I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 400

Mizuki squeezed his fist, and said forcefully: "You pumpkin head, I ask you a question, it's best to tell me the truth. I went down a while ago, and I wanted to kill the Lord Knight in your mouth, but The search results found nothing. Now tell me, where did he go?"

Judging from the place you just entered, it should be a created world, which looks a lot like a world of different dimensions, with no light filled with the breath of death.

But it was a pity that the guy who had been killed by the original Xiang was not discovered by her. She actually encountered a necromancer and a wraith warrior. She couldn't deal with two of them one at a time, so she could only return it temporarily.

Pumpkin Head, no, this is Mr. Pumpkin. It is very unhappy to be called Pumpkin Head. He said angrily, "You are just a human being. You dare to speak madly here! If Lord Knight is here, you will definitely erase it. Your soul!"

Does this guy really cry without seeing the coffin?Mizuki snorted coldly. She now needs to suppress the bloody knight's power, then turned to Xiushu and said, "Pick off this pumpkin head, I want to drink pumpkin soup!"

Xiushu was stunned when he heard it, but quickly understood the meaning of Mizuki, and quickly formed a handprint, and there was an extra water whip from the cuff, and then I held it in his hand.Without any hesitation, a water whip swung in the air and hit Mr. Pumpkin.

Mr. Pumpkin has a cane in his hand, and he raises it immediately when he sees the situation is bad. The luck of this blow is good.But Xiushui's whip was drawn and immediately wrapped around him, and then Jieyin with one hand yelled in a low voice: "Lei Dun: Go!"

I don't know when I learned the thunder escape, combined with Xiushu's own water escape, it really complements each other very well.

Poor Mr. Pumpkin did not react, and the electric current passed through his whole body to give out a ripe smell, um~ the smell of rotten pumpkin, his head exploded, and he looked a little disgusting.

Yun Li squeezed his nose unhappily, and said uncomfortably: "It's so stinking, so disgusting guy, you don't make it so disgusting next time, okay?"

"I don't want this either, who knows it's a rotten pumpkin." Xiujiu was helpless to make it like this, but now it's not the time to talk about this problem, the bloody knight who was immediately suppressed by the water tree began to restlessly: "Sister, this Why haven't you died yet?"

The water tree can be suppressed relatively easily, but every time it is defeated, it will still stand up again, it is estimated that there is a force controlling it.

Use all your strength to suppress the struggle of the bloody knight, use your fist to press the heart of the chest, once again use a powerful skill: "The Raptors are exaggerated!!"

This blow was to pierce the bloody knight's chest, and you could see a hole in the hall with a big bowl. If you couldn't kill him in this way, you really don't know what to do.

After doing this, Mizuki asked Xiuji and Yunli to jointly use ninjutsu to freeze the bloody knight, lest he get up again and continue to cheat the corpse.

Xiu Shu wanted to help first use the water escape, and then let Yun Li use the wind escape to freeze, but seeing Xiu Shu's ninjutsu just now, she has learned a combination of thunder escape ninjutsu and her own water escape.

Yunli here also wants to give it a try, using the water escape ninjutsu that he is not so proficient in, and trying to combine it with the wind escape ninjutsu.

Mizuki watched with great interest. She had already learned from Yamato that two different chakra properties were combined.It can form the ninjutsu of blood succession elimination. Although this seems to require more integration, it is still a very basic first step through the training of ninjutsu.

It can be seen that Yunli’s water escape should be taught by Xiushu, and the handprints formed are water turbulence, a very low-level type of water escape ninjutsu. After the bloody knight is showered with water, it is then brought with wind escape. It freezes when the temperature is reached, achieving an effect similar to the ice escape technique.

"It's amazing. The wind takes away the temperature and makes the water freeze. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it!"

For the concept of ice ninjutsu, Mizuki is most impressed by Bai. Although they say Bai is a boy, it really doesn't look like it at all!

Okay, this is a bit far away, but in fact I want to say that if Yunli can learn water escape and wind escape, and combine the two, maybe another person who uses ice escape can be born. The man of art.

Shuishu here is confident in Yunli. One is that she is very young and only fifteen years old, and she seems to be very talented, shouldn't it be impossible to study hard?

Mizuki was thinking this way, and suddenly he saw the bloody knight's body bouncing, and he almost frightened everyone to death: "This Nima is not dead!"

A layer of frost had formed on the surface of the bloody knight's body, but after a while, it was easily shattered, and it was unexpectedly revived.

I can't think about it, uh, my God!There are holes in this guy's chest.Seeing this ghost look, Mizuki's complexion is not good. Isn't she really encountering a ghost?

But at this moment, the ghost girl who had been observing the situation said loudly to Mizuki: "Master, there is something, something seems to have entered the bloody knight."

Mizuki was stunned for a moment, but quickly understood what he quickly let Xiushu and Yunli push away, using his own skill: "Light Hunting!!"

With a snap, the light hunting spotlighted the hidden guy. It turned out to be a staying bat. After being illuminated by the light hunting, it turned into a cute little girl.

This cute little girl, sitting on something like a crescent moon, has a small black cat on her head, a few bats flying around her body, and a small cage in her hand with bats inside.

Sure enough, the bloody knight stood up many times, where is the tenacious vitality, in fact, it was only given to control the body.Mizuki had already seen it at first glance. This is also the monster in "Fairyland Legend": "Silver Moon Witch!!"

The pre-rejuvenation version has a level 70 appearance, and the post-renewal version has a level 100 or higher appearance. How much has been forgotten.Although it is not an MVP or BOSS-level monster, it does not have to be lower in the two types in terms of level!

Seeing that she was discovered, the Silver Moon Witch let out a silver bell-like laugh: "Oh, I was discovered, I'm really scared of people's psychology!"

The Silver Moon Witch, it seems that she is also of the Demon type, but she also came from below, right?

Text Volume 689. Silver Moon Witch

Seeing a new monster appeared, Mizuki's face changed a bit. Of course, this wasn't afraid, because according to the influence of the game, this monster was not a very strong type.

In terms of level, it looks a few levels higher than the Bloody Knight, but in fact, in the game, I still feel that the Silver Moon Witch is much better to deal with.

But this is the real world. Thinking about my professional skills, after coming to this world, some changes have taken place, so Mizuki chose to be more cautious, after all, be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years!

Mizuki first made a gesture to prepare Xiushu and Yunli, and from an enveloping angle, the three people surrounded the Silver Moon Witch, ready to attack and destroy it at any time.

Aware of the movement of the three human beings, the Silver Moon Witch looked a little frowning, as if she wanted to attack, but she immediately noticed the lingering gaze that came out of Mizuki's eyes, and she subconsciously retracted it again.

The Silver Moon Witch smiled indifferently, and said with a playful expression on her cute expression: "Human, I feel a dangerous aura from you. You are very strong!"

Looking at her water tree here, she couldn't help but smile to herself: "Silver Moon Witch, it's an ordinary monster in the game. It's level is higher than that of a bloody knight. It seems to be a few levels higher. But in terms of combat power and strength, it feels worse. Is the bloody knight strong?"

Of course, this is based on the settings in the game, and the experience of playing "Ragnarok" all the year round.However, after entering the world of Naruto, the skills of the water tree have changed, and it seems that they have been modified by this world, so it is not clear whether the silver moon witch's ability has also changed?

There is nothing wrong with being cautious about sailing the ship for ten thousand years.Mizuki said to the Silver Moon Witch with a cold face, "Huh, what you said is really good, your strength is also good, you are so well hidden? And I don't remember that you have the ability to resurrect other creatures, right?"

In the game of "Ragnarok", there are "resurrection" skills, which belong to the priest profession. In other words, it is also another branch profession of Mizuki's first rank service and advanced second rank.There are also props: the leaves of the heaven and earth tree, which can be used to revive the dead target.

However, Mizuki didn't seem to have any impression, proving that the Silver Moon Witch had the ability to resurrect. Could it be that she had resurrected props on her body?

Thinking without a clue like this, the Silvermoon Witch’s answer came: "Human, you seem to understand me very well? Well, you and Mr. Pumpkin just said the message of'Asura', if this is really the case? You too? Was it transferred?"

The amount of information obtained before and after was a bit large, and Xiushu and Yunli didn't understand what it meant.First, the conversation with the pumpkin head, and then the little girl, there were all incomprehensible things.

Mizuki naturally discovered the reaction of the two people, but there is no way to explain it, and even she herself is not very clear, so now more attention should be used to concentrate on dealing with the Silver Moon Witch. Her fist is already Pinch out the sound.

This is to prepare for battle, but I still asked the question about what transfer is: "I was born in this world, don’t compare me to you. It’s just that I encountered an enemy not long ago, from another world. Moonlight Cat, you should know it too if you think about it?"

Hearing the three words "Moonnight Cat", Mizuki instantly sensed something wrong with the Silver Moon Witch. It seemed that she had shaken just now, and she seemed to know something.

But this is a good phenomenon, at least knowing this Silver Moon Witch, should know something.So he immediately continued to ask: "It seems that you know something, right? Tell me all about it, maybe I can spare you if I am happy!"

The Silver Moon Witch finally recovered, hearing Mizuki's words and observing attitude, she had a condescending and persecuting attitude.In this way, she showed a look of dissatisfaction, and said angrily: "A human being, dare to be so arrogant?"

She wanted to start a trouble for the first time, but when Mizuki, who was observing with a blind eye, noticed that she was moving, she took the first step and directly punched a squeezed fist.

There was a strong gust of wind on her fist, which made her fly out with a fist before she had time to guard.And at the same time order Xiushu and Yunli: "Shui Dun and Feng Dun, suppress her!"

The first attack was Yunli's wind escape technique, which was a C-level breakthrough with a single blow, making the Silver Moon Witch suppressed and unable to get up.Then Xiushu uses the water turbulence to release a large amount of water to wash it away.

Seizing such an opportunity, Mizuki used the bow and bullet to keep up, grabbing the Silver Moon Witch's neck, and squeezing her to the ground unable to move.

The cooperation is really perfect. It seems that after Xiushu and Yunli became ninjas, they have practiced very well in the past two years, and they are already in a good understanding.

Mizuki's final attack was to seize the opportunity to control the Silver Moon Witch, and directly asked: "Now your life is in my hands. I can squeeze your neck as long as I want to. What should you do? "

Of course, the Silver Moon Witch had struggled, but she soon discovered that the power in Shui Shu's hand was not something she could break free, so she also lost resistance.

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