I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 303

It was the first time that Mizuki said that when he attacked the first cottage, Huahuo was so afraid to fall down. This was really shameful.

In short, Huahuo has to make its own strength become stronger.Otherwise, if you are here again, don't you want to lose face and lose your face?

When Huahuo heard his embarrassment, he blushed and bowed his head and refused to admit it: "I slipped and fell, so I was not afraid! I hit all my soft punches. I should have won."

Looking at this cute little Nizi, Mizuki didn't mean to laugh at it. How could she say she was her own sister, she couldn't be too shameless.

Of course, the blushing look of Lori is really cute.Mizuki couldn't help it a bit, she hugged the fireworks in her arms and rubbed her cheek affectionately: "Hey, yeah, your soft punch was hit, but you fell down~"

The feeling of bullying little Lori is really fun.And the fireworks here are different from Hinata, Hinata is pure and soft, and fireworks have a certain character, but they have a different flavor!

Because I was irritated and ashamed by the water trees, the fireworks were helpless.And through this mission, I already knew the gap between myself and Water Tree.Strong and intelligent, if you want to eat yourself, it couldn't be easier.

Huahuo was helpless: "Sure enough, if my sister is the clan, she can definitely promote the Hyuga family?"

As Mizuki's younger sister, Huahuo has heard too much praise for Mizuki since he was a child. Whether it is strength or brains, adults have praised it.At first, Hua Huo thought that Mizuki was only the eldest daughter, so it attracted attention from all sides.

However, from the collapse of Konoha in Nakanin's exam, until the task he was accompanying this time, Kahuo had to admit that Mizuki was much better than himself.

Such helpless words made Mizuki immediately regain her senses. She kind of realized that her sister had a feeling of inferiority.

Speaking of this, this is a good aspect. Only by recognizing one's own shortcomings can there be room for development. Moreover, Huahuo is not very young and has more potential to tap!

Mizuki put his hands on Huahuo's shoulders, looked at Huahuo's eyes with a very serious look, and said to her: "Huahuo, I will bring you out to do the task together, not for you to see the difference between you and me. I want you to understand what a ninja is! You have to remember that ninja means: a person who has patience!"

Text volume 545. Back to the village

The task has been successfully completed, and Mizuki and Fireworks did not stay in the mountain country for too long, because the ninja's footsteps are much faster than ordinary people, so they quickly returned to the village of Konoha.

After experiencing this mission, returning to the fireworks of the Hyuga clan, he began to work harder.Moreover, she had been taught by Shui Shu, which made her understand some things, knowing that if she was impatient, she would not succeed.We must first lay a solid foundation before we can climb higher.

Such a change surprised him when he saw it, and asked Mizuki, "Did you perform any tricks on Huahuo? How did she become so honest after she came back?"

Mizuki shrugged his shoulders, and then replied, "Do you think I can do something? I just told Hanaou what the meaning of a ninja is. She seems to have a little understanding, so she thought of practicing hard. Right!"

Huahuo is a very talented girl, and she has potential at a young age.Through careful training here, there are great prospects in the future.

The water tree here is not stingy, and leave it to Huahuo for his own practice experience.It is to let her temporarily stop the practice of "returning to heaven".Instead, start with Chakra's control and the basic theory of Rouquan, and try again.

Huitian is a unique knowledge within the Hyuga clan, but it is still the deep development of Rouquan.Mizuki clearly remembers that the guardian gossip that Hina Tian practiced himself is similar to creating a semi-circular Huitian.

Therefore, we should re-understand and study Chakra and Rouquan, and fully understand the essence of it, so that when we return to the sky, we can definitely say that we can get twice the result with half the effort!

After guiding the practice of fireworks, Mizuki saw Hinata who had returned. This little girl had grown up a lot.Hmm~ At least in terms of figure, it can really be said that it is more predictable.

Of course, speaking of changes in body shape, the water trees here are the same.But because it's my own body, I don't feel it when I look at it often.But seeing Hinata's figure now, it's really a lot of change after not seeing it for a while!

Mizuki greeted: "Hey, Hinata!"

At this time, Hinata is still practicing assiduously, and the opponent in the competition is still Neji, and this guy has changed a little.The most direct visual sense is height. Does it seem to be more handsome and handsome?

"Come here first, right?" Ning Ci lifted his eyes and walked away casually.

He knew that Mizuki must have come to Hinata, he could think of it with his toes.

Hinata saluted him politely, then turned to Mizuki, and immediately fell into Mizuki's arms, looking very shy: "Sister~!"

The body of the soft girl is cool to hold!

Mizuki was very happy, if it weren't for outsiders here, he really wanted to show Hinata a good love.But now it's just a hug, at best, rubbing his face affectionately.Said: "Some time is gone, my sister Hinata, do you miss me?"

I heard that Hinata worked very hard.Whether it is during practice or when doing tasks, it is always hard work!

It seems that she really doesn't want to be left behind by Naruto, right?If you really like someone, you definitely want someone you like and be able to notice your existence.

Hinata didn't answer this question. She knew that if she wanted to answer it, she would have to be bullied by Mizuki. She was quite experienced.So I changed the subject and said: "When I came back, I heard from my father that my sister had come back? Say you went out on missions with fireworks?"

"Well, yes!" Mizuki nodded and admitted, and when he said this, he took out something by the way.This is a souvenir brought back from the country of mountains, right?A beautiful piece of art: "Emerald bracelet."

This kind of bells and whistles doesn't have much feeling in the water tree, but if it is another girl, you should like this kind of beautiful thing.

Of course, if it was something Mizuki gave, I guess Hinata didn't like it, and he would say like it.But looking at her appearance, she should really like it.

Is it expensive to ask?Mizuki replied: "There are not many other things in the mountain country, but there are too many stones, and there are many gold and silver mines. Mining from the original place is not too expensive."

When buying this thing, it really costs a bit.Fortunately, it is still affordable, and things look very good, as long as you like this, it is better than anything.

There was one more thing, which I threw it to Ningji, who was wiping off his sweat with a towel: "Here, here is the souvenir that I bought back for you."

What Shui Shu bought for Ning Ci was a jade medal, and it had no special meaning. After all, it was something bought with money. Except for the seemingly precious value, there was no other meaning.

What if you have to say it?It can only be that Mizuki doesn't feel bad for Neiji. Although there was a tense relationship before, it was caused by the problem of the clan and separation.

How to say Shui Shu's heart is already quite young, it is impossible to care about with a teenager who is just a teenager.So if you buy something for him back, you can be regarded as clearing the gap between the two people. The real thing is to treat each other as friends and partners!

Maybe it was unexpected that Mizuki would buy something for him. Ning Ci had a strange look in her eyes. She looked up and down for a while. From the look of her eyes, it seemed that she had some thoughts.But he just said: "A souvenir for me?"

"Is there anything weird?" Mizuki gave him a white look, and at the same time reminded him: "You fellow, don't you have any ideas? I went to the mountain country to do a mission, and I saw a stall temporarily and bought it. Gadgets."

Girls give things to boys, usually when they have a good impression, in other words, they like each other.

However, the water tree here would definitely not have this idea. The motivations are very simple, just buying something good when she sees it is completely due to her character.After all, she used to be a boy, and she doesn't quite understand what girls give to boys. Maybe it has some meaning?

Ning Ci didn't say anything on the spot, anyway, he accepted the thing, then after thinking for a while, he left first.

Mizuki didn't care about his departure, because at this time Mizuki was molesting the cute little Hinata-chan. Where can I take care of a boy?

Appreciating Hinata's shy appearance, for the water trees with "special" preferences here, it is really a kind of enjoyment!Especially when I saw Hinata’s increasingly mature iconic figure~hehe~ licked his mouth: "It's getting better and better!"

Text volume 546. Vacation

Mizuki's love for Hinata, this is of course needless to say.Although she occasionally bullies Hinata, teases and flirts with Hinata, she looks blushing and shy, but the starting point is still the angle of petting.

After finally coming back, I saw that Mizuki and Hinata had a better relationship, so I let Mizuki stay for a few more days, and it was best not to go back to the "secret base" where he lived alone.

The previous bit of Mizuki agreed, because she also wanted to bully Hina Tian for a few more days.But when he asked to live there later, Mizuki did not nod his head and agreed, "Let me think about it?"

It's not that Mizuki doesn't like to live at home. How can I say that there is Hinata as a company here, and there will be no disgust.It's just that Mizuki wants to practice normally, and feels that in a quiet environment, she can concentrate better.

You have to know that Mizuki has such an idea, and Nissan doesn't say much.After all, if the water tree can become stronger, this is not a bad thing for the Hyuga clan.As long as Mizuki has the Hyuga in his heart, that's enough.

Of course, it is definitely necessary to stay for a few days. Anyway, there is nothing to do, and I just came back from the task, I need to rest for a few days.

In the past few days, if I didn't teach fireworks cultivation, I must have been fooling around with Hinata.Well, yes, it's really a fool!

Anyway, what has changed is a little bit of injustice, either looking at the breasts or looking at the buttocks, things that boys didn't dare to think about before, now they are not afraid of what they do.

Because both Hinata and Ningci had just returned, and when they were shopping again, they ran into the pig, deer, and butterfly who were also doing the task.So after discussing it for a while, we decided to form a group to a nearby mountain spring bathing place and soak in a comfortable hot spring.

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