I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 362

Fortunately, the taste is not bad, Sakura and Naruto also took them one after another.Then there is no problem, and their whereabouts can be sensed.

Because of the existence of blind eyes, the following intelligence was investigated very specifically.While pointing out the depth and distance of Oshemaru's nest, it was also confirmed that no one was seen below.

Text volume 633. Infiltrate the stronghold

"Very well, the next step is to sneak into the battle. According to the usual practice, use soil to escape from the ground. First, open a vertical hole from here, dig to the same depth, and then enter the enemy's lair horizontally."

The order in which Yamato will enter, say in turn: "Me, Mizuki, Sakura, Naruto. Then if there is no problem, the action will begin!"

After forming a few handprints, one palm was placed on the ground, and a hole appeared. Yamato jumped down. After hearing his signal, Mizuki came second and then Sakura according to the set order. And Naruto jumped down one after another.

Because of Mizuki's white eyes, the underground journey was very smooth, and soon I met the rock wall of the Oshemaru stronghold.Do not use violence to break through, otherwise the action will inevitably be exposed.

Fortunately, people in the dark part know a way: "No matter how hard the rock is, just have a little crack, and then apply a little pressure on it."

The sound is unavoidable, but it is already at its lowest level. Following the opening, several people finally successfully entered.

Mizuki's white eyes warned: "No one was found."

Yamato nodded, and told everyone: "Control Chakra, be careful that you will be spotted by the Dashewan."

This naturally makes people understand that Da She Wan is not a person who is waiting for a while, sneaking into his lair, you must be careful!

According to the original idea, it should be to go directly to Da She Wan, or Sasuke.But because he was worried about whether Sai would reveal important information, Yamato's goal was to lock on him first.

It was originally a trivial matter, but there was no way to find a reason to oppose it, and thought that this might be the development of the plot, so Mizuki didn't say anything.

Through the perception of Chakra, Yamato sensed the position of Sai.Because I already knew it, there didn't seem to be many enemies here, plus the white-eyed warning of the water tree, there should be no problem.

This is an underground space. There are not many large halls. It is mainly connected by a long corridor, and then there are rooms one by one, and Sai is one of the rooms.

Despite such a complicated environment, with Yamato's perception and Mizuki's white eyes, it is certainly not difficult to find Sai.Even if it is a locked room, this is not a problem. Yamato's wooden escape can be opened as a key.

"Sure enough, you are in this place." Everyone filed in, facing Sai in the room.Yamato said, "What the hell is going on? I'm going to listen carefully."

Naruto, with a straightforward character, couldn't help rushing up on the spot and grabbed Sai by the collar: "Why are you betraying us?"

There was dissatisfaction on the faces of several people. When Naruto was fighting with Oshamaru, he didn't help.What are your plans for even acting with Dashe Maru?

Sai was still just a mask of smirk, and instead said: "It's best not to make a lot of noise here, otherwise it would be no good to start Oshomaru and burn yourself."

This guy is about to die, is he still saying something like this?

Seeing that Naruto was about to attack, the Mizuki here stopped him and said to Naruto: "Don't be impulsive."

Stopping Naruto who was about to have an attack, at the same time Mizuki accidentally discovered that there was a document on the bed beside him?Just pick it up and open it.

However, as soon as he took out the contents, his complexion immediately changed, and he handed it over to Captain Yamato.Yamato also showed a look of astonishment after seeing the above.

Because the contents of this document are all members of Hokage's Anbu directly, it is definitely a top secret document.To know that as an Anbu ninja, your identity must be kept extremely secret, even if it is death, it will not leave any traces!

Such highly confidential information, and being a ninja directly under Naruto's Anbe, shouldn't it mean that I don't need much?Yamato said coldly: "Our guess is really right. Danzo wants you to contact Oshamaru. He wants to destroy Konoha again, right?"

I have thought of the possibility that Danzo teamed up with Oshemaru to launch again: Konoha collapsed.

Originally, Mizuki thought: Although Danzo has always been very gloomy, it will not ruin Konoha. It should be considered by Konoha.

But with this file, everything seems to make people understand.

It seems that Danzo still considers himself more than Konoha's safety.It was a typical selfish performance. In the Konoha collapse three years ago, wouldn't he know how many people Konoha sacrificed?

Mizuki's figure moved instantaneously, and he pinched Sai's neck. According to his strength, it was not difficult to break his neck.Here she is asking: "Say, what task is Danzo entrusted to you? What is it for you to contact Dashemaru?"

Lying is useless, staring at him with blank eyes will easily see through the lie.

Sai knew that he could not break free, so he could only say helplessly: "From the moment you found out, my mission was a complete failure."

Finally he admitted that Danzo intends to destroy the current Konoha for his own benefit.Need to join forces with Oshe Maru, he is responsible for creating opportunities for the two sides to join forces.

Shui Shu stared at him coldly, and shouted in a low voice: "Do you know what you are talking about? If you say this, I have reason to let you die a hundred times!"

Because of the understanding of Mizuki, I know she is a person who remembers to hate betrayal.Those who commit this kind of behavior are tantamount to challenging her bottom line.

The same ninjas who are Konoha, even if they don't think about Konoha, they still collude with the enemy, no less abhorrent than treason and betrayal!

Seeing this was not good, Sakura hurriedly stopped Mizuki to calm down for a while.By the way, Sai's picture album was returned to his hand.

This behavior is a bit redundant, but I heard Sai say "thank you".

Regarding his mission later, Sai continued to say: "Not only that, but also secretly handing over the information of Oshemaru to Lord Danzo."

Sai’s ninjutsu can transform words into animals and pass them out. Because of this ability, he was selected to perform this mission.Is it a double agent again after all?

However, such an answer was not satisfactory. Yamato pointed at Sai and said coldly to him: "Go on and explain all the hidden information!"

Text Volume 634. Fetters

"I'm just a chess piece. I live for Lord Danzang and the mission. You already know almost everything you know."

Sai's words are straightforward. Although the smile on his face is still a fake smile, it can be seen that he has not concealed anything.

Chess piece?For some unknown reason, Mizuki remembered a person he had met, who was also a pawn of a politician, and would be abandoned after using it.

The current Sai and that person are almost identical copies.But compared to that person, Sai, who was born in the roots, lacks his own feelings.

While Mizuki was meditating in this way, Sakura looked at Sai and said to him: "In other words, while Danzo is thinking about joining forces with Oshemaru, is he thinking about doing it on him at the same time?"

Sai nodded.

Sakura couldn't believe it and said, "Such a dangerous mission?"

This is actually nothing, it should be conceivable, Danzo wants the right to rule Konoha.He chose to join forces with Oshemaru, but he wanted to eliminate the hostile side that was not good for him.

However, Dashemaru's personality is also a shameless Danzo, how could it not be seen?So I know that there will be a battle between him and Dashemaru sooner or later.

Now we are dispatching Sai to perform the mission, firstly to make plans for joint efforts, and secondly to spy on the intelligence of Oshemaru.Is it a typical "double-sided" spy behavior?

"So that's it." Yamato and Sakura thought: "Danzo wants to take Konoha as his own, right?"

Mizuki was silent for a while, and his fists were involuntarily pinched. If he could, he really wanted to kill him. He would kill Danzo directly, and he would come back to harm the village of Konoha.

By the way, speaking of it, when Penn attacked Konoha, there were no people at the root of Danzo, and only afterwards he jumped out to be a Hokage agent.

Not only didn't contribute to Konoha, but always played tricks.Moreover, the incident of the Uchiha clan's extermination and the murder of Yahiko were all the actions of this guy.

If he hadn't done these things, many things might not have happened.In this way, it can be said that: do not do good things, do all bad things!

But this is the case. It seems that Sai was sent to perform this task, and it was a chess piece that was used.

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