I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 377

Sora was also frightened, and quickly changed his name and said: "Bodhisattva, I am talking about Bodhisattva."

Sweat, Shui Shu couldn't help but wipe his forehead. He was really an inconvenient guy. I hope this will help him rest assured, right?

Yamato has reported information about the mission to Tsunade. Here is Sora to introduce him so that he can continue to complete this mission while Sai is hospitalized.

Because of the information about the mission, Tsunade knew that the relevant progress had been made. This time, the action did not seem to be related to Akatsuki's organization.It looks more like a fighting faction, provoking the contradiction between the country of fire and the country of rain.

In addition, this tomb robbery mission happened to happen between a series of attacks, so it is unavoidable that they will be considered to be connected.It is not impossible for Sora to participate in the task of entering the tomb, and anyway, the temple of fire has already obtained the consent of the host.

After explaining these things, this mission can only stand by for the time being until there is no more information.

Yamato needs to write a report on this mission. Sakura said that she would send Sai to the hospital. Mizuki wanted to go home first. She didn't want to be the babysitter for these two people, so she didn't want to add to her own psychological problems. Naruto and Sora go out together.

But it's also fun to say, just now when I was reporting on the mission, I happened to meet Asma, because there was nothing, when I was about to go home, I actually met him on the road.

It looks like I want to see Yurihong, but something seems to be delayed.Because he had a good impression of Asma, Mizuki greeted him: "Teacher Asma, are you done with your mission?"

When Mizuki went to the Temple of Fire a few days ago, he also saw the people from Asmaban set out to perform the task, but he didn't expect to return at the same time today.

When Asma saw Mizuki nodded, "Mizuki, um, yes, I just came back today."

Seeing him smoking a cigarette without leaving his hand, Mizuki frowned involuntarily and said, "Smoking is harmful to your health. Does Mrs. Yurihong allow you to smoke?"

"Uh, you, how do you know?" Asma's face showed a slight astonishment: "Am I so obvious?"

Isn't this nonsense?Leaving aside the water tree who knows the plot, it is estimated that Asma has already developed a deeper relationship with Xi Rihong.Otherwise, how could there be a posthumous child when he died again?

Besides, his younger sister Hinata, the guidance of Shinnin is Yurihong, it is not very difficult to detect a little information in this area.

Mizuki spread his hands naturally, and said, "Does this still need to be said? I know Teacher Asma, and Teacher Yurihong is not a day or two. I can see it very early that you two are inseparable. Hello, can I gossip, to what extent have you and Teacher Xi Rihong developed?"

This is a very simple idea, but the result is definitely no answer. Asma will not talk to a child about adult topics.

Asma just smiled indifferently, and said, "When you grow up, there will be people who love you, and you will know about it then."

Such a perfunctory answer!?

This made Mizuki a little unhappy, but after thinking about it, he didn't ask any further, and then he was about to leave.

Say hello, ready to go home.At this time, Asma saw that Shuishu was about to leave, and suddenly thought of something, and asked Shuishu: "Are you just coming back from the Temple of Fire? You should have seen Dilu, is he okay now?"

The members of the former "Twelve Guardians of Ninja" are the only remaining companions. Wouldn't they be very emotional?

Text volume 654. Information learned

When talking about Master Dilu, Mizuki remembered that Asma was also one of the members of the Twelve Guardians of Ninja, and thought that this mission was related to the events of the year.

Mizuki then asked casually: "Master Dilu looks very good. He was the host of the Temple of Fire first. By the way, I heard that Teacher Asma and Master Dilu were all famous in the past. A member of the Guardian Ninja Twelve Shi, so can I ask you something?"

The plot of this story occurred about ten years ago, when Mizuki was five or six years old.I remember that it seems that there is an explanation in the plot. Because of the different ideas of the members, the twelve members have differences, which eventually led to a coup struggle.

Although the rebellion that occurred in the past was put down at a heavy cost of death and injury, there is still a hidden danger left, this is the emptiness now!

Wait a minute, what's the matter with this?Mizuki continued to ask: "I heard Master Dilu say that Kong is an orphan, who was kept in the Temple of Fire since he was a child. And he didn't know where he came from."

This question is a bit difficult to answer. Asma hesitated for a while before smoking a cigarette and replied: "Sora is indeed an orphan. I also know his father, the member who initiated the coup. You already know that year. It’s a problem, Master Dilu wants to protect him."

So this is ah?The member who initiated the coup d'état: Hema, because he was on the opposite side, was killed by Asma and Master Dilu during the battle.

Because Sora intends to avenge him, no one dared to mention it to him. Master Dilu recites the old feelings of the past. In addition, people who believe in Buddhism have a good heart, and they don’t want Sora to cling to hatred, so he chooses to hide it. Come down?

Speaking of such a question, Mizuki is not good at pursuing it, but he said to Asma again: "Teacher Asma, this time is a question about the task, I hope you don't mention it with a third person."

Asma spit out a smoke ring and looked at Mizuki interestingly: "I heard Master Naruto say that you are a clever child. Although your personality is a little arbitrary, your mind is still meticulous. It looks like you have some plans. ?"

Is this being seen?Mizuki did not speak, but smiled indifferently.

Seeing her smile like this, Asma nodded and said clearly: "I see, the ninja needs to be tight-lipped about the task. I know this better than you."

"That's the best thing!" Mizuki sighed, then put on a cute smiling face, waved his hand and said, "Then Mr. Asma, I'll go one step ahead."

After all, the water tree bounced away.

Seeing her leaving behind, Asma looked at her thoughtfully for a while, knowing that Mizuki's figure disappeared from her sight, he took another puff of cigarette and exhaled the turbid smoke: "This little girl with personality , I hope my children in the future can have such vitality, right?"

Knowing the key to this mission and thinking of those enemies who will definitely attack Konoha, I need to be prepared.

Today's weather is over, and Mizuki is directly returning to the Hyuga clan.Then I went to see my cheap father for the first time, hoping that Niss could recall all the ninjas in the family!

As soon as Mizuki came home, he made such a request. Of course, Nippon said he did not understand.Asked: "What happened?"

Recalling the ninjas of the family is not a trivial matter. You must know that most of the ninjas who go out have a mission. If you recall them rashly, the mission is likely to be delayed.This will have a bad influence on the family!

What's more, the ninja who recalled the family will certainly not be small, and all parties will pay attention to the Hyuga clan.If there is no valid reason, this will easily arouse the suspicion of the senior Konoha.

Regarding how to explain this question, Mizuki actually doesn't know how to answer it.Because there is really no way to explain it in detail.

I can’t say that I know the plot. A group of people will attack Konoha Village soon, right?

Mizuki couldn't explain it too clearly, and could only say vaguely: "This is my own idea, because I have a feeling that Konoha Village may be in trouble in the near future."

Is this a reason?Of course not!

Nippon Football would not choose to take the risk of recalling the ninjas of the family without proper reasons. He has not forgotten the incident of the Uchiha clan back then.

Finally, at the price of giving up his rights, he exchanged the peace of the whole family. He didn't want to put the Hyuga clan into the footsteps of the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, Nissa did not agree: "If there is no proper reason, I will not recall the ninja of the family. Mizuki, you are still too young. Although our Hyuga clan is Konoha's famous family, we are restricted because of this. , Any action will attract the attention of all parties. You should be able to understand that this is not a good thing!"

Of course, Nissuke gave a solution, which is to ask Mizuki to find Tsunade, because as long as he gets approval from Naruto, he will issue a family order to recall the family ninja urgently, at least not to be gossiped by others.

This can be regarded as a way, but Mizuki wanted to ask Tsunade for instructions, so he still had to find a reason to explain.As Hokage, Tsunade would definitely not be a fool, even if the reason was found temporarily, it was definitely difficult to fool her with loopholes.

So Mizuki was afraid to go to Tsunade, but worried about what would happen in the future, he quickly thought of a compromise: "If I remember correctly, the family will go to the Taketori clan’s diplomacy once every six months. Can you use this Is there an opportunity to send more manpower? It doesn't need too much, as long as there are two elite Shangren!"

In this case, think about it, it’s impossible to summon ninjas on a large scale, but the small actions of a few people should be no problem.

After thinking about it, he nodded and agreed: "Okay, but now the family doesn't seem to be on standby, but after two days, Shangren will return after completing the task, and I will arrange it for you."

After saying this, Nizu looked at Mizuki again and warned: "I don’t know what you want to do, and you will never tell me when you do things. But I am not only your father, but also The patriarch of the Hyuga clan. It is my mission to safeguard the interests of the clan, so I will not ask what you have to do, but absolutely not. Do things that harm the interests of the clan and Konoha!"

Phew~ He is really a serious father, but it's reasonable.Knowing Mizuki's character, he would do whatever he thought of, and would not talk to his father.

The Japanese foot here can only hope that the water tree can consider the interests of the family more and don't do things that harm the interests of the family.

[Many people said before, I wrote according to the story of Hokage, it is better to just watch the story again.Because there are opinions from readers, I think it is necessary to write a different plot, but every time I change it, I always feel uncomfortable.Because I look back at the plot from time to time, I feel that there is a problem with my writing, similar to this feeling.

[I am still deciding that the main plot follows the original, and the province is struggling.In addition, I have already considered the plot of the independent protagonist later, adding a little "Fragrance Tales" line.In connection with the previous "Asura" plot, it will slightly increase or decrease the plot, but the impact should not be great, at least the line of the original plot is consistent.

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