I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 438

I thought it was Sasuke who was killed, but in fact, this was just a cover. Before Dedala was happy, Sasuke gave Deidala a punch and knocked him a few meters away.

That's right, it really looked like this, even though I saw a tail, it should still be the same as the plot, Sasuke defeated Dedara.

Text Volume 750. Art is an explosion!

Mizuki's eyes were very clear. Just now, Deidara and the sitting player were restrained by attributes, and Garuda was restrained by Chidori, and the chance of success was lifted by Sasuke.

However, it can be seen that Sasuke was seriously injured. After all, he was a member of Akatsuki's organization, and his strength must be strong enough.Thinking of this battle, if it wasn't for the restraint of aspect attributes, maybe Sasuke was not yet Deidara's opponent, right?

By observing the Chakras in the two of them, it has been known that they are both at the end of the crossbow. If Mizuki makes a move at this time, it is completely capable of killing them all.And as long as Sasuke is brought back, this task is actually completed!

But as soon as this thought came into being, it was quickly dispelled by Mizuki himself.One is that she can't guarantee that if the development of the plot is changed, will there be unexpected situations?The other is Uchiha's belt soil, just watching from a short distance, if he acts rashly, he will definitely take action too!

It was during such a hesitation that Deidara and Sasuke had an exchange, because the distance was too far, Mizuki couldn't hear the sound, and she hadn't learned lip language now.

Of course, Mizuki can still think about it, it should be Deidara asking how Sasuke discovered his flaws, and there are questions and answers about this.

There is a little Mizuki here that I can observe very clearly. Sasuke's eyes are full of disdain for Dedara's opponent, but he then asks Dedara: "Where is Uchiha Itachi?"

There was a crazy expression on Deidara's face. He seemed to say something to Sasuke loudly, full of disgust at Sasuke, and then tore off his clothes.

There was a stitched mouth on his chest, and Mizuki immediately realized that this was Deidara's trump card: "Blow!"

Comparable to the destructive power of atomic weapons, a radius of ten miles will be razed to the ground. It is absolutely deadly ninjutsu. It is also Deidara's sublimation of his own art and let him integrate himself into his own "art"!

"I didn't expect it to be used so quickly?"

I didn't expect it to come to an end, but this is in line with the plot.Now Dedara's mouth was about to break, and the other hand sent the detonating clay into this mouth and ate it in a big bite.

Mizuki's white eyes observed that Deidara's chakras gathered frantically, his body appeared black lines, and quickly became transparent, this is even his own cells are transformed into chakras!

I was already frantically reminded in my heart: "Danger!" and "Run away!"

Obviously this is Deidara, a way to condense his own life. The destructive power will be infinite, and it must have already exceeded the strength that the diamond can withstand.

The air seemed to condense. Sasuke looked at Dedara's madness, and he couldn't help but lie down in sweat. He must be able to feel the horror when facing Dedara directly?

The first reaction is undoubtedly escape!

However, Mizuki did not follow her instinct to escape. She was already standing here with her shadow clone. The body was close to the town where Naruto and others were located, which was theoretically safe.

This kind of ninjutsu, which can only be performed by using one's own life, definitely reached the level of forbidden skills.So far, Mizuki has only seen it once, that is, when he regained the Island of the Wicked Man. Le Zhengli used the forbidden technique: Jizo, the earth to escape like a tsunami, seems to be able to bury everything.

If it weren't for the water tree at the time, it would enter the state of "soul mode", and it would also be its own nirvana: Ashura Pahuang Fist, to fight against this forbidden technique, and it is the prerequisite for Lei Dun to restrain the earth , I'm afraid she has already been buried, right?

The fragments that came out of my mind were quickly attracted by the scene in front of me. Deidara’s body has disappeared, leaving only the mouth on his chest, condensed into a black sphere, and when I opened it, I shouted: "I The art of this is explosion! Drink!"

The black ball split into a hole, shooting out a dazzling light, and at the same time more holes split, more and more rays shot out, rushing towards the sky and the clouds.

The Asukas are aware of the horror and have already flew away, seeming to want to escape?But it was a pity that everything was over, because with the release of light, the explosion occurred in an instant.

There was a roar, the earth shook, and with the passing of the white light, everything it went was razed to the ground, whether it was birds or beasts, or forests and mountains, everything was reduced to ashes in the white light.

Mizuki's white eyes had been observing all the time, that was when the white light enveloped her, she felt that her life seemed to disappear in an instant.

"So strong!" This was her first thought.

The destructive power that is absolutely impossible to defend, swept everything within a radius of ten miles with a destructive force. Although I have not personally seen the power of nuclear weapons, there are many pictures after the Hiroshima atomic bomb on the Internet. I want to come when the atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima. , Shock should be comparable enough, right?

The explosion had already occurred, and the body of the water tree was torn apart, and the King Kong would not have any effect if it was not broken. Fortunately, this was a shadow clone. If the body came, it would be unimaginable.

But it doesn't really matter, because the water tree at this time is also concerned about the situation here, and there has been some association in his mind.She is a skill that she remembers all three ranks in "Ragnarok": "Go all out!!"

The effect is to increase all the attributes of oneself at the cost of loss of vitality, and increase the skill effect from the basic level.But because it is a sacrifice of life, if the vitality is consumed, it will necessarily mean death.

Of course, the game is not too detailed, because the life force paid in the game is HP. As long as you keep on the potion that is restored instantly, you can extend the effect time of the skill.

But this is also hard to think about. Undoubtedly, the more powerful a tactic, the person who uses it must be hurt first. As the saying goes, a powerful tactic must first be self-defeating. A tactic that uses vitality or even life is absolutely powerful. Unimaginably powerful.

Mizuki was fortunate that he was not stupid before, and he used the shadow clone to check it out. If it was his own body who ventured there, I am afraid that there is no ashes left now, right?

Looking back at the center of the explosion, the memory of the shadow clone at this time has now returned to the main body, and the general situation is known.I couldn't help but sighed: "If such a strong ninjutsu is used in the Fourth Ninja World War, I am afraid that it can kill all ten tails in a second?"

Text Volume 751. Perception

The art of interpretation with life-explosion!

Mizuki secretly rejoiced that he had decided to use the shadow clone in advance. Otherwise, even if he had King Kong, he would be affected and die, right?

Many people have witnessed such a big explosion.Presumably it will spread soon, and it is estimated that Naruto and others must have been aware of it.

The explosion is a momentary release of energy, and with the end of the explosion, it will soon return to calm.

But such a scene is bound to be difficult for people to immediately let go. People in the town are all talking about it.The water tree here is also starting to think about what he should do next.

Just as I was thinking this way, I met a familiar person in town: "Sakura!"

Sakura is responsible for searching for information here in the small town, so I just met.When Mizuki saw her alone, he couldn't help but asked, "Are you alone here? Oh, there are two ninja dogs?"

"Yes, others are searching for information in other directions." Kozakura nodded, and continued: "Why did you come? Do you know what happened to the explosion just now?"

Because she was in the town, she didn't know what happened.But seeing her familiar companions, she still felt a little relieved.

Mizuki looked in the direction where the white light of the explosion had disappeared. Thinking back to the situation just now, he hesitated for a while before repliing: "Akatsuki, the power of this Chakra belongs to Akatsuki's member: Deidara, just now The one who fought with him was Sasuke-kun!"

Choosing to tell the actual situation, after all, if such a big thing happened here, he would rush to investigate afterwards, and he would definitely find Sasuke's trace.So even if you foresee in advance, there shouldn't be any problems if you think about it?

However, Mizuki here has forgotten a bit. Sakura's feelings for Sasuke in front of her. After hearing Mizuki's words, she thought of such a terrifying explosion. The first time she thought: "Is Sasuke dead?"

Seeing that Sakura's body was soft and almost falling, Mizuki was still holding her hand quickly.

Only then did Mizuki realize the problem and hurriedly said to Sakura: "Don't worry, Sasuke will be fine, please, it is absolutely impossible to die here."

Sakura stabilized her body, but fortunately, she was already a ninja, and her mental quality became much stronger.And seeing Mizuki's expression, she looked very confident, and she believed that Sasuke would not just die like this.

Seeing that she was in a better mood, Mizuki immediately said: "You are acting nearby, right? This explosion will definitely attract their attention. We can go to investigate the situation first."

The proposal was approved by Sakura, but now it's useless to say anything, and if such a big thing happened, it would definitely not work without a glance.In this way, the two people went to the place of the explosion together.

Sure enough, he came to the center of the explosion. There was only one big pit left here, which was incredibly destructive. The dense vegetation here was now completely scorched.

"God, what a terrible power this is!" Kozakura's face turned ugly.

But at this time, more people have rushed to this place from all around. Naturally, they are all members of the eighth and seventh classes. They were all taken aback when they saw the water tree, but they were all in the first time. Asked: "What happened here?"

Mizuki simply said, "Members of Sasuke and Akatsuki, there have been battles in this place. That's what you saw just now."

The big bang just now can be seen by people in the vicinity of Baili. I believe they all saw it, so they came here, right?

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