I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 378

Text Volume 655. The Nature of Chakra

I slept peacefully that night. Although I knew that those people would come back and attack Konoha Village soon, but at least not today. I will raise my energy first!

Wake up from sleep the next day, stretch out comfortably, and simply freshen up.

Although he is on standby, he has recently heard that many places have been attacked in Fire Country, so as long as he is a ninja, there is almost no possibility of rest.

Arriving at the meeting place very early, Yamato and Sakura, then Naruto and Sora, all arrived one after another.They are still punctual, which is much better than Kakashi.

According to Yamato's thoughts: "Because of Sai's injury, this mission was temporarily empty. Joining our team requires some drills."

Ah~ so boring~!

Mizuki didn't have any energy at first, and it just started today. Can't you change something exciting to do?

Of course, the person who responded the most here must be Naruto and Sora, and they are not willing to cooperate with each other.Moreover, to do this exercise, it is better to let them practice.Anyway, he looks unwilling!

Seeing the virtues of the two of them, Yamato also showed his helplessness. The originally temperamental Naruto had already caused him enough headache.Now there is another guy with Naruto who has the same personality and is working on him. This captain is really not good!

Yamato couldn't help sighing: "What a headache!"

Speaking of what he wants to practice, Naruto here seems to have thought of something, and consciously asked Yamato: "Captain Yamato, you once said that the combination of soil escape and water escape can become wood escape, right?"

This is a sure thing, implanted with the cells of the first generation of Hokage, understand the nature and use of the soil and water, and combine them to use the wood.

But here comes the problem. Naruto said: "Kakashi-teacher also said that the words of Shangnin can basically use more than two attributes. So, is it possible for me to use water escape in the future? What about?"

Is the attribute of Chakra a problem?When I was in school, I actually studied.But it seems to be the content of the textbook, and Mizuki just glanced at it, and the lack of interest is indispensable to what has been forgotten now.

Not to mention Naruto, who is not studying, but fortunately, Yamato explained: "Everyone's chakra is inherent in nature. Whether you have a chakra with water escape needs to be investigated."

Upon hearing the question of Chakra's attributes, Mizuki thought about the official introduction, but it was just a general idea.Every ninja has at least one attribute, which is not the definition of "non-attribute" that some people babbled on in the post bars and forums of the three worlds.

At least I remember clearly, Hinata’s chakra attributes are: fire, thunder, and two chakra attributes.

Yamato here also made an introduction: "Naruto has the chakra with wind escape technique. Even if the other types of chakra have, they are bound to be quite weak. The upper ninjas generally use the precise control of the chakra to target Only the weak chakra practice can have it."

So it sounds like a ninja has two, or even more than two, chakra attributes, which is not completely impossible.At least it is possible to achieve multi-attribute control ability through targeted practice.

But this is theoretically, but it reminds Naruto of the female ninja he met earlier, and he immediately asked: "So are ninjas with five attributes very rare?"

Yamato's answer is: "Ninjas with five attributes, at least within the scope of my knowledge, there is no."

After listening to Naruto and Yamato's words, Mizuki thought thoughtfully, that the multi-attribute Chakra is not without it, even if it is a ninja who has been eliminated by blood, it is not said that there is now.

However, all-attribute ninjas, ninjas like Xueji Snare, seem to have only the BOSS level that appeared in the late stage, waiting for the top guys of the "fairies".

Speaking of it, if you remember that it is correct, Naruto has gained the power of the six realms, which also has all attributes, only the nature of the yin attribute. Later, it is combined with the power of Sasuke to complete the merger of yin and yang and successfully seal Kaguya Ji.

Of course, it is too early to talk about this last thing.But Mizuki understands Naruto and asked this question today, so he also said: "You said that the ninja with five attributes is not the one you are talking about?"

Naruto nodded, confirming that it was the enemy he encountered.

The water tree here is with that enemy. He has taught hands several times for a short time, and indeed he has seen and experienced all attributes.But seeing others do not understand, Mizuki said, "Hmph, don't you feel it? When she kissed you, she was absorbing your chakras. I think it is the five attributes obtained like this?"

"Five kinds of enemies with Chakra attributes?" Yamato also felt incredible when he heard: "Have you ever encountered such an enemy?"

Mizuki glanced at Yamato, nodded for confirmation after thinking about it, and said that this enemy, after a short encounter, the five attributes were indeed seen with his own eyes.

But one thing made her very cold. When she broke in, she saw Naruto and a strange woman and they kissed each other.

Thinking of this, the water tree couldn't help but puck again: "Dog men and women!"

Several people were also drunk, and then looking at Naruto's eyes, it didn't feel right.

Naruto’s psychological suffering~ said embarrassingly: "Mizuki, that is not my fault, she has to come and kiss me~"

It's a pity that no matter how he explained it, Mizuki turned his head without hesitation, with an expression that I would not listen to your explanation.

Because of this, I was misunderstood by the person I liked, which really made Naruto feel like crying.

Yamato could not help but shook his head after seeing such a scene: "This relationship is really complicated!"

Next, I want everyone to enter the acting state and prepare to practice the formation first.

But there were three twists and turns. At this time, someone laughed and said, "I want these kids to learn the formation right away. Isn't this too fantastical?"

Follow the prestige to see the person coming, who turned out to be teacher Asma.Yamato saw him and said, "Senior Asma."

With a cigarette in her mouth, Asma said, "Originally, Naruto is a brainless type. It seems that Sora is also of the same type. They are all of the sudden type. It is better to put them on the front line and move freely. The rest of the people do. Good support work, it should be better this way."

This is a proposal made by an experienced person, and Yamato felt the same after hearing it: "That's what I said!"

But when he said that the rear supported the two of them, Yamato couldn't help but let out a sigh.Mizuki felt it for him: My heart is tired.

Text Volume 656. Approaching Wolf Smoke

It is not easy to learn how to control the formation if you want to force them two in a short time.Yamato was prepared for this, and now it was told by Asma.

Yamato sighed helplessly: "Well, this time, everyone will practice their own practice!"

Is this a dissolution on the spot?Mizuki doesn't matter anymore, there is nothing left to rest for a while.Replenish your energy and wait for the enemy to come and die!

But when I heard Captain Yamato, let them rest by themselves, Naruto was the happiest person, there was still this guy free.Especially when Naruto thought of the last practice, he immediately asked Captain Yamato to start practice.

But Yamato said, "Senior Kakashi is needed for spiritual practice, but he has a mission and there is no way to proceed. Oh, by the way, Senior Asma, it seems to be on standby now, right?"

A pot was finally thrown out, and Kakashi was no longer asking Asma to help, just to say that Asma and Naruto were also chakras of wind.

Throwing Naruto to Asma, Yamato ran away first.

Seeing that Yamato was gone, Mizuki also planned to go: "Sakura, shall we go?"

After all, those who don't know how to leave will leave.

Originally, Naruto was going to chase him, but seeing Mizuki's face indifferent, he hummed indifferently, making him petrified on the spot.

Sakura leaves with Mizuki and returns to Konoha.

Walking on the bustling street, thinking of what happened just now, Kozakura couldn't help but said to Mizuki: "Mizuki, what you told Naruto just now, is this true?"

"What's the matter?" Mizuki glanced at Kozakura, then immediately realized, and replied: "What's not true, when I found him, that guy and an enemy kissed very ecstatically!"

When talking about this, I don't know why Mizuki would become very uncomfortable when he recalled the situation at that time.

Sakura heard her answer and looked at Mizuki with an unhappy expression. She was taken aback and then smiled knowingly, and asked: "What's wrong, are you jealous when you see Naruto kissing someone else?"

Fainted, such a sentence spread into Mizuki's ears, making her suddenly look like a cat with its tail trampled on, and her whole body was blown up.I was very unhappy and said, "What's the joke, am I jealous? Bah, at first glance, that's a rogue. Don't be ashamed to kiss a man forcefully."

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