I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 427

There was a commotion here, and a young man from the Taketori clan stood up and asked Nagi: "Is this really the will of God?"

Nagi nodded with a smile, and replied: "Yes, the person who picks the peaches and gives them to me can win the girl they like. This is what God told me. Therefore, the participants must be young and unmarried. man."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but did not expect it to be such a thing.The Taketori clan are always combative, but apart from their enthusiasm for fighting, what can be more attractive than getting someone you like?

More and more young people are eager to perform.

Seeing the enthusiasm shown by everyone, Kubo, who was sitting on the stage, couldn't refuse, so he first glanced at the people of the Hyuga clan and found that Mizuki didn't have any unsatisfactory expressions, instead she had an inexplicable smile on her face.

In this way, Kubo gave birth to a thought, but he didn't say it right away. Instead, he first said to the young boys in the clan: "This is the meaning of God. Anyone who yearns can join it!"

After Kubo finished saying this sentence, he got a lot of cheering responses from many people, and then a number of quick-reacting people rushed out, and the people who responded one after another immediately followed, about a hundred. The appearance of the person.

At first glance, there are quite a lot of people, but one person's body didn't move. Mizuki patted the person on the shoulder and said, "What's the matter, don't you go?"

The person who was slapped on the shoulder was Shingo. His complexion was very calm, and he shrugged and said, "I'm not interested in this?"

Halo, this guy is Elm's head?No, Mizuki noticed his expression, as if thinking.Is the intention sensed?

Believe it!Mizuki hurriedly said: "You really don't have much energy, so let me make a bet with you. If you win this game, how about I tell you a little secret?"

"Secret?" Shingo glanced at Mizuki strangely, trying to see through her eyes and wondering what the secret was.But he must have no such ability. He just asked for granted: "Can you tell me any secrets?"

Oh, it’s still a bit difficult to deal with, but it’s okay. Mizuki pretended to say, “Do you want to know what I did when we were together with Nagin for more than ten minutes? Some things she said to me, They are all great! Hmm~ If you want to know, win this game!"

The trick is to use a "little profit" to successfully confuse the opponent, so that he can achieve the desired goal after he takes the bait.

Shingo briefly thought about it, and then nodded in agreement: "Well, I will come as soon as I go!"

Although it was several minutes slower than the person who ran out first, I didn't expect Shingo to run in the other direction. What did he want to do?Mizuki didn't even react.

At this time, there was only a sound of a horse hiss, followed by a rush of hoofs. Shingo rode his horse and galloped out. The speed is as fast as the wind, and it takes a few minutes to slow down. Want to catch up soon, right?

Seeing the person who most hoped left, Naru looked back at Mizuki and nodded in gratitude to her.Mizuki looked at her and nodded in response. It was only half done now. If the person who came back with Taozi was not Shingo, it was a failure.

There is no word when the two people look at each other, which does not hinder the eye contact.However, at this moment, a figure flashed and appeared beside Mizuki, almost startled her, but he didn't expect that it was Kubo who fixed her eyes.

His eyes were very sharp, and he looked up and down Mizuki for a while before he said casually: "What a shrewd little girl, Shingo was fooled in a few words."

"Huh?" Mizuki was stunned instinctively, but he thought that his actions just now were seen by Kubo, right?Thinking about it, he saw his intentions, inevitably smiled awkwardly, and said, "Uncle Kubo, how do you think I made Shingo fooled?"

Kubo glanced at Mizuki, then looked at the Nagin who was looking at her just now, hesitating in his eyes, but still whispered: "I can't guess it completely, but it should be related to this girl, right? I also know that she has been in a close relationship with Shingo since she was a child, but because the mother who succeeded her became a witch, she must keep her body pure."

This is really keen insight, and it feels like he has guessed 70% to 80% of the truth.

But it seems to be because Kubo knows Nagin very well, and the relationship between her and Shingo is also clear. In other words, he knows that there is such a relationship, so he thinks of this aspect, right?

Text Volume 732. Different

But Kubo didn't mean to object, and when looking at the water tree, his eyes were a little different, but fortunately, that was all.

But although Kubo didn't go into it, he attracted Neji's attention instead. He wanted to see Mizuki and teach that guy a lesson.

Unexpectedly, the result would turn out to be like this. Waiting for Kubo to return to his place to eat meat and drink, Mizuki returned to his place and picked up the fruit at will. At this time, Neji said to her: "You have become a little strange today. After going out and coming back, it seems to be more thoughtful. According to your usual personality, you would never do what you just did?"

Mizuki was eating fruit in his mouth, before he had chewed it completely, he said vaguely, "What about this?"

Ning Ci smiled indifferently, and then said: "Because the reason is very simple, I don't think you will be interesting to him."

Looking at him a little strangely, Mizuki let out an "Oh", thinking about how he has changed so much, remembering that he is not such a person.

This thought appeared in his head, but he swallowed the food in his mouth, and said straightforwardly: "Who do I like, this is my freedom? But you are right, I have no interest in him."

The person he was referring to must be Shingo.

Because when Shingo expressed that she wanted to socialize with her, Neji's face had changed. Although it was well concealed, he made an expression of wanting to watch a play, but actually wanted to see Shingo hit a wall. .

But despite the perception, Ning Ci may have a certain affection for himself.But they are cousins, so they don't think much about it.

Mizuki just said: "You are guessing, why didn't I make a heavy hand and beat Shingo to a beating? Well, if it wasn't for something, of course I would do it. But there are people who admire Sheno, I always Can't you beat up someone she likes in front of her, right?"

When she said this, Mizuki's eyes were looking at Nagin, and she found that her eyes were a little blurred, she just looked to the far northeast, feeling like a wife, waiting for her husband's return.

Following her gaze, Ning Ci immediately understood something and stopped saying anything.But it can be seen that his mood seems to be much better because of this?

This guy also seems to have a rather innocent idea!

Mizuki thought for a while, and felt that this guy couldn't be cheaper, so he forced Ning Ci to step forward and enter the central venue: "Come on, let's fight!"

Being caught off guard, Neji had no plans to fight, especially when facing Mizuki, even more so that he didn't want to fight.

However, the people who have been drawn up, the attention of the people who have not left are attracted.So Ning Ci felt very uncomfortable: "No? I don't want to fight you."

"What are you afraid of? I won't be heavy." Mizuki was determined to get fat and beat him up, because he noticed that he had bad thoughts in his mind, and he needed to let him taste his fist!

After finishing this sentence, in order to prevent Ning Ci from finding reasons to refuse, Mizuki immediately squeezed his fists into a fighting posture, not giving him any chance to attack with both fists.

Mizuki said that she did not make a heavy hand, but according to her strength, she did not mean that he would not be beaten to death. If she really received a punch, she would be beaten on the ground The world will not get out of bed.

Not daring to collide with Mizuki's fist, Neji's body quickly dodges. After all, he is a powerful ninja, and he is also a ninja with physical skills, and his reaction is very sensitive.

A fist was mixed with the violent wind, and the ground was smashed with one blow, almost hitting him, and he was frightened: "You are going to kill you!"

Mizuki added disdainfully: "I didn't hit you again, what's the fear? Look at it!"

After all, it is a straight punch. The body that is usually exercised has full muscle elasticity, like a powerful slingshot, which can hit all the strength in the body.

Perceiving the power of such a punch, Ning Ci was frightened and had to hit her full spirit. He rolled his eyes and punched out a soft punch, rubbing Mizuki's fist and hit her body.

Although they usually use steel boxing in battle, they are someone who has learned soft boxing. Mizuki is well aware of the power of soft boxing. It does not cause damage to the surface of the human body. It directly attacks the acupoints and meridians in the body. It can be said that it kills invisible. Of moves.

I didn't dare to give a big shout immediately, and released Chakra from inside and outside of the water tree, and the whole body was covered by Chakra, like a protective cover.

When the people around saw the two fighting each other, they all cheered and applauded. Even Kubo who ate meat and drank, his eyes lit up.

Fighting is the favorite of the Taketori clan, because only this feeling of enthusiasm can bring them excitement and excitement. Moreover, Mizuki plays the ultimate steel boxing, and Ningci is a well-known genius for soft boxing. The collision is absolutely rare.

Kubo couldn't help but yelled out: "The young generation of the Hyuga clan, everyone is very strong!"

Without being disturbed by a shout of applause, Mizuki and Ningci's steel fists and soft fists collided again. The former's punch shook the latter back a few steps, but there was also a sign of relaxation in the body.

This was when Ning Ci was shaken by the power of the water tree, and at the same time, the water tree was tapped by the soft fist. Chakra slowed down when he passed the acupoint, cracking the slowness caused by the forced repair.

However, Mizuki's attack speed did not decrease, because she was physically trained, even if Chakra was sealed, the physical advantage still existed.Mizuki smiled: "I know your strength, come and show it!"

Putting on an attacking posture, Mizuki attacked in an instant: "Lianhuan whole body palm!!"

The blow was a little lighter, and I just wanted to hit Ning Ci on the ground.

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