I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 424

If we talk about the previous adjectives, there is still a bit of ghosts, but when Nagi finished the last sentence, Mizuki's face changed suddenly.

Training field?This was not the first time she had heard of it. In fact, after seeing which scroll, she had once again dreamed of entering the training ground.

However, nothing happened at that time, and after adding a dream, it never appeared again, so what made Water Tree instinctively ignored.

But now I think back to what the Shura Field was like, not only based on the records on the scrolls, but also the scenes I dreamed of, all of which were scenes of corpses all over the field, and scenes of broken mountains and rivers.

Mizuki frowned, and asked disdainfully: "What can this prove? There is no basis."

The Nagin here did not deny this problem, but she circled the small pavilion. I don't know when there was an extra pair of antique wine utensils on the central stone table. The jug was a section of bamboo, and the wine glass was like a small plate.

Pick up the flask and pour out a little bit of wine, and pass the glass to the water tree: "This is the divine wine. After drinking, you can allow ordinary people to temporarily communicate with God."

Suspiciously, Mizuki turned to the wine glass and looked at the clear wine inside. She is only sixteen years old. The law of this world does not allow drinking.

But this was only hesitating for a while, and he drank the drink simply: "Is this all right?"

After drinking the wine, the taste is extremely soft, not as spicy as the previous white wine, it is a bit like sake, and there is a very strong taste of bamboo, I have to say it is a good glass of wine.

Nagi took the wine glass she had finished drinking, whispering something in her mouth, and then said to Mizuki: "Now, what do you feel?"

As soon as the words fell, Mizuki wanted to answer, suddenly his mind was in a trance.

Then one picture after another appeared, as if playing a big movie.It seemed to be going through a war and a massacre. The bodies were piled up in mountains everywhere, with white bones everywhere.

But the war still exists, as if it never stopped.

The sun and the moon in the sky dimmed in a blink of an eye, and the world had been beaten to pieces.The picture is just as Nagi described, but there are more unexpected places.

The pictures Mizuki saw were still changing and moving, and she saw more scenes that were impossible to execute.She seems to have a feeling that the owner of this line of sight is herself.

That's right, she tried to move, and she could actually see her body, her hands, her whole body was covered with gorgeous armor, and her hands were holding a weird weapon. There was a familiar feeling in her mind. The message passed to her: "Optimus Prime, my weapon!"

What is the situation?It feels like being yourself, immersive.

In a blink of an eye, he looked at the sky again, and with the naked eye, he could see through the sky, passing through the formation and looking out of the field, and saw a huge flag surrounded by the flag, surrounded by countless shadows.

There is no doubt that this is a battlefield, and people outside the universe are increasingly invading this place.

Given a message in her mind, she is indeed in a war, and it is an incomprehensible war.This is not a war on the level that she knows. The two sides fighting are gods and demons, which come from a cosmic level confrontation.

The flag fluttering outside is a symbol of the invading party and the base camp.There was still a steady stream of troops coming, and one of them came to Mizuki's side.

Mizuki observed what it was, it was a mechanical puppet, and immediately recognized it as: "Ashura robot!"

Such information means that she belongs to the invading party.

However, this war has come to an end, the world has been shattered, and only the last fight of resistance can be heard in the distance of the world.

Text Volume 727. The Unthinkable

The splendid light illuminates the sky, and the terrifying power exudes, even the light can stab people.

Standing in place, the water tree can feel the tingling sensation. It is really hard to imagine. Is this the fantasy that appeared after drinking the wine?

No, at this time, her mind has a clear understanding that all of this may be true, or it should be about what she has experienced.

The answer should be right ahead, the source of the light released.

Controlling your body and strength, holding your own Optimus Prime in both hands, flying to the end of the sky, you can't believe it is your own speed, almost beyond the speed of light, just a blink of an eye!

What I saw was a huge crater, because it was at a high enough height to see that it was a planet, the huge crater was like the impact crater of the moon, and the hideous appearance just appeared.

This is a pothole just punched out!It seems that they have penetrated the crust, the magma and the creeping mantle are clearly visible to the naked eye.

What a terrifying blow, just for a moment, this is a power that transcends God.At least not in the water tree, the level that can be recognized.

But even with this power, you can still see that there is still a figure alive in the center, suspended in the central area, looking up at the starry sky, there is a sad appearance in the eyes.

This is a handsome man with a white face like jade, wearing a golden crown on his head, holding a handful of uncut jade, and its luster like a dragon swimming.When Mizuki noticed the man, the man noticed her as well.

The moment the two eyes collided, a thought entered Mizuki's mind: "Russell, you finally appeared."

At the same time, Shui Shu also sent a message to the man: "Di Shitian, you are defeated, the highest heaven no longer exists."

This is not Mizuki's consciousness, she is just a state of spectator, just a witness, watching as if she was watching a movie, but the movie directly surfaced in her mind.

Multiple messages are constantly appearing, this is the exchange between the two.And she was using thoughts or divine thoughts to communicate, and she could read the other party's messages in an instant. This ability was not available to Mizuki, but she could actually feel it.

Russell, Mizuki has heard of this name. This is a name related to his own soul and existence.But there was no impression at all about this man of Emperor Shitian.

No, it's not that there is no, because if you really want to say there is, it should be in the three-dimensional world, in many fantasy types, there have been existences such as the Supreme God.It is also a god in Buddhism, with a very high status as a god.

Asura is the mortal enemy of God. He has fought many wars with God, each time he has won a decisive victory, but in the fairy tale, he lost again.

However, it seems that it is not a scene in a fairy tale, because in their communication, Mizuki heard more and more messages, such as "The power of darkness is coming in.", "More The world will be involved.", "The endless cycle of sentient beings."

It sounds like Di Shitian is reminding Russell to let her put down the butcher knife and fight with him.

But Russell's answer was very firm: "Asura has no friends, only believes in his own strength!"

In an instant, Di Shitian became excited: "You will ruin the world by doing this!"

Russell shook his head and snorted disdainfully, and said: "What about destroying the world? My power can compete with the sky, even if I face that existence and directly face the threat of death, I will not have the slightest fear!"

"Asura, are all of them like this? For your own strength, you can do it regardless of the safety of the world?"

"No, you are wrong. You don't understand our Asuras at all." Russell's thoughts seem to lament. She is obsessed with strength: "Asuras do not sympathize with the weak, and those without strength are not worthy of sympathy. Today I am I will accept your power. Tomorrow I will go to another world. Only to become stronger is the goal of Asura! Because I am Asura!"

What a terrible guy, Mizuki and Russell are one, can feel the meaning of her words, and how firm her beliefs are.

It seems that Russell has a vision in her mind, destroying one world after another in her hands, just to make herself more powerful.

Di Shitian finally couldn't stand it anymore and let out a loud shout of anger: "I won't let you do this. What is the difference between your approach and that existence? How many world creatures will be killed, you Don't care at all?!"

His roar did not wake Russell, instead he answered with a more indifferent response: "I said, I am an Asura, just to gain stronger strength, the weak are not worthy of sympathy."

"You!" Di Shitian pointed to the water tree, no, it should be Russell: "I won't let you do whatever you want!"

The uncut jade in his hand released light, covering Russell in an instant, and of course Mizuki's eyes were also white.

She wanted to know more, but when she came back to her senses again, she found herself returning to the shrine of the Taketori clan, with Nagi looking at her in front of her.

After seeing her, Nagin was already regaining consciousness, and asked, "Did you see anything?"

Mizuki didn't answer, but just sat down on the ground all of a sudden, still reminiscing about everything he had seen just now.

It's really hard to imagine that she will have such a side. Russell is such a crazy person. She wants to destroy one world after another.

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