I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 409

The atmosphere in the cemetery of the martyrs in Konoha Village was quite solemn, and Mizuki also stood aside dressed in black plain clothes, watching Yu Rihong sending a bunch of beautiful flowers in front of his lover's tombstone.

Sarutobi Asma died unexpectedly, even after getting the information from Mizuki, he still did not escape the plot arrangement.

Mizuki didn't feel particularly sad, but he was still affected by the atmosphere, and he squeezed his fist, but in the end he let it go.

Because she paid attention to Naruto's face, there was incredible perseverance, and he knew that Asma's sacrifice was entirely to protect him.

When his friend is hurt, Naruto will not use his tears to sympathize, he will use his strength to protect his friend from any harm!

When the funeral was over, Mizuki disbanded with everyone.

Hinata went to accompany Mr. Yurihong, and was afraid that she would be too sad. Mizuki expressed her understanding, and she also had something to do with her, which was to follow Tsunade to Hokage's office.

The death of Asma made Tsunade a very bad mood. Mizuki hesitated for a while, and after thinking about it, he cautiously said: "Master, the murderer of Asma belongs to the traitor of Tangyin Village: Hida. I. I have fought him before, this time the task can be handed to me."

After hearing the sound, Tsunade glanced at Mizuki, pondered for a minute or two, and then said: "You are right, this task is very suitable for you. In fact, I thought about it a long time ago. It would be fine to send you there. I am also responsible for the death of Asma this time."

A lot of information about Akatsuki’s organization has actually been collected, but when the mission happened, I first heard that the Temple of Fire was attacked. I thought that Asma and Master Dilu of the Temple of Fire had a very deep relationship. Will send him to check the situation.

But I didn't expect such a situation to happen. If you knew who the enemy you would encounter is, it should be very appropriate to send a water tree. The absolute defense power of King Kong is not bad, and it is completely restrained against the enemy.

But now that everything is finished, Asma has sacrificed, and now what needs to be considered is how to solve the current problem.

Mizuki opened his mouth again and said: "According to the information obtained not long ago, the two-tailed man Zhuli of the Thunder Country was also killed. According to previous experience, it will take a few days to extract the power of the Chakra from the Tail Beast. They can be prepared, and judging from the situation in the tenth class, they are likely to act alone."

The point raised here was approved by Tsunade.Asma is the instructor of the tenth class, Shijinin. Shikamaru and the others have a deep relationship. From their personalities, it is not strange to seek revenge from the enemy.

Tsunade nodded clearly, "Well, I see, what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple, help the tenth class get revenge!" This question is obvious, and Mizuki is not going to hide it: "I have heard from Teacher Kakashi. Naruto seems to have mastered the development direction of the new technique. It will not take long to come. Time, should I be able to complete the new technique?"

Regarding Naruto's spiral shuriken, Mizuki has been paying attention.After completing the stage of cutting waterfall not long ago, he immediately entered the final new technology research and development, adding to the change of nature.

Although he was stuck in a dead end for a time, he got Kakashi's shadow clone and looked at the left and right directions, allowing Naruto to find the direction of research and development of the new technique, and it is said that a model has already begun.

This is of course a very surprising thing, but according to the current situation, although it can speed up the research and development of new techniques, it is still undecided whether it can be completed in a few days.I want to estimate it is still the same as the original plot, using a semi-finished product to kill the corner?

Obviously Tsunade also got the information in this area, but it can make her feel better: "This time I really have to work hard for Naruto. I hope that everyone's sustenance of him can be fulfilled!"

When talking about this, he paused for a while, and immediately got his mood, Tsunade put on a serious expression, and began to give orders: "Mizuki, now I order you to find the tenth class assembly, if they do something. , You must cooperate with their actions!"

Yes, it seems that Tsunade is indeed an enlightened person, and he must also know that Akatsuki’s goal will be placed on Naruto sooner or later. Instead of sitting here and waiting to die, he should be ready to attack at all times!

Of course, the Mizuki here shouldn’t hesitate. He nodded and agreed. By the way, I asked the three Xia Ren: “I’m teaching them the practice of Chakra. Both Yunli and Xiushu have good talents. They have already reached a considerable level. Shi You taught: King Kong is not bad, just don't know if he can master it."

Tsunade thought about this problem, and left it to Mizuki to handle it first: "Explain all the things that you will explain first. In a few days, they will be able to finish the task and come back. Let him urge it."

It seemed that there was only this, Mizuki nodded in response, and then left first.

When I came to the place of practice, I summoned the three people who were practicing, and briefly said what happened recently: "You should have heard about it? There was news of the death of a ninja two days ago."

The three people must have heard about it. In addition to the recent rumors from Akatsuki, their guidance, Mr. Shinnin, was also sent out to investigate the matter.

They can still understand why the water tree is about to leave.Of course, the death of a Shinobu is not directly related to them, but knowing that Mizuki is going to perform such a dangerous task is inevitably a little worried.

The emotional girl Yunli reluctantly said, "Sister Shuishu, you have to be careful!"

Touching her hair, this little Nizi is obviously only one year away from herself. Why is she still so young?It's all a ninja!

But Mizuki can understand their worries, but a flying section and a corner are not going to let himself fall, right?So he said confidently: “You don’t have to worry about me. On the contrary, it’s your practice. You can’t let it go! I’ve already told Hokage, your guidance is Shinobu, and he will be back in a few days. Supervise your practice."

When talking about this, Mizuki thought about it again, and confessed one more sentence: "This time the task is not easy, but I believe in my strength. You also have to believe in yourself, I remember that you can't use three. In a month, the next Zhongren exam will be held. You must work hard to practice, and there will be no problems with becoming Zhongren."

Finally, he turned his gaze to Shi You. For this younger generation who is not talented enough, Mizuki specially exhorted: "Do you remember, what do I say is a ninja?-a person with endurance!"

Text volume 704. New composition: Class 10

That night, the water tree has been prepared, and his sight has been cast into the distance.

The death of Asma was not destined to be the end. Instead, it was a beginning. The three people in the tenth class would not be without expression.

The main gate of Konoha Village, Shikamaru and his two companions, have already walked out of the gate of Konoha Village. They have their own choices and want to avenge their teachers!

But just after they walked out the door, a voice rang from behind them: "Wait a minute, where are you going?"

Because they had already guessed that these three guys would act without authorization, Tsunade had been waiting for a long time. When he saw them, he wanted to leave, of course he had to stand up and stop.

"Five generations of Hokage?" Ino and Ding Ci both showed horrified expressions.

Konoha's ninjas all know that if they leave the village without a mission or order, they are likely to be considered a defection. Of course they will be very afraid.

However, Shikamaru was determined, and said in a very firm tone: "We are going to continue to complete the task!"

The three of them are the tenth class. This is the fetters of the pig, the deer and the butterfly. As for what the task is, you can think of it with your toes. In fact, you want to avenge Asma.

But only a few of them, Tsunade certainly wouldn't agree: "Are you going to act without authorization? Shikamaru, I plan to send you to my team, and wait until a detailed combat plan is drawn up before attacking. "

Tsunade here naturally had plans. Shikamaru would certainly not be unmoved when he understood Asma's death, but if he attacked rashly, the enemy would be the powerful Akatsuki, which was very dangerous.

Want to come to Shikamaru should be able to understand, Tsunade’s kindness?But here he didn't appreciate it, and said in a very troublesome manner: "This only requires reinforcements for us later. I have determined a feasible combat plan based on our situation."

"What are you kidding? It's enough!" Tsunade interrupted unceremoniously, "Asma lives and die, you only have three people left. Do you want to accompany him?"

Fighting is not a joke. Tsunade is not clear about the strength of the three of them. Asma's strength as Shinnin does not need to be questioned. Even he was not an opponent when he was there, and there were more helpers at the time.

But now relying on Shikamaru, Ino, and Dingci, it looks like the past is no different from the death.

Of course, it may also be angry here. The training of a ninja from school to become an excellent ninja, the death of a ninja is a considerable price.

Since Konoha collapsed in Konoha Village, many outstanding ninjas have been lost. Finally, after a few years, outstanding elites have come to the fore and brought some improvement to the village.

Especially Shikamaru's mind here is a talent that Tsunade values ​​very much. Now fighting for revenge is an extremely irrational behavior in her opinion!

But Shikamaru here is calm enough and replied: "We won't die in vain. We just don't want to choose to escape like this. The knot in my heart will never be knotted. I don't want to live in such trouble."

Shikamaru played with Asma's relic, which was a delicate lighter, lit the lighter and stared at the fire.

"You haven't grown up yet!" Tsunade sighed helplessly: "Ninja missions are always accompanied by death. Of course, no one will accept death, but if you can't break through, there will be no future."

For people who have experienced wars, especially medical ninjas, death is a very easy thing to understand. At least Tsunade's younger brother and beloved have stayed in the past forever.

Tsunade was the one who came here, and had a deep understanding of death, but anyway, it is all that has been lost for her, right?

However, Shikamaru here is obviously determined to close the lid of the lighter, holding Asma’s lighter in his hand, looking at the lighter, and saying: “I can feel that Asma is by my side, still Protect us. Go back to the end of this battle!"

Standing on a high place, Mizuki listened quietly, and couldn't help but recalled his dead companion.Although the time together is not long, it does leave a lot of memories.Not to mention dying for someone to die!

It seems that everything is business as usual. Class 10 will not obey orders. They must avenge Asma. Although they know that the enemy they are facing is difficult to deal with, they still have to fight as hard as they can.

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