I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 316

One is that Zi Luo hasn't turned on better vigilance, and another problem is that his body seems to have been injured just now, after experiencing such a high-intensity physical warfare, the wound has been torn again.

The water tree here has already concluded: "Almost, Zi Luo is going to lose!"

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, he saw Li Yong's blow: Konoha Tornado.Kick Zi Luo out, don't watch him stand up strongly, but he is already at the end of the battle.

The whole battle was wonderful, but not many saw this pure physical skill battle.

Mizuki said to the mountain next to him: "Let's go, the battle is over, we need to prepare, if there is no accident, the person is already injured. It is estimated that we will camp early in the evening. We will find a chance to launch a sneak attack. Get their scrolls."

"Well, yes! The luck is really good." Not only did he find out the opponent's strength, but also saw that the opponent's main force was injured, which greatly increased the confidence of the mountain: "It's already afternoon, and the sun is about to set. , Let’s find something to eat first, follow them, and find an opportunity to start!"

The food is simple, it is the army ration pills that the ninja will carry with them. This kind of food is not very tasty, anyway, Mizuki is a bit tired of eating.But fortunately, it is rich in nutrients and easy to form a feeling of fullness. Now in the deep desert environment, you can't be too particular about the taste.

By the way, when it comes to eating, around the evening.

Mizuki was eating while discussing the battle plan with Yamashita for a while, and suddenly encountered a small incident.I don't know where a desert scorpion came and fell to the water tree without death.

At the beginning, he was shocked by the water tree, thinking it was a sneak attack, but after a closer look, he discovered that it was a small scorpion.However, it was Axia, Hanako, and the two girls who were frightened and shouted: "This is a desert poisonous scorpion. It is extremely poisonous! Miss, play it off!"

Mizuki didn't know how powerful it was, but seeing the little scorpion that fell on her, she couldn't help but think of a classic saying from a person at the top of the food chain: "Crunchy crisp, chicken flavor, and six times more nutritious than beef!" "

Aside from anything else, grab this scorpion with one hand, alas, still struggling?The scorpion's most terrifying poisonous needle kept pricking.However, the body that can't even be penetrated by a blade, let alone its tail can pierce.

Seeing that the water tree is disobedient, he is still playing with the poisonous scorpion?The faces of several other people were shocked.Advice: "Stop playing, throw it away!"

It’s a pity that the advice here is useless, and a bolder scene happened. Mizuki looked at the captured scorpion, licked his lips inexplicably, and said: "I was in the back mountain of Konoha. I caught a poisonous snake and ate it. I don’t know the devil. Is the scorpion of the desert more delicious?"

After all, he sent the poor poisonous scorpion into his mouth, chewing loudly.The expression on his face changed several times. I didn't know if it was delicious or unpalatable. In the end, it just spit out six words: "Crack and crisp, chicken flavor!"

Text Volume 565. The calculation fails, but the calculation

It looks disgusting to eat insects, but in fact, this is not a water tree. It's the first time to eat such a thing.At least in the three-dimensional time, Mizuki had eaten deep-fried silkworm chrysalis. It was really crunchy and it tasted like peanuts.

But just a small scorpion, anyway, the poisonous sting can't hurt her, and the stomach is tight. It depends on its poisonous sting or his stomach acid.

Of course, all the people who watched her eating their little lives felt a chill.I am afraid that if I provoke this guy like this little scorpion, will he be swallowed alive?

Well, this idea is a bit redundant, after all, the water tree is not an ogre and will not do cannibalism.Unless it is a life-and-death battle with the enemy, the possibility of a killer is unlikely.

After such a thing, everything that should be eaten is finished.Resting for a while to make the spirit and physical strength as full as possible, Mizuki asked Hanako and Asya, "How is the situation?"

Because I just ate just now, I was responsible for investigating the situation, as well as the task of vigilance. I left it to the two of them. Now I asked about the situation.

Get the answer: "There is no abnormality, they have already set up the camp, that is the place."

Axia probably pointed out a place, but at first glance, it looked like there was nothing but yellow sand.But after you roll your eyes, you can find that they are hiding under the yellow sand!

The ninja in Shayin Village knows how to use the desert environment to dig a sandpit on a winded slope in advance, and then cover it with a blanket.In this way, you will not be afraid of sandy weather, and secondly, you can achieve the effect of camouflage.

I have to admire such a method. If it weren't for the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, a newcomer who didn't understand the environment here might really be fooled.

Yamashita has also finished eating, patted the dust on his body, stood up and said, "If this is the case, we will launch a sneak attack at night, shouldn't it be a problem?"

Mizuki glanced at him, nodded with certainty, and said: "No problem, we will do a good job of supporting you. But I hope you can give you some strength. You can also see the strength of that person. Don't lose the chain when the time comes. All right."

Ninjas who dare to take the Zhongnin exam will always have their own cards. If they don't have a bit of housekeeping skills, who would dare to run ashamed?I said earlier that I wanted them to fight first, and I must be thinking about assessing their strength.

There is nothing to conceal about this. After all, it belongs to Yangmou, and Shanxia and the others do not know it.

The last ray of sunlight during the first day sinks into the horizon, and night is finally about to fall.Yamashita and his two companions nodded to each other in a gesture, and at the same time Jieyin shouted in a low voice: "The Art of Elimination!!"

The country of Frost is geographically close to the north, and it happens that the country has the remnants of the mountains in the country of mountains. In countries with high latitudes and high altitudes, there is always snow that cannot be removed.

Because of this unique geographical environment, many of the local biological furs are close to the white color, which is convenient for hiding in the snow.

Borrowing such a revelation, the ninja of Frostland developed a disguise technique that can blend his figure into the local environment and achieve a stealth effect that can distort the line of sight.

This kind of weird invisibility ability, even before concealing the white-eyed investigation, is enough to be seen as a very mysterious ninjutsu.

Seeing such a powerful ninjutsu, Mizuki thought to himself: "How good would it be to have this ability when I was in the third dimension?"

Of course, if it is a flaw, it is not without it. One is this kind of ninjutsu, which needs to be integrated into the environment. If the local environment is too complicated, the difficulty of ninjutsu will increase, not only the effect It is not easy to expose flaws.

Another way to crack it is to be afraid of ninjutsu. For example, the water escape ninja and the ninjutsu that can change the environment can actually be cracked easily.

However, this kind of invisibility is a bit daunting for Mizuki, because she doesn't know much about ninjutsu, and her main investigative method is to roll her eyes.If she can't see the enemy with her eyes, she will fall into passiveness.

By the way, speaking of anti-hidden investigative methods, Shuishu actually has a professional skill: light hunting!The principle is similar to a radar search. If the spectrum illuminates the target, a reflection phenomenon will occur, which will make the stealth unit appear.

However, there is a fatal flaw in the detection and anti-concealment skills, that is, the scope of the investigation is too close.It can only form a halo around the body within a few meters of the body, and only when the invisible unit enters this range can it be spotted.

So practicality is anxious, of course at least it is a means.It’s good to know the psychological aspect of Mizuki, and take it out when necessary. It can be regarded as a trump card for the stealth ability of Shanxia and others?

Because Shanxia and others used secret techniques, Mizuki did not see their sneaking, but through Chakra's perception and white-eyed observation, it was not difficult to find the other party's camp, and soon there was a commotion.

Mizuki observed very clearly that the source of the commotion was that they discovered that the package that they had originally stored the scroll in had disappeared!Really drunk: "I'll go, are they born of a thief?"

Unexpectedly, the discussion came, the plan that was discussed, was played like this by them?

Although it is not ashamed to use the stealing method, it has to be said to be very effective, and the ninja should be like this, as long as it can complete the task and achieve the goal, there is no means that cannot be used.It's just like poisoning before, anyway, the dead fellow is not dead and poor, and won't care about the method used.

But then again, where did these guys use this method?Seeing a few people down the mountain, half an hour has passed, but they haven't come back yet.

Mizuki immediately reacted: "Damn it, dare to lie to me?"

Yes, Mizuki understands. Yamashita knows that she wants to observe her own strength, so she deliberately avoided it. The elimination technique used at the beginning was not only to steal the scrolls, but actually wanted to avoid Mizuki. Sight.

Unexpectedly, his calculations would not be possible, and instead they would be calculated by others. The anger in the heart of Mizuki who wanted to understand!Gritting your silver teeth: "You dare to lie to me? Don't let me catch you, or you must break your legs!"

Fortunately, all of Shuishu's own things were carried on him, and there was nothing less than the same thing. It was just such a lesson that made Shuishu's heart very upset. He made up his mind to find them and beat them to the fat!

Text Volume 566. Reaction

Mizuki was very angry, and wanted to interrupt the dog legs down the mountain.

But at this moment, Yamashita is speeding up the run with his dog legs.Because he must be very aware that doing so by himself will inevitably anger the other party, but now that he has grabbed a scroll, there is no need to be entangled.

Speaking of the mountains here, it was really helpless to make the next move. He knew that Mizuki would be intentional and wanted to observe his strength and make an analysis.

The two parties are not very clear friends, nor do they belong to the same village, and they may become potential competitors. Naturally, as long as the mountain is not really stupid, they will definitely not be willing to expose their strength.

However, from the current performance of the water tree, the same thing can be seen by the mountain, in fact, at this time, the water tree is completely intentional to cooperate with him.This makes him very embarrassed and can't reveal his strength, but the other party really wants to cooperate. If he turns his face for competition later, it will hurt his feelings even more?

So psychologically hesitated again and again, so I had to choose to use this method to show my secret technique, then steal the things I wanted, and quickly go ahead.

Even if you know this, it will definitely make the other person angry, but it's better than having everyone turn their faces for the exam.

The water tree left behind by the mountain, this time she was very frustrated!But before he had time to settle the account, Mizuki immediately encountered another trouble, that is, the loss of the scroll had caused the people in Shayin Village to notice the enemy around him.

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