I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 425

If you have a relationship with Russell, does it mean that you have the possibility of destroying the world?

And what I saw just now, it should be a certain fragment, it is estimated that there are more unknown things.But despite the information she already knows, she has somewhat analyzed that there is a terrifying existence, and even Russell, who thinks he is "struggling against the sky," has a grudge.

Combining with the other Asuras I met before, especially the information given to her by the Dark Asura, it is very likely that Russell's idea of ​​destroying one world after another is actually the result of fighting against the power of terror.But this approach is dangerous, and it can be said to be quite crazy, so that it is to do something to destroy the world.

The more and more Shui Shu thought in his mind, his face became paler.She didn't even dare to think about it. If things were true, would she destroy the world if she was part of Russell?Even if she didn't know how to do this, when even Russell's fearful existence came, how could she fight it?

Text Volume 728. World Rejection

There are all kinds of images that have emerged in his mind, which makes Mizuki's face look very unsightly. Such a scene will startled Nagi and asked carefully: "You have nothing to do, right?"

After finally getting back to his senses, Mizuki took a few deep breaths, calmed the emotions in his heart, waved his hand and said to Nagi: "I have nothing to do, but I just can't believe it."

Recalling the almost real picture, Mizuki sighed and said: "Yes, what you said is correct. I saw something as if you described it very similarly. There are corpse mountains and seas of blood everywhere, and bones everywhere. All are traces of war."

"But there is one thing you said wrong. That place is not a Shura Field, but an unknown world, and it should have happened a long time ago."

Mizuki wouldn't say anything about it, but what did she have to do with herself, after all, she didn't even figure out what happened just now.

If it is a war, which kind of war is cosmic, or it spans two worlds.If it's the cosmic level of the former, could it be through?

Or is it really a different world, crossed after breaking the boundaries of the world?If this is the case, does your own existence mean that you have been straddled in this way?

According to the previous words of Asura from the dark, one must know that he is related to Russell, so in the battle that happened just now, could it be said that Russell failed?

Many questions are still unresolved, giving Mizuki an extra thought.Such an uneasy feeling was seen by Nagi. It is estimated that after he had calculated something, he also sat down and said to Mizuki: "Now you should believe it? You have a different place."

Mizuki said in a deep voice: "What you see is just a past fantasy. Can you rely on this to tell who I will harm?"

Destroy the world?This is absolutely impossible!Even if Mizuki knew himself, he was not a character originally created in this world.But when it comes to sabotage, this is definitely not what she wants to do.

In the three-dimensional world, he still likes Hokage very much, and he has lived in this world for more than ten years. Companions with Konoha also have two lovely sisters.She doesn't know anything, she is going crazy enough to destroy this world, right?

Of course, the water tree here will not do this, but if it is replaced by Ashura: Russell, such a person who is unscrupulous in order to become stronger might really destroy the world.

But the water tree here, what if you know it?Anyway, her own will will not change, this kind of thing will not happen, on the contrary, Mizuki expressed deep doubts about Nazu's motives: "You separated me from Shingo's side, is it to tell me about this? ?"

Nagin looked at her in a hurry, as if to see something from Mizuki's eyes, but it was a pity that this disappointed her.Because Mizuki's eyes were very firm, it made her feel weak.

Seeing that she didn’t answer anything, Mizuki’s analytical logic tried to question Naruto: “You claim that I’m not a human being, but God’s revelation to you, but if you know enough, you should know my identity. , I was born in the Hyuga clan, and as the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, from this point of view, I am a person born in this world."

"If this can't be proved, can an unrealistic picture given to an illusory god show that I'm harmful to this world?"

Nagi didn't speak, but just sat aside. Her expression changed a little bit disappointed, but after a few blinks of her eyes, she quickly showed a determined expression.

Here she poured a glass of water and wine, and drank it with her head up. As she swallowed the wine, the wind stopped for a while, as if the space had frozen.

I don’t know if it comes from the magic of the drink or what kind of weird moves Nazui used. Mizuki felt that her body exudes a different breath, and her eyes glowed with emerald green light directly into Mizuki’s body. .

A thought was transferred into Daoshuishu’s brain, and it reverberated in her mind: "The divine will is determined, your strength originates from ominousness, struggle is your destiny, and the sight you see is the mark in your soul. , Your soul was born for this."

I have never encountered such a situation before. Information can directly invade the brain, much like the transmission in the picture just now, and can directly communicate with the other party.

Mizuki couldn't help being a little surprised, and asked, "Who are you?"

The emerald green light in Nagin's eyes flashed, and a thought continued to flow into the mind of the water tree: "My name is: wood bamboo, the god enshrined here, the essence of mangosteen."

The main god of the gods of the island nation is undoubtedly Amaterasu, but it is known as: three thousand gods.It can be said that it is a polytheistic religion where all ghosts and gods worship, and we have heard of all strange things.

Unexpectedly, there is such a thing in the Taketori Family Shrine?But such a god, ghost, water tree is a little bit strange.

He also said politely: "You said my power is ominous, or that Nagi thinks I will destroy the world, is it in your judgment?"

Mu Zhu's answer was simple and clear, with only two words: "Yes!"

"Why, can you tell me?" Mizuki disapproved of his words: "Even if you follow the information you told me, I may be someone who will destroy the world. But out of my subjective will, I was born in this world, and How do your relatives and companions think about destroying this world?"

Regarding this question, Mu Zhu also pondered slightly, and then said a root question: "Because you are a ninja, making yourself stronger is the ninja’s motivation. But you are different from ordinary ninjas. When your strength increases a little, your soul will increase with it, and sooner or later your demons will emerge."

"Even at that time, your own subjective consciousness still does not want to harm the world, but as your strength grows, you will eventually be unable to withstand your strength."

The stronger the force, the greater the damage?

What Mizuki realized, Mu Zhu's should be warning her, her strength is different from this world, if her strength is too strong, it will inevitably change the rules of this world.

Here is an analogy: the water flow will change according to the change of the terrain. The power of the water tree is too strong and strong enough to change the terrain of this world, then the current of this world will naturally flow with it.

It is not the power of this world, but it will eventually be rejected by this world. If one's own power is too strong, which will shake the foundation of this world, it will cause irreversible damage to this world!

Text Volume 729. Divine Will

Speaking of this theory, some people may think it is funny?How powerful is a person's strength, and how can a huge world have such a significant impact?

But in the three-dimensional world, there is a well-known "butterfly effect" theory. The core of this theory is that there are definite numbers and variables in the development of everything, and the development trajectory of things in the process of development is regular and unpredictable. "Variables" are often counterproductive. A small change can affect the development of things, indicating that the development of things is complicated.

Mizuki knew this theory, and suddenly thought of one thing. Now that Asma has sacrificed, then Jiraiya is next.If she chooses to change, will she become such a little butterfly?

In fact, there is a problem here, that is, if according to the development of the original plot, Ji Lai will inevitably be killed by Payne. If the water tree chooses to accompany and change the fate of Ji Lai being killed, what will happen? What about the impact?

Thinking of the first person affected, there is no doubt that Naruto is not wrong.Because according to the development of the plot, it is precisely because of Jiraiya's sacrifice that Naruto quickly matured, and soon after borrowing from Jiraiya, he completed the first "Perseverance Ninja Biography" to change Nagato.

A little butterfly like myself is already a very serious bug because he knows the development of the plot.If she is able to change the course of any event as her strength becomes stronger, then what unpredictable phenomenon will occur?

Mizuki's state of thinking must have already realized that there will be problems in his own existence.Although the current impact on the world is still not enough to have a big impact.However, serious illnesses are all accumulated processes, and it is hard to guarantee that they will not break out in a certain day.

After having such a foundation, Mu Zhu nodded and said, “It’s good if you can understand, because similar things have happened in this world, but it has been many years ago. Of course I also understand that you are a ninja, but I hope You can be cautious and make good use of your power, so that there is still hope in this world, if not~"

Power is a double-edged sword. The good side will benefit the world, and the bad side will destroy the world.The words behind Mu Zhu didn't come out, but Mizuki nodded clearly.

Seeing Mizuki's attitude, Mu Zhu finally nodded with satisfaction: "I'm sorry, I told you this, but I promised this girl to tell you the truth. I hope you don't blame her, because she likes that very much. A young man, but as a maiden, she has to hide everything in her heart."

Oh?It sounds like Mu Zhu's warning to her has another meaning?

But this is a good idea. It seems that Nagi wants to tell her that he is a bad person and shouldn't be with Shingo, so I have to find a way to let myself go, right?

This makes Mizuki a little bit dumbfounded: "Shingo is a very good boy, strong and tall, and indeed very handsome. There must be many girls like him? But my contact with him is not long, but There is nothing like that."

Mu Zhu nodded: "This will be easier, because I promised this girl to match her and that boy. If you are like this, I think she can rest assured."

The meaning of this sentence, did Mizuki not obey it?This guy is still planning a marriage?I can't help but feel a little funny in my heart.

Finally, there is one more thing, which can be regarded as Muzhu’s request to the water tree: "This girl will lose seven years of life when she uses the goddess technique, she is a very pious person, and I don’t want her to lose her life early. Death, so there is an unrelenting request: There is a lonely mountain more than a hundred heights in the northeast of this place, and there is a peach tree growing in one of the cliffs. Would you please pick the peach on it and give it to this girl?"

This sounded like a very simple task. Mizuki had no reason to refuse, so he agreed directly.

After receiving Mizuki's answer, Mu Zhu nodded in satisfaction, and then saw the emerald green light from Nagin's eyes disappear, turning back to the original bright eyes.

Nagin should be back now, looking at her like this.Mizuki looked at the girl again with a complicated look.Because the boy I like, although the intention is not very simple, but this is not bad, is it?

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