I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 352

Fortunately, Yamato finally got angry and used his own ninjutsu to transform into a cage: "If you do this, you will be locked in. The time to go to Tiandiqiao is tight, don't you want to delay it?"

With his intimidation, plus whether to stay in a cage for one day or stay in a hot spring hotel for one night, they finally calmed down.

The journey started again, but here is one thing.

Mizuki walked into Sajing and communicated with him in a low voice: "I have taught with Gen. It is said that Gen's ninja: there is no past, no future, only missions. Haha, I don't agree!

Sai didn't know what she wanted to say, but responded indifferently: "Aren't all ninjas like this? In order to complete the mission."

"No." Mizuki looked at Sai and shook his head slightly: "So you were beaten just now because you owed it to you. If you want to integrate into Kakashiba, you must truly understand your companions. "

"Here is a sentence, Mr. Kakashi said: We all call those who break the rules and iron laws of the ninja world waste. But people who don't know how to respect and cherish their companions, they are not as good as waste!"

There seems to be a few words difference, but it doesn't matter anymore, it means exactly the same anyway.

Sai, who heard this sentence, don't know how he feels?

Seeing his thoughtful look, Mizuki continued and said: "Sasuke made their companions, now you know why, do they value Sasuke so much? Your roots only have tasks in their eyes, but they cherish them. It’s a companion. Now you understand why you were beaten?"

Once Kakashi's father, Konoha Baito, caused an important mission to fail in order to save people, and he guilty of committing suicide.Kakashi came to understand because of the appearance of the soil and telling the people who valued her importance.

Later, Kakashi’s autobiography also talked about this problem. Teams that failed several tests, although they did not receive Kakashi’s instruction, but because they cherished their companions, let these previously failed teams respect their own companion.

Because of such a spirit, Class 7 is different, right?

Text volume 619. Stay in store

There was a little time delay on the way, but fortunately, there were no other problems. It only took the afternoon to reach a village and town smoothly.

The private room of the hot spring hotel is booked, and then Mizuki's favorite thing: "Soak in the hot spring!"

Regarding the plot of the hot spring, the water tree is not very deep, because she has always felt that it is no different from a bath.But since becoming a girl, the meaning here has become different.

What's the meaning here~ hey~ everyone understand?Although there is no way to eat anyone, it is enough to feast your eyes!

Sai, Naruto, and Yamato, the three must have entered the men's bath.I don't care about them here, just let them pick up the soap by themselves.

As a benefit of being a girl, Mizuki walked into the women's bath with Sakura, changed her clothes from the changing room, and immediately came to the hot spring bath with excitement.

Sure enough, I saw one after another, young and expectant women's delicate bodies, and the saliva remained unconsciously.

Because Mizuki's performance was unconcealed, it was completely clear to Sakura.So I was very dissatisfied and said: "Hey, your eyes, shouldn't it be a bit convergent?"

"What's the matter?" Hearing what Sakura said, Mizuki coughed and put on a serious look, then replied: "You don't understand this, right? I am called'appreciation'. I know what'beauty' is. Art, do you know?"

A squinting expression, is this "appreciating"?Sakura really took Mizuki!

But having said that, the face is actually thicker than the city wall, is this a skill?Mizuki not only didn't care about it at all, on the contrary, he could also be confident!

Sakura is really convinced: "Okay, I see, you are'appreciation', right? But please don't use it, a kind of squinting eyes? Because it will give people a kind of'strange uncle' feel."

Compare yourself to: Uncle blame?Hey~!

Mizuki's eyes rolled around, and there was a clever move in his mind, and then immediately said pretendingly: "Sakura, I want to tell you a secret, you must not tell it!"

"Secret?" Sakura couldn't help but asked without knowing what she was selling, "Can you have any'secret'?"

To tell what happened to him, Mizuki said with a serious look: "Yes, a secret: I'm a boy! Well, I'm like a girl!"

In the three-dimensional world, Mizuki is a boy. There is no doubt about this. As for the reason why he became a girl in this world, it is not yet clear.

But because it's something that has been hidden for a long time, I am afraid that I will get sick if I hold it in my heart for too long, so I find such an opportunity to say it, but it is my own heart?

There are not many problems, Sakura definitely doesn't believe it. After all, she grew up together, although Mizuki's character seems to be a little wild.But everyone knows that she is definitely a girl.

Mizuki doesn't care whether others believe it or not. Anyway, she just tells her own affairs to let her relax.Since no one would believe it, she couldn't explain it.

Wasn't it a waste of time to come to the hot spring bath happily and uncomfortably soaking in the hot spring?

Of course, no matter what look you are in, admiring beautiful women with a look of "appreciation" is still what Mizuki is most willing to do.You must know that bath towels must be taken off when bathing in hot springs. The fragrant scenery is so beautiful!

But while Mizuki was enjoying it, she seemed to forget that she was the same.When you soak in the hot spring, you will also not be wrapped in a bath towel, and the complete exposure can be seen clearly.

The water tree is now sixteen years old, and his body development has gradually matured, especially his breasts have become larger, and he usually wears clothes to cover it, which is not very obvious.

However, there was no cover at this time, and she was directly exposed in front of Sakura. She was envious when she saw it.

Mizuki's gaze scanned the audience. While admiring the beauty of the beauties, she inadvertently noticed Sakura, as if she was staring at her chest with envious eyes?

By the way, speaking of Sakura's development, it seems that it has not been good!

Squeezing her own breasts, Mizuki said to Sakura, "You said me just now? How good is it?"

Saying such a sentence made Sakura very embarrassed, staring at someone's chest, her face was not as thick as a water tree.

Seeing Sakura hiding in the water with a shy and cute appearance made Mizuki a lot of interest.I wanted to rush to play, but I didn’t expect Naruto’s voice to come from the boys’ bath at this time: “Don’t look around, you’ve been annoying little JJ!”

I'll go, and the other side is doing woolen yarn!Isn't it a plot of "picking soap"?

All the people in the female bath heard Naruto's voice, and everyone who made them laughed involuntarily. As for why they laughed~haha~hahaha~!Sorry, Mizuki couldn't help but smile.

"You can still laugh?" Sakura was so embarrassed that she could laugh at the sight of Mizuki. I really didn't understand.

But the Mizuki here didn't care, and explained: "I guessed it, and it must be Sai who laughed at Naruto. Boys don't seem to be very taboo about this type of topic."

Mizuki knows that in the three-dimensional world, if a boy laughs at someone for not planting, he will say, "There is no JJ."

But the words came back again, Naruto's voice came here, feeling so embarrassing.Kozakura said with some embarrassment, "But this voice is too loud, right?"

Everyone is laughing now, how can you talk about this guy?

Forget it, treat it as if you don’t know, just soak in the hot springs.

Because the hot springs shouldn’t be too long, more than ten minutes is enough. The warm water soothes the nerves, and the veins of the whole body are normal, and it washes away the fatigue of these days.

At the dinner time, Captain Yamato had already prepared in advance, a very rich meal!

"Ha, it looks great!"

After soaking in the hot springs and eating a big meal, can there be something better than this?

The people regard food as their heaven, especially food.I soaked in the hot springs today and saw enough beautiful women. Now I have another big meal. I haven't enjoyed it in a long time.

It's not just water trees that are happy, because everyone is also happy because of the temptation of food.Sure enough, the delicious food has an irresistible charm.

So, the carp in the Americas is plagued, and the crabs in Australia are rampant. Isn't it necessary to rely on food to save?

Originally Yamato wanted to say something about the mission.But for everyone to get along with each other, I won't talk about such tedious topics.

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