I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 309

So this answer is not hard to guess, just hand in a blank paper.Anyway, the Naruto who took the last exam didn't pass the pass by handing in a blank paper. This time it was the same with a copy.

Of course, the Mizuki here still made a code and told Hanako and Axia in sign language. The correct answer is: "Don't write."

Mizuki told the two companions not to write, but on the back of the paper, he wrote a sentence familiar to Naruto fans: "Those who break the rules of the ninja world are called waste. But a person who does not know how to value his companions , It's not as good as waste!"

Finished writing this sentence eloquently, and finally swiped the pen, and stretched out comfortably.

At this time, Fu, who was sitting not far away, took advantage of the situation to see what Mizuki had written. He originally thought it was someone whose name was written, but he didn't expect to see this sentence.

Text volume 554.Next

At the end of the first exam, Mizuki did not pass the test accidentally.

This exam is completely a copy of the previous exam, and the content of the exam is not on the paper.The three exam questions are not too difficult, they are nothing more than test information transmission, but because of the mind of Ning Ci, it is easy to crack.

The additional questions on the back have the same effect as the previous exam.But relatively speaking, the examiner this time is Shikamaru, he is not Ibizi, he hates to make things very troublesome.

It can be considered lucky, right?Otherwise, it is not impossible to think of a super difficult topic with his mind.

For the additional test questions, all the people whose names were written on were left as "sacrifices" and disqualified, and the rest were basically passed.

"Aha~ the exam is over!"

When he walked out of the examination room for the first time, Mizuki stretched his body and made a few active postures. Staying in a sealed environment, the whole person felt a little dull.

Those who came out with Mizuki were friends of the same grade of Ino and Shino, and of course there was also Fu who just met here.

Just now Fu is clearly aware of the words Mizuki left on the back of the paper.Although that is not a wise saying, but the meaning to be expressed is absolutely clear.

Fu here feels that his luck is really good. For the first time, he can make a friend like this: "The person who breaks the rules is a waste. People who don't care about their companions are not as good as waste."

The first written test of the Zhongnin exam, so it should be considered passed.The next thing to start is the next stage!

When Mizuki wanted to meet his companions, he said to Ino, Shino and others, and of course Fu, "I'm going to take a step first, and I'm probably going to start the next exam in a while."

"I see, you go first!" Ino waved his hand: "I have to wait for Dingci and Sakura too."

The Fu here, waved in the same way, and said, "See you in the next exam!"

After Mizuki nodded to express his understanding, he left first

Seeing Mizuki's departure, Shino here turned his attention to Fu's body.In the examination room, he noticed that this ninja from Takigakura seemed to be able to interfere with his bugs?

The oil girls are insect-control ninjas, so naturally they need to pay attention to this.

But this matter didn't matter to him, and Mizuki didn't care.I just stayed in a sealed environment for half an hour, and my whole head was a little groggy, and I needed to breathe more fresh air to keep myself sober.

It was at this time that Hanako and Axia came together and walked in front of Mizuki: "Miss, according to your instructions, we have passed smoothly!"

They performed well in the examination room. They were calm and stable and were not moved by the environment. They just followed Mizuki's arrangements to complete the tasks. They are indeed ninjas from a big family.

Mizuki nodded and said, "Well, you have worked hard. But this is the beginning. The first exam is a written exam, and the next exam involves fighting."

Fortunately, fighting is not a problem. Mizuki looked out with white eyes, and the Chakra of the examinees present had a panoramic view. There should be few people who could threaten him.

Of course, if you insist, Ning Ci can be regarded as one, soft boxing is not an ordinary physical skill, it has the possibility of breaking the diamond.But it is not the most jealous of her, because Mizuki also has the confidence to defeat him!

By the way, there is also the Takinobu named "Fu". I didn't see her strength, but thinking of the existence of tail beasts, it is probably not easy to deal with, right?

Fortunately, the ninja trial this time was much more relaxed than the atmosphere last time. I think it has something to do with Shikamaru, right?The written test is not difficult. This is because of Shikamaru's character. He is a person who doesn't like trouble, so naturally he doesn't like making trouble.

Just talking about this guy, Shikamaru walked up to a makeshift podium and began to speak to this stage of the exam: "All the people standing here have passed the first exam. Congratulations, everyone~!"

The simple words really are his character.

Next is to switch to Temari. This girl with a fan is also much better than before.

Oh, why pay attention to her figure, now is not this time.Mizuki quickly turned his attention to what Temari said: "Because there are too many passers in the first exam, we need to eliminate some of them."

Too many people passed the first exam?Mizuki nodded deeply in agreement: Yes, Shikamaru has a clever mind, but he is lazy and afraid of trouble. He came up with this broken test question. It would be strange if there is no such result.

The Temari here continues to say: "First of all, the second test is a team battle, so there is no team of three people, and it is now judged as unqualified. And regarding the next test, the location is in the sandy hidden village of our country. , The meeting point is the surveillance station of the'Devil's Desert'."

"The passage between Konoha and Sagakura Village has been determined, but no matter how fast the action is, it will take three days to drive with the power of a ninja. Now the message has been released: in order of arrival, people after 30 groups Will be eliminated. And like the first game, private fights are prohibited on the way. If you want to fight, the second test will let you fight enough. Over!"

It doesn't sound like there is any important information, that is to say, the next team should be eliminated in order?

When the voice fell, everyone did not respond. The first person who noticed it was Ning Ci, and immediately called out, "Li! Everyday!"

The two of them understood their minds, and left directly with Ning Ci.

The people behind are still in a daze. Here, Temari reminds me: "What are you doing standing there? I've said it, that's it!"

At this time everyone realized that the elimination has already begun!The people who were only reacting now rushed out rushing out.

The characters of a group of passers-by, Mizuki sighed helplessly: "Want to compete with these guys? I suddenly lose the motivation."

Seeing that everyone was gone, even the last cute girl was also taken away by her companion.

In the end, only Mizuki was left here, and Hanako and Axia were with her. Why didn't they see Mizuki still moving?Suspiciously: "Miss, the game has already started!"

Mizuki already knew about this, she was just waiting for everyone to leave.

Mizuki first picked up a small stone from the ground, and then drew an irregular circle on the ground. After finishing it, estimate the size, and it happens to be enough for a person to stand inside.

Text Volume 555. Transmission Array

All the candidates have left, but Shikamaru and Temari saw that Mizuki did not move, but instead made these strange movements, their attention was focused on Mizuki.

Watching Mizuki draw an irregular circle, and then roughly gesture, nodded in satisfaction.Make a handprint to refine the chakra, and start: "The Array of Teleportation!!"

Teleportation Array, this is the vocational skill of Shuizuke Yichang, and it should be said that it should have been learned long ago.As for the reason why it has been delayed until now, one is that I didn't know how to use the formation before, and I didn't understand it until the last villain island mission.

At the same time, it should be noted that the use of this skill requires two conditions.

The first condition: Need "blue magic ore" as a medium, but this medium is a prop in the game, so it stands to reason that Naruto World must not have it.In this way, the water tree needs to find another way, find another way or find an alternative method.

The second condition: There needs to be a [memory location], not a place that is unfamiliar and has not been visited.Otherwise, this skill cannot be displayed, so the conditions for use are very limited, and it was not considered a good master until not long ago.

Mizuki opened the teleportation formation, and she said to Hanako and Axia: "This is the country of Sichuan, not far from the country of wind. We can save two days faster than others."

Seeing their young lady, they had been prepared long ago, and Hanako and Axia nodded to express their understanding.One after another, they walked into the teleportation formation, only to see their silhouettes flash, they disappeared in the teleportation formation one after another.

They have already been teleported away, and the water tree also needs to prepare to go in.

When she was about to step into the teleportation formation, she suddenly thought of something, turned her head and looked at Shikamaru and said to him: "Your problem is so boring, this is the way Ning Ci came up with it. If you want to change to me If so, what are you going to do?"

After speaking, he made a mocking expression to Shikamaru, and then stepped into the teleportation formation without waiting for him to answer.

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