I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 426

Of course, the water tree did not lose, and he also got an important news from this, but it did not suffer a bit.And you have to know the girl's thoughts, Mizuki also intends to help match up, after all, she and Shingo will not be the same, at least there is no such relationship.

The Nagin who came back to his senses should be in his own body, had he seen and heard everything just now?Her face blushed, and she looked pretty cute.

This is definitely a little girl who hasn't been in the world. She is quite suitable for Mizuki's appetite. After getting her own thoughts, she immediately patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I don't have that kind of affection for Shingo. I will snatch him from you. And I'm happy to match you up!"

Knowing the thoughts in their hearts, there is no point of conflict between the two.The relationship is naturally easy to become harmonious, and Mizuki is very willing to let Nagin block Shingo for her.Although it is said that she has the status of a maiden, serving the gods must ensure that she is a virgin, but Mu Zhu has already promised her and agreed to her marriage with Shingo.

Nagi blushed even more shyly, but the beautiful girl blushed. It was really very good-looking, completely matching Hinata.So she took a hand of Mizuki, concealed her shame, and said quickly: "The time has passed more than ten minutes, shall we go back to the front hall? Maybe Shen I am waiting in a hurry!"

The two went back to the shrine in the front hall together and saw that Shingo had already finished drinking the hot tea. What was surprising was that he was not as anxious as he had imagined. It turned out that he was worshipping and praying to God.

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, Shingo knew that they were coming, so he opened his eyes and turned his head, nodding to the two of them: "You are finally back. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

But this surprised him a bit, right?Mizuki and Nagi walked back holding hands. How long has the relationship been so good?

Mizuki glanced at this guy, then looked at the girl next to him, and immediately thought of something, and hurriedly whispered a few times in Nagin's ear. The voice was very small, and only the attached Nagin could hear clearly.

After he finished speaking, he saw that Naruto's eyes lit up, and then his face flushed again, but after understanding the meaning, he quickly settled, and stood up and said to Shingo: "I passed through the gods just now. There is a task assigned by the gods. !"

Text Volume 730. Evening

In the evening, in order to welcome the arrival of their closest friends, the Zhutoi clan showed a very high-level sense of welcome and gave the water tree the first one to hurry up. It was a bit like a bonfire party.

However, there are differences. The main thing is that they have the characteristics of the Taketori clan. They are not a very enthusiastic nation. They express their feelings in a straightforward way, and they admire the strong and the force.There is no singing and dancing show, except eating meat and drinking is fighting!

It can be regarded as a match. This fight is a bit similar to wrestling, but there are no obvious rules. The only thing that is not allowed is the use of weapons. As long as it is your own strength, you can win or lose by knocking your opponent to the ground.

In the three-dimensional world, Mizuki doesn’t care much about wrestling competitions, because she thinks it’s fake. But the Taketori clan’s wrestling is different. They fight bravely and fiercely. They fight very real. When someone is knocked down on the ground, they can It was a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Of course, everyone has a sense of measure. Although there will be bloodshed in every battle, as long as the opponent is knocked to the ground, the defeated place will lift the one who fell.Then two people would drink and eat meat and talk and laugh, as if nothing happened.

Regarding such a heavy-handed match, Mizuki has asked Shingo next to him: "If you play like this, will there be no accidents?"

He replied: "What can happen? Every time someone will die in battle, and now only a little blood is shed without death."

I have heard of the bravery of the Taketori clan, but I am still amazed when I see it in person.This survival of fighting against the sky and the earth can indeed create a nation that is good at fighting.

However, watching a game like this is bloody once or twice, and it feels a little bloody after watching too much.

Seeing the end of another game, when a strong man fell his opponent and cheered around happily.Mizuki thought about it psychologically, then stood up and jumped to the center of the arena.

The brawny man on the scene saw a new opponent appear before he could enjoy the cheers of the crowd. He gave him an instinctive glance and saw that he was a friend from the Hyuga family, and he recognized the identity of Mizuki. He asked puzzledly: "Friends of the Hyuga family, why are you coming too?"

The strong man was named Adou, much like the nickname of the queen of Shu Han, but he was a rare warrior in the Taketo clan. He was always a titan in the battle. This time he is expected to win the championship.

Mizuki bowed and saluted very politely, then nodded to Adou and said, "I am a ninja with physical skills. I just like this type of battle. After watching a few games, I was a little bit timid, so I wanted to predecessor. Ask for advice!"

Ah Dou's eyes widened, and he couldn't help rubbing his hands, but before he was ready, Kubo on the counter reminded him: "Don't hurt the guests."

Kubo is the patriarch of the Taketori clan. He is a little afraid that Adou will hurt the water tree, and he will not be able to explain it to the Japanese football team.After all, it was accidentally injured the last time, and he even repaired a book specifically for this and made a very sincere apology.

But this time Mizuki took the initiative to step forward, thinking that it aroused everyone's enthusiasm, and it was interesting to have a fight by himself.So he hurriedly said to Kubo: "Uncle Kubo, don't worry about that. I am not the little girl who was three years ago, and now I am a stamina."

When I said this, I came here to prepare myself for the surface and took off my coat to reveal the close-fitting inner armor.This is a vest that is usually used to carry weights and has certain physical defense capabilities.

Seeing Mizuki's statement like this, Kubo reluctantly sat down and agreed with it by default.

When Ah Dou understood this situation, he just reminded him one more sentence: "I have no eyes, be careful!"

After putting on an attacking posture, Mizuki also put on a posture of fighting skills.

The momentum is released in an instant, and anyone with strength must be able to see it. Both are experienced fighters and can't help but let the surrounding audience take a high look.

It should be the momentum that led to the water tree, Ah Dou took two steps with a low shout, punched out a punch and retracted. When the punch was retracted, the retracted punch came out like a spring.

The perfect boxing skills, the strength of each punch is sufficient, and the attack speed is very fast, one after another like a heavy rain blow.Mizuki didn't even see the flaw, but passively resisted it with both hands and head protection.

Sometimes in order to counteract the force of the punch, it is necessary to take two steps back, so as to give the opponent a gap and hit a powerful uppercut. If you are a person without rich combat experience, choose to use your body to resist such a heavy punch. Not being beaten to death will also be beaten into a concussion.

However, the Mizuki here is a ninja, and her best is melee combat. This kind of uppercut is very powerful. She has the protection of King Kong, and she must have the ability to cut hard, but this will definitely hurt.So Mizuki chose to use a compromise method: leveraging strength!

She cleverly positioned herself sideways, avoided the punch, borrowed the opponent's strike force, and instead grabbed the opponent's arm, and then again used the strength of the waist to make a perfect shoulder throw!

This is a complete set of perfect actions, whether it is the opportunity to seize or the method of leveraging force, it is enough to see the level of strength.

Although a dog was thrown into the mud, after Adou got up from the ground, not only was he not angry at all, but there was an admiring smile on his face: "As expected to be the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, I am convinced of this fall!"

When Mizuki was very young, she was given the title of "genius" for the powerful combat power she showed. It's just that she didn't like soft boxing, and was only interested in hard boxing, so she was not very popular.

However, after going this way, especially after becoming a ninja, after more and more combat experience, he already has a strong combat strength.This is still a normal physical fight, if it is to fight the enemy's life and death, I am afraid it will be more ruthless.

Seeing Mizuki's strength, Shingo felt that it was different from the past. Subconsciously, he jumped into the arena and said to Mizuki, "Sister Mizuki, this time I will play with you!"

Seeing that Shingo was about to make a move, many people cheered, especially the girls from the Taketori clan. They were very enamoured that the young master won.

The Mizuki here glanced at him, smiled and nodded and said: "No problem, I also want to know the strength of Brother Shengo!"

After all, the two men put up a fighting posture, and at the same time their momentum quickly increased, like two tigers about to show off.

The fists of the two people slammed into a violent wind, and they collided in an instant, the air pressure exploded, and the ground under their feet was shattered.

This is the power of a fist. If it were a real fight, how destructive would it be?Everyone is looking forward to this battle.

In fact, the movements of the two people were very fast, almost at the same time when the first punch was tied, the next attack came out again, and the space and ground of the shock were cracking.

It can be seen that the power of the water tree is enough to break the constraints of space, but I did not expect that Shingo's is not bad. I think it should be his special physique. He is the first and only one who once broke the bones of the water tree. people.

The two matches analyzed the opponent's strength, and then it was time for a big fight.A voice stopped them: "Sister Mizuki, Brother Shenwu, please stop! If you use all your strength, someone will definitely be hurt!"

Text Volume 731.

The owner of the voice is undoubtedly Nagin. Now she is holding a piece of yuzhu in her hand. This is the sacred object of the Taketoi clan. If it weren't a major event in the clan, she would never take out this object.

Every time you use this thing, you must first bathe and change your clothes and take care of it carefully to show respect for the holy artifact.

At this time, Nagi appeared, still holding the treasure of the clan, even as the patriarch of the Taketori clan, Kubo had to solemnly say: "My lord Miko, how are you coming back? Today is not a day of sacrifice?"

Naruto came to Kubo with the yuzhu in his hand. Because he was a witch, he didn't need to bow to the patriarch, just nod his head.Then he began to say: "Yes, today is not the day of sacrifice, but I got the oracle, so I came to tell."

It was said that it was an oracle, but it was actually the method Mizuki told her. As for what it was, I would know in a moment.

I have seen the Yuzhu that Naruto holds in his hand. There is a spiritual brilliance on this treasure. At first glance, it will not be a mortal thing. On the contrary, Kubo took a deep breath, and his face became more solemn.

When Mizuki and Shingo saw the arrival of Naginata, they stopped at the same time and stood apart.Seeing Nagi walking in front of them, he first glanced at Shingo blushing, and then looked at Mizuki after a while, and the two exchanged glances.

Now that I understand what it means, it is indeed the time that Naruto said to everyone: "Fighting is a traditional custom of our Taketori clan. The strong can win the hearts of girls. Here is just another opportunity, from the northeast of this place. A lonely mountain with a height of more than a hundred battles, and a peach tree emerges from the cliff. Whoever can pick the peaches on it before daylight and return them to my hands will receive the gift of God!"

Everyone was just dumbfounded. This is really a strange oracle, but the shrine maidens are people who serve the gods, the traditional and conservative Taketori clan, but they have a lot of influence.

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