I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 423

Mizuki remembers very clearly, the first ancestor of the Ninja world in the plot, the legendary six immortals, and the first person to understand the true meaning of Chakra.The idea when creating "Ninzong" was that Chakra connects everyone and allows everyone to understand each other.

Payne, no, it should be Nagato. Because his friend died, he believed that as long as there is no real peace in this cursed world, people will never understand each other, and the understanding of peace will go. Go to extremes.

If you want to come from the Taketori clan, you can see a little shadow, right?If people cannot understand each other, there will be disputes of this kind, right?

Mizuki should have thought of such a problem long ago, because in fact, as early as the three-dimensional world, she already knew an example: the relationship between people has become increasingly cold.Many people in the community, even the neighbors who live next door to their house, may not be able to call each other's name.

Mizuki should have thought about this issue long ago, but it seemed useless.Because when it comes to the relationship between people, Naruto must actually be saved?She is not the protagonist of this world, she is just a traverser. To put it bluntly, she is a soy sauce.

When she was still thinking about something, Shingo introduced her to her. Some of their customs here are just explaining their culture, right?Including the gods believed by the Taketori clan, and also introduced water trees to their shrines.

The water tree here can tell at a glance, this guy is completely deliberate, or should it be ulterior motives!

Text Volume 725. Nagi

In the three-dimensional world, the island states have a saying: "Three thousand gods in the imperial kingdom."

It means that there are many gods in the island country, and in fact they are in the island country’s culture.The gods worshipped are not necessarily gods, and there may be worship services for ghosts.

Since Mizuki watched a lot of animation, he still has a little bit of knowledge in this area.Shingo introduced here that the god worshipped by the Taketori tribe is bamboo. Yes, no one has heard that it is bamboo!

This is a very strange custom, but when you think about it carefully, you can understand that the origin of the Taketori clan is in the three-dimensional world, and the water tree has been heard from the story of the "Taketori Story".Legend has it that Taketori Kaguya Ji was born from bamboo.

In the shrine of the Taketori clan, it is said that there is a sacred object sealed up, and it can be taken out and used only when performing a major ceremony.

Shingo hasn't seen what it is, but according to what his father said: "It's a scepter made of Polygonatum."

Every time it is taken out, it is only allowed to be taken out and used when the patriarch is selected and there are major issues related to the family, and it must be holy every time.

Being curiosity aroused, Mizuki deliberately wanted to watch it with white eyes, and wanted to know what it was.However, this thought emerged, and as a result, I heard a few light footsteps inside the shrine.

It turned out to be a maiden in the shrine. Although it is a small shrine, it belongs to the holy land of a clan and needs someone to manage it.However, the important task of managing the shrine is undoubtedly to be entrusted to the shrine maidens. This is a culture of the island country, right?

When Shingo saw the incoming person, he was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly nodded and said, "It turned out to be Sister Nagin. I accidentally disturbed you."

It seemed that it was someone Shingo knew. Mizuki turned his eyes to the witch, whose image was similar to that of the witch in his impression, in a red and white witch costume, holding a strange rattle, and a belt wrapped in his hand.

The name of the visitor is Naruto, which means in Chinese, it means to be a monk.It’s a bit strange to hear a girl like this, but thinking that she is a witch, she is indeed a monk, right?After all, the prerequisite for becoming a maiden is to remain a virgin.

[Role: Taketori Naruto, provided by reader: Little Duck Duck.When it comes to naming the supporting role, this brother, did you check the meaning of the word?

Nagin glanced at Shingo, and then at Shuishu, as if he was still looking up and down for a while, and finally fixed his eyes on Shuishu. It was estimated that he could see that this was a white eye, and immediately guessed the identity of Shuishu: "The Hyuga clan Guest? You should be Miss Mizuki?"

The maiden can know her name, and Mizuki said with some confusion: "Miss maiden, do you know my name? But I remember myself. I have never been here before, right?"

Nagin glanced at Mizuki strangely, and after confirming that she didn't know anything, he explained, "You should ask him this question!"

When talking about this, he glanced at Shingo with a white eye and continued: "I don't know when it will start. You will mention your name every time. Not long ago, I ran to me to test the marriage."


In Mizuki's eyes, there was also a contemptuous look. Shingo looked a little embarrassed and touched his head, but he didn't make any expressions, let alone say anything to explain.

Presumably, what you want to say has already been expressed, right?

Ignoring this guy, Naru made a please gesture: "Sister Mizuki is here, please come in and sit down? I'm really curious, and I want to ask a question, how did you meet?"

Faint, how can people answer this?

Troubled Mizuki hesitated for a while before staring at Shingo’s expression and said: "According to this guy, since I fell him, he has fallen in love with me. How do I know how to meet, if If you really want to know him, even after I beat him up!"

"Ah~! Is that like this?" Nagin was not talking anymore, but after he invited the two into the shrine, he invited the two to drink a cup of tea with a cup of scented tea. The aroma was quite strong. According to her introduction: "This is the shrine. The wild flower tea planted inside is very spiritual and can calm the mind and soul."

Mizuki doesn't drink tea very much, and basically uses tea as water, but I take a sip here and then put the tea cup down.

At the same time, he looked at Shingo with a strange look, and saw that his mind was very confused, and after seeing his own eyes, he showed a look of anxiety and embarrassment.

I hurriedly filled the teacup with my head, but I was scalded by the warm tea, and my cough was relieved several times. I guess my mouth was numb. It was really comfortable!Deserve it!

Here Nagin still cares about Shingo, and took out a hurried towel to him: "Tea is a good tea, and I must taste it! Where can I drink the tea in one gulp?"

But when I blamed Shingo, I seemed to see the water tree on the side, and seemed to be stealing amusement.This aroused Nagin's curiosity. He estimated something psychologically, but in the end he didn't say it.

Place the bells and ribbons in your hands on the altar of the shrine, then put your hands together in a gesture of prayer, and touch them for tens of seconds before turning around and walking back to the two people.

Nagi looked at Mizuki and made an inviting gesture to her: "Miss Mizuki, if you don't mind, can you walk with me?"

"Huh?" Mizuki didn't know what she meant, and looked back at Shingo, he also didn't know what to do.He couldn't help but asked Nagi, "Is there anything wrong?"

Nagin also glanced at Shingo. She thought about it and said to Mizuki: "You and I will come over for a walk, so you know?"

Shingo here wants to stand up and walk with the two of them.

However, he gave a cold stare and stopped shouting: "We two girls, we have a few private words, what is it like for you big man to follow?"

In one sentence, he sent Shenwu back, asking him to stay here to drink tea honestly, and drink it when the tea is cold, and they will almost be back.

There was no way, Shingo had no choice but to sit down, but watching Naji and Mizuki leave, he still made a begging gesture to Naji, and said, "Dear sister Naji, brother's happiness depends on you! "

This guy is enough!Where there is no such thing as a stroke of horoscope, where can happiness come!

Mizuki almost fainted, but Nagin pulled her away in time.

Text Volume 726. God's Revelation

Without any reason to refuse, Mizuki accompanied Naruto for a walk, almost to a courtyard, and the two entered a pavilion.

Nagi stood still, turned around and looked at Mizuki for a while, then said: "I have always been curious, how can he remember such a girl, you are indeed excellent."

When he said this, Nagi seemed to be thinking, and he hesitated for a while and continued: "When I was young, I grew up with Shingo. I also know what kind of person he is. If he is a person, I should I have to bless you. But my instinct tells me that this kind of thing is absolutely impossible!"

Mizuki didn't even speak, wondering how this girl thinks about the problem?Because she felt that this Nagi seemed to have seen something, she should have guessed that she would not be with Shingo?

However, the Nagin here shook his head and said, "You are the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, and Shingo is the eldest son of our clan. You are very good match regardless of your status and status. But when I prayed to God, I was vaguely received. God’s revelation tells you that you are not an ordinary human being."

"I am not a human?" Hearing this evaluation of himself, Mizuki couldn't help but smiled and said: "Are you kidding me? If I am not a human, what do you say I am?"

This is very funny, whether it is the three-dimensional self or the current self, there is no human being.If she said that she was a traverser, she might be surprised, but if she said she was not a human being, isn't this funny?

But in a blink of an eye, only a heavy and solemn expression remained on Naruto's face. She said very firmly: "I am a shrine maiden, and this is my duty to serve God. Whenever I pray to God, I will Get a deep response. Although it may not be clear, God had a clear answer when asking God about you."

Metaphysics, this is really metaphysics, but thinking that at this time, there are also death gods and evil gods, maybe the gods that Nagi serves, maybe they really exist!

Mizuki looked at Naruto's face, and felt that she didn't look like a liar either. After all, she was a ninja who had been experienced, and whether she was speaking alone could tell something wrong.So he asked: "You said I am not a human being, and your God gave you a revelation, so what do you mean I am?"

Nagi hesitated again, she was a little afraid to say.

I almost thought it was a mystery, but at this moment, I still relayed the relevant god’s revelation in my own words: "What I see is a sea of ​​blood, and what I see is bones everywhere. There are dim sun and moon, and shattered world. There is Shura Field, where you should have been."

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