I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 419

Huahuo paused, and then looked at Mizuki with a strange look. After all, Neji's talent is recognized. Although one failed in a Chunin test, it turned out to be Naruto and was taught by Jiraiya. .However, Ninz practiced completely alone. How could he do it if he wasn't a talented ninja?

Mizuki was completely watching the expression of the flowers and fire, and she understood why she had such thoughts.But still rigorously said to her: "Indeed, some people have high talents and are much higher than ordinary people. But practice is a process of accumulation over time. I remember a ninja who said: Working hard will not betray people. ."

The last sentence applies what Zi Luo said to Li.The content is a bit of soul chicken soup, but I have to admit that this sentence is somewhat reasonable.

God rewards hard work, people who don't work hard, just want to sit back and enjoy their achievements, can the sky fall pie?It should be a trap!

Ning Ci has a talent that even Japanese football recognizes. Without anyone's teaching, he can actually learn the secret and secret knowledge of the Hyuga clan.But if he doesn't practice hard, will he have a flash of light in his mind and he will learn to "return to heaven"?

This is definitely impossible, so the fireworks of the water trees show great confidence: "I just saw that the results of your practice are very similar to the sky. The reason why you still fail every time, I think one is The problem of proficiency, there is another one is own control, right?"

Text Volume 718. Family Mission

Anyway, these two days have been idle, so Mizuki will simply guide the practice of fireworks.

I have seen it just now. The Huahuo Huitian practice seems to be almost mastered at the technical level, but every time it will still be popped up by failure, there should be many reasons.

First of all, point out the proficiency. There is no way to rush. You can only practice again and again to achieve practice makes perfect. The elder has already said to Huahuo: "Give yourself some time, it might be a solution. ."

However, in addition to the problem of proficiency, Mizuki also judged that the fireworks lacked control.

What I'm talking about here is not the control of Chakra. After the teaching of Mizuki two years ago, and with the help of the ability to gaze, Chakra control of Fireworks is basically no problem.

The poor control is now talking about the coordination of the body.It should be known that when using Huitian, the human body is in a high-speed rotation state, so centrifugal force will inevitably appear.

If you are a skilled person, you can already control this power, but fireworks are currently not good enough. When using Huitian for high-speed rotation, there will be some deviations. This deviation will be amplified by centrifugal force, in other words Just get thrown out!

Of course, what I'm talking about for the time being is all conjecture. In order to verify this idea, the water tree is standing at the foot of Huahuo, and a circle is drawn: "You stand in this circle, continue to try to return to the sky?"

Hua Huo nodded to express understanding, took a pose, and then shouted: "Go to heaven!!"

The rotation of Huitian triggered a whirlwind, and Chakra was released from her center, forming a visible barrier. This was the embryonic form of Huitian.From the appearance, it is very close to the formation of Huitian, but the result is still the fireworks being thrown out.

A little unwilling to stand up, wanting to get the answer from Mizuki.At this time Mizuki pointed to the circle just drawn, and once again said to Huahuo: "Did you see it now? This is your Huitian."

Where Huahuo stood just now, the circle drawn was still in place, but judging from the traces on the ground, when she used Huitian, she was already out of this circle.

It seems that the verified conjecture is not wrong, here is the influence of centrifugal force.

Mizuki wasn't selling the gate, and he directly stated the reason: "When I was practicing in the past, I used to throw the shot, which was to spin the shot in place and throw it as far as possible. This is A very primitive sport, equivalent to a cannonball in ancient wars."

Returning to the sky and throwing a shot put are definitely different, but they both have one thing in common, that is, they will rotate in place to achieve sufficient swing strength.

Although this metaphor is a bit vague, Kahuo is a clever girl, and he immediately correlates the fragmented information: "So, I probably already know it. Huitian originally used himself as the center and made high-speed rotation to defend. But When I used Huitian, the center point moved, so it was thrown out like a shot."

Yes, you can teach you!

Mizuki nodded with satisfaction: "In the Zhongnin exam three years ago, did you see the Huitian used by Ning Ci? When he used Huitian, he was always rotating at one point from beginning to end. Now you know The reason for the failure."

It’s a pity that because Mizuki himself will not return to the sky, he can only help analyze some problems through performance judgments, but the words have already been said here, what to do next or how to solve them, the rest can only be Look at Hua Huo's own practice.

If you can’t master the method, the most stupid thing is that practice makes perfect. If you practice again and again, you can learn it sooner or later.

Although there is no way to directly teach Huahuo to return to the sky, Mizuki still tried his best to teach Huahuo all her usual practice experience and skills, hoping that this would help her.

In this way, for one day with her, while eating, both of them are still discussing spiritual practice.

Hyuga has always been considered a serious person, and it is considered rude to eat and talk.But knowing that Mizuki and Huahuo were discussing spiritual practice and exchanging experiences with each other, there was nothing to stop them.

That's the end of the day.

The next day was a new day. In the morning, Mizuki was eating breakfast with peace of mind. Rizuo said to Mizuki: “The gifts that need to be given at present have already been loaded into the car. It is estimated that the decoration will be completed by ten o’clock.”

When talking about this, the Japanese football team also specially reminded: "Our Hyuga clan and Taketori clan are family acquaintances. You are the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan. Every word and deed is related to the two families, so what you say and do is as much as possible. It's all prudent!"

Of course Mizuki is clear about this matter. After all, this is a relationship between two families. Although it is not comparable to two countries, it is still of great significance.

Mizuki nodded clearly: "Don't worry, although I haven't done diplomacy, I visited once a few years ago and I still have a little confidence!"

After talking quickly, I ate a simple breakfast, a few slices of whole grain bread and a glass of milk, and then went to check the decoration, and I was ready to go anytime.

Oh, yes, I almost forgot one thing, because this time the mission is diplomacy, and it is the two families of the Hyuga and Taketori clan. This is not a ninja mission.

So before this departure, the Japanese football team asked the water trees to be more formal.Because taking into account the Taketori family, which is a relatively conservative family, Mizuki must wear a kimono.

Well, about this costume, remember that there was an explanation before?

Although Mizuki doesn't reject kimono, she doesn't like to wear it by herself, but a girl who likes to watch.Especially the cute girls, such as girls like Hinata, blush when they move, which is really unique.

But if it were Mizuki herself, she would not be very happy.Because the kimono is a bit bad, you can't make big strides, let alone use ninjutsu, it's even impossible to fly over the wall.

Naturally, I dislike the unfettered water tree.But now it is compelling. In order to complete this diplomatic mission, I can only grit my teeth and endure: "MD, they are all girls. It is not ugly to wear a kimono. It will be over when the mission is completed~!"

This is also the Naruto World, which is basically based on island culture, so Mizuki is now a girl wearing a kimono. No one will think there is something wrong, but Mizuki doesn't like it too much.

But just as Mizuki walked out wearing a kimono and was about to set off, he found a familiar person.

Text Volume 719. On the way to

This person is not someone else but Neji!

It turned out that Kaiban, who had just returned from a short time ago, was also on standby recently, and he was very talented and was a Shinobi, so he was arranged to perform the task.

But I don't know if it was his own illusion. When Mizuki saw Neji here, he found that his eyes were a little strange, as if his eyes were flashing.

Mizuki felt that he had a problem, so he walked over and greeted him: "I didn't expect it to be a coincidence. Are you also an entourage?"

"Well, yes, I am in charge of the guard." Ning Ci nodded quickly, but the light in his eyes did not diminish, but he might have noticed that Mizuki looked at his strange eyes and quickly explained: " I rarely see you wearing a kimono. I never thought you would look so good in a kimono."

This guy ~ how to talk, what is "unexpected"?Psychological aspect rose involuntarily, a feeling of wanting to beat him?

But now I am wearing a kimono, which is not suitable for fighting, so I resisted the unhappy mood and said to this guy: "What's wrong? You look handsome. If you wear a kimono, you will definitely look good!"

Turning around and saying that he is a little white face, I don't know if Ning Ci can hear it. What I think is that this sentence is obvious. He should be able to hear it?

Of course, it does not matter if you understand it, because in the culture of the island country, it is not that there are no men as geishas, ​​and at first, geishas were all men, and then they were replaced by women.So if it wasn't ironic, it wouldn't necessarily be a scolding.

Ning Ci didn't seem to care too much, but casually replied, "The time is up, it's time to set off."

It takes about three or four days to go to the country of grass according to the speed of the ninja, but it takes at least a week if the weather and road conditions are good when the weather and road conditions are good.

The few days along the way will inevitably be a little boring, and the only way to relieve boredom is to chat.

The group of people in the same group considered that, except for the two hired coachmen, there are four ninjas of the Hyuga clan in Neji. Two people are responsible for looking after a carriage. This should be a very average configuration.

Next to Mizuki is Neji, the two of them have nothing to say, maybe they don't know what to say, right?There seems to be no topic.So I put more energy on another ninja around me.

Speaking of this ninja, she is actually the maid Hanako by Mizuki!

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