I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 401

At the same time, she had noticed Mizuki's eye pupils, which seemed to have the ability to see through her, and she couldn't help but become scared, her voice trembling slightly and said, "What do you want to know?"

Seeing her losing her resistance and becoming honest, Mizuki also eased a little bit of strength, left a sigh of relief, and forced her to ask: "I went down just now and didn't encounter the enemy I imagined. It was the pumpkin head and said : Master knight. Instead, I met the necromancers and the wraith warriors, why are they here? Where did that knight go? And how did you come into this world?"

A series of questions were asked one after another, and she wanted to know a lot of information.Of course, if possible, she would like to know her abilities, why are they also from the skills of "Ragnarok", is it related to their arrival?

But thinking that I have traveled here for more than ten years, and I don't even know myself, is it strange to ask such a question?So I want to ask how these monsters came through, maybe I can find out some answers?

The Silver Moon Witch's face was hesitant, and she seemed to be afraid and jealous.But quickly felt the power on his neck, and the killing color revealed by the water tree.Frightened, she hurriedly said: "I am just an ordinary monster. I know very little. The only thing I can tell you is that there is a terrifying guy who wants to break the rules of this world. Transfer us to this world. I just want to distort the world so that the power of existence can penetrate more easily."

Text volume 690. Staggered

There is a very scary guy?Want to cross over, but let the monsters come first.It sounds a bit old-fashioned. It's like an evil force has penetrated into the world, but for some reason, it can't come directly, so I sent some people to do bad things first.

However, this also reminded Mizuki that the three Asuras who have met in recent years seem to be subject to certain constraints, and they must use their own different methods to reach this world.

Does this mean that the horrible guy in the mouth of the Silver Moon Witch also has such a plan?

Mizuki still didn't dare to be 100% sure, but this possibility was very high, and especially when he thought that his ability came from the game of "Ragnarok", even stronger anxiety was also generated.

Because there is a feeling of anxiety, does it mean that you may be affected or related to this horrible guy?The answer is temporarily unavailable, and I can only find a way to find more clues, and then slowly verify it.

While thinking about it, the mental power was not very concentrated. This was caught by the Silver Moon Witch, and she whispered softly, and then she saw a summoned bat crawling into the bloody knight's body.

Without waiting for Mizuki to react, the attack of the bloody knight arrived in an instant, and a powerful blow knocked her out. It seemed that the muffled sound from Mizuki's mouth could be faintly heard.

Seeing such a sudden situation and seeing the water tree that had been shot more than ten meters away, Yunli suddenly let out an exclaim.Instinctively, she wanted to help, but at this time, the Silver Moon Witch was troubled, opened the bat cage she was holding, and again whispered a few times, and then she saw countless bats flying out!

Mizuki and Yunli were attacked one after another. Fortunately, Xiushu at this time reacted and immediately formed a handprint and shouted, "Shui Dun: The technique of surging waves!!!"

I have used Water Random Ninjutsu just now, and there is still a lot of water on the ground. With this geographical advantage, the power of the water escape is increased a lot.

Although the escape technique used is not a very advanced B-level ninjutsu, it is the wave that surges from the place where he performed the technique. Now Xiushu is not two or three years ago, and the amount of Chakra has increased a lot.

So he lifted a three-meter-high wave in one breath and directly hit the Silver Moon Witch who had just finished the surgery.She rushed away a short distance by surprise, and then used her own moon to take off, and then she avoided the fate of being swept away.

This is a relatively light ability. Later I learned that if it is in the ocean, Hideki can use this ninjutsu to create a ten-meter-high tsunami wolf, which will be even more powerful by then, but this is for later .

The Silver Moon Witch sat on the moon and stared at the water tree coldly, seeing that she had stood up, her eyes were full of resentment and unwilling fear.She didn't like being suppressed just now, but she knew the strength of the water tree very well. If she really wanted to fight, she might not be her opponent.

There was a short silence for a while, and the Silver Moon Witch snorted and said: "Today's revenge, I will repay it in the future!"

Ruthless words?

On weekdays and watching movies, bad guys are always reconciled after failure. They either say "you wait for me" or "I will definitely come back."

Of course, Mizuki has a look of disdain: "Don't use it anymore, come today if you have the ability, let's go directly one-on-one, and hit you with one hand!"

No need for other means, Mizuki has confidence in his own power, as long as it is a blow of the Asura Bahuang Fist, even if there are ten Silver Moon Witches, the power is enough to kill them in a second!

Of course, the Silver Moon Witch is not stupid, she won't rush down to fight against the water tree now, just control the moon sitting down to rise, seeming to want to fly away.

At this time Mizuki immediately shouted: "Xiushu, Yunli, use Lei Dun and Feng Dun to beat her down for me!"

Xiushu didn't have time to use Thunder Dun, because he himself has the attribute of Water Dun, and he has been practicing Thunder Dun for less than a year, and excluding the Chakra attribute of training Thunder Dun, he has mastered the two fingerprints of Thunder Dunn.

One is the previously used C-level: the technique of walking to the ground, and the other is the technique of thunderbolt: the thunder bomb, which releases a kind of electric ball to attack, has a certain explosion damage and flash effect.

But it is not particularly proficient, so the use of thunder escape technique has not come out.On the contrary, after Yunli reacted, he used the wind escape: the art of wind cutting!!

In an instant, there were a few Wind Escape Chakras, slashed like an invisible blade. If it could hit the Silver Moon Witch's body, it might be able to knock her down.

But at this time, the Silver Moon Witch was not hit by wood in vain. She immediately commanded the bats surrounding her body to collide with the wind blade one after another.

At the same time, Mizuki wanted to make a move, that is, he had to use his Snap Finger magic skills to attack the Silver Moon Witch.But the same is under command, the bloody knight has already rushed at this time.

There is no way to change the target, cross hands to make a block action, forcibly resisting the bloody knight's blow, a backhand came: "Soaking strength!!"

A skill that ignores defense, and the higher the target's defense power, the greater the damage it causes.

Suffered from such a skill attack, the bloody knight's body shook again, and then fell again.It is really a dull opponent, with strong strength and vitality, but no brain and wisdom.

It seems that I heard a dark cut in the mouth of the Silver Moon Witch, and at the same time, I heard her vaguely say: "Useless fellow."

However, he reacted quickly. At this time, it became three-on-one again, and the Silver Moon Witch did not specify that she had beaten the water tree, let alone talk about the two more people.

The Silver Moon Witch opened the cage once again, released all the bats in it, and rushed directly at the three humans including the water tree.And at the same time, there were a lot of bats, quickly wrapping up the bloody knight.

Mizuki here immediately realized that she wanted to escape!

Hastily opened his eyes, looking for a gap: "Flick the magical power!!"

A light and shadow shot out, piercing through two bats that wanted to obstruct, and hitting the Silver Moon Witch straight away.

But at this moment, I heard a gloomy voice, spitting, and sending out a flame bomb from the dark, which actually burned out the magical power of the water tree.

Mizuki looked in the direction, and he could see clearly with his eyes. There was a black figure about ten meters away from which the fire bomb was sent out.

There are ninjas in Ragnarok. Not only are there ninjas as a profession, but there are also ninjas as monsters, and they have been recognized for the first time: "The subordinates of the resentful warrior, Naruto: Xinubi!!!"

Text Volume 691. Switch

The Silver Moon Witch also saw it at this time, but she seemed to frown, but because the other party was helping herself, she also seized the opportunity to escape.

Controlling the black and crushing bat, engulfing her and the bloody knight and flying away.

Because they missed a good opportunity to kill, Xiushu and Yunli had nothing to do, and Mizuki's attack also failed. When they gathered Qi again, the distance had already been opened.

Mizuki immediately looked for Naruto, it was the anger that was full of anger, but he didn't know when, this guy also escaped!Unable to curse: "Damn!"

The first thing I thought was to chase it out, otherwise, when these monsters escape, God knows if it will harm the world?At least judging from the information just received, this is very likely.

However, before the water tree had time to chase him, he heard a few soft whispers in the direction of Yunli. It turned out that several pumpkin souls appeared from the darkness.

Although this low-level monster was easy to deal with, it appeared several at once, and it looked like a ghost of the soul, which shocked the girl.

When Mizuki turned his head, the pumpkin soul that ran out was smashed into pieces one after another, and he wanted to chase after him, and found that the Silver Moon Witch and the Bloody Knight had already disappeared, not to mention that the fire ninja was completely angry.

I had to swear inwardly again, but looking at the dark power that spewed out, I always felt that it was not a thing to leave it alone.So he tried to control it, set up the formation and enchantment again, and tried every means to seal it.In the worst case, delay as much as possible and wait for someone from the sealing class to come and seal it.

Because he was not very good at using formations and arranging enchantments, Mizuki never succeeded in blocking it in this regard.But he came up with a stupid way, which was to find a large rock on a nearby mountain and throw it directly to the place where the dark power leaked out.

Let alone this stupid method, the effect looks very useful!Although it is not tightly blocked, but it is not so useful, that is, there is still some leakage in the edge gap.However, this level of leakage can already allow Xiushu and Yunli to temporarily block them with ice.

Finally, he persisted until the day. When it was almost noon, Konoha was rushed to support, a special sealing team, using high-standard sealing techniques, directly seal the rocks, and set up a successful seal.

The crisis seemed to be a temporary relief, but the dark power that had been looking at it ran out, and it was known whether a monster entered the world of Tao, or it made the water tree feel very uneasy.

During the daytime, the ghost girl hides in the hair of the water tree very early, especially when she doesn't like the direct sunlight at noon.And there is a clear explanation: "This place is sheltered from the sun. If I leave this place, my spirit body cannot exist."

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