I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 408

Because Hideki's chakra is water attribute, if his chakra control is good enough, it seems to be a very simple matter.But if you think this way, you are actually wrong.

It is precisely because Xiushu’s chakras have water properties, so when chakras are used to extract water, they are actually replenishing water.If you can't achieve real precise control, not only can you not extract the water from the leaves, but also can make the yellow leaves glow with green vitality.

Regarding Shi You's training, he is the one with poor control, and it took almost two weeks to fully master it. This way, while he felt very unwilling, he also felt that he was dragging his partner.

In fact, Mizuki also bluntly said: "Yes, you are the worst now. Even if it is the tail of the crane I mentioned, he only learned it in a few days. Your talent is much worse than his."

Of course, a blow is a blow. If such a blow cannot be sustained, the person who fails once will fall to the ground. What use can such a person do?

But it is precisely because of this that Mizuki has to give him special training: "Your specialty is not ninjutsu. I said this before, and you know now, your talent is very bad, right?"

Shi You did not speak, but listened quietly.

Mizuki looked at him and nodded, and then said straightforwardly: "I have trained you before and let you carry out high-intensity exercises with weights. Every time you have to take your energy away, how do you feel at the time? ?"

I'm exhausted, how can I feel?Shi You here didn't want to understand, and subconsciously said: "Very tired~!"

"Tired!" Shui Shu coldly said: "Keep thinking!" when he went up with a fist and knocked it on his head.

There was no way, Shi You continued to think helplessly, but if he had no strength, he seemed to be really unable to think of anything except when he fell down on the ground.

Mizuki waited for a while, watching him still frowning and thinking, he really convinced him. He happened to see a rock not far away, and he pointed to it and said: "Go, lift this rock!"

Following the direction pointed, there is a stone the size of a regular suitcase, which can touch at least a hundred kilograms, right?It is a bit difficult for many adults to hold it.

However, the physical fitness of the ninja is much stronger. Although one hundred kilograms is a bit of effort, it is still completely capable of doing it.After receiving Mizuki's order, Shi You tried to lift it up, with a lot of strength to resist it with his shoulders.

This is a good power. Mizuki nodded his head in satisfaction, and then asked him to exercise several times. After two or three minutes, he saw his face flushed, so he let him rest.At the same time Mizuki asked again: "How do you feel now?"

Shi You was a little tired, but at this time his physical strength was already much better than before, and it was no problem to take a few breaths.

However, when asked by Shui Shu, Shi You stood still looking at him, especially at his hand, because the consumption of power was not small, causing his hands to tremble uncontrollably.

At this time he seemed to realize, but he was not very confident and replied: "I feel that my strength is great, but after using the strength, it feels like my body is a little out of control?"

After Mizuki finished listening, he still raised his forehead and shook his head, but when he got this answer, he was a little closer.I don’t want to play dumb riddles at all, and reveal the bottom of the mystery: "You said too much deviation, but fortunately, you have found the right direction."

"Yes, you are talking about appearance, because you have to lift a heavy object, you need to use the power, must be greater than the power of the heavy object, so that you can lift it."

"Excessive consumption of strength will increase the consumption of muscles. The trembling of the hands you see now is a manifestation of temporary muscle loss."

When talking about this, Mizuki paused while looking at Shi You, and then continued: "Chakra's control practice is to reduce the loss of Chakra as much as possible when performing ninjutsu. Same power The same is true for his cultivation base!"

In order to perform more fully, the water tree came up and attached the stone with his hand, but with the adhesion of the Chakra, he actually lifted the one-hundred-kilogram stone, and he could play with it in a tricky manner and rotate it in his hand. It's all right.

Obviously Mizuki has a very deep understanding of power. Here she continues: "Your talent is not as good as Xiushu and Yunli, and the foundation is not for them. The next thing I want to teach you is Concentrate! All energy, whether it is breath or strength!"

Mizuki's hand was casually thrown up, and then he punched the rock through with a fist, and that was right, completely penetrated it!The whole rock was not crushed. She concentrated all her strength on her fist.

Text Volume 702. Regular plot

The practice that Shuishu gave to Shi You was to sit him on a clear lake with a rock in the middle, so that he could refine the chakra as much as possible and surround him.

There are two additional requirements here: "First, you must condense the chakra as much as possible and compress it around your body. Second, the lake must not vibrate, nor should it fluctuate."

The first requirement is the result of spiritual practice, and the second requirement is to check whether all the power is concentrated. If there is no complete concentration, the leaked chakra will affect the water surface.

This is a very difficult practice. Mizuki himself has never experienced it, but just a method he thought of.Because of the long battle and practice, she already knew that Chakra was released, and it would inevitably cause strong fluctuations.

This is something that is difficult to avoid. Even the current water trees are basically difficult to achieve this.However, she still chooses to teach Shiyou the practice, in fact, she wants to give her skills to Shiyou tentatively.

If he can keep Chakra introverted and maintain it for a long time, he can learn the skills of King Kong not bad.Needless to say the characteristics of this skill, of course, the initial entry is not enough to be invulnerable, but it can greatly enhance the physical fitness, and follow-up exercise can be achieved.

Of course, this is a theoretical idea in the water tree, because she actually doesn't know whether the skills of "Ragnarok" and this world can be effectively converted.

However, her practice template has always been based on the ninjutsu of this world. For example, when the King Kong is not bad practice, Mizuki thinks of Raikage's Thunder, so it seems that it should be no problem.

After arranging the cultivation of the three people, watching their concentration in order to become stronger, Mizuki felt that he could not be idle.Eliminate the necessary physical exercises to enhance your own strength practice.At the same time, I have conducted a deeper research on my skills.

The time to enter the bottleneck has been too long, and the skills of the second-level career have basically been learned, but because I don't know the way of promotion, I am always stuck at this stage and cannot reach the realm of advanced career.

According to the advanced method in "Ragnarok", it is actually to find an NPC to reincarnate, which is equivalent to re-training, and then the advanced will be opened, but this is the setting in the game.Do you want her to die once?

Not to mention that this method is unscientific, even if it is really necessary to die once, there are still more than ten years to wait for her to slowly cultivate again?

Mizuki didn't dare to do things that were uncertain, so he could only find a way to explore it by himself.Because in fact, the skills of advanced occupations have not changed in general from now, just a few more skills.So I thought that if we could find the right way, there might still be hope!

It was in the days of this practice that Mizuki had also heard that Naruto had successfully cut through the waterfall and completed the second stage of practice.This means that the creation of the spiral shuriken should be on the agenda!

By the way, I almost forgot important things, remembering Asma's death date, it should be about this time.Although his relationship with Asma is not very close, but he is Ino's instructor, and his relationship with Yurihong's lover, I really don't want him to be killed by Hidan.

After finding a short break, Mizuki talked to the three people and asked them to continue their own practice. After all, the master should come in. The practice still depends on the individual.

Mizuki took the time to go back to the village, first to solve his stomach problem, it is not a good habit to be hungry.Then I have to go to Tsunade and ask about Akatsuki's organization and the situation with Asmaban.

But when I was halfway there, I ran into three people from the "Kinohamaru Legion". They seemed to be muttering something. When they saw the oncoming water tree, Konohamaru's eyes lit up and hurriedly came. Mizuki asked, "Haha, sister Mizuki, how are you doing recently!"

Mizuki already knew about the recent situation of Konohamaru and Naruto. I heard from Hinata at home that he was learning the ninjutsu taught by Naruto. What did he say: "Spin?"

Because I usually do tasks and practice, I can't talk to Konohamaru most of the time, but he is Naruto's younger brother, so he said politely: "Konohamaru? Well, I haven't seen you for several years, you It also grows a lot taller."

Now Konoha Maru is only twelve or thirteen years old. He just graduated from school and became a ninja, but he feels a bit ninja.

Konohamaru also smiled happily, and then said to Mizuki: "Sister Mizuki, do you know Helix pill?"

"Spiral pill?" Mizuki exclaimed. Originally, I didn't know where it came from. Konoha-maru heard that when Naruto was studying spiral pill, Mizuki was also there, so she wanted to come to her for advice.

By the way, I remembered that Naruto was developing a new technique, and Konoha Maru was also learning Helix Pill. The two of them also made a bet on this, and learned the new technique before anyone else.The loser must ask for ramen!

Is this asking yourself?Mizuki glanced at Konohamaru and sensed the perseverance in his eyes.Can't help but nodded in agreement: "No problem, but I'm hungry, I can't have an empty stomach, right?"

I just returned from training outside the village, and now I have nothing to eat.

It just so happens that if Konohamaru wants to ask for advice on his own, he doesn't need a meal, right?

Konohamaru is also refreshing. In order to be able to surpass Naruto, what does it cost to pay for a meal?I heard that the meatball store has a new colorful meatball, so I’d better go somewhere to eat it.

If you eat people’s mouth softly, Mizuki is of course no exception. Let Konoha Maru ask questions about cultivation, analyze them and answer them.But I heard that he was learning the shadow clone, which made Mizuki a strange question: "Aren't you learning Helix Maru? Why did you learn the shadow clone again?"

This really cannot be blamed on Konoha Maru. It turned out to be Naruto's ghost, because Naruto's Chakra control is relatively poor, so he needs a shadow clone to help.Unexpectedly, this bad habit was taught to Konoha Maru.

Mizuki spit out feebly: "This Naruto is really a misunderstanding. He learns Helix Pill and the shadow clone technique. I really think everyone is the same as him."

While eating the colorful balls while spitting out, a ninja appeared at the door: "You are here, Konohamaru."

Seeing that the person coming was steel iron, after seeing Konoha Maru, he looked a little dignified, and after a long time he confided in the matter: "Sarutobi Asma, he, sacrificed."

Text volume 703. Sad news

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