I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 418

Asking what happened, Kozakura sitting next to Mizuki explained: "It's not that Naruto can't move his right hand. I'm considering who will feed him."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." When Mizuki was still weird, he saw Kakashi picking up his chopsticks, picking up ramen noodles and sending it to Naruto: "Come on, ah~ eat!"

What's all this and what, I was uneasy even to eat a ramen, and let Mizuki sigh helplessly, but seeing Naruto's bewildered look, it felt quite fun to say.

The task of paying the bill after eating ramen was thrown on Kakashi.Accompanying Naruto out of Yile Ramen, he didn't expect to meet a few kids in a blink of an eye.

It seems that Konohamaru has finally learned the shadow avatar, and he has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Mizuki watched from the side, and Naruto stepped forward and said to Konohamaru: "Have you finally learned the shadow clone? Let me see how much you have grown!"

Konohamaru is ready, the body and the shadow clone stand together, and begin to seal in their hands: "Color [Harmony] Seduction: The Art of Lily!!!"

It turned out that two hot bodies, no cloth covering them, only smoke surrounding sensitive beauties.This technique ~ the legendary lily technique?

At this moment, the water tree was staring at it. To be honest, she hadn't thought about playing lily with the shadow clone method before, but this was mainly in the three-dimensional time.

Because I am a girl now, and I have another myself and my own lily, I always feel a very strange feeling, so even though I had such an idea at first, it has never been implemented.

Mizuki was still watching in a daze, Sakura rolled up her sleeves angrily, and was about to go up and beat Konohamaru, but the person who punched him first was actually Konohamaru's companion Moe Huang.

An angry Menghuang squeezed his fists and rebuked: "How can you do it in front of a lady, such a thing that you don't know how to be ashamed?!"

The power of this fist is really not small. Seeing that Konoha pill is beaten and flew out, there is a big swelling on the head, this is still a companion together!

But looking at Meng Huang’s fist, Mizuki thought of something, and said to Meng Huang, “Seeing that you are very talented with this punch. Do you want me to teach you to use strange power? After learning, I promise that one punch can send people to the sky!”

This sentence is of course a joke. Menghuang guesses that even if he learns it, he shouldn't apply this to Konoha Maru, right?

Kozakura was still laughing here, but immediately thought of another thing, and turned her head back and said to Naruto: "Every time you meet, you won't do all this kind of thing, right?"

Naruto quickly denied that he didn't want to be beaten. You have to know that Sakura is really weird. He had heard of it before, and Jilaida was almost beaten to death once, which was just a punch by Tsunade.

Of course he knows how terrifying the strange power is!Quickly replied: "How is it possible? This ninjutsu is used to confuse the enemy, and besides, this is a contest between the two of us."

Unexpectedly, there was such a thing, Xiao Sakura was also squeezing a fist: "You two guys, it's a bit shameless, you are the only one who learns this technique."

Mizuki looked at Sakura from the side, and when he was teaching Naruto, suddenly thought of the development of this ninjutsu.From a serious point of view, this kind of ninjutsu is indeed a boring one, and it is a very serious one.

But I have to say that sometimes, you can really perform incomparable miraculous effects. The most classic example is to fight the boss Kaguya. You must know that as the ancestor of Chakra, Kaguya has no fear of many powerful forbearances. Skill, but it was defeated in front of this ninjutsu.

Thinking of this, Mizuki casually said: "This kind of ninjutsu is very boring, and it can be said to be very nasty, but maybe it will really be useful at some point."

"Huh?" Sakura thought she had heard it wrong. How could Mizuki, who is also a girl, say such a thing?

However, Mizuki quickly gave an example and pointed to the side direction: "For example, this guy!"

Looking in the direction of the finger, it really made Sakura see it, and immediately understood why Mizuki would say this. Indeed, if it were this person, this kind of boring and indecent ninjutsu could indeed have a miraculous effect!

The person who came was not someone else, it was the "Laughter Fairy" Jiraiya. He was doing a gesture of raising his hand to say hello, but the atmosphere on the scene made him feel that something was wrong.

Of course, Naruto saw the visitor too, and greeted with joy: "Ah, it turns out to be a lecherous fairy!"

Seeing this guy, Sakura held her forehead helplessly.

At this time, Naruto had already walked over, and he and Jilai also greeted him.

Mizuki patted Sakura on the shoulder and comforted him: "Boys, this is a normal thing, you don't need to take it too seriously."

That's what I said, but when he turned his gaze to Jiraiya, he and Kakashi seemed to have cast a wink. At the same time, Kakashi nodded clearly. It seems that something is wrong, right?

Text Volume 717. The Practice of Fireworks

Mizuki saw that Jilaiya and Kakashi had communicated with him, but he didn't pay much attention, because if she didn't know things, knowing too much would be troublesome.

It was a little later and there was not much to do. Naruto was called by Jiraiya to accompany him. Sakura needed to go back to the hospital first. Mizuki, who was free, just went home.

Back at the mansion of the Hyuga clan, it happened to meet the Hyuga Hippopotamus, holding a little fish food in hand, and spreading it into the water to attract countless goldfish.

He saw Mizuki's return and smiled a little: "I'm back, how is the mission accomplished?"

Mizuki glanced at the goldfish that was rushing for food. After hearing the problem he said, she turned her head and shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's done smoothly. The two members of Akatsuki have been solved. There will be no one in a short time News!"

This is a normal thing. Judging from the plot of Hokage, once again encounter Akatsuki, it should be Penn who attacked Konoha.

However, judging from the current point in time, it is expected that it is still far from time, so this judgment is made.

Sun Foot nodded, and finally finished spreading a handful of fish food, he clapped his hands and said: "You came back at the right time. Hinata was handed over just now. It is estimated that he will perform the task, and he will not come back for a while. I wanted her to do something, but now there is no way, you can only do it for you."

Mizuki asked what was going on, and Nizu took out a letter from her arms and taught her hand: "This is a letter I wrote to the Taketori clan."

He glanced at this letter strangely, wondering what his father wanted to do?If it's just mailing, can it be delivered to the people below?

Maybe it was because of Mizuki's doubts, Nizu explained: "You should know that our Hyuga clan, and Taketori clan for generations have good relations, and often walk around each other. This letter is to inform the other party and inform the next meeting time. Of course, there are other contents in it, and this is to be shown to them."

The task of sending a letter is simple. According to the fastest speed of the water tree, using the bow and bullets to drive on the road, you can reach the country of grass in three days, and you can complete one trip in a week.

But this task is second, because there are still some things that need a little time to prepare.It is said to give a little meeting gift, after all, it is a family with acquaintances, the necessary gifts are needed.

The specific time required is expected to be set off in two days. Regarding the execution of the family's mission this time, Nissuke said that it will explain to Hokage for Mizuki later.

After thinking about it, Mizuki didn't refuse. Anyway, I have two days to rest. Although I don’t have Hinata to accompany me, it may be a little boring, but I can find some free time during the task. Things to enjoy.

Water tree went to bed early that night, and got up early the next day.

I was about to take a look at what I had for breakfast. When I walked out of the door and came to the courtyard, I saw a petite figure, practicing again and again.


When I was young, I didn't pay much attention to fireworks, but it was my sister. Mizuki still had a lot of affection for her.This is this little Nizi, sometimes too strong, without Hina Tian teasing her, she will blush and be cute.

Hearing someone calling herself, Hua Huo noticed her sister, immediately stopped her next practice, and let out a few rough breaths in her mouth. It seemed that she had been practicing for a while.

This made Mizuki feel astonished: "Did you get up so early to practice? It looks like you have begun to practice again?"

The secret of the Hyuga clan: Huitian, with absolute defensive ability, Mizuki doesn't know where it is really good, but the difficulty of practicing ninjutsu is not easy.

Almost two years ago, when Huahuo seemed to be only nine years old, she was clamoring for Japanese football to study, but at that time she was too young to even need much chakra, so she temporarily suspended her practice and stayed. Learn the basic knowledge first in school.

However, under the influence of Naruto recently, Hinata also intends to develop new techniques, making Huahuo want to learn to go back to the sky again, but she is only eleven now, and her age is still too young, you must know that even if she is talented The so-called Ningci was a ninjutsu only explored at the age of thirteen.

However, it seemed that Huahuo worked very hard, and Mizuki didn't say anything to dissuade him again, but Huahuo seemed to understand it, and still insisted: "Yes, I want to learn again!"

"Well, you are very hardworking!" Mizuki touched her head pettingly, and said to her encouragingly: "Huitian is quite advanced ninjutsu, even Ning Ci only learned it at the age of thirteen. You I'm only eleven now. If you can surpass Ningci, you will be a genius surpassing him!"

This is an obvious encouragement, right?But when I heard the fireworks, I felt a little uncomfortable.Even Ning Ci, who is considered a genius, only learned it at the age of thirteen. Can he learn it now?

Of course, Mizuki could see her troubles, and he didn't care very much and said, "Do you think Ning Ci is an unsurpassed genius?"

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