I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 317

The sight of a big-eyed girl had discovered the hiding place of the water tree, and believed that it was the work of the water tree and others, and chased it out regardless of the situation.

Seeing such a situation, Mizuki realized that a black pot was on his back, and cursed psychologically: "Damn it!"

It's really called stealing chicken and not losing rice. Not only was it counter-calculated by others, but it also succeeded in being a man in the back.

Of course, the psychological anger is anger, but Mizuki didn't lose his reason, so he made a decision immediately and tried to get rid of the chaser first.

She wouldn't really come to be the back pot, if she fights with these people, it will be difficult to say clearly.And now the night has fallen, and when the surroundings are quiet, the empty environment will spread the sound of fighting to very far places, which is even more exposing yourself.

I had no choice but to retreat, and finally borrowed a flash and threw out a few smoke bombs before temporarily throwing away the people behind.

Hiding in a secret place, Mizuki exhaled two rough breaths, and cursed in a very uncomfortable mood: "This bastard under the mountain, runs really fast, and if I meet him, I have to teach him a lesson! "

Said viciously.

Hanako spit out, "Miss, you also sometimes miscalculate!"

Because the water tree has the soul of an adult, it must be mature in mind from a young age. It has always been very smart. I didn't expect that it would be counter-calculated today. I have to say that it is a bit fortune.

Mizuki really didn't expect this to happen. The plan he thought was all right, and he should have no flaws.Could it be that the mountain is aware of it?

The psychological aspect was just when I was depressed. I was guarding the surrounding area. After investigating the situation, Axia retracted her eyes and said by the way: "Miss Mizuki, I shouldn't be here. When the mountain was leaving, I saw After seeing his expression, I felt a bit entangled. I guess he had thought about it at that time. But in the end he chose to leave. I think it was because of my own reasons?"

Axia's words shocked Mizuki's spirit, and immediately began to recall what he and Shanxia had said today.

Try to analyze the reasons for this. The most likely thing is to find the other side's alertness?The two teams originally came from different countries and belonged to different ninja villages.

Although there is no conflict of interest, this does not mean that you can rest assured.Even if Mizuki can be sure that he didn't show any maliciousness, as a qualified ninja, surely he should put his task first, right?

Mizuki reacted a little, maybe disappearing under the mountain and leaving, in all likelihood, he didn't want to conflict with himself.

But even if you can figure this out, the Mizuki here is still very angry, wasting a day in vain, is it going to be nothing?It's a bit unwilling!

After alerting the surrounding environment and making sure that no enemy was found, Axia continued: "We should get rid of the people in Shayin Village. But there is no guarantee, when will they come after?"

The big-eyed girl seems to have farther observation power than the white eyes, so if you want to find them, it may not be too difficult.

The water tree here took his thoughts back to the present, and after thinking about it, he said to the two of them: "Everyone takes turns to rest and be on guard."

Carefully sit down a few hidden traps around the camp, and if they are undoubtedly set off by the enemy, they will make a sound to warn them.

Fortunately, luck was good. Of course, it was also possible that at night, the line of sight was really not so good, so after the distance, there was no sign of being spotted by the enemy.But this can't be careless, lest you get caught off guard and trouble.

When the next day comes, organize your own things and plan your next plan by the way.

As the plan that was first proposed, it must be to find Yamashita and others to settle the accounts, and no matter how good they were, they would have to beat him up, otherwise it would be difficult to calm down.The next thing is to start thinking about getting together two scrolls.

If you can find the foot of the mountain, the luck is pretty good, because they definitely have the book of the earth in their hands, and you can take them if you catch them.

But there is a problem here. Hanako and Axia said, "What should I do if the ninjas of Shayin Village chase after them? If their scrolls are taken away, they must be deemed to have been robbed by us, and they will definitely find us by all means."

Because I saw their battle yesterday, the strength of this sand hidden village team can definitely be confirmed.The fight is not very meaningful, even if you can beat the opponent, it will definitely delay a lot of time.

In this way, if you want to track down the mountain, I am afraid that time is not enough.So according to the assumption, Mizuki decided to say: "Try not to conflict with the other party, even if you agree, it will delay our time. There is no point in not being able to grab the scroll!"

Fortunately, yesterday, I have been observing the environment here, and I have an impression of the terrain.Pay attention to draw a sketch on the sand, mark out your schematic route, and erase it directly after confirming it to ensure that no trace is left.

Text volume 567. Follow

Mizuki chose an "S"-shaped route. Although it is a bit detour, the route can be changed at any time, and some fake traces will be made at any time. This should ensure that it will not be chased by people behind in a short time. let's go?

Time passed a little bit, judge where you were. Looking at the central stronghold in the distance, at the top of the spire that emerged, Mizuki said to the two companions: "The first day has passed. Maybe some contestants have already After getting two scrolls of Heaven and Earth, I think I can intercept them halfway, maybe I can grab one."

The success of robbing others halfway is no different from a robber.However, in the Zhongnin test competition, each side is a competitor. Either you are eliminated or I am going out, so there is no emotion at all.

Hanako and Axia have no objection. They are both servants of the Hyuga family. Mizuki will do what they say.And this is justified, and naturally there will be no problems.

The three of them simply made a few fake traces, and then began to move towards the central stronghold.

In the morning, there was nothing to notice, and as far as I could see, I didn't see a half figure.I have to say that it is a bit discouraging, but fortunately it is not a pity, at least the closer you are to the final base, the sooner or later you will be able to meet other teams.

The sun looking at the sky has already climbed on top of his head, and it should be noon to calculate the time.

Find a clean place and prepare to sit down and eat. The junliang pill plus water can replenish some of the physical strength.

But looking at the sky over the desert, the fiery sun is not suitable for action.Otherwise, it will accelerate the consumption of human body water, which is also a burden on physical strength.

Considering whether to take a break first, the two maids were very dedicated and used mats for the water tree to provide her with a simple rest.

But when he first lay down, Mizuki immediately noticed something abnormal: "There seems to be a vibration coming from the ground?"

The place where the water tree rests temporarily has a relatively hard rock foundation. It is precisely because of the hardness that a slight vibration can be clearly felt.

This is obviously a problem. The water tree hurriedly lay on the ground and heard what caused it: "It seems that someone is digging a hole?"

In the three-dimensional world, because of the relationship of building the subway, Mizuki has had such a similar experience, so he can feel it.

This can be confirmed, and the water tree here also knows that sound transmission is different from vision and is less affected by the environment.

For example, when it is dark, the light will become dim and the visible distance will decrease.During the daytime, the desert is irradiated by the sun, and the heat waves spewing out will also distort the line of sight, which affects the observation to a certain extent.

However, the propagation of sound is vibration. Water, air, and the ground can all be used as conductors, and the resulting sound waves can transmit in a very wide range.It is said that the elephant’s footsteps on the ground can transmit information to more than ten kilometers away.

If the energy released is a bit larger, such as the 2008 earthquake, it will almost shock the entire China!

Perceiving the vibration of the ground, Mizuki immediately realized something, and then glanced at Hanako beside her.Hanako has followed her for many years, so naturally she would understand immediately and immediately came to the highest point, looking into the distance as much as possible.

Soon a message came back: "At ten o'clock, very far away, there seem to be several figures!"

Knowing that there was a news about this, Mizuki hurried up to check it out. According to the direction pointed out, it seemed that there was indeed a human figure moving.

But it’s not very clear to see, because at this time the desert has been irradiated by the sun and the heat waves are rising from the ground, so the viewing angle is not very good, and it is very blurry.

Nevertheless, the voices of these people gave Shuishu a familiar feeling. They should be people they know?It might be Konoha's companion, but I think it's a bit strange.

"Should we chase it over and take a look?" Huazi and Axia suggested: "The sun is so vicious, they are not resting but are tracking something. It must be someone who has taken the book of heaven and earth. If we can If you catch up, maybe you can grab us."

This suggestion sounds good, and Mizuki agrees very much: "It's not wrong, let's follow it and see!"

Without delay, the three of them immediately started to act. Although the distance is a bit far away, the relationship is not very big.

Because judging from the other party's trajectory, from their direction, there is a certain oblique angle.If the calculation is correct, it should be interspersed, and it may be copied in front of the other party.

But before he could get close, Mizuki first discovered another situation. It turned out that the source of the vibration was underground.

Soon I could see that a summoned beast appeared, as if it had turned from the ground, and then disappeared with a bang.

This situation did not escape the eyes of the water tree, but because the relative distance was still too far, I didn't see what happened just now, just vaguely saw a few figures.

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