I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 310

Seeing where the water tree disappeared, Shikamaru scratched his head and sighed helplessly: "It's really troublesome~"

How smart is Shikamaru here?Has a very high IQ, and how can you not know the ability of the water tree?But because of his understanding of Mizuki, he is absolutely relieved!

The reason can be said to be very simple. The first exam is just a written exam. If you expose your abilities in this way, the candidates present are not fools.Maybe not only won't thank Mizuki, but will turn her into a key target.

Shikamaru knows the mind of Mizuki, so he can be sure that a smart person like Mizuki will never do stupid things.

The thing that Shikamaru was speechless was that Mizuki said that his exam questions were too simple.Okay, that's right, his personality is like this, he hates troublesome things, how can he think of making trouble?

Seeing Shikamaru's helpless expression, Temari on the side covered his mouth and smiled and said, "I didn't expect you, a fellow, to be despised by others?"

"Well~ it doesn't matter." Shikamaru said in trouble, "Mizuki is very strong. It didn't take long after graduation before that she was able to defeat Shangren. Moreover, her mind is also very smart, and there are few things that can hold her up ."

Strong and smart.Well, I think it's a bit jealous.

But here Mizuki's strength lies here. He has been practicing with Master Tsunade for nearly two years. His strength has long been different from what it used to be. I can't say whether it can be compared with the shadows. At least it is impossible to beat the general Xiannin and Zhongnin. Any questions.

What Shikamaru said did not reach Mizuki's ears, because at this time Mizuki had already been sent to the country of the river.

This country has been here before, and it is not just another time. The country located between the country of fire and the country of wind can save her more than half of the journey.

Hanako and Axia had arrived first, and after Mizuki joined them, they immediately went on a starry night for more than a day, and finally arrived at the place for the second test with the first place result.

Because the speed of arrival was too fast, the local sand hidden village ninjas had just received orders.The candidates who hurriedly hurried for three days later arrived at this place one after another after Mizuki and others had spent the night: the surveillance post in the Demon Desert.

The first team to arrive, Mizuki transferred to a good room. As long as you sit by the window and take a look out, you can see the farthest scenery: "Desert!", "Endless desert!"

Alas, this is the Kingdom of Wind, one of the five major countries, where you can see endless yellow sand and Gobi. Seeing such a harsh environment, you can think of the next place where the exam will be conducted. It will definitely not be so good.

It's really an annoying place. Although it shouldn't be difficult to find food and water if you talk about survival skills, but the poisonous sunlight makes it a headache to think about.

How can I say that I am now a girl, not a dick, and I don't like being exposed to the sun as an African.However, there seems to be no sunscreen in this world, it seems that some sunscreen measures are needed.

Mizuki was sighing this question. He heard the door being knocked, and then the team leader Shangreno's voice: "Miss, are you here? Is it convenient for me to come in?"

Every exam team needs a guide, Shinobu, to facilitate communication.Taking this into consideration, the Japanese Football Association asked Hyuga Fire Gate to accompany him.

There is nothing wrong with Mizuki, so Hanako and Axia are allowed to open the door.Seeing the door of the fire coming in, Mizuki asked him: "You come to me, is there anything wrong with this?"

There is nothing to go to the Three Treasure Hall. Here are all members of the Hyuga clan, so Huomen directly said: "Miss Mizuki, we got news just now. Master Naruto ordered us to monitor the movement of the Ninja in the Land of Rain. Here is a copy of Hokage. My lord, a secret order to you!"

After speaking, Huomen took out a scroll and handed it to Mizuki's hands.

Mizuki saw that there was a seal on the scroll. When opening it, you need to inject the chakra first, and if it is not a specific person, there is a problem with the entered chakra. Not only will it be impossible to unlock the scroll, but the secret will be destroyed on the spot.

This was used by the people of Mizuki Kenan, and they knew that it was at least an S-level task.

Seeing such a situation, Mizuki didn't dare to be careless, and immediately ordered Hanako and Axia: "You should stay outside first to prevent anyone from approaching, and say hello outside when something happens."

The two of them understood that this was an important matter, and consciously went out and waited outside.

Text volume 556. Before the second exam

Open the scroll carefully and review the content above.

After watching it, Mizuki looked a bit solemn: "It looks like the development of the plot, at this time, has the country of Rain completed its regime change?"

Because it is related to Akatsuki's organization, Mizuki has been paying attention to it from a very early time.But I didn't get the information I wanted, and after a long time I was a little numb.

But the news that I got now was from Danzo's channel. He had been communicating with Sansho Fish Hanzo in the Land of Rain and had extremely secret information.

But recently, Sansho Fish Hanzo suddenly lost contact, Danzo immediately inferred and estimated that the worst result was that there was a problem in the Kingdom of Rain, and Hanzo was afraid that he was already dead!

The task sent by Naruto Master requires Konoha's ninjas to monitor the people of the Rain Country, and the leader of the Rain Country outside, the leader of the rain country, will give them to these top ninjas to complete.But to enter the game site, they are a little too far away.

Mizuki is someone Tsunade absolutely trusts, and one of the most powerful people among those who took the Chunin exam, so she entrusted this secret task to her.

Knowing the above content, Mizuki frowned and thought: "This mission is absolutely confidential. The core power of the rain country is replaced, but ninjas are sent to participate. It must be to cover up his actions. I have already prepared."

Huomen is an experienced Shangren. Of course, he understands this problem. He nodded and said, "We Shangren thinks the same way, so try not to provoke them and just ask for their intelligence and information."

The water tree here understands the meaning, it seems that the timeline of the plot is normal, so the promotion of the plot is still developing as always.

Put this secret scroll on a plate and burn it to ashes to prevent leaks.

However, Mizuki and Huomen have reached an agreement that they will be in the examination room during the later examinations, and Mizuki will be responsible for monitoring the candidates in the Land of Rain.

When their affairs were discussed, Hanako and Axia said to Mizuki shortly after Huomen left, "Miss Hinata, just now, she said that dinner is about to be served, and we invite you to come over for dinner."

Because Mizuki was discussing important tasks with Huomen just now, Hanako and Axia blocked Hinata. Hearing that their sister had something important, Hinata didn’t let the two of them inform them, but left a word They left first.

Mizuki nodded knowingly: "Okay, I know, let's go. Shall we go to dinner together?"

My stomach is a little hungry, um~ To be precise, as long as it's time for a meal, there is no time to feel hungry.

But when I just walked into the cafeteria, what I saw was not everyone eating, but actually fighting?Thirty teams totaling nearly a hundred people are fighting vigorously inside.The food in one place has been knocked over, these guys are really disgusting!

Just when I was about to get angry, I didn't expect a person to barge in directly from the window, looking at who is Fu?

She didn't know what was going on here, but when she saw the excitement, she asked, "Is the party here already started? Can you make friends?"

She broke in suddenly, and everyone present still didn't know who she was.

Fu introduced himself: "I'm Fu from Takino-Hidden Village. The goal is to make a hundred friends. The current progress is only one percent complete. What do you want to do after dinner? Playing poker? Playing double six? Grab a chair? Or ~ everyone taking a bath?"

Is this guy really invisible at all?If you don’t even know you, where can you take a bath together?But if it is a water tree, it is estimated that it will agree?Anyway, as long as she takes a bath with her sister, she will definitely not refuse.

However, the people present did not seem to have this interest. Looking at the food and food in one place, they were afraid that they would be hungry at night, so they could only recharge their energy and reserve their energy for tomorrow.

Having lost the motivation to fight, everyone couldn't help but sighed, and then left for themselves, leaving a disappointed look.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Mizuki thought that he would leave. Anyway, there is nothing to eat, so why stay here?But when I saw the disappointed Fu, I felt that since I became friends with her, I shouldn't abandon my friends, right?

Thinking of this, she walked over and said to Fu: "Everyone is gone, won't you?"

Hearing the voice of Shui Shu, Fu came to a little bit of energy, and said happily: "Ah, it's Shui Shu, are you here to play with me?"

Why does this guy still want to play?The second game is about to start tomorrow, why don't you make any preparations?

Mizuki was a little speechless in her heart, so she had to say: "No, it's too late now, there is no time to play."

There is no time to play, but when it comes to taking a bath, Mizuki is still more happy.

But before she wanted to say it, she heard a call from outside. Judging from the voice, it seemed to be Ding Ci's voice?How did he go outside?

I quickly walked to the window, but the wind and sand outside was very big. I could only see it with a white eye when I opened it. Ding Ci encountered a big scorpion outside, and the individual was really not small.

At this time, there was a girl who seemed to be from Shayin Village. She heard the call coming and followed the voice and looked out: "What was the sound just now? Did someone run out?"

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