I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 420

Because before accompanying Mizuki to take the Zhongnin exam, he has already obtained the status of Zhongnin.And in this period of time, he has also completed two missions brilliantly, and was sent to perform this mission with permission from Hyuga Nissa.

Hanako is two years older than Mizuki, so she is already eighteen years old, which is the youngest age of a girl.Water trees who have always had a hobby will certainly not let go of such an opportunity.

From time to time, I would use words to tease, such as asking: "Dear Sister Hanako, do you have a boy you like? No! So what do you think of me?"

If it weren't for this: "Look, you are single, and I am also single. It's better to be a double. Do you think it's so good?"

Speaking of such similar words one after another, I am afraid it is a bit of suspicion of sexual harassment. If Mizuki is a boy, it is estimated that he will be beaten.

But fortunately, she is a girl, and the ninjas of the Hyuga clan may all know the character of Mizuki, do whatever she likes, she should be a type of dare to love and hate.Although she is a little clever in daily life, she is a bit careless in life, especially if she teases the second young lady Hinata, she likes to see her blushing, which is already known to everyone.

Looking at the Hanako who grew up with Mizuki, how could she be fooled? Basically, she wouldn't give a stand for such harassment.

But Ning Ci here can't stand it anymore. Even though Mizuki is molesting Hanako, he still reminds him: "You two are girls. In broad daylight, you always need to have Cover it up a bit? Could it be that two girls will get married in the end?"

I didn't expect that from Neji's mouth, he could say such a modern feeling.

The concept of Naruto World is not used in the three-dimensional world. Although the relationship between the two sexes is not avoided, the same sex is still quite rare.Of course, even in the three-dimensional world, the topic of homosexuality is not too taboo, but the mainstream society still disagrees.

Mizuki has always been scornful of this mainstream concept. In the past, he liked the dead fat house of the second element. He never cared whether it was a foundation or a lily, so he said to Ning Ci that "two girls can't get married" statement.

She said disdainfully: "What's the matter with a girl marrying a girl? If one of your boys can beat me, then you can let me post it to him, but is there any?"

Because I believe in my own strength, few people at the same age can compare with her.And if anyone wants to challenge the marriage, it is estimated that they will have to endure all of her anger, and the one-strike nirvana will definitely not escape.Unless it is a person with a very big life, otherwise there is a possibility of being killed.

Don't ask why such a boring topic is said, this is actually an attitude on the surface, a man who wants to marry a water tree must be fatal!Otherwise, you can only beat her, otherwise you need to consider the violent life that you will endure after marrying her.

Such an answer will definitely make it difficult for many people to accept. At least Ning Ci shrank his head when he heard it. But if he thought about it, he didn't want to marry this violent woman. Why should he worry about her husband in the future?The most is to help beg for blessings!

But here again, Hanako thought of one thing, and immediately said to Mizuki: "Miss Mizuki, this time we visited the Taketori clan, and Ju said that he was invited by the Taketori clan. In addition, I heard another news. The patriarch of the Taketori clan is considering looking for a wife for his son who has reached the age of 16."

The news came too suddenly, causing Mizuki's face to change, and immediately gave birth to a bad premonition.

The Hyuga clan and the Taketori clan are family ties. Considering the sustainable development of the relationship between the two families, marriage is not impossible.

Not to mention anything else, at least the Hyuga Nizus he knows is definitely a visionary person. Hinata has a relationship with Naruto for more than ten years. Would he not know that as the head of the family?

But he never prevented such a relationship until it finally proved it.His judgment is extremely correct. Naruto is a worthy investment, not only to become a hero of Konoha, but also a hero to save the world, and become Kokage's Hokage!

If this is the case, will you be betrayed as a means of marriage that you want to consider to maintain a relationship with the Taketori clan?

Text volume 720. Laughing handle

The example of marriage is not a very strange thing in Shuishu's memory. Although it is basically seen as having nothing to do with him, the story of "Zhaojun Going out of the Fortress" in the three-dimensional world is familiar.

In addition, I also know that during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was a man named Duguxin. The remaining seven daughters and three became queens. They spanned the three consecutive dynasties of the Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties, so that the famous Tang Taizong Li Shimin was also The grandchild of this man's daughter!

Because there are lessons from the past, I have to say that it is doubtful. Mizuki couldn't help but worry about it. Don't be your cheap father, sell yourself, right?

Of course, this idea just appeared, and it was quickly dismissed by Ning Ci. He said indifferently, "Didn't you just say it? Who wants to marry you? He has to beat you first. There are not many people your age who are your opponents, right?"

Well, after hearing Neji's words, Mizuki felt relieved.

Speaking of this visit, the Japanese football team did not mention this matter with itself. I think it did not intend to enforce it. It is estimated that it has maintained a laissez-faire attitude.

If the young masters of the Mizuki and Taketo clan call, this is not a bad thing for the Hyuga clan, if it doesn't work, it will be regarded as a diplomacy.In addition, I would like to remind you before you set off that this time is about family diplomacy. You must be cautious in your words and deeds. It seems that there is still such a meaning, right?

The trouble is a little troublesome, but fortunately, there is room for maneuver, and the water tree is still a little clever. It shouldn't be difficult to deal with such a small trouble.

Of course, it's best to be self-conscious, and the Taketori clan has no ideas, so that she can complete the task smoothly, so that she can return to business.However, just in case, Mizuki carefully calculated it in his heart, so that he could have a security plan, the so-called preparedness!

Finally entering the borders of the country of grass, and coming directly to the northern region, the chaos here is a bit serious. As soon as the border of the country of fire is encountered, he encounters unopened robbers, and he actually wants to rob.But with a ninja like Neji around him, it is not easy to fight a group of little thieves.

Such a small accident didn't cause any obstacles, and never encountered it later. It must be because of the protection of a ninja, and if there is no absolute certainty, he dares to rob again. This is almost the same as looking for death.

Soon after arriving at the Taketori clan, Mizuki carefully observed it and felt that the changes here were not great.It may be from the Taketori family, which is relatively conservative and has something to do with the environment.

When the people of the Taketori clan saw someone approaching, they instinctively came up with a weapon, but it was only when Ningci's surface identity made them realize that they were from the Hyuga clan.

Soon several people came out of the Taketoi clan. They were here to confirm their identities. They didn’t expect that it didn’t matter. At first glance, Shuishu saw a person and handed over the person’s name: "Adan, You are Adan, right?"

More than three years have passed. Back then, it was a task to enter the country of grass and be wary of the direction of the country of soil. Later, I dropped by to the Taketoi clan. The first person I saw was this Adan.

In the past, there were young people in their twenties. Three years have passed. They have grown stronger. It seems that the life of the past three years has allowed him to sharpen a lot of muscles.

Hearing someone calling her by her own name again, and using her nickname, Ah Dan followed the voice of the water tree and saw her.The first reaction was to be taken aback for a while, and then a little frowning in retrospect, and finally realized: "Oh, are you the little loli of three years?"

Little~Little Lolita~!?

Mizuki's face turned black for an instant, what kind of ghostly impression of Nima.

But if you think about it carefully, I was only twelve years old that year, and I was a little timid at the time, hiding behind others.

I want to come because of this impression, right?

"Little Lolita?" Ning Ci looked at Mizuki with a strange and playful expression.

He is really unimaginable, how can this girl who usually fight fiercely be connected with Loli.Of course, if you say it is cute, it was cute when you were young.

But for such a look, after being noticed by Mizuki, he immediately responded with a stare, as if to warn Neji: "Don't guess!"

Neji quickly withdrew his weird look, but Hanako and the others couldn't help but laugh out loud. Hanako here even smiled and said, "Yeah, Miss Mizuki from that year was super cute. Where's the little Lolita! Hmm~ Of course now she's also beautiful."

I was dizzy. I was going to faint. Sure enough, the situation was right. This Ah Dan had a tendency to lolicize, but he knew that he should hide a little farther. Now it's over. If it's spread out, would it? Not to be ashamed!

Everyone laughed for a while, and finally saw Mizuki's crying and tearless expression, and quickly stopped laughing at her. Now that he knew the identity of the visitor was correct, Ah Dan ordered his men to move away and greet her. People from the Hyuga clan entered and informed the patriarch that the guests had arrived.

Three years later, this time Mizuki saw the patriarch of the Taketori clan again and said hello very politely and respectfully: "Master Kubo, three years have passed since you were there, you are still the same as you were before!"

Yes, as a warlike boss, Kubo's strength is beyond doubt. Even after three years, his face is still very strong, and it can be seen that he has never lacked exercise.

This is a ninja who is also a strength type. He knows that daily high-intensity exercise can help maintain the vitality of cells and slow down the speed of cell aging.Three years is not too long, and maintaining good physical fitness is not difficult.

Master Kubo saw Mizuki and knew that Mizuki was the little girl back then. He not only sighed: "It's really the eighteenth change of a female girl. The cute and shy girl three years ago is so slim now."

I'm dizzy, what's the matter, it was Loli just now, but I am shy again?Mizuki's heart is about to break. It seems that the way he was hiding behind others in the past made a deep impression on them!

It can be seen that Neji's eyes have become more complicated.As for the other people in the same group, there is a figure that can't help it. It's over, over, over. After returning from the mission this time, I am afraid that it will become my own laughingstock.

Fortunately, at this time, a series of horse hooves relieved her. A handsome young man came on horseback and stopped in front of Kubo and Mizuki. The boy dismounted and saluted Master Kubo: "My father, I am back."

[Unknowingly by the end of March in 2018, I remember that at about this time last year, "Naruto" ushered in a successful conclusion, and now the first anniversary has passed!

[After the book was revised, I couldn't find the feeling of writing at all. For a long time, I followed the original, if I didn't write it for granted.But no matter what, I have to finish this book!I know I've written it badly, but it's a book I wrote. It needs a beginning and an end.

[Finally: It is estimated that two hundred chapters will be written, which may be extended or reduced, depending on the specific situation!

Text Volume 721. Such a sudden confession came

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