I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through Naruto World Chapter 442

With the soil in his hand, he rushed to the water tree again, using the fan as a blade to chop.

At the same time, Mizuki was not to be outdone, and used the Diamond Chakra to gather his own hands.Directly use your hands to block, and collide with metal sparks and electric lights!

Once the information was passed on to each other, Mizuki said to him: "Uchiha with soil, right? You must be Uchiha with soil, because I have seen your eyes!"

Isn’t it the first time that Mizuki has met Zhuanyan, and when it comes to Zhuanyan with soil, isn’t it Kakashi’s?It's just another one.

To this Mizuki also said: "Your writing round eyes, the technique you just used, should be'shenwei', right? Time and space type ninjutsu, I have seen it more than once, Kakashi teacher used it."

"Kakashi?" Suddenly, it was his own eyes that revealed his identity?Can not help but said: "Why do you think so?"

After the two people's hands collided, they quickly stepped back a few steps, but in the next instant, they played against each other many times.Mizuki uses the "Steel Fist" to strike a strong pressure, and uses a ball fan as a shield to block the soil.

At this time, Mizuki's message was communicated with him again, and then the topic above: "I heard Teacher Kakashi said that his eyes are his companions, something he gave him as a gift before he died. Your eyes are the same as his, and it happened that I have been to the country of grass, knowing the third battle of the Ninja World, the battle of the Shinsubi Bridge!"

Taitou didn't send any news this time, because he let out a loud shout: "Uchiha bounced!!"

The powerful ninjutsu bounced back to counterattack Mizuki himself with strength.

Fist is the strongest attack of Water Tree, King Kong is not bad is Water Tree’s strongest defense, the strongest attack and the strongest defense, the collision between the two will not hurt Water Tree, but it is enough to shock her own. Bounced directly and broke several trees.

Fortunately, it is not bad to have King Kong, or you will vomit blood.

Just now he stood up where he fell last time, Uchiha's attack with soil arrived again, and the thunderous thunder struck him. Mizuki covered his body with his hands, and needed full defense to resist the damage.

At this time the message of bringing soil came: "You know a lot. Is this why you think I am bringing soil?"

"Eyes!" Mizuki's message was sent, and there was a punch at the same time!Yelled: "The whole body is a chain palm!!"

A storm-like attack is knocked down, and the soil can only be used as a shield with a ball fan to protect yourself from being hit. If it is hit by the water tree's attack, it will be very troublesome!

Of course, he still has supernatural power to use, so he shouldn't be injured, he just doesn't want to be attacked?

In this way, when resisting Mizuki's attack, the leading message was also sent: "It turns out that it is. The insight of the white eyes is indeed well-deserved. Hyuga Mizuki, I remember you!"

Finally, it was difficult to block Mizuki's attack, using the tuan fan as a beat in his backhand, and actually hit Mizuki back a few steps.Grasping the Kung Fu that the water tree was repulsed, he brought the soil with both hands and Jieyin shouted: "Fire Dunge: The Art of Fireball!!"

Mizuki ran away in amazement. After all, King Kong's defenses were not bad, limited to dealing with physical strikes and the like, and the resistance to ninjutsu was not very good.

He hurriedly used the arched shadow to avoid the flames at a distance of more than ten meters, but even with such a long distance, the hot air wave still hit the face of the water tree.

But just when she was thankful that she was not burned to death at least, a powerful force pulled her!

"Not good!" Originally, I didn't know when, Bring the soil appeared next to her, and was already using divine power, trying to absorb her.

I don't know what will happen to entering the divine space, but if you are drawn in, it will be more difficult for you to get out than to climb to the sky.

Loudly shouted: "Bow body shot!"

The mind moves and leaves instantly.

As soon as his body lightened back to the ground, Mizuki's face was sweaty, and he was almost scared to death.

He tried to suck the water tree into the divine mighty space and failed. He brought the soil to his forehead and sighed: "You are the second one to escape the divine might."

Who is the first person?Think about it, yes, Naruto's father, the fourth generation of Hokage!

Mizuki wiped the sweat off his face, and the whole person became more cautious, and said, "I am the second one? Then there is another one?"

Bringing the earth to support the ball fan in his hand, the writing wheel eyes under the mask, once again looked at the water tree, and gave a little approval: "Yes, is this your original ninjutsu? It is comparable to the golden glitter of the year. "

"Four generations of Hokage!?" Mizuki knew who it was, without any surprise, but said: "Well, what you said is not wrong. Many people have said that my instantaneous technique is like the golden flash of the year. But my technique is completely different from Flying Thunder God!"

Fei Lei Shen needs to make a mark, and the bullet shadow of the bow body is positioned with a blank eye.

But anyway here, fortunately, there is such an ability to let the water tree escape. If he is sucked in by the divine might, he will be unable to get out.

Bringing the soil and clenching the handle of the fan in his hand, it seems that he is accumulating power. He is about to launch another attack: "The demeanor of the Flying Thunder God back then, let me see it!"

In an instant, the two people fought together again, and the group fan hit Mizuki's body, and was forcibly resisted with King Kong. At the same time, Mizuki punched his fists and used his best fighting technique.

But the attack of the fist penetrated his body, causing Mizuki's strength to be completely empty!


This kind of ability really restrains the water tree. You must know that the water tree is a ninja of body art. If the physical attack caused cannot cause damage to the enemy, it means that there is no way for the enemy.

Now let’s not say that it’s the fourth battle of Ninja World, Naruto and Kakashi joined forces, and with the help of Kakashi’s power, did he cause a little damage.

Mizuki definitely does not possess supernatural power, and there is no space as much as with soil. As a result of continuing to fight like this, she may either be defeated, or she will be exhausted now!

Text Volume 757. The Transmission of Ideas

Mizuki's attack failed, and the moment he passed through the body with soil, he was slapped flying with a ball fan.A large area of ​​trees was knocked down, and it felt like it hit the position of the chest. Even if there was a diamond protector, there was still a pain of being hit by a hammer.

The uncomfortable holding her chest wanted to get up again, but bringing the dirt did not give her this opportunity, and directly hit the water tree in the abdomen with a ball fan.

The chest is ribbed anyway, but the abdomen is soft and boneless. Anyone who knows martial arts and can fight should know the strength of the human body, mainly from the strength of the waist and abdomen.Once this place is hit, it is extremely easy to disperse the power of the human body!

If it is a simple heavy blow, with the defense power of King Kong, it can be resisted somewhat.However, the practice of bringing soil was extremely difficult, and she actually suppressed Mizuki's waist and abdomen forcefully, making her unable to regain her strength.

Although it seemed that he was not bad to King Kong and seemed to have no choice but to successfully suppress the water tree, it was enough for him.

After completing Mizuki, he held her neck and brought the soil, and suddenly thought of something: "I heard that Konoha's nine-tailed little ghost seems to have a good relationship with you? You are the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan. And it's the current disciple of Hokage. If I want him to replace you, would you agree?"

Is this a threat?Want to exchange water trees for Naruto?

No, this is absolutely impossible!Mizuki snorted coldly: "You are dreaming! How could Konoha's ninja betray his companions!"

"Dreaming? Do you think that's the case?" The soil here may be thinking of the past, and his tone became colder: "You said Konoha's ninja will not betray your companions? It seems that you don't understand anything. !"

When the girl he loved died that year, the damage to the soil was really great. What's more, he saw with his own eyes that the person he loved was killed by his companion.

Now it is natural to understand why, he would say that Water Tree does not understand anything.Because he thinks Mizuki doesn't know the truth at all!

However, the Mizuki here doesn’t care about this problem. She just said to Dai Tu: “You are wrong, because I have personally experienced the pain of losing a companion! I know that the third war of Ninja World, the gods are not in the bridge. Zhan gave birth to two heroes who write round eyes, one is Kakashi now, and the other is Uchiha who gave him his eyes with soil! Isn't it? Uchiha with soil!"

"You are a hero in the annals of history. Because of your death, Senior Kakashi cannot let go. I have seen him countless times in the cemetery, visited your tombstone, and a girl's tombstone. I can Understand the pain of losing a companion!"

Because of the "Konoha collapse" incident, his companion is Mizuki, a lingering memory forever.Presumably, Kakashi was very sad when he saw the death of his two companions!

Mizuki knew that Kakashi was not a guy who loved being late, but now that he has become a guy who loves being late, he is undoubtedly influenced by someone.If you want to talk about who influenced Kakashi, then it must be this Uchiha.

However, the words explained in this way are too pale and powerless for Taito, because during the battle of the gods and bridges, he entrusted the girl he loved to Kakashi, but when they met again, But I saw Kakashi killed, his favorite person!

Uchiha has no parents and has been taken care of by a grandma since he was a child. After his grandma passed away, the only person left to take care of him was the girl.

He remembered that when he was frustrated, the girl would encourage him and bandage him when he was injured.And he also poured all his feelings into the girl.Maybe after the two grow up, they will finally hold hands together?

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