I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 428

However, Ning Ci here did not disappoint him. When he hit his "serial full-body palm", Ning Ci did a good job of driving: "Soft Fist: Eight Diagrams Hundred and Twenty Eight Palms!!"

Bagua has a hundred and twenty-eight palms, and Qing is based on sixty-four palms, and its power has more than doubled.

Both are multi-attack types. Mizuki's attack hits the target's body, and Ning Ci's attack is the same. To put it bluntly, it is a tactic of fighting each other.

Fortunately, this is not a life-and-death battle. If both sides use their full combat power, it will be the result of both losers in all likelihood, but even this will not be uncomfortable.

Mizuki felt the acupuncture points all over the body, almost blocked, and the speed of refining Chakra slowed down.Ning Ci was suffering from bone pain all over his body and almost thought he was interrupted.

Text volume 733.

This fight did not tell the winner. If you really want to say who wins and who loses, Mizuki can barely stand, and Ning Ci is already sitting on the ground in pain.

Fortunately, it is not a life-and-death battle with the enemy, otherwise the consequences may be even more serious if they do their best.After a simple treatment, Shuishu's acupuncture points will be opened up and Ningji's pain will be relieved.

With his muscles and bones moving, Ning Ci here is depressed to death: "Your attack is really not light, I thought the bones would be broken by you."

Mizuki only smiled at this: "I'm already a bit lighter."

Today's event ends here. At the end, Kubo stood up and announced that it was over before everyone went home to rest.

But it's not everyone here, because Mizuki didn't have much sleepiness. Although it was two consecutive fights, the consumption was not great, but it aroused her excitement.

She walked to Nagi's side and found that she had been looking at the distance since just now. Without thinking about what she was thinking, she said to Nagi, "Are you worried about your brother Shingo?"

When speaking, Mizuki deliberately emphasized the word "your" to express the relationship between Shingo and Nagin.

Nagin couldn't help but blushed. She was a little embarrassed to make a clear statement, but she saw that she liked it very much, and said: "Ah, how come, Shingo is very strong, and this is my clan. Where is the danger in the site?"

This water tree knows that for the Taketori clan, the current hostile force is currently only the country of grass.However, the country of grass has been suppressed for a long time. I pray that the Taketori clan will not come to them. It is already very moved. Where can I go to the Taketori clan to find death?

But Mizuki understood what she meant, and said straightforwardly: "The thing you are worried about should be thinking. If it is not him who picked the peaches back, what should you do?"

There are a lot of people who went out just now, at least there are hundreds of people out of ten, and the calculation of the data into the algorithm, the chance of getting it back is this percentage.

Of course, if you think of Shingo's strength, his chances must be bigger, but after all, there are many people together. If someone insists on competing with him, how can one not deal with hundreds of people?

Nagi has his own reason for worrying, and he is even more afraid of how Shingo will be harmed during the fight.Seeing her worried look, Mizuki simply said to her: "If you are so worried, I will accompany you to take a look?"

Anyway, idle is idle, and now I have time to go for a walk. Although it is night now, the starry sky here is very clear, so I can’t sleep and take a look at the scenery!

Hearing Mizuki's words, Nagi thought for a while, and asked, "It's almost midnight now. It's a short half-day away from the lonely mountain. After the past, it's already late at night. I will wait until I come back. It will be later, will you be fine tomorrow?"

Mizuki shook his head indifferently: "According to this itinerary, I was ordered to do diplomacy with the Taketori clan. The letter my father wrote to Mr. Kubo and the gifts from our clan were all delivered. It should be said. There is nothing more."

Originally, as two families with acquaintances, this kind of diplomacy is more like a visit from relatives, and it does not need to be as serious as the two countries.However, if it is too rigorous, it is easy to draw the distance between the two sides, but it will be counterproductive.

Of course, she was willing to help Naruto, more or less the other party was a girl, and she was a rare maiden girl. This was a bit of subdued control when she was in three dimensions.

Nagi certainly didn’t know that Mizuki had such thoughts, but she finally chose to reject it. After all, it’s now at night today. It’s not safe for girls to walk at night at night, not to mention that they still have to walk a short distance. There is no reason.So she thought for a while, and said, "Forget it, I'll go back first, and I will know tomorrow."

Because of her status as a maiden, she can't be too far away from the shrine, she can stay in the shrine and wait for them to return.Of course she is more likely to think, praying to God is Shingo coming back first, right?

However, her thoughts like this were naturally interrupted by the water tree, joking with a witch girl, being able to walk under the stars, this is a rare opportunity, and it’s okay. If this time is lost, I don’t know when, she can do it again. Have a chance!

Mizuki said disapprovingly: "It's okay! Let's take a look. It can be seen by people with their own eyes. Always rest assured, right?"

Raising Nagin's little hand, let her walk with her.

Nagi should be a full-time maiden, she has never done heavy work, her hands are very white and smooth, and she feels silky.

Comfortable, so comfortable!

But she just took Naru a few steps, but she refused, and said, "But I am a shrine maiden, and I can't be too far away from the shrine, and the polygonatum in my hand is a holy object in the shrine."

It turned out to be like this. There is no way to do this, because the holy artifacts belonging to a shrine are not allowed to be taken away to ensure their safety. The reason why they were taken out this time was still covered by the so-called "oracles".

Otherwise, unless it is a major event in the family, it will definitely not be taken out!And if there is a little delay today, it still needs the ceremony of the witch to bathe and change clothes.

Speaking of this protection, although I have heard of it before, the close look at it still made Mizuki feel novel, and he couldn't help but hurriedly look at it.

This is a piece of polygonatum that looks less than half a meter, and the whole body is a kind of emerald green luster, and it seems to have a mysterious flow of brilliance. At first glance, it is known that it is not an ordinary product or whether it is real jade.

It's a pity that this thing is very precious. No one is allowed to touch it except the maiden in his possession, otherwise it will be considered blasphemous and will inevitably be burned to death.

Shui Shu would not do such a thing, but he couldn't help but exclaimed: "It has such a gorgeous luster and a kind of divine power. This will not be wood and bamboo, eh, a treasure of your gods?"

This thing must have something to do with wood and bamboo, because the water tree can clearly feel that the luster on this is very similar to that of the wood and bamboo on the body, and it seems to have the same source of power.

Nagi didn't say a word but just chuckled a few times. Of course, her attitude shows that this is probably related to Mu Zhu, right?

Later, I continued to accompany her for a while, until the time when Nagin was sent back to the shrine, today's affairs were completely over.

[These photos are a bit of a rhythm, I'm really sorry.

[The original purpose was to write a little clue about the protagonist. This has already been written in the previous chapters.However, I am currently considering how to write the following plot.

[The currently determined line is to meet Itachi first, and then write about Sasuke killing Oshemaru and killing Deidara. Of course, Jiraiya is indispensable, then Payne attacks Konoha, and finally The fourth Ninja war.

[The line of the plot is temporarily determined in this way. If there is a problem, will it be revised gradually?

Text volume 734.

Watch the stars with the beauty in the first half of the night, and play chess with Zhou Gong in the second half of the night.

Mizuki was very happy. When he got up the next morning, he stretched out a comfortable waist and saw Neji, who had been awake early, punching soft fists in the courtyard.

I couldn't help but said to him: "Hey, are you still playing soft boxing? Just when you came over, let's have a try!"

Ning Ci was speechless, and he wanted to fight again early in the morning. He resolutely refused: "I don't want to have pain all over my body."

I have never seen Mizuki so aggressive. Is it because after I came to the Taketori clan, I was infected by the atmosphere here?He was quite depressed. Although he knew that when Konoha, Mizuki had never been afraid of fights since he was a child, but such ordinary challenges still left him speechless.

This made Mizuki a little bit of his mouth. It was true that I didn't play enough last night. Why did it become like this today?A little bit unwilling, wanting to force him to fight.But at this moment, I heard people from the Taketori clan talking, saying that they were people who went out last night, and they have come back one after another today.

Calculating the time, it is now in the morning, and it looks like nine o'clock is almost ten o'clock. According to last night until now, it has been almost ten hours in the past, and it should be time to come back.

Mizuki thought about it this time, but when he returned to Konoha, it would not be too late to teach him again.

However, hearing that Shingo had returned, Mizuki walked over to ask for specific information. The two communicating people were maids of the Taketori clan, and they had just received the news that the young master had returned.

Upon hearing Mizuki's question, they said truthfully: "Yes, the young master came back just now, and with the peach in his hand, he went to the direction of the shrine."

Shingo was the one who grabbed the peaches. This should be expected. Regardless of the number of people who went there at the time, but among people of the same age as Shingo, no one is better than him.

With this answer, Mizuki wanted to go to the shrine to see how things are going.If it is according to the original plan, think it is a success, right?

Mizuki wanted to invite Neji to watch it, but he was still rejected. He used his lack of interest as an excuse, but I guess he was afraid of Mizuki. How could he trouble him?It feels dangerous to follow her.

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