I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 417

But at the same time, Mizuki's eyes were observing it, and he smiled subconsciously. It seems that Naruto's unexpectedness is the first, and it really is not a vain name!

Because just when Jiao thought it attacked the main body, he found a shadow clone. When he really understood it, the shadow clone just now was the real body!

The reason is very simple. Now that you know that you will use the shadow clone as a means to lure the enemy, just follow this thought and use the body as the bait, and let the shadow clone as the body.

This is a very vague concept, but I have to say it is very smart and very effective!When the angle came to understand, it was obviously too late.

Text Volume 715. The price of strength

There is no way to get close to the enemy quickly, and the enemy must come and die. Naruto's idea has to be said to be a good idea.

Such an opportunity was not wasted. The spiral shuriken hit Jiao Du's body, and while flying him directly, it caused a strong explosion.

What is visible to the naked eye is the center of the explosion, rotating like a whirlwind, looking a lot like a giant spiral pill, this power is really jaw-dropping.

Fortunately, while shocked, everyone responded in time to the sudden blast, and immediately resisted the violent wind that swept across.

Mizuki used his superhuman control power to withstand the gust of wind and watched the situation with his eyes blankly. Because Chakra's energy interfered a lot, it didn't seem to be very clear, but it was certain that the horns were seriously injured!

"I was attacked countless times in an instant, and the meridians throughout my body have been destroyed. Even if I am immortal, it is almost useless."

Looking back at Naruto who has fallen to the ground, it seems that his new technique is stronger than imagined. However, according to the principle of self-harm first, his body is also not lightly injured, right?

Hurrying over to check the situation, Dingci and Ino also ran to help, lifted Naruto from the ground, and looked at his body with his eyes, and they found that there was a big problem.

Although this new semi-finished technique will cause great damage to the enemy, when it is released, it will actually cause damage to itself first.

But now this is a wilderness, there is no way to give a perfect treatment, Mizuki first let Ino use medical ninjutsu to temporarily control his injury.

At the same time, Mizuki used his "qi injection" skill to inject a little strength into Naruto's body, protecting his meridians from further damage.

At present, we can only do this kind of treatment. The latter situation will be returned to Konoha, and after a complete system inspection, we will determine the specific situation.

To help Naruto control the situation, Yamato walked over and said, "Okay, let's go back to the village first!"

Dingci helped Naruto up.

Mizuki looked back at Yamato: "Would you like to go now? Where's Teacher Kakashi?"

"Senior, he has to do the aftermath."

It seems that this is left to Kakashi, anyway, he used to be a ninja of Anbu, and he is indeed very good at doing such things.

After a few people answered, they left here one after another, met with Shikamaru on the way, and then returned to the village together.

Because of the battle with Akatsuki, the action this time is of course to report to Hokage. The specific detailed report is the content of the battle. Is it very successful?Kill the two ninjas of Akatsuki.

Tsunade nodded clearly and said, "Very well, everyone has worked hard this time, and the current crisis is resolved. But Akatsuki still exists, and I don't know when it will reappear, so I still can't relax my vigilance in the future."

This doesn't matter. Akatsuki's loss of two manpower this time is already very serious, and it will not appear in the village of Konoha in the short term.

Of course, the necessary vigilance really cannot be relaxed, so everyone nodded clearly.

At the same time, seeing Naruto's injury, Tsunade asked what was going on. Naruto's answer was lighthearted: "It's just glorious injury."

Mizuki glanced at Naruto next to her, and thought about what she just wanted to say about this ninjutsu.However, Sakura preemptively said, "Emergency measures have been taken."

But that's what I said, this kind of injury can be seen, there may be certain problems.What's more, Tsunade, as a medical expert, saw more problems at first glance.

He immediately said in an unquestionable tone: "Just in case, go to Konoha's hospital for an examination!"

"No need? I have nothing to do." Just as Naruto wanted to answer like this, Mizuki couldn't help it, and he pulled him back: "Just say a few words, you look like a ghost, who doesn't Is there a problem coming out?"

When talking about this, Mizuki said to Tsunade: "Don't worry, I will send him there myself."

Seeing that Mizuki said this, Tsunade didn't say much, but simply laid out the rest of the matter.Seeing that it was a fight with Akatsuki this time, the group of people were more or less injured, so let everyone rest first.

It happened that there were a lot of things recently, and the return of two squads could strengthen Konoha's defense.And there are troops that can replace the left-behind, so that more teams can go out to perform tasks.

After the assembly was disbanded, Mizuki personally caught Naruto and threw him to the hospital for examination.

Things are a little troublesome, but fortunately, with Sakura's help, she often does things here and is very skilled in all inspections.

Probably this evening, the test results of the day came out. There were no sprains and bruises. The main thing was Naruto's hand, which showed signs of fracture.

This new technique will put a burden on the body. Although it is still in a treatable range, it is hard to say whether it will have unpredictable effects if used for a long time.

Regarding this issue, after finishing the treatment for Naruto, Sakura warned at the same time: "If this new technique is not a last resort, it must not be used again. Multiple use may be bad!"

A strong move must first be self-defeating, and a new technique that has not been completed has many drawbacks.

Fortunately, the problem is not very big, because Mizuki is quite clear. As long as he completes the cultivation of the fairy mode, Naruto's new technique will be perfected, and such small problems will be solved.

Although it is temporarily unavailable, Naruto is still very optimistic. He thinks this is not bad, right?At least someone here is with him.

Mizuki glanced at him, recalling Naruto when he was a child, he seemed to be almost such an optimist. Could it be related to his loneliness since childhood?And he often likes to play pranks, if he is not such a person, he really can't hold on.

Perhaps it was a little fascinating to see, Naruto and Sakura said a few more words, and suddenly saw Mizuki's gaze, Naruto couldn't help but ask: "Mizuki-chan, is there anything on my face?"

This guy looked very happy and didn't know what was in his mind.But the directness of the water tree may not be thinking about health.

Forget it, this guy has a bit of skin. Seeing that he is all injured now, I won't say anything for now.

Mizuki thought for a while, then looked at Naruto for a while, before explaining: "When am I thinking, how about a fight? Do you remember our agreement? Be stronger than one!"

Text Volume 716. The Art of Lily

Originally, Mizuki’s nature is not combative, but seeing Naruto’s strength getting stronger day by day, his strength hasn’t improved a lot for a long time, and his psychological aspect has gradually become a little unbalanced, so I want Come to prove through battle.

But now it is definitely not possible. Let’s not say whether Naruto is willing to fight her, and after the just-injured injury, there is no way to fight even if you want to fight, right?

There is another little thing here. On the next day, Naruto always thinks about eating ramen and what to say: "I do not eat a bowl of ramen when I come back from the task, and I always feel that I am missing something."

I don't like eating, so I have to eat ramen.

Forget it, because he was a wounded, he had no choice but to accompany him, but when the ramen came, it turned out that the injured was his habitual right hand, and he couldn't even hold the chopsticks. He had to be fed. Just work.

There are so many farts, it's better to just interrupt it, anyway, Mizuki will definitely not feed him, this guy is now more and more presumptuous.You have to know that even Mizuki herself has never been fed by a girl since she was a child. Where would she feed this guy?

Because it felt very awkward, Mizuki was unwilling to help feed Naruto, but Sai, who came with him, acted proactively and brought the noodles to Naruto's mouth.

According to Sai: "If a friend is in trouble, he should stand up and help. This is the real friend, as the book says."

Maybe for a rotten girl, two boys feeding each other is definitely a very loving picture, right?But from the perspective of Mizuki, boys' thinking is really disgusting!

The ramen that was so flavorful at first is useless if it makes me feel like this.

But at this time I also saw that Kakashi heard that they were eating noodles here, but as soon as they came in, they saw Naruto and Sai arguing.

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