I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 313

This is a question. How can I snatch the reels if no other team is found?

But fortunately there is a water tree here. She pointed her eyes and said, "I will leave the investigation work to us. After you find a team, you can attack again!"

Give them the first battle?The three people looked a little confused and worried. They looked at each other a few times.

Mizuki was on the sidelines, and their expressions were absolutely clear in their eyes.They are afraid that when they are fighting, Mizuki and other people will observe their strength, right?

But even if this is what happened, Mizuki replied in a cold voice: "You three big men, we have all helped you detect the enemy's situation. The first scroll is also to be handed over to you. Who will do it if you don’t? Is it us? How many girls, help you detect the enemy's situation, then defeat the enemy, and then give you the scroll? Even if you eat soft rice, you don't have it like this, right?"

Girls do things, boys get ready-made.Eating soft rice is easy to say and not good to listen to!

There was no way. The three boys had no choice but to recognize them.

Text volume 560. See you

There is a saying: one more friend, one less enemy.The combat power obtained by the alliance between the two teams is definitely stronger than that of a single team!In this way, it can be regarded as a reference.

Of course, the fragility of this alliance is still very obvious.Although from a temporary point of view, there is no possibility of conflict between the two sides.But in any case, it is a potential competitor for the exam, it would be better if one could be missing.

Fortunately, the attention of both parties quickly focused on the search for the Book of Earth.After all, this is an urgent delay. If there is no way to collect a pair of books of heaven and earth in three days, they will have nothing to do.

"The luck is pretty good. There are ninjas from Sandyak Village in front." Mizuki looked over with his white eyes, and counted people by the way. Unexpectedly, there were more people than his own: "Nine people? Three teams?"

This is the Demon Desert, which is considered to be the territory of Shayin Village, and in terms of ninjutsu in the exam, the ninjas in Shayin Village account for a large proportion.But did you not expect to gather together?

Hearing the voice of the water tree at the foot of the mountain, his complexion changed for a while: "What should I do? Are they united?"

Ninjas from the same Ninja Village should be more cohesive. If this is the case, will they be able to fight for a while?

If there are such multiple teams, it is estimated that even Water Tree will be troublesome.After all, ninjas are not ordinary people. The addition of strength together is not the addition and subtraction of one plus one equals two.

Mizuki has experienced this point. A graduation exam led by himself was finally calculated by a group of students who did not graduate.

However, from Mizuki's observation, luck was on their side and said to the foot of the mountain: "Relax, it doesn't seem to be a coalition, but there is an infighting team. The three Shayin village teams seem to be in conflict? Two against one, the people of the two teams want to take the scroll of the first team."

After receiving such news, Yamashita couldn't help but smile: "Does this mean that we can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight? And then we are doing good fortune?"

This guy is right. Weng and mussels are fighting for the fishermen's profit. Since there is a time to watch the show, there is no reason not to sit down and watch.When they are almost done, and waiting for someone to pick the peaches, they can catch them all.

Find a shady place to sit down and watch the battle caused by this infighting.

It’s not clear exactly how it started, because when Mizuki noticed it, he saw Shayin from two teams. He was very dissatisfied with Shayin from one team, and then began to attack.

A masked ninja took the lead. He had a bladed weapon on his arm. The latter was attacked by him. Didn't he choose to fight him? Does it seem that he doesn't want to fight him?

Mizuki focused his gaze on this person and recalled the information he had found beforehand: "I heard that during the chaos last night, there was a guy who could block Li's attack and used his bare hands to resist. From this person's In terms of physical characteristics, this person is Zi Luo, right?"

If you think about it, it seems that there are only a few episodes for this person in the plot, but Mizuki has a deeper influence because he has a unique physical skill that he can compete with Bamen.

However, it should be a low-level eight-door, if the eight-door is fully open, it is still not enough to match.However, to get Li's affirmation and praise, there must be something unique, right?

Psychologically, when I looked back, I saw Zi Luo and his companions, it was obvious that they were outnumbered.There is a beautiful woman with a fan, who is forced to subdue with suffering and nothing, and there is a cute girl with big eyes at the back. Although she played well at the beginning and dodged her body flexibly, she covered herself after a flash shot. Eyes are in pain.

"Ha~? The two-to-one gap, didn't you expect it to be so big?" Mizuki watched the situation with blank eyes, and said to Shanxia and the others: "A team in Shayin Village alone seems to lose more than expected. Fast."

Six on three, if you don't consider your companions, if this Zi Luo runs, there should be no problem.

But seeing his companions in trouble, Zi Luo did not choose to escape, but desperately tried to protect them.But in the process, there are still enemies hurting people with arrows, and they practice shooting with bows and arrows at him.Even though Zi Luo did not flinch, he still stood in front of the two girls.

Hearing what Mizuki said to the scene, sitting at the foot of the fascinating mountain, he couldn't help but said: "This man is really brave, for his companion."

A person with such a fearless spirit of self-sacrifice is always respectable.It is a pity that such a person is already dying!

Because the ninjas of the two teams of Shayin Village did not intend to let go of their friends in the same village, but rather resolutely threw kunai towards them.Don't look at the lethality of Kuwu is not very strong, but if you shoot a person into a hedgehog, the lethality is still not to be underestimated.

Mizuki considered whether she wanted to make a move, the thoughts and hesitations in her heart slowed her a step.But I saw three people again, breaking into the battle scene of infighting one after another.

The chakras of these people are very familiar, but they are all Konoha's companions: "I didn't expect it to be Tiantian, Li, and Ningci? Why would they break in?"

In fact, Shuishu should have wanted it. They should have appeared. After all, Ziluo and Li had fought. If they really died like this, how did the battle in the plot come about?

"Who are you talking about?" Yamashita didn't know Tiantian and asked them: "Sounds like your friend?"

Mizuki nodded of course: "Yes, they and I are both ninjas from Konoha Village, and Neji is of the same race as me, is it my'cousin'?"

Ningci’s father is Nikkei, Nikkei’s younger brother, Nikkei is Mizuki’s father, and this relationship is really a cousin relationship.

Hearing this answer, Yamashita was a little puzzled: "Why are they breaking in?"

"Save people." Mizuki saw clearly: "They rescued a group of people who were besieged. Well~ this is not bad!"

Because in the eyes of Mizuki, these guys who were frightened by Ning Ci will not give up like this, and they can be used for surgery.

With a wave of the water tree and the mountain retreat, you need to start preparing first: "The few people just now are our flesh. I don't think they will let go, they will definitely find the trouble again. Then they and my friends , When the fight starts, we can take advantage of the situation and seize their scrolls!"

Text Volume 561. Pursuing

Mizuki, Shanxia and others immediately pursued them, attempting to use the means of outflanking and attacking to kill these people directly to prevent them from escaping when they see the situation. They will need to waste time to chase.

However, in the process of pursuing, he encountered things that were not calculated.It was a bit of a good show to find that Ning Ci and others were also pursuing them!

Keep your distance carefully and watch the development of the situation.

Ningci's team and the Shayin Village had no idea what kind of agreement they had reached to pursue the two teams together.Li was the first to rush to the scene, and he blocked the way of these enemies.

"One person hits six people?" Because the weather was clear and the sight line was good, the mountain could see clearly, and couldn't help but said, "This is your Konoha's companion? How could there be such a reckless person who hits six people alone. Isn't this looking for death?"

How can I say that the few people in Shayin Village are all ninjas. Unless they are individuals with absolute strength, wouldn't this be the same as dying?

The Mizuki here does not know the situation, but according to her understanding of Li's character.I think it should be for some reason, but seeing them and the other Shayin Village team just now seems to understand a little bit.

However, because of the long passage of time, the plot of this period is not very clear. It is just a general idea that Li and Zi Luo should have fought.As for the roles of soy sauce, there is not much energy to think about.

Mizuki said, "Li, his personality is like this, which is more direct. Sometimes he is very impulsive and doesn't think about the consequences. Does this remind me of someone?"

"Someone?" Yamashita asked unknownly, "Who?"

"A friend of mine, you don't know, why do you ask so much?"

Like this guy, Mizuki continued to watch, Li's Daojin quickly fell into crisis and was trapped by the enemy with ninjutsu.I don't know what ninjutsu it is, it looks like it is a wind attribute, rolling up the gravel and spinning it quickly.

The water trees here use their eyes to see clearly.The rotating gravel generates a magnetic field, which interferes with the trapped Li, causing him to fall into illusion.

Yamashita saw the opponent's ninjutsu, and began to evaluate the strength of his own and the opponent's strength: "These people are considered to have a bit of strength. If they are going to fight head-on, I'm not sure about 60%?

He didn't mean that he had no confidence. If he didn't have the ability to defend himself, he wouldn't dare to come in.It's just that he doesn't want to underestimate the enemy and fail, so he still fully evaluates the current environment, which is a bit uncertain.

Mizuki also thought, if he was to be himself and trapped in the opponent's surgery, what should he do to get out of the trap?If you think about it, she doesn't seem to be able to grasp anything except for her amazing strength.

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