I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 312

But both of them were still worried, but when they wanted to say something, a firework rose in the sky: the game has begun!

"Let's go!"

Mizuki set out first, Hanako and Axia had no choice but to immediately follow.

Entering the environment of the Demon Desert, there are deserts and Gobi deserts everywhere. This is also a feature of the Kingdom of Wind. If you want to survive in this place, the urgent delay is to find a water source.

People have no food, and there is no problem persisting for a week, but without water supplement, they will burp within three days.

Here is a planned arrangement: "First find a clean water source, replenish sufficient water, and then head towards the central stronghold. Because the final end of the game is to reach the central stronghold, this means whether there is or not If you gather the scrolls, you will definitely go to the central stronghold."

Waiting for work with ease, this is Shuishu's plan, and she is too lazy to find someone.After all, there is not enough time for this exam.

For 72 hours, in such a desert environment, I am afraid that when the sun rises, the hot desert environment is definitely not suitable for action.If you remove the necessary rest and possible battles, I'm afraid that the time on the road will be barely enough?

This plan is formulated in such a way that the above-mentioned problems have been taken into consideration.

Entering the playing field, Mizuki opened her eyes for the first time, looking for the place she wanted. It was a pity that she was at the starting point. There was no desert oasis around, so she could only go deep first.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Three people form a triangle, similar to the word "".Naturally, Mizuki is in front, because the game has already started and it is not known whether there will be enemies in ambush, so the three of them all opened their eyes and looked around.

But it is strange to say here, after a period of action, a considerable distance has been taken.But the eyes of three people didn't even notice the shadow of an enemy?

Fortunately, the luck was good. Through blind observation, I finally found the first water source, which looks like a small pool with an area of ​​only a dozen square meters.But the amount of water stored should be enough to fill the kettle for the next three days.

First check the surrounding enemy situation and make sure that there is no one.The three people came to the edge of the water pool and Mizuki said, "Fill the kettle with water, and then we will go directly to the central stronghold!"

Hanako and Axia nodded, and filled their kettle with water.In order to get the maximum amount of water, and consciously shaking the bottle body, you can exhaust a little air inside so that the entire kettle can be filled with water.

After getting enough water, the three did not stay for too long. Seeing the problem of the game time, they felt like they were going to set off after preparing their belongings.

Because it is the foot power of a ninja, the movement speed is very fast, and it disappears out of sight in a short while.However, at this moment, three figures appeared in the pool where they had just stayed.

These people gloomily looked at the direction in which Mizuki and others disappeared: "Let's follow!"

Ninjas from other villages have been using secret techniques to hide in their surroundings. With the help of the complex environment here, it is almost impossible to distinguish them.

They have all done their hands and feet. After all, this is the desert of demons. As long as individuals know, who is the most important thing in such an environment.So the method that I came up with is to use water to fish!

Just now, the people from Shuishu had poured water in front of them, and they already knew that a fish had caught the bait.Although I don't know if it is the book of the sky or the book of the earth, it would be nice to lose a group of competitors.

But at the same time, Mizuki and the other two nodded their heads in tacit agreement with each other.They continued to act for a while, and found a shady place to sit down, seeming to be taking a break.

This is also true. After running for a while, I must be a little thirsty. I should sit down and drink some water, eat some dry food, and take a break.

The three people who followed carefully can see very clearly that the bait has been bitten!Within a few minutes, I waited for the effect of the medicine to take effect, and saw Mizuki and others fall one after another.

"Great, the effect of the medicine is working!"

They cheered happily, and it seemed that they were right. The pool water just now had been drugged. Anyone who has drunk it will inevitably fall into fainting. And calculated from the dose of the drug, it is estimated that you will sleep until the game. ended!

The tactics of this group of ninjas are simple. Although the methods of drug administration are extremely disgraceful, the ninjas are particular about the deceitfulness of soldiers. As long as they can win, there are no methods that cannot be used.

Text Volume 559. Alliance

The three ninjas didn't intend to do anything extra. They just wanted to get the scroll on Mizuki's body, and then hurriedly arrived at the central stronghold to win the competition with the first result.

But when a person stretched out his hand and reached into the pocket of the water tree, suddenly the body of the water tree "bang" disappeared.The three people suddenly horrified: "No, it's a hit, get out!"

The reaction was still a step slower, and Mizuki and the other three surrounded them.

Standing in front of the leader, Mizuki laughed coldly at him: "Who do you think you can fool with such an obvious little trick?"

There weren’t even any ghosts along the way. Even though the examination room was really not small, it was still a very strange thing that I didn’t meet anyone in a long time.

It’s so hard to die and I met a pool of water. How could it be from the three-dimensional world. The water tree knew that wherever there are deserts and Gobi, there must be oasis where there is water.Because if there is no vegetation, the water is very easy to evaporate and it is difficult to be exposed.

This is how a small waterhole is placed in front of me. How did this small waterhole be exposed?So anyone with a bit of common sense knows that it is definitely a trap set by someone deliberately.A fool can be fooled!

"Damn it!" Seeing that his own strategy was seen through, all three of them showed their weapons, and they looked like they were about to fight Mizuki.

Want to fight?Mizuki is not afraid, but she needs to know one thing first: "Is your scroll the book of heaven or the book of earth? I don't want to waste time on you."

Just a little bit more?Mizuki showed her scroll. She had a copy of the "Book of Heaven" in her hand. What she needed was the "Book of Earth".

Showing out their scroll, the latter three looked at each other, guessing that they thought for a while, and helplessly took out their own scroll: "Book of Heaven."

Really drunk, Mizuki waved his hand and told Hanako and Axia to stop.Then he said to the other party: "We are all books of the sky, so there is no reason to fight. Instead of wasting time here, let me make a suggestion that our two teams join forces. What do you think?"

Give up unnecessary battles and join forces to pass this exam.

This kind of water tree can be considered a big heart, if these people intend to be enemies with themselves, and now they have agreed to it, and then they planted according to the action?

Of course, if you think about it, there is no way to come up with this proposal.One is that everyone is a book of heaven, and whoever wins and loses has no meaning.Secondly, Mizuki felt that he could avoid blind investigations. It is estimated that he has a little ability, and it is inevitable that he will be injured when he fights.

With such a proposal, the person in the lead looked at the water tree for a while, and then pressed his hand to signal his companion: put down the weapon.Then said to Mizuki: "I agree with your proposal. Our two teams will join hands to pass this exam together."

But here the other side thought for a while and asked a question: "Our two teams join forces to seize the scrolls of other teams. If we grab a scroll of the Book of Earth, how will the two teams be divided?"

Does the other party really want to cooperate?

Mizuki quickly replied: "If you grab a copy of the Book of Land, the first copy will be given to you first."

This answer surprised the other party, and subconsciously asked: "Why?"

The reason is actually very simple. Mizuki said: "Since it is cooperation, there must be trust. The first thing given to you is to give you trust. But trust is mutual, so I will give the first to you, the same You must help us to seize a scroll of earth."

The reason is simple and easy to understand, and there is a sentence that is not said here, because trust is a mutual matter. If I help you, but if you dare to betray me, then the things I helped you get may not belong to you anymore. Up.

Of course, the meaning of the latter sentence is not to be said.But as long as the other party is smart enough, he should still be able to think of this.If they choose to refuse, I am afraid they will be in big trouble!

"Well, I agree!" The other party stretched out a hand, Mizuki shook hands with him, and received each other: "Mizuki, she is Hanako, this is Axia.", "Shanxia, ​​this is Tian Edge, He Zao."

They are the ninjas of the Frost Land, and they are characterized by a circle on their forehead.

Speaking of this country with few scenes in Hokage, in fact, there is a relationship with Tian Zhiguo.The once defeated by the land of the country in the war to expand its territory was defeated by this country of frost.

However, this has been a long time ago, but this can also prove from the side that this country has a certain strength, at least when it encounters foreign invasion, it is not a weak country to be deceived.

Of course, the country of Frost is considered to be strong among small countries, but in front of the five big countries in the world, it is not much worth being integrated.Therefore, seeing the ninjas of the country of fire, willing to join hands with them, they are not too tough.

A simple alliance is reached, and the two sides converge to act.

Mizuki first said: "My initial plan was to rush to the central stronghold and set up an ambush to wait for other teams to take the bait. But now that we form an alliance, the strength is definitely stronger than a single team. We should take the initiative to find other teams. Team, take the scroll in their hands!"

It sounds like there is no problem, Yamashita nodded in agreement: "Yes, I also approve of this plan, but do you have any clues? We haven't met other teams, and we don't know where to start."

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