking at this little girl, Mizuki petted her head and gave Huahuo encouragement: "You will definitely grow into an excellent ninja, because you are my sister. As long as you work hard, it will definitely be Become as strong as me, and even surpass me in the future!"

The task of escort is completed, it is time to consider completing, the next task.

What's left in his hand is the quest for the bandit of the country of the mountain. This task is to issue the name of the country of the mountain to all countries, and Mizuki must first meet the name of the country of the mountain.

Because of the problem of the bandits, but the old troubles of the mountain country, the daimyo has been a headache for a long time. Hearing that a ninja was finally willing to come, of course he was very warm and personally received.

But there is an episode here, which is the name of the mountain country. Seeing the water tree and the fireworks around him, he stares straight at the eyes, and said annoyedly: "Why are there two little girls here? Hokage also Is it too perfunctory?"

The general view of normal people is that men’s combat effectiveness is stronger than women, and adults must be more reliable than children.Seeing that there were only two children who took the task, I felt that I was perfunctory by Hokage.

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