I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 407

After listening to Mizuki's words, the three people couldn't help but go into silence, mentally thinking.It seems that I still hear Yun Li vaguely, saying to himself: "I am afraid of fear because of insufficient strength?"

When you have finished eating, you are ready to wash and rest. You must cultivate your energy, and you will have a new day of practice tomorrow.

Shiyou, who had not spoken at this time, asked Mizuki for advice on how to become stronger. He felt that he was stupid and slow to learn.

But Mizuki is also very straightforward: "You are right, you are not smart enough, and your studies are not very good. Otherwise, you will not be with Xiushu and Yunli, these two outstanding students. But I have one My friend, he is the tail of the crane in the school just like you, but he is working hard now, and I believe he will become Hokage!"

Shi Youyou knows who Shuishu is talking about: "Sister Shuishu, you are not talking about Naruto Uzumaki? Yunli likes this senior very much, although he is only one year older than us, and the school has I heard that he is the tail of a crane, and he is often used to pranking. Even the teachers in the class often use him to warn us."

Khan, Naruto’s misdeeds spread widely!

However, Shi You had regained confidence. It turned out that Yunli had said that although Naruto is a crane tail, the amazing perseverance shown in the Zhongnin test competition really convinced everyone present.

Yes, fighting hard against fate is really a wonderful game.Many people often say that their destiny is unfair and that they are limited to the bottom of society, but after how many people have worked hard, who else says that destiny gives them everything?

Of course, relatively speaking, the family background and status at birth may depend on what one can obtain, and everyone will be different.But the process of going to the end is the greatest wealth in life!

Text volume 700. Disappear

It was quiet at night, and the water tree had already fallen asleep. The mess during the day was really annoying, and there was peace only in a dream.

In the prison of the tea country police station, several jailers played a few cards and yelled at each other to issue cards for money. They did not notice the evil corpse ronin in the prison. Of course, they did not dare to look at the monster directly.

Unconsciously like this, a bat passed through the window silently, and the dark eyes of the evil corpse Ronin stared at this dark little thing.

Normal people cannot perceive the ultrasonic waves of bats, but for the Evil Skeleton Ronin, he can clearly capture the information to be expressed. This is what the Silver Moon Witch wants to express: "The human being is still nearby. We will cooperate with the Wraith Warrior for a while. I will find a way to save you out."

The evil skeleton Ronin didn't speak, just nodded silently.

At this time, the bat flapped its wings twice and instantly turned into a black smoke and disappeared.

The jailer still didn't notice the slightest bit of it, holding his deck and thinking about how they should come out. They didn't want to lose money, and then they couldn't go back to deal with his wife.

A silent black shadow shrouded them without any deviation, without any cry for help. A figure in black costume has come to the prison of the evil corpse ronin and threw something at the ronin inside. This is the samurai sword that originally belonged to him: "Famous sword: Shiranui."

Taking his weapon, Ronin easily cut open the cage, and followed the black figure to leave.

"Wait a minute." The black figure called out, "Destroy the corpses!"

After all, a hot ball of fire ignited the entire prison.Everything disappeared in the flame, everything died in the flame.

At this time, the evil skeleton ronin also used his own katana to kill the fainted jailers one by one, extracting their souls, just as they did before, in order to ensure the completion of the soul, although they did not kill these people, but After being burned by flames, nothing will remain.

In a wild outskirts of chaotic graves outside the tea country city, a skeleton riding a bone horse and wearing a gorgeous armor, silently stared at the burning place.At the same time, beside him are the bloody knights, and the men of the Silver Moon Witch.

That's right, this is the Necromancer, a BOSS-level monster belonging to the "Ragnarok" game, although it is still not the top level, but because of the ability to directly kill the target, he is quite troublesome and difficult to deal with.And in terms of the amount of blood in the game, it surpasses the necromancer and the wraith warrior.

Seeing the return of the Evil Skeleton Ronin, the Necromancer let out a cold voice: "You disappointed me too much, is that human still in the city?"

The evil skeleton ronin nodded respectfully: "Yes, master."

The necromantic knight nodded, looked in the direction of the city again, and continued thinking for a while: "If I can capture the human soul, I want to deal with that dark guy with greater certainty. It’s a pity that my current strength is suppressed by the rules of this world."

Just as Mizuki came to this world, the skills used were a bit deviated, and there were both advantages and disadvantages. I think the Necromancer now has a similar feeling, right?

"It looks like I'm going to be faster and absorb the power of this world." When he said this, the necromantic knight's eyes became colder: "How about your soul collection?"

Presenting his katana, let the necromancer absorb the soul as much as possible, and swallow the soul of this world, so that he can gain the power of this world faster.

I can feel that every soul swallowed will definitely make this necromancer stronger, but in the end, when all the souls are swallowed, he is still quite dissatisfied.

This amount was still too small to restore his strength. It seemed that he was dissatisfied. The Necromancer threw the knife back to Ronin, and continued to ask: "What is the task for you? "

The evil skeleton Ronin did not hesitate, and immediately replied: "My lord Knight, there is news about what you want, but it was sold from the black market earlier and is no longer in this country."

After hearing the words of the Evil Skeleton Ronin, the necromantic knight pondered for a moment, then cast his gaze into the city again, perhaps hesitating or looking at it.

In the end, he sighed: "This human being is weird, and the soul in his body is very unique. It seems that you have to be careful before you are absolutely sure."

After saying this, the Necromancer turned his head and said to a black-clothed ninja: "Tell your master, I accept his proposal, but let my subordinates test this human account, sooner or later. I want him to do the calculation!"

After the words were finished, with a cold snort, he waved to his opponents, a smoke enveloped them, and then disappeared silently.

The black ninja bowed and saluted, and after waiting for the necromancer to disappear, he also escaped into the dark shadow.

But at the same time they disappeared, because of the thrilling water tree in the prison fire, they also turned their sights and have been vigilant for a long time.

Of course, with the disappearance of the Necromancer and the departure of the ninja in black, her induction was also forced to be interrupted.

This was a very strong sense of uneasiness, which made her have to fight a hundred points, thinking that a fierce battle would be carried out at any time, but fortunately the imaginary battle did not happen.

There was also the raging fire in the prison, which also awakened the sleeping Xiushu, Yunli and others. The soldiers beat gongs and drums and shouted for water. The surrounding crowd spontaneously carried buckets and desperately entered the fire fighting work.

Everyone tried their best to control the fire. You must know that many of these are traditional wooden houses. Once spread out, the entire city will be turned into a sea of ​​flames!

Mizuki sensed that the breath was broken, so he didn't concentrate, but ordered Xiushu to use water escape to put out the fire, and at the same time let Yunli use the cold wind technique to suppress the fire.

Most of the cities mobilized to fight fires, insisting on putting out all the open flames until the day, and many people were tired to stay on the ground.However, the situation of the fire is not clear, but the perception at night cannot be wrong, knowing that the fire itself is problematic.

Especially in the ancient house of Shuishu United, and several officers and soldiers entered the burned prison, looking for clues, they found that the body of the charred jailer had a stab wound, and the place where the Evil Skeleton Ronin was originally held was empty. No.

This situation is very clear, but it is a pity that the country of tea did not give any answer, and only cancelled the mission relationship afterwards.

But Mizuki understands it. It seems that the country of tea also knows it. I am afraid that there will be no clues about what I am looking for.So it doesn't make much sense to keep yourself, but Mizuki may have guessed something and will definitely investigate it in secret.

Text Volume 701. Special Training in Charge

It has been half a month since the task of the tea country. Mizuki and others have returned to the village of Konoha early and reported all relevant information to Hokage. As for the latter, Tsunade did not say anything.

Maybe it's really not available for manpower?And he didn't even have a clue, but the things organized by Akatsuki recently were already a mess.

Because a lot of manpower has already been sent out, considering Konoha's necessary defensive strength, there can be no major deficiency.Thinking that Mizuki had done two missions in succession, she was asked to stand by in the village temporarily.

Of course, there is one additional condition: "Recently, the three of them have been assigned to perform the task under the guidance of the three of them, so you will be responsible for the teaching for a period of time. When their guidance comes back, you can relax. "

It seems that even if you stay to rest, you still have a task!

There is no way, anyway, it is the responsibility to teach Ninja, this can be considered an easy task.

However, Mizuki is not very good at ninjutsu. This aspect has been explained before, and considering the relationship of time, it is mainly to teach the control of Chakra.

The practice of treading water Yunli has been easily mastered, and Xiushu at the back has also learned very quickly, even Shi You stumbling has also succeeded.He is not as meticulous as the first two, and his mastery of ninjutsu is not very good, but he is very persevering and works hard, so he also got the appreciation of Mizuki.

But this alone was not enough. Mizuki came up with many methods to deepen their control over Chakra.Because Yunli has the best control, letting her learn to reverse the current is the most difficult course. If you master this skill, you can turn the water into your own hands.

Hideki's control ability is a little bit weaker, but his Chakra attribute is originally water attribute, so it doesn't make much sense to use water flow to practice.Change the practice method in due course, let him go into the forest to practice, and see the juice from the leaves.

This method of cultivation sounds a bit incredible, but the water tree here says: “Trees absorb nutrients from the soil and transport water to the leaves. Each leaf has a considerable amount of water, but even so, the water in the leaves Squeezing it out is still a very meticulous job."

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