I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 422

Of course, I have already thought about it a lot before, and as my age grows, I will sooner or later be the age of marriage.So it's not that there is no psychological preparation for marrying, but one thing is certain, if the end of marrying is in the end, you will definitely choose a person you like.

However, she was only sixteen years old, and it could have been a few years later. As a result, she didn't expect someone to confess to her now. This was something she hadn't expected.

At this time, after Kubo had finished educating his son, he turned his gaze back to Mizuki's body, seeing her twinkling eyes, a little bit of resistance and a little hesitation, in short, he looked reluctant.

How can I say that it’s a dozen-year-old adult. Kubo can guess some of Mizuki’s thoughts, and he doesn’t shy away from saying: “Mizuki, you don’t have to take it too seriously. My father and I are Brothers when I was young, this time you come to our diplomacy here, but also to let you and my son deepen the friendship between our two families."

Text Volume 723. Life of the Taketo Family

As the head of the family, Mr. Kubo's words immediately resolved the atmosphere of the scene and let Mizuki breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, there is still something interesting in the words, and there is still a taste of wanting to deepen the relationship.The reason is also very clear. Master Kubo has several children, but Shingo is his eldest son.To put it bluntly, it is possible in the future to succeed as the chief of the Taketori clan.

At the same time, on the side of the Hyuga clan, the influence on the original plot is excluded, because of the appearance of Mizuki, she is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan.And it happens to be the same age, so there is a plan to marry each other to enhance the relationship between the two families. This is a perfect thing.

Mizuki had already thought of this possibility, and there was nothing too surprised, but he did not respond positively to it. He just said: "Our Hyuga and Taketori clan, but the relationship that has been built for generations should be passed on. Go down."

All in all, they are talking politely, but never mention marriage at the expense of union.Not to mention whether Mizuki himself would agree, in fact, such a relationship is inherently unstable.

The Han Dynasty in history is a profound example. No matter how you make peace with the Huns, you will still be invaded. Only when you become stronger can you get real peace.

Although the relationship between the Hyuga and Taketori clan is certainly large, for example, the level of the country is large, but as an ancient family that intersects for two generations, there is no doubt that such inheritance is not a marriage, and the inheritance effect can be achieved.

Of course, Mizuki's impression of Shingo is not bad. This is actually okay. If you can communicate more in the future, you can still maintain such a relationship, not necessarily at the price of marital happiness.

If you want to come to Kubo, you already know that Mizuki's personality is very independent, and he hates the feeling of being controlled.This must have been what Nizuo said, even Mizuki's father had no choice but he had no qualifications to discipline him.

But when Mizuki said this, Kubo was still a little relieved, and he nodded and said, "That's it."

After finishing the polite remarks, Mizuki handed over the letter from Nizu to her by the way, and delivered it to Master Kubo.

Kubo opened it casually and took a look. After reading the contents of the letter up and down, there seemed to be a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and then he took the letter into his arms, and said with a straight face, "Mizuki girl, uh, we take it. One clan, without the prosperity of your Konoha, but with our own characteristics, let Shingo take you for a while, and I will give you in the evening to prepare a grand party to celebrate!"

Without waiting for Mizuki's answer, Kubo had his own son. Shingo whispered: "You stinky boy, don't bully your sister Mizuki, just like she said: marriage is a girl's life. How can you be so sloppy. Now give you a chance to redeem your sins!"

After saying this, I also expressed the friendship of the landlords to the ninjas of the Hyuga clan: "You can walk around in my clan. I dare not say that it can be compared to your Konoha village, but our Taketori clan It won't disappoint you either."

The crowd saluted him last, and then waited until he had left beforehand.

Mizuki exhaled secretly. The words of Lord Kubo just now calmed the scene, and also gave his son a chance to get close to him. He was really an old fox.

I have always thought that the people of the Taketori clan are full of brains and muscles, but it seems that you can be the leader of the clan. If you are empty and strong, but without a shrewd mind, you still can’t be up to this position. ?

Waiting for Master Kubo to go away, leaving this place for the younger generation.

Shingo walked to Mizuki and said to Mizuki very kindly: "Let's go, Father asked me to show you around. You haven't seen it much the last time you came, so I can't miss it this time. ."

After thinking about it, Mizuki agreed. Anyway, there is no harm in walking around, and you can also understand the local customs. Don’t have come twice by then, but when you go back, what will you have? Don't know, isn't this shameful?

Because of Shingo's company, Mizuki can observe the local customs of the Taketoi family up close.The first feeling I gave her was like watching a big river drama in ancient costumes.

Of course, this is normal. After all, the settings of Naruto World are mostly Japanese style.Although there is a little concept of another world, this is only a small part.

But this is another world after all. If you observe carefully enough, you can still see many differences.This country is called: the country of grass. Everyone should know the name of this country, right?This country must have many grasslands.

Therefore, the way of life of the bamboo tribe not only has the form of the agricultural society in the past, but also many embryonic forms of grazing.The first thing Shuishu thinks of is the Mongolian nationality, which is the ethnic group that lives by the water and grass in the three-dimensional world.

In the three-dimensional world, Shui Shu never visited Mongolia, even Inner Mongolia.But when I was in college, there was a Mongolian student in my class, so I heard about the life of Mongolians.

Of course, what I want to say here is not, the Zhutoi clan is very similar to the Mongolian clan, after all, they are different from the two worlds.But there is also grazing, because such an existence can make Mizuki understand why the Taketori clan will invade the country of grass all year round.

Judging from the observation of water trees, first of all, there is the habit of eating meat. People who eat meat all the year round have a stronger body than those who are vegetarian.And the character will become more fierce, this is the performance of combat effectiveness.

In addition, as a requirement of animal husbandry, luxuriant aquatic plants are definitely necessary. When the annual autumn and winter seasons come, the fat loss of cattle and sheep will be quite serious.If there is not enough food in the fields, the people of the Taketori clan will worry about being hungry.In this way, in order to survive, it is inevitable to invade the country of grass and plunder living supplies.

This is like the reason why in ancient China, it was often invaded by northern nomads, and the country of grass here is a small country that is not strong, more like the celestial dynasty in the weakening period, and of course it is the preferred target of the Taketo family. .

Farming peoples invaded by nomads can be compared to villages being ransacked by bandits.From the perspective of farming civilization, such behavior is tantamount to evil.But if you stand from the perspective of nomads and you are fighting for survival, there is no evil and justice.

Text Volume 724. The Relationship Between People

If it were in the three-dimensional world, Mizuki's mentality was only in his twenties at the time, and it was the age when blood was easy to get up. When thinking of such things, it is easy to think of his own country and the past of foreign invasions in history.Mizuki is absolutely disgusting and repulsive!

However, after coming to this world, with the maturity of her mentality, especially after becoming Shinobu, she has experienced battle after battle, and gradually she has understood that sometimes in order to survive, she must kill others. people.

The simplest and most intuitive example is the day Konoha collapsed. In the battle, either you die or I live. Killing is crime, invasion is evil, but it is a peaceful age, and there is an explanation for the victory.

The world of the ninja is not equivalent to the laws of nature, but if there is no strength and resistance, there will be lambs to be slaughtered.Only when one's own strength is strong enough to at least survive, can one talk about a bright future.

Mizuki looked at the customs of the Taketori clan and couldn't help but sighed: "For our own survival, mankind has triggered countless wars. Even though we know that this is wrong, they still appear again and again. People who die. Buried under the loess, those who survive will stand on the loess."

When this sentence was spoken, even Mizuki didn't even know why he said such a sentence, as if he had just blurted it out subconsciously.

But maybe this is just because of feelings?This is a sigh of helplessness.In the last sentence, you can feel that the battle is just a game between the winner and the loser.

Shingo on the side is a mental age without Mizuki, and did not realize the meaning in Mizuki’s words, but simply believes that the original intention of fighting is to win: "The life of the Taketori clan is simple, without the intrigue of the outside world, I listen I have said that the outside world has all kinds of criticisms against our clan, but our clan is like this, we will fight for what we want."

What we are trying to say is nice. This is a beautification of robbery.

Psychologically, she is already an insightful water tree. Of course, she will not talk about this kind of problem, and there is no need to argue. After all, in the three-dimensional world, she has already heard a sentence: "People are not for themselves. Destiny is extinct!"

Casually wandering to some places, not only have seen the pastoral style of this place, but also seen the horses galloping, and the simple life of men farming and women weaving.

For the water tree born in the city from the three-dimensional world, this should be a very leisurely and beautiful picture, right?But in fact, I approached and observed and found that such a life is not as good as imagined.

However, there is no alternative to this. Agricultural farming is all related to grazing, basically relying on the sky for food.So low productivity is no way, how can life be unclear?

When Mizuki saw this place, he couldn't help but ask Shingo: "The life of the Taketori clan is so difficult here, haven't you considered going to the outside world to develop?"

Regarding this question, Mizuki associates himself with the Hyuga clan, because according to the historical records of the Hyuga family, the solid wood leaves were only built by the Senju clan and Uchiha clan.The Hyuga family also moved to Konoha from other places, and after several generations of family growth, they have become Konoha's famous family.

By the way, isn't there another sentence?Called: "The mountain does not turn, the water turns."

Say it again: "The tree is moved to die, and the person is moved to live."

Knowing a little flexibility is always a bad thing, right?And it is for the lives of their own people, which should be considered even more.

However, to Shingo's answer quickly, it made Mizuki understand the reason. The Shingo here said: "It's not that we, the Taketori clan, have never thought about leaving this place to find a more suitable environment. But the world is divided by various countries. We are all foreign nations wherever we go, and we will inevitably compete with the locals for resources."

"As you can see now, we only have a few thousand people in the Zhutoi clan. In fact, my father said that there were tens of thousands of people in my clan more than 20 years ago. There is an idea of ​​relocation, looking for a suitable place to settle down."

"But you should have heard of it too? What happened in the Water Country. It is because our race is a foreign population and is not accepted by the locals. In order to obtain sufficient living space and resources, we can only carry out a coup to seize . But then everything failed!"

It turns out that this is the case. Mizuki probably understands it. It seems that the development of the Taketori clan is not because it has not thought about changes, but it cannot be accepted by the outside world.

For these and other reasons, the living environment of the Taketori family has made Mizuki more familiar. It seems that the combative notoriety of the Taketori family is more or less related to outsiders' incomprehension?

However, it is easy to explain this way, a theme about the world of Hokage: understanding between people.

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