I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 300

Mizuki has been a ninja for a while, and he can understand the other's mentality.So there was no reaction, but such being underestimated made the fireworks on the side very unhappy: "Daimyo-sama, don't underestimate us, we are the famous family from Konoha: the Hyuga clan! My sister is amazing!"

The sparklers are small, and the weight of the speech is not enough, so it must not get the attention of the daimyo.Even if this daimyo might have heard of Konoha's name, this does not mean that he can believe that only two little girls can complete the task.

Here again Mizuki opened his mouth, and assured the daimyo of the mountain country: "Master Naruto gave me this task, he must know that I am capable of it. As the daimyo of the mountain country, you face the problem of banditry. I have been sad for a long time. If I am willing to come, why don't you give it a try?"

Seeing that Mizuki was not too old, he was about fourteen or five years old, but the tone of his speech was very mature, and more importantly, the forehead protection on his head proved that he was a Konoha ninja.

No matter how much the daimyo despised the two little girls, Mizuki and Huahuo, she never dared to despise the identity of a ninja.And the water tree here is right. The bandit problem has plagued him for a long time, and it has hindered the country’s social development and development. How many times before sending people to various countries for help, the response they received was very cold. Now that some people are willing Come, why not come and try it first?

Thinking of the daimyo here, this was finally putting away a contemptuous attitude, turning into a serious and formal look, and asked Mizuki: "Would you like to give it a try? But do you know that there was no ninja before, but Every time you look at it, it’s effective, but it’s actually nothing. How confident do you think you can?"

Looking at Da Ming's appearance and listening to the meaning of his words, Mizuki probably understood it. This is a bit of letting himself: retreat from difficulties?

However, the water tree here dared to come, and said such a thing, because he was sure, he was already prepared.If there is no such preparation, she will not run away to make fun of herself.

Mizuki nodded and said, "My lord, don't worry about this. You only need to allocate some manpower to me to ensure that all the bandit gangs will be rooted out! At that time, I'm just afraid that your prison cell is not enough!"

The tone was very confident, the daimyo didn't hesitate for too long, so he allocated a little manpower, and this would be given to her. Anyway, there would be no loss.

In this way, I was recognized by the daimyo and sent a thousand officers and soldiers to assist, and finally everything was ready!

Seeing the thousand people proposed, followed by the long line formed behind Mizuki, the fireworks became a little excited, and approached Mizuki and asked: "Sister, what are we going to do next? To clear the bandits Is it going to be a battle?"

Huahuo's strength is not bad, because it is the peculiar skill of the Hyuga family: Rouquan, so if you talk about combat power, it will not be inferior to the general Shinnin, and it can compete with the Zhongnin in the family.

The next task of clearing the bandits must be a fierce battle, and it happens to be a chance for her to hone her.Mizuki nodded and said, "Yes, there must be a fight. This is a rare actual battle. But you must be careful and don't get hurt, otherwise I won't be able to go back and explain to my father."

"Cut, I won't get hurt!" Huahuo didn't think he was bad, and protested to Mizuki: "Sister, don't look down on people!"

Okay, okay, looking at this little girl, she is still very motivated, and she won't be hit by it.

Mizuki Jieyin first began to perceive his chakra.When the bandits were released earlier, they had already injected their chakras into their bodies, and they could still be perceivable even if they were thousands of miles apart.

If the captured bandit is obedient and is not a bandit, you can still escape by finding something to do by yourself.But if there are people who want to return to their old professions, and do not know that they have repented and are still doing this kind of looting business, they can only be sent to government prison.

With the thousands of officers and soldiers under him in this way, Mizuki began to carry out the second task, and he wanted to completely solve the problem of banditry in the country of mountains!

Text Volume 539. Cleanup Action

Because of the pre-made means, through Chakra's perception, it is easy to find the bandit's nest.Order all the officers and soldiers under him to surround this place, so that the people inside don't even want to escape!

Of course, this group of thieves saw that the situation was not good, and quickly closed the gate of the village, looking like they were going to guard.

The water tree here is simple, mobilizing officers and soldiers to attack forcibly.Although she is not a member of the mountain country, as the ninja performing this mission, the daimyo gave her high authority.

The battle is about to begin, and Mizuki stood up and cheered the soldiers: "The success or failure of this operation is very important. It is not only whether my personal mission is completed or not, but also the crisis to the development of your mountain country. To lay down this cottage will inevitably strike at the arrogance of the bandits, and will give all the bandits on the hill a signal: their end is here!"

"In order to eliminate banditry and banditry, the name issued a decree: kill a bandit and get a head to get a hundred taels! There are hundreds of bandits in the cottage, but this is at least tens of thousands of taels. I think you should know how Done."

The difficulty of this task is to eliminate it completely, but the water tree here has a way, but it is afraid that the officers and soldiers will not contribute.So after taking out this decree, it is the daimyo who is responsible for paying the money anyway. As long as the task can be completed, other water trees will not be considered.

The mountain country is not a big country, and the country has a unique geographical environment. There is not a lot of arable land, and many people don't have enough food.I heard that there is a decree: Killing the bandit to get the head, can you get a hundred taels?The eyeballs are black, but the silver is white. How can this not make people uneasy?

It can be seen that soon the faces of every officer and soldier showed excitement.Their tension before the war was quickly replaced by excitement.At the thought of earning some money to subsidize the family, everyone is gearing up.

The words of Mizuki and the expressions of the soldiers underneath were seen in Huahuo's eyes.Suddenly, she felt that there was really a big gap between herself and her sister: "Just two simple words can eliminate everyone's nervousness. Sure enough, she is more suitable than me. She succeeds to the position of the Zong family?"

Huahuo thought this way, but the battle was about to begin.

As the first to take the initiative, Mizuki rushed to the forefront as her part, and saw that she didn’t need any protection, braving the arrow projected by the bandit, and going up as a fist, bombarding the door of the cottage, relying on herself The terrifying strange power suddenly saw that the gate was blown away!

The powerful strength is self-evident, and the defense that the bandits can rely on is lost at the beginning.The morale of the officers and soldiers in the back was high, whether it was for grabbing the head or thinking of gaining merit, in short, they rushed in with her.

Of course, the bandits here know all the bad things they have done. If they are caught, they will probably be sent to the gallows.Therefore, everyone is desperate, armed to rush to fight with the officers and soldiers.

Fortunately, the officers and soldiers of the country of mountains are not attendants of the country of fire. Because they often deal with bandits, most of them have some combat experience, so they have some skills.And inspired by the water tree before the battle, thinking of killing the enemy's first level to obtain money and goods, not a few of them retreated.

Mizuki ignored these places. After all, this is the country of mountains. It doesn't matter who fights for life and death, as long as she completes the task by herself.The main thing is to focus on Huahuo's body, fearing that she will have an accident, how can I go back and explain?

However, what I saw with my eyes turned out to be redundant.Don't look at Huahuo's current age, but for a long time he has been learning from Japanese footwear, and his skill in Rouquan is quite exquisite.It may not be easy to deal with ninjas, but there is still no problem with a group of ordinary bandits here.

Huahuo faced a bandit holding a machete, not afraid of the weapon in his hand.Because of the keen insight of his eyes, he can always react in time, and he can easily evade, and even if it is impossible, he can show no resistance.Then the backhand is a soft punch, and the opponent who is guaranteed to be able to hit can't stand up.

"Yes, Rouquan has made rapid progress. It was able to win in the competition with Hinata that year. Although it was said that Hinata had closed his hand, if Huahuo did not have enough strength, it would not be easy to counterattack Hinata. "

The water tree here is a reminder of what happened that day.

Originally, Hinata had seized the flaws of the fireworks and had a chance to win with a single blow, but unfortunately, he did not fight in the end, but chose to be merciful. Instead, the fireworks seized the opportunity in time, so he unfortunately lost.

I have to say that there was Hinata's softness at the time, but it can also be seen that the fireworks are very talented. It is just a few years old to be able to fight against Hinata and not to lose the wind, which is quite good. .

It was when Mizuki focused her attention on Huahuo, she actually fought against many bandits, basically one fist.And with the power of her fist, she can directly knock people down, so that these guys who don't have long eyes can't get up even if they don't.

Fighting such a small thief really made Mizuki unable to lift his energy. There were no ninjas here. Even if the thief were to look at him with a knife, standing still could make them chop to death.

If you want to say that there is only one guy here, who is quite strong, he is the leader of this group of bandits.A typical muscular man, holding a machete in one hand, waving in a wide open and close manner. Several officers and soldiers could not stop him, but instead he rushed away, slashing and killing like crazy.

Mizuki quickly looked at the fireworks and found that she had also noticed and looked thoughtful.Mizuki became a little uneasy: "Don't do stupid things!"

I don't know what she thought, but after a moment of hesitation, she rushed forward without saying a word, and directly hit a soft fist, trying to subdue this big man.

But just like Mizuki thought, the bandit leader has a bit of skill, using the face of the machete as a block to block the fireworks' soft fist attacks.

He saw that Huahuo was a little girl, but he didn't have any care, because judging from Huahuo's attack, it was definitely a ninja and should not be underestimated!The backhand is to cut with a big knife.

Fortunately, the fireworks here are fast enough, with a clever back jump to avoid, and throwing out the kunai in his hand.While the big man was defending with a horizontal sword, he seized the opportunity to rush up and hit a soft punch.

Text Volume 540. Strategy

The water tree here can tell that Huahuo's combat skills are already very mature, but relatively lack a little practical experience, but despite this, he still knows how to use a little clever means.

Use the kunai thrown out to attract the enemy's attention.When forced to block and defend, he took advantage of the situation to give a thunderous attack. The soft punch was so sudden that the bandit leader did not react.After taking a firm blow, the beaten backed a few steps in succession before re-stabilizing his body.

Mizuki's eyes were clear, and it seemed that the outcome was about the same.The soft fist hit by the fireworks just now happened to hit the opponent's chest. Although it wasn't in the heartbeat position, the bandit leader was afraid that it would even have difficulty breathing.

This judgment is very correct, because the big man who has stabilized his body again has fine sweat on his face and forehead. It can be seen that this is caused by tension or physical discomfort. If it is sweat produced by exercise, the particles will be opposite. The words will be bigger, it will not be such a fine drop of water.

But he didn't just give up, because he certainly knew that if he was caught by the government, he would definitely be hanged in public.Anyway, I'm going to die anyway, so I'll just die here!

With a loud shout, he braced himself forcibly, holding a machete to kill, the silver-white sword danced into a silver ring, almost like going crazy and desperately fighting the fireworks.

Seeing that this enemy was so tenacious, hitting his own soft fist, and still moving to fight her hard, Hua Huo was a little girl after all, and was unavoidably scared by the opponent's desperate behavior.Suddenly I was a little overwhelmed, and when I coped, my pace seemed very flustered.

Reluctantly dealt with it twice, and then when he saw the opponent slashing with a knife, he wanted to use a back-jump method to jump away from the place.But I didn't expect to slip under my feet because of my panic!

"Not good!" Seeing that the fireworks were about to fall, and the machete was swung down, Mizuki immediately used it: "Bow body shot!!"

When the fireworks fell to the ground, the psychological side knew: it's over!

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