I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 304

Go to the hot springs~ hey~ you know.

Mizuki and Hinata had actually had such experiences in the early days.However, the previous two people were both young and their bodies were not mature enough.

But at this time compared to the last time, there must be a lot of changes, especially the characteristics of girls are obvious, the most proud part of Hinata, the water tree is really eager to see!

There are Mizuki, Hinata, Tiantian, Ino, and Sakura in the female bath. Comparing the Mizuki here, Hinata has the best development. Even Tiantian, who is one year older, seems a bit weak to succeed.

Mizuki hugged Hinata lovingly, rubbed her smooth skin, and said, "Little sister, come, let my sister love you!"

Hugging your hands from your back to support the soft ~ Oh my God, the big and soft bunny is so comfortable to knead~!

Such a very intimate behavior has actually been done since childhood, but because it is too intimate, it is always difficult for the shy Hinata to adapt.

After being attacked on the chest, Hinata exclaimed: "Ah, sister~! Don't pinch!"

"Hey, don't be afraid, everyone is a girl, so what's to be afraid of?" Mizuki refused to give up, but wanted to go further: "Don't hide!"

Hinata guarded his chest, don't let go desperately.Even if they are all girls, and they are all sisters, but such behaviors and behaviors are really a little bit inside?

Watching Mizuki's bold behavior, and the intimacy with Hinata.The other people I saw were a little greedy: "Is your relationship really good?"

It was Ino who was talking, because he was behind the famous sect, so Mizuki and Ino got to know him a little earlier than Sakura. They belong to the best friends that people often talk about?

After Ino’s envy voice finished, Tian Tian soaked in the water and sighed comfortably: "Mizuki likes Hinata very much! And the way Hinata blushes is really cute! If I had such a sister, I would definitely Very happy, right?"

Tiantian should have heard a lot about Mizuki from Ningci's mouth. As for Mizuki's love of Hinata, of course this has not been missed.After all, because of this matter, Mizuki and Neji had a fight.

But again, Sakura asked, "Mizuki's character is bold and open. Hinata's character is shy and introverted. Are you really a sister? It feels like a big contrast!"

Three women, one drama, after this question was asked, the interest of several people came.

Yeah, it’s not like sisters, they should be very close, right?However, the contrast between the characters of Mizuki and Hinata is a bit too big.

Unfortunately, they have no way of knowing the specific reason for this.It may be that even Shui Shu herself may not know the reason. If it is based on the original plot, she is a non-existent person.

However, the water tree here would not say this, otherwise would it be exposed?I just said here: "Hinata and I are the closest sisters. The contrast in personality does not just show that we can complement each other better? Come on, Hinata, don't you think?"

Whenever she finds any chance, Mizuki will hug, rubbing intimately against Hinata's skin, trying her best to eat her tofu.

Hina Tian is really unable to do it, and it is impossible to resist. One is the relationship between strength. Hina's strength is not as strong as that of a water tree, and it must be impossible to break free.

There is another Mizuki who is her own sister, who is very good emotionally, so she has no strong motivation to resist.It's just that I am a little uncomfortable with the movements of the water tree to resist it.

What a lovely sister. Seeing Hinata's blushing cute touch, she couldn't help but kiss again, hugged her up, and screamed with excitement from time to time.

The intimacy between girls shouldn't be strange, but it still feels like a water tree.Fortunately, everyone knows that the relationship between Mizuki and Hinata has been quite good since childhood, so there is nothing more to say.

The time to soak in hot springs is not too long, because the best time to soak in hot springs is about ten to fifteen minutes, and it is best not to exceed twenty minutes.Otherwise, not only will it not be beneficial to the body, but adverse effects will occur, such as chest tightness, thirst, dizziness, etc.

But this is nothing, everyone comes out to soak in the hot springs, not to have fun.In the evening near the bathing place, there are actually temple fairs where you can stroll around. What kind of festival seems to be held?

A decision to go shopping was quickly decided.

The water tree here voted yes. This is not to say that she wants to go shopping, but to know what temple fairs and festivals are. There are definitely many good stalls on the street.

Because Naruto World does not have computer games, "eating" is the only hobby left by Mizuki.

Body Volume 547. Clothing

Because Hokage is an anime from an island country, it is naturally more inclined towards island culture in terms of culture.When visiting the temple fair, everyone would consciously put on traditional service. Here even Mizuki was forced to wear a kimono.

For this concept of culture, Mizuki was only seen in anime when he was in the three-dimensional.But after more than ten years, she can count the number of times she has put on this kind of clothing.

Mizuki is not very cold about the kimono of the island country. One is that Mizuki's thoughts have not changed and he is reluctant to wear this kind of female service.She usually wears casual clothes such as trousers. If it weren't for the attire suitable for practice, it would not be the female attire such as dresses.

Another problem here may be the inability to deal with aesthetic concepts.Mizuki is more inclined to gothic maid outfits, especially those who like to look at beautiful girls, wearing a cute appearance in maid outfits~ well, that is~ soft!

But now there is no way to entangle it, after all, this is the Naruto World, more inclined to island culture.Fortunately, it's not ugly. The red background is decorated with cherry blossom petals. It's not bad after looking in the mirror anyway.So just dress as you dress, and there is no need to lose a piece of meat.

But I put it on, but there is a small problem here: Mizuki is not used to kimono!The reason is that the range of steps is quite severely restricted, and only small and small steps can be taken.

This is completely incompatible with the daily habits of the water tree, and even more inconsistent with the character of the water tree.However, the binding force of the kimono is so that she dare not use too much force, otherwise she is afraid of breaking the kimono.

Seeing her cautious expression, it makes people laugh. Sakura asked, "Mizuki, can you relax? Why does it seem to be uncomfortable?"

This is not unsuitable, it should be said to be very unsuitable!

Mizuki's character doesn't like to be restrained, and he rarely likes to wear clothes with tight cuffs.Of course, the kimono is not worn. This is the reason why you don’t like this kind of clothing, right?

Of course, if you are watching a certain country's love blockbuster, sometimes you still think it has a lot of flavor.But this is not to say that I like it!

Hinata looked helplessly at Mizuki. She couldn't help her sister.After all, the clothes were worn on Mizuki's body, and she could only see herself adapt.

On the contrary, Ino, who had also changed his kimono, was taken aback when he saw Mizuki wearing a kimono, and then joked: "Hey, the first time I saw Mizuki wearing a kimono, it looks so beautiful!"

Hmm, is it pretty?Mizuki looked at herself in the mirror, she was really pretty, right?But this may be prominent, the gorgeous color and fancy embellishment are very good, giving people a bright visual manifestation.

The girls were almost dressed up, and shouted at the door every day: "Hey, boys are already waiting for us."

Mizuki simply walked a few steps and adapted to it for a while.I thought it was almost all right, so I went out with everyone.

Yingying Yanyan's voice came out, and the boys waiting outside stopped their boring conversations.Now everyone is at the age of fourteen or five, and the hormone development during adolescence has made everyone have a good impression of the existence of the opposite sex.

They might not have thought of it, right?How can the girls who usually do tasks with them become so beautiful?You can see that some boys have straightened eyes.

The Mizuki here noticed. The girls who the boys first noticed were mostly girls from the same team as him.For example, the three Zhuludie, the person Shikamaru and Dingci saw at first sight must be their companion Ino.

Gawa Shino pays attention to Hinata, and this needless to say, after all, Hinata is the girl with the most gentle personality of girls, even if he doesn't pay attention.

However, there is a little episode here, that is, in the third class here, Li and Ningci did not pay attention to their companions every day.

Li's gaze was focused on Sakura's body, and he was extremely enthusiastic when he came up. This kind of excessive enthusiasm made Sakura unacceptable, and she rejected him very mercilessly.

But the person of Ning Ci here is not Tian Tian. The first thing he saw was Shuishu's body. This surprised Shuishu a bit?

Every day I was very annoyed by my two companions: "You two guys, why do you look at other girls? Am I not good-looking?"

This was a little embarrassing, but even though he said that, Neji's gaze did not move away from Mizuki, and there was a bit of tangled emotion in his eyes.

In the end, it was the other people. When they were about to leave, Ning Ci pulled Xiao Li and left.

Sakura walked to Mizuki's side, and said silently, "Li is true too, why always haunt me?"

Before the Zhongnin exam, Sakura met Li.At that time, I was taken aback by Xiao Li's request for association.She has only Sasuke in her psychology. How can she allow other boys to like herself?

There is a natural difference between boys and girls when it comes to relationship issues. Boys should be more casual. If there are girls who like them, boys will generally not refuse too much. Liked by girls, most of them don't feel disgusted.

However, compared with girls, most of the issues related to personal feelings will adopt a rigorous attitude.If there is a boy who likes himself, he will confess to himself.If it is a boy that you like, it must be very happy.However, if you don't have much feelings, or even people who don't like it much, you may become distressed and disgusted.

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