I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 301

I just wanted to close my eyes and prepare to endure the pain and death. I didn't expect a figure to appear in an instant, blocking the knife with her body.

Mizuki was standing in front of the fireworks, the machete was looking at her shoulder and cutting through her clothes, but it did not cause any harm to her body.

Looking back at his sister, he chuckled and comforted Huahuo: "In the future, when you graduate from school and become a ninja, you will be assigned to your own group. Your companion will protect behind you!"

After comforting the fireworks, Mizuki looked at the leader of the bandit, and said to him coldly: "You are quite capable. You were hit in the chest by a soft fist, and you almost couldn't even breathe. You actually stood up stiffly. Who do you want to kill with? Huh, the gangsters really are like this, and they don’t consider life worthless."

Grab the big knife cut on the shoulder with one hand, and grab it directly with bare hands. The backhand is to use fighting skills: grab the blade with your bare hands and grab the weapon in your own hand.

Directly in front of the opponent, he put his weapon in his mouth like a pie, and ate it with a few "clicks".

The leader of the bandit was dumbfounded at once, and he had never seen anyone eat a steel knife into his stomach.But now I have seen it, and I understand that I am not wronged.

A group of soldiers rushed up from behind to behead the leader. After all, he was the biggest purse, but Mizuki stopped it: "Stop, this guy wants to live, go back and give it to the daimyo!"

Victory!In the first battle, a stronghold where the bandit was hiding was broken, and the bandit leader was captured and brought back.

Daming, of course, was very happy seeing this result, and became more trusting in Mizuki.Although he had to know later, Mizuki abused his command: kill one enemy and reward one hundred taels of silver.

Fortunately, he didn't care about this. After all, the officers and soldiers who participated in the battle deserved credit and must still be rewarded.Take it as a reward for the soldiers!

The first battle was very successful, but when it comes to completely eradicate the bandits, this is just the beginning.Because the country of mountains is surrounded by mountains, it can be said that every mountain is occupied by a group of bandits.

Achieve a record, this has been done before, but whenever the supporting ninja leaves, there are always new bandits appearing, re-occupying the tops of the mountains and dominating them.

However, Mizuki has already thought of this situation and has figured out a solution.She just said to the daimyo: "Give me more manpower, and leave it to me to call the shots on the plan to eliminate the bandits, and promise to return you a peaceful country."

Seeing Mizuki's confidence, the daimyo wanted to take credit for this time, maybe there is really hope.

Of course, when it comes to requiring more manpower, Da Ming is a little worried.Because the people Shuishu wanted were definitely his soldiers, no monarch would rest assured that others had too much military power.

But his hesitation was a worry in his heart, but fortunately he finally agreed.After all, Mizuki is a ninja in the country of fire, and it is impossible to live in the country of mountains.Moreover, as the name of the mountain country, he believes that he has always treated the people of the mountain country well, so he is not particularly worried.

Get the support of a big name and get more manpower.Mizuki began to lay out a plan. She was not obsessed with killing in vain, but executed the heinous bandit in accordance with the regulations of the Mountain Country. If the other bandits have done bad things, it depends on the situation whether they go to jail or execute something else. criminal law.

However, Mizuki still selected a small number of bandits and chose to let them all go.Such behavior is very incomprehensible. Even the daimyo of the mountain country has doubts: "How can you let the tiger go back to the mountain?"

Mizuki did not give an answer, fearing that the plan would be revealed without implementation.

However, following the fireworks around Mizuki, I remembered that my sister had done the same the last time, and immediately realized that this is a "grabbing" strategy!

Bad guys are always bad guys, and getting something for nothing is addictive.Some of these bandits were drawn in, but they were willing to stay as bandits, and they must have tasted the sweetness.This is like smoking, once you become addicted, where can you quit?

Let go of these people, they will definitely run away, and then look for the next hill to attach themselves to the new bandit gang.When the time comes, I will follow behind and directly catch up to clear up. This can save much time and effort than finding it by myself.

More importantly, this is repeated several times. I believe that as long as you are not too stupid, you must understand what is going on.When the time comes, they will not dare to recruit newcomers, so that the bandit gangs that dare not develop in the future will inevitably over time, and finally they will not attack themselves!

Text volume 541. Alone

The plan was very successful, and the vast majority of the bandits that were released had indeed defected to other mountains.This was completely expected by Mizuki, but for Huahuo, it was simply amazing: "Sister, how did you know that they would do this?"

Mizuki smiled and replied, "Have you forgotten? I was in prison before and went to the villain's island to do missions. I saw more than a thousand bad guys? They didn't want to change their evil spirits, and the possibility was very low , Because it is too difficult. They are engaged in the business of blockade and robbery, and do not know how many people are offended. Do you say they want to be good? People who think they have offended might let them go? So they are losing their original backers. After that, I will definitely find a way to find another one."

The reason in the words is very simple and clear, and Hua Huo immediately understands why.Seeing his sister's eyes, there was even more admiration.

But Mizuki here didn't care about her look.Seeing my plan, everything is perfect, the next step is action.

After deploying the staff, what Mizuki thought of at this time, she turned to Huahuo and said, "Have you had any experience as a leader?"

Because Huahuo is the heir of the arranged clan, so sooner or later he will have to manage the entire family. It is impossible to have no experience in this area.

Looking at Huahuo and shaking his head, Mizuki said to her: "I will give you a thousand manpower and let you command to clear a bandit, are you sure?"

"Huh?" After hearing this burden on myself, Hua Huo couldn't believe it, and said in a little fear: "I don't have the experience of leading so many people, I don't know what to do?"

Hua Huo is less than ten years old, if it were a three-dimensional world, he would really be just a kid.But this is the world of Naruto. In the Ninja War more than ten years ago, children almost her age had already been on the battlefield.

Besides, Huahuo wants to become the heir of the clan, how can he not bring people?Mizuki said solemnly: "You will be the clan of the Hyuga clan, how can you not know it at all? And experience is learned, through practice, you do nothing, you will never know it!"

That's how it was said, but Huahuo's face appeared a bit difficult.She still doesn't know, what should she do?

Seeing her like this, Mizuki shook his head secretly, beckoning to summon a samurai, this is a person with a certain identity in the country of mountains, similar to the rank of an officer.

Mizuki asked him to assist Huahuo, command his army of thousands of people, and attack an unobtrusive cottage.

Of course, just in case, an additional 1,000 people were dispatched to support at any time as a reserve.Anyway, the name of the mountain country gave her enough manpower to mobilize, and it should not be too difficult to solve problems in other places.

Seeing Mizuki leave first, the fireworks here became a little nervous. She didn't know what she should do?Fortunately, the samurai beside her helped her a lot and immediately mobilized the soldiers to start.

The samurai comforted Huahuo: "Miss Ninja, don't worry! In fact, commanding troops is not as difficult as you imagined. Just be aware of the enemy intelligence sent by the scouts, always analyze and make appropriate judgments, and order If it is issued to the messenger, the soldiers below will get the order and naturally execute it."

This command is not difficult. When Mizuki is in command, it actually means that he has his own ideas and lays out the battle plan, and the people under him will naturally follow the plan.

Huahuo felt better psychologically when he got such an answer.She asked the samurai, "Big brother, what's your name?"

This samurai is not too old, he should be only in his twenties, and he looks pretty handsome.He introduced himself: "Kisaburo."

Yoshizaburo is a samurai family in the mountain country. This is the same status as Mizuki's former companion, Musashino, but the family background of Yoshizaburo is better. His ancestors have served as a military commander in the mountain country.

Because of such a good life experience, Yoshizaburo has been familiar with a lot of art of war and is very confident in his ability to command marching.

A total of 2,000 people were assigned by the water tree, and they led a group of bandits to besiege the city.The bandits inside have closed the door tightly, and after using the observation, we can see that the bandits are actively preparing for battle.

I don’t know what to do with the fireworks here. Now that Mizuki is not by her side, she has to ask Kichisaburo: "Big brother, the enemy occupies the highest point, and there is a castle defense. What should we do?"

Huahuo didn't have the power of Mizuki, and one fist could blast open the iron-clad gate, and could only throw this question to Kisaburo.

Watching the defense of the walled city, Yoshizaburo here frowned a little, because he could see that the bandit’s defense was very organized, and the main thing was the location of the cottage. The choice was really good: condescending, There is a cliff on one side and a cliff on the other side. There is only a road in front of the door. It is absolutely easy to defend and hard to attack!

Seeing such a situation, Yoshi Saburo pondered for a moment before he replied: "It seems that we can't attack by force. If we attack by force, I am afraid that we will have to sacrifice a lot. The only way is to outwit!"

Speaking of outsmarting, how to outsmart?

Yoshizaburo called the attendants around him: "When ordering people to cut down trees, they must be as uniform as possible based on the thickness of their arms. Then let people boil a pot of fire oil and put on one end of the trees."

A very destructive trick, Yoshi Saburo thought of using fire attack!Because the enemy is hoarding on the mountain, a strong offensive must pay a great price of casualties.

However, if it is replaced by a fire attack, the high temperature rises from bottom to top, and the advantage of the highest place will become a disadvantage. As long as the fire is as large as possible, the thief on the mountain can persist for a long time!

They only need to form a formation under the mountain and wait for the bandits to run down and die by themselves.Such a method made Huahuo's eyes brighten when he heard it. Didn't expect to be able to fight like this?

Hua Huo said, "Is this okay? If the enemy is trapped here, wouldn't he have to rush down and fight us desperately?"

What happened last time gave her some lingering fears. If it weren't for having her own sister, I really don't know what will happen now?

But here, Yoshizaburo said with peace of mind: "Don't worry, if the enemy is just brave, it will definitely not be able to fight our army. As long as we can form a formation, the messy impact will inevitably be impossible to break through. And we use fire attack, this itself Just give me an extra protection."

Body Volume 542. Win

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