I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 361

Sakura didn't say that Naruto hit her because of the team relationship between them.But this kind of thing can't be ignored without Kozakura's words.

Mizuki thought of this question, and it was not easy to answer: "I can't make too many comments on this kind of thing. I played with them since childhood, and Sakura didn't want to worry Naruto. I can understand this. s reason."

"I know, you don't want Naruto to hurt his companion. Because this will make him guilty!" Yamato understood Mizuki's thoughts, and why he would answer this way.So he said bluntly: "But you also know that because of Akatsuki's organization, Naruto’s identity as a person in Zhuli, should not have left Konoha. If this happens again, what do you think the higher-level people will do? ?"

Everyone knows this troublesome problem, and if it hadn't been for this problem, Tsunade wouldn't let Yamato come.Because he has the cells of the original Hokage, this is one of the few powers that can control the tail beast.

But what he said was quite right, because if Renzhuli's identity weren't for Tsunade's fight, Naruto might not have been able to leave the village.If today’s events are spread out again, the problem may be even more serious!

Mizuki considered this for a while, then thought about it and said, "This matter will be kept silent for the time being, and I don't think the people of Akatsuki can immediately grasp the trend here. Compared with the current situation, I think it is necessary to protect it. Naruto, this is my task!"

Yamato glanced at her. He wanted to say something, but when a communication came, he had to answer it for a while.His Mu Dun clone is tracking Oshe Maru. I guess that's the case, right?

Sure enough, after answering, Yamato's face appeared embarrassed: "Tracking was found."

Dashemaru is not a good person to deal with. He must be able to perceive someone being tracked. He hoisted a corpse on the way, pretending to confuse the following tracking.

However, Yamato saw through it, but he had already made it clear to him that his stalking was discovered.

Hearing the new question, Mizuki thought for a few seconds, and then immediately said: "This time Naruto’s matter, I will tell him again. But now it’s not about this matter. People left corpses to confuse us. I think based on his personality, it should be that his strength has declined."

According to the known character of Oshemaru, it is not to kill them, but to put on a posture of ecstasy, obviously there is a problem.

Just now Naruto’s tail beastization, the burst of strength is obvious to all, so the most likely reason is that Dashemaru knows who he is now, and is not sure if he has the ability to kill them!

It should be a good opportunity now. The enemy is in a relatively weak state. It is a good time to "kill you while you are sick."It seems that the thing about Naruto can indeed be released first.

Yamato nodded and said: "Well, this matter is left to you, but if you don't want to, I can do it for you. There is also this thing about Naruto, I will truthfully report it to Hokage-sama. "

Mizuki naturally understands: "I know, but before that, we have to go back to Sai, and it's best to kill the Osha Maru together!"

Text Volume 632. Find a stronghold

Looking back at Naruto who was taking care of Sakura, Mizuki felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She thought about Gaara.He is also a human pillar, once spurned by the villagers.

He cherishes all the friends gathered around him.If you let him know himself and hurt his friends, what would he think?

Alas, the lament in my heart is so.But now is not the time to talk about this question again, Mizuki and Yamato walked back again, and relayed: "Naruto, Sakura, we are leaving."

When I returned to the resting place, I saw them as if they were looking at what Sai had lost.

"What is this?" Yamato asked, and after seeing this album, he said: "The Sai album that I just picked up?"

I don't know what to look at, but if you look at the content inside, it shows the process of two young men fighting the enemy.To be precise, a book is separated. For a young man with black hair and white hair, every page turned over is to meet a different enemy.

When Mizuki first saw this picture album, he instinctively felt a little familiar?But it was at the hot spring hotel, and it was time to leave.I didn't think much about the plot in this aspect, and the impression was blurred long ago.

Now there is a real object in front of me, immediately awakening the memory here, thinking of one thing: "Sai said that? He has an older brother."

Hearing Mizuki's words, Sakura and Naruto looked at each other, and then flipped through the two sides of the book. It was indeed a teenager with black hair and white hair.

The enemies you see at the same time are different on each page, but are the same two teenagers, all inheriting the weapons and equipment of the previous enemy?

This abnormal phenomenon is not a random painting, it should be a record!

But flipping through the middle, only a blank-faced black-haired teenager was left, and the other white-haired teenager did not appear.What does this mean?

When thinking of this, Naruto pointed out a question: "This black-haired boy, don't you think it looks like Sai?"

"Yes, it seems a bit like it!" Kozakura took a closer look and came up with the same answer: "Is this the self drawn? Then who is the other white-haired boy?"

Looking at the person on the picture album, Sakura suddenly remembered something.I remember that when I was leaving the hot spring hotel to help Sai pack things up, I also got this picture album.

I asked at the time that it was Saai's own things, but later it was said that it was his brother's things. If you want to come this way, would it be about his brother?

The above content, the black hair is similar to Sai, so the white-haired boy is the brother in his mouth?

There is a very vague feeling, how should it be expressed?On the middle page, only Sai was left, and the white-haired boy was not drawn.And remember that Sai said that his brother is dead.

Does it mean that his elder brother may be Sai~?

The answer is hard to guess. Mizuki didn't speak, but he had already thought about the content of this picture album.Although forget when it is, add the content.But the final outcome is actually pretty good.

Of course, this is because of the impression of the Fourth Ninja World War. The first battle was the appearance of Sai and his brother.

It was in the middle of this book that his brother let go of his wish and his soul was liberated and ascended to heaven.

However, the story of Sai and his brother took place in the fourth Ninja World War afterwards. Now they don't know it, but it is the fact that lies before them.

The only information that can be provided to them is most likely that at the end, Sai meets his brother.Just like the enemy in front, the one remaining after the battle.

"It's a terrible feeling." Naruto shed a cold sweat. If so, it would be really terrible.

Seeing the contents of this picture album, Mizuki could not help but think of Sasuke and Naruto in the Valley of the End, a battle between brothers that broke out.

It sounds a bit similar, the duel between the two brothers.Of course, the battle between Naruto and Sasuke will not be the same as that of Sai and his brother.

The battle between Naruto and Sasuke is a entanglement between the two brothers in ancient times.

Mizuki shook his head helplessly: "It's another grievance between brothers!"

Indra and Asura, Sasuke and Itachi, Naruto and Sasuke, Kishimoto is with his brother, how hard is it?

Thinking of this question, Yamato’s radio came: "The clone has been found, the stronghold of Oshemaru."

Hearing the information coming, the attention of Mizuki and others immediately focused on a new aspect.After all, Oshe Maru is the point. As for Sai's affairs, when we find O She Maru, he can still be caught.

After stepping through the iron shoes, there was nowhere to look, and finally found the stronghold of Dashemaru.If the most excited people here are Naruto and Sakura, of course, because they know themselves, they will be able to see Sasuke immediately, and then take him back!

Mizuki also squeezed his fist and said, "So what are you waiting for?"

Because of a clear location, everyone came to a barren mountain.And pointed out: "The entrance is right in front, hidden under the pile of rocks."

Using white-eyed observation, you can indeed see through the rocks, and there is quite an empty space below.From the observation of the outline and form, it is obvious that someone has modified it.

With Mizuki's affirmation, Naruto was ready: "Is it under the rock?"

After that, he couldn't wait to pass.

At this time Yamato reached out and stopped: "Wait a moment."

Yamato took the Mu Dun clone back into a small seed, and took it to Naruto and asked him to take it.

Mu Dun’s seeds can interact with Yamato’s Chakras to sense them.Unexpectedly, he made his hands and feet very early, even when he was in the hot spring hotel, he put the seeds into Sai's clothes and mixed them into the food.Otherwise, if you want to track Dashewan, this is really hard to say!

Of course, this thing was also given to Sakura and Mizuki, because Mizuki took it without thinking about what it was.And taste the taste intentionally: "It's like melon seeds!"

Several people are ashamed, and they have a taste for water trees, they all know how much.But I didn't expect her to be so blunt?

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