I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 353

Text Volume 620. The question of destination in mind

Delicious food always makes people happy.

This is of course very satisfying for a foodie, especially the delicious water tree.

For delicious food, let Mr. Kakashi stay in the hospital for a few more days. It is best not to be discharged!

Compared with the delicious temptation, the more pleasant thing is that Yamato is willing to pay for it.The Ninja's salary in Anbe is very high.

Mizuki's natural question: "Next time, will there be more?"

"You forgive me? My wallet can't stand it." Yamato explained, "Today is for everyone to get along with each other. If you want to have the next time, you have to complete the task and celebrate."

Well, with this being said, the next step is to recharge and recharge, and then go to Caoyin Village to turn Dashewan.

Let’s take a break tonight, and we need to hurry up tomorrow.

There was nothing else, since they had eaten and drank enough, Mizuki and Sakura went back to the room to rest first.

Mizuki is ready to go back to the room and go to bed directly, adjusting his state to the best.Her movements are very simple, making the bed just to rest.

But Sakura, who was with her, looked at it with an incredible look and asked, "After you finish eating, don't you plan to walk or exercise?"

Lie down to sleep after eating?This makes people feel like they will gain weight, right?

"No, no, after eating, the blood is in the stomach, and the food needs to be digested. Hyperactivity will cause the blood to scatter, which is not conducive to digestion!" Mizuki gave such an explanation and said to Sakura at the same time: "Yes. Do me a favor? Help tie my hair, I don't want to get up the next day and become a bombshell."

Because of the long hair, it is not particularly easy to take care of. When I am at home, I usually ask Hinata or Hanako to help take care of my hair.

Although she has more than ten years of experience as a girl, Mizuki is as casual as a boy in life.There is no way to change the bad habits for many years.

Of course, Sakura did not refuse. She used to have long hair as well. She knew that long hair was good-looking, but she had the difficulty of taking care of her: "I see, I'm here."

It is always easier to have someone help.

Facing the dressing table, Mizuki looked at herself in the mirror. It has been more than ten years without knowing it. From when she was a child to now, the changes have been more than a little bit big.

But on the whole, due to genetic influence, she looks very similar to Hinata.Of course, because of different life habits, it is somewhat different.

She can clearly feel that she is a little thinner than Hinata, without her cuteness and roundness, she has a more experienced look.

Concerned that Mizuki was looking at herself in the mirror, as if she was a little fascinated, Sakura, who helped comb and tidy her hair, couldn't help but began to tease: "What? I like myself?"

Hearing Sakura's teasing about herself, Mizuki replied unhappily: "What are you talking about? I look at myself every day, not a day or two. What makes me look at myself? I am not narcissistic."

Mizuki is not a narcissist, just thinking that he will grow up, what will happen to his future destination?

The idea here is very contradictory. If it is a normal girl, it is of course the best result to find a husband who loves her when she grows up.

However, it is a pity that Mizuki here is not a normal girl, and sometimes she does not even consider herself a girl.Both the inadvertent character and behavior are all male vulgar, including being tougher than boys when fighting.

By the way, this little Nizi dared to make fun of herself, absolutely unforgivable, Mizuki immediately countered: "Sakura, you say that to me, are you looking at me?"

A girl likes another girl. Shouldn't it be normal to see the world of the second dimension in the three dimensions?Well, after all, there is a good saying: Lily Dafa is good!

If possible, Mizuki believes that the best choice is to find a beautiful woman to marry, or to marry a beautiful woman to find a wife.Is it really good to play "lace edge"?

It's a pity that Sakura and Hinata have their own hearts. What Hinata likes in her heart is Naruto, Sakura~ Of course it is Sasuke!

So he said unceremoniously: "Stop joking, I know that you have a'sister-in-law' plot. You often do things to Hinata and like to see her blushing and shy. But I'm a very serious girl. Think about it!"

The imaginary answer, the girl who has a part in her heart, is generally very dedicated.

This can be clearly seen from Hinata's body. His feelings for Naruto since childhood have never wavered.Otherwise, when Penn attacks Konoha and sees Naruto being overthrown, the only person who comes forward will not be Hinata.

The same is true for Kozakura, even though Sasuke chose to abandon her and leave that day.But in Sakura's heart, there is still only Sasuke.During the day, she punched Sajing for Sasuke!

"Ah~ It's so unfeeling!"

Even though I knew this was the answer, the expression of loss and sentiment was still unavoidable.

However, Sakura would not be fooled, and said very bluntly: "Huh, others don't understand, I don't understand you yet? If I give you a little hope, I don't have to be an inch.

Mizuki likes to bully Hinata since childhood. Sakura, who grew up with him, is of course very clear.Knowing the inner character of Hina Tian and not knowing how to reject his sister, Mizuki would push his nose every time.

If you don't directly and categorically refuse, she will easily seize the opportunity, a typical "a little flood, it will flood. A little sun, it must be brilliant" personality.

I didn't expect my impression to be so bad?Mizuki lowered his head in frustration: "Am I so unbearable?"

Hey, I don't know what to say?Hinata likes Naruto, and Sakura has Sasuke in his heart.In this way, the remaining two of the twelve Xiaoqiangs are only Ino and Tiantian.

There must be no hope for Ino, because there is no "lace edge" potential, which Mizuki can see.In this way, is there only one Tiantian left?

Tiantian is a girl with quite a personality. Although she doesn't seem to be very prominent in terms of combat power, she is single in the end.

Thinking of the water tree here, I couldn't help but feel that there is another opportunity: "The one that grows every day can be regarded as Peugeot, and there will be a chance to be attacked, but I can give it a try!"

Text Volume 621. Go to Tiandi Bridge

With such a thought in mind, I entered my dream after a while.

When I got up the next day, Mizuki got up a bit late, and when I saw Sakura who was sleeping on the side at night, he had already disappeared.

"Oh, because it's so comfortable, I slept a little bit dead."

Nice place, nice environment, and finally relax.Yesterday, after bathing in the hot spring, my spirit was baptized. After another sleep, my spirit was really full!

As soon as I got up, I heard the door knock, and then Naruto's voice came: "Mizuki, are you still there?"

Hearing Naruto's voice, Mizuki immediately responded: "Well, wait a minute!"

Because it’s pajamas now, it’s not very convenient, just ask through the door: "What's the matter?"

"Captain Yamato said, he is about to leave."

Looks fast?But it's not too early, so it's better to get to Tiandiqiao earlier.

Thinking of this, Mizuki replied: "Okay, I see, I will prepare first and come out in a while."

Because Mizuki is a simple person, and fights rely on fists to fight, so there are not many things that need to be packed, the main thing is to change his clothes, and it does not take a few minutes.

After finishing the packing and walking out, he found Naruto staying outside, but his attention was drawn to the outside. Seeing through the window in front of him, what was Sakura talking to Sai?

Mizuki accompanies Naruto to go there, knowing that Sai woke up very early and was just drawing from life.Kozakura felt very curious, so she came to take a look.

"Got to go."

Naruto's attitude towards Sai is still not good. It is estimated that Sai said about his little JJ yesterday, and he was ridiculed by him.Are you unhappy in your heart?

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