I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 439

At this time, the noses of the ninja dogs are working, and their sense of smell is sensitive to the smell.

It was while they were searching, Kakashi had also arrived one after another, also asking about the situation first, and then made some investigations.Sure enough, there were traces of Sasuke being found, but it stopped here.

In the end, Naruto and others rushed here. As soon as they appeared, they immediately asked, "What happened here?"

With more clues, it was already confirmed that there was a discovery. Sakura said to Naruto: "There are already signs that Sasuke was here just now."

After hearing this, Naruto was taken aback, saw the water tree appeared again, and nodded affirmatively.

After the tooth search, the same said to Naruto: "Yes, although the guy's breath is very weak, there is still a little residue here, and there seems to be some other smell."

In this case, it is very obvious, plus the big bang that everyone has seen, it is not necessary to think that there was a battle here.

Mizuki thought of this as inserting the plot again, think he should give a hint?He said: "I came out a bit earlier than you, but the mission is the same as you. The battle that happened just now was Sasuke. He played against a member of the Akatsuki organization. You and I know this Akatsuki member. Dedala in contact."

Because I have my own hidden information, I dare not explain it too clearly, but such a reminder is enough, right?

The Ninja dog's search had some results. First, it reported the existence of Sasuke, and at the same time found more people's traces: "Besides the smell of Sasuke, there are still five people."

With such an analysis, Kakashi was the first to come to the conclusion: "It may be that Sasuke formed his own team. Akatsuki organized two people to act together. The other three people should be companions with Sasuke."

Shui Shu knows the names of three people: Xianglin, Shuiyue, and Chonggo.But there is no need to report it now, after all, this team will not have anything to do with Konoha.

I was still analyzing the conclusion, but Naruto couldn't sit still anymore, and asked: "Don't worry about this, no matter how many people there are, hurry up and track Sasuke's smell!"

If it's normal, this would be easier to handle, but Ninja Dog Parker rejected: "This may not work, the smell is gone here."

In this way, at present, it is nothing more than being blown up to pieces, or it is to escape by borrowing some kind of secret technique, such as space transfer.

Mizuki felt that when she said that Sasuke might be blown to pieces, Sakura's eyes appeared dim, as if she was worried about Sasuke's safety.

However, what was unexpected was that Toa freezes at this time. Using perception ninjutsu, he perceives that Sasuke has not been killed: "It should be escaped. Sasuke is not dead."

Looking at this guy, Fang's nose is getting better and better, but it is a nose that is better than a dog's nose.

But of course this is fine, at least there is a clue to follow.

Text Volume 752. Inference

"You mean, don't you plan to act with us?"

Just when everyone wanted to follow Sasuke’s clues, Mizuki proposed to act alone, giving the reason: "I have my own mission."

Naruto said uncomprehendingly, "Mizuki, you just saw what happened here, right? Then can you tell me what is going on?"

Such a problem is very embarrassing!Mizuki smiled bitterly, and shook his head helplessly: "I'm sorry, I can't say more. I can barely tell you that Sasuke is no longer the Sasuke-kun you knew before. His current psychological aspect is only The haze of revenge."

Mizuki is not good at telling Naruto the truth directly, because she dare not affect the plot too much, and is very worried that her actions will really change the development of the original story.You must know that Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi will meet next time and a battle between brothers will break out. This is a very important moment for Sasuke!

Did not get a satisfactory answer, which made Naruto very unhappy, and he wanted to keep asking.But at this time, fortunately, Kakashi came forward and said to Naruto: “Don’t embarrass Mizuki. This is her mission. As a ninja, you should know the importance of protecting mission secrets.”

Hearing Kakashi's words like this, Mingren swallowed back into his stomach again what he wanted to ask.After watching him walk away, he walked to Ya to understand the situation.

Mizuki gestured to Kakashi, thanking him for helping him out.Of course Kakashi said at this time: "I know that Naruto-sama gave you an order. I can't say anything to you, but you will definitely think about it for Konoha and Naruto, right?"

This is a matter of course, Mizuki nodded definitely.

With such an answer, it is already reassuring. After all, everyone is very familiar, and they are all Konoha's ninjas. She definitely will not do behaviors that endanger Konoha Village.This can definitely be guaranteed!

In this way, Naruto and others followed the tooth, tracking Sasuke's smell and left, and Mizuki was acting alone again.

Mizuki had her own plan, because she had seen A Fei, and by using the tracking technique on A Fei's trail, she chased in another direction.

A Fei, this is the name in the Akatsuki organization. The real identity is Uchiha, a key figure in the plot of Naruto. The establishment of the Akatsuki organization is said to be related to him, and it has always dominated the development of the plot behind the scenes.

This character's experience is quite sad. Although it is said that he belongs to the villain for a long time, his motivation is to have a world of Lin.

He wants to be with the girl he loves forever. The place that impressed Mizuki the most was that after being killed by Kaguya Ji, seeing Lin had always been with him.

Maybe it's because of such sadness, right?In addition, it was "whitewashed" later, so the impression of the water tree on the soil is not bad.But there is certainly not much good impression, after all, his approach is really extreme, and only then a war broke out, which affected countless people and almost destroyed the world.

Such an approach could not be recognized by Mizuki, especially the fact that he killed Neji and almost hurt Hinata because of this, and it made her unable to admit his correctness.

But then again, where would this guy be?A Fei has a space ninjutsu like Shenwei, and it is very convenient to move places instantly.It is not easy to find him, and it will only be more troublesome to consider fighting with him.

Mizuki traced the location of A Fei. This is the last location of A Fei that the shadow clone saw. Through the observation of this place with white eyes, A Fei’s breath disappeared here. I think it was when the explosion occurred. He used space ninjutsu. Transferred directly from here and escaped.

"This is really difficult." As expected, he escaped with Space Ninjutsu.Biting the corner of his mouth, Mizuki thought: "Should I rush over again? If it's in the plot, ALFY will stop Naruto and the others and approach Sasuke."

Originally, there was such a plan to find A Fei directly by following the plot line, but just before the departure, she suddenly thought about the subsequent development of the plot, and she wanted to meet A Fei alone.

But if he can't find his person, such an idea is probably going to fall apart.

But at this time, think back to the plot. The soil in the plot in my impression has prevented Naruto from approaching Sasuke. Do you want to keep up with Naruto?

Such an idea just appeared, she was immediately rejected by Mizuki, because she must not let too many people know what she wanted to do, otherwise she would not choose to act separately.

Now it seems that he can only think of a way by himself. Mizuki rubbed his head: "I hate finding people and collecting information. I always feel that I don't have a good fight."

One head hurts two big, but the way is still to be thought of.

According to the story in the memory, Sasuke will fight Itachi shortly afterwards, and he will be taken away by ALFY. From his mouth, he must know the ins and outs of the events of the year, so he can join Akatsuki on the mission of capturing Yao.

If you want to come this way, go to Uchiha Itachi's base, maybe you can meet Afei, right?But this may be an afterthought, and it is not yet clear where he will be.

Mizuki made another inference: "In the battle between Sasuke and Deidara, it was the Ten Thousand Snake that was used to save his life. Even so, he was definitely injured. It is estimated that there will be some days to rest. Can you gather more information first?"

Thinking of this, even if I go to the Uchiha clan's stronghold, there may not be any news in a short time, so I naturally give up the unintelligent way of "squatting".

There is no need to think about the affairs of Naruto and his group for the time being, because it is really unnecessary. They don't seem to remember the dangers of the task they performed this time.

Of course, I couldn't find Sasuke and couldn't complete the task of capturing Uchiha Itachi. This is another matter.Anyway, if you really want to talk about it, this is most likely a foreshadowing that Kishimoto laid.

Because there is something Mizuki remembers clearly, after Sasuke joined Akatsuki, he performed the task of capturing Yao.Raikage convened the Five Shadows Conference, and the subsequent disturbances could be said to be the beginning of the fourth Ninja World War.

The interlocking plot may also make Mizuki realize that the plot cannot be easily changed. Otherwise, if he borrows his identity as a traverser and forcibly changes the development of the plot, then this Naruto World will still be himself Are you familiar with Hokage?

Text volume 753. Paradox

Finally, because of such considerations and the current objective factors, Mizuki temporarily gave up tracking and returned to a nearby town to rest.

Of course, in order to clarify the development of the situation as soon as possible, Mizuki split up a shadow clone to join Naruto and the others, so that if they encounter the soil beforehand, they can feel it for the first time.

Find a local hotel and prepare to rest for two days.Collect more intelligence by the way, and then take action next?

Almost like this, Mizuki relaxed and lay on the bed, and began to organize his thoughts: "It seems that you need to think about what you should do in the future."

At this stage Deidara has been killed, and the next battle between Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha. I think if the development of the plot is not unexpected, there should still be no change.

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