I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 443

But such a happy ending. Because the third Ninja War was broken, Uchiha took the soil and sacrificed the peace he bought. He only likes that Lin can live happily and let Kakashi take good care of the girl she likes. .But what is the result?Meeting again, seeing Kakashi killed the girl he loved!

The anger, immense anger ignited the anger, kicked the water tree with a kick with the soil, and directly smashed a tree, his voice was trembling, and he roared angrily: "That girl shouldn't die! I entrusted Lin to him back then, hoping that Kakashi could take care of her and make her happy for the rest of her life, but he killed Lin!"

Because of this heavy blow, the kick was the weak belly of Mizuki. Although the defense was blocked by King Kong, the strong impact force could not be completely offset.

A mouthful of bloody water was vomited out, and then a little bloodshot was coughed out. It is estimated that he suffered a bit of internal injury. After all, he hit the soft abdomen and broke his strength.

Stuffed up from the ground, Mizuki shook her body and stood firmly, and yelled to Daito with her voice: "No, you don't know the truth at all. Lin's death was not caused by Kakashi, this is her own wish. !"

The ninja of the Misty Village sealed the three tails in Lin's body. At the same time, due to the spell, she could not hurt herself. In order to protect the safety of Konoha Village, she eventually died actively under Kakashi's Rachel.

However, because of the special arrangement of Uchiha Madara back then, what Obi was watching was the last scene, thinking that Kakashi was the murderer of Lin.The world without Lin makes Oido feel meaningless, so he accepts Uchiha Madara's arrangement.

"You are talking nonsense!"

Tai Tu didn't believe it at all, and smashed the water tree with a ball fan, causing her to bear all the strength inadvertently.Regardless of whether there is any harm on the body, this is protected by the undamaged King Kong, but it must be very uncomfortable to be beaten like this.

With one hand forcibly blocking the opponent's attack, at this moment Mizuki's momentum changed, and electricity began to gush out of her body, releasing thunder and lightning around her, as if a halo appeared on her body.

This is already in a state of "explosive air", making the punch from the water tree even more powerful!Even if he was holding a group fan as a shield, he would be sent flying with one blow.

Mizuki yelled at the same time: "Do you think I'm talking nonsense? Nohara Lin, this is the name on the tombstone. She is buried in the cemetery. Do you know what this means? This is only for Konoha Village, a ninja who makes self-sacrifice can enjoy the honor!"

"You and her name are buried in the same cemetery. She is with you! If Ye Yuan Lin is still alive, she knows you are like this now. I don't know how sad it will be?"

Text Volume 758. The Transmission of Ideas [Part 2]

When he finally said this sentence, Mizuki saw Uchiha's body with soil, and there was a tremor. This should be moved by himself?

It seems that there is nothing wrong with Uchiha Rinpoche's heart. During the fourth Ninja battle, Naruto finally used Nohara Rinpoche, which affected Uchiha's fate: "I have been looking at you! "

Although in the three-dimensional world, Mizuki felt that there was nothing to be forgiven for Uchiha's crime of bringing soil. After all, he was the murderer who launched a war, and countless people died because of him.

But from the emotional aspect alone, I have to say that he is a person with deep affection.Would you like to switch back to the one you love with your own one, and ask which girl would not like a boy who treats her like this?

Want to come to this is also Naruto, why is it attractive?Even if it is a villain, he still has his own feelings, and he is shaped like flesh and blood.

The fighting between the two stopped temporarily.

Jue secretly yelled badly on the side. If your plan was destroyed, wouldn't it be that thousands of years of hard work would all be wasted?So I came to Jiedu's side and said to him bewildered: "Lin is dead, don't forget who killed her, this cannot be changed!"

Mizuki's expression changed, and the fucking fellow came to make trouble, and shouted angrily: "No, your conspiracy will not succeed. I have seen the stone monument of the Uchiha clan's ancestral hall, and the content on it is simply false. of!"

The original stone stele was used by the six ways and was reserved for the reincarnated person of Indra. I hope he can understand after seeing it and treat his feelings correctly.

However, it later became an indispensable tool that enabled him to complete the "unlimited monthly reading" plan and rescue his mother, the big boss Datongmu Huiye!

But I didn’t expect that Absolute was very eloquent, and he said, "The stone tablet? The stone tablet of the Uchiha clan. How long can you tell whether it is true or false? And you are not a wood. Ye’s ninja keeps saying that it’s for the village, which is nothing more than an excuse! When Lin died, you weren’t born yet, right?"

Oops, a very fatal problem, age is not justified.

If it were just a stone monument of the Uchiha clan, Mizuki could still find a reason to fool it by saying that he saw an ancient book.But when Nohara Lin died, she just saw the plot in the three-dimensional world.

However, the ninjas of the Misty Village in the Water Country in the plot were all killed by the soil that opened the kaleidoscope, and Kakashi who survived in the end was also in a coma.

This means that at the time, no second person saw it. So where did the information that Mizuki knew?

Seeing the soil seems to be suspicious. Fortunately, Mizuki was already prepared and put out a piece of information on the ground: "Here is a little piece of information I collected. At the end of the Third Ninja War, Water The country wanted to take advantage of the chaos to attack Konoha, Wuyin Village sealed Sanwei in Lin's body."

Putting the information on the ground, Mizuki consciously stepped back a few steps, and let the soil get the information for inspection.

This is classified information from the Water Country, after all, it is about the actions of the war that year.But fortunately, the relationship between Mizuki and the current fifth-generation Shuiying is very good, and she is determined to make the country of water an open country.

Regardless of whether it was to review the guilt in the past or to get closer to the country of fire, Mizuki got the information on the plan and operations of the country of water.

In this way, Nohara Lin is more like a victim of war, and it may not have any practical discouraging effect on the soil that has lost her beloved.But after seeing this information, Mizuki believes that taking the lead will feel it, at least knowing Lin's death, she sacrificed for her village!

Seeing the information in his hand, the soil was sluggish for a while, and then his body appeared trembling, and his fists could not help but make a skeletal sound. He said: "Lin is dead, everything is dead for me. It's all the fault of the war, as long as that plan is completed—"

"No, you are wrong, that plan is a conspiracy!" When Mizuki interrupted Zitou, she could understand Lin's importance to Zitou, but the plan of "Unlimited Moon Reading" was wrong and it was a long-planned plan. It's just a conspiracy.

By now, the words have been said here. Even if you want to destroy the plot, if you can prevent the fourth Ninja war, this is a matter of accomplishment, right?

Mizuki said to Daido: "Uchiha Daido, the person you love is dead, but the world she loves is still there. I have read the words on the stone tablet, because I was stimulated by emotions, and opened the writing wheel to evolve. The ability. This is not a power, but a curse. Even if the power of writing round eyes is evolved to the highest state, it will definitely not be a technique that can make the world peaceful. I want to make this For real peace in the world, people must understand each other, and people’s hearts must be filled with love, not hatred and death!"

Because of the far-sighted understanding of the plot, she knows that Tai Tu is not a heinous person, he is just being used by others and not using his power in the right place.

He is full of love for Lin. This is the only spiritual sustenance given to him since his grandma's death.The world without Lin made him lose his love, but he yearned for love, so he wanted to create a world with Lin, which would be used by Uchiha Madara.

Now Mizuki can say that he has almost told the land about all the truth. If you really want to say something is missing, it should be Madara's plan, as well as his true identity and conspiracy.

I just don't know what kind of thoughts I have on the psychological side of the soil at this time, it is best to hope that I will be moved by myself.If this is really the best, stop the tragic Fourth Ninja World War in advance.

But will it be that simple?The answer is definitely no!

You must know that there is one more thing here. He will not allow his plan to be destroyed. Of course, he is somewhat surprised that Mizuki has almost found the truth.

He knows that if the water tree is not removed, the will to bring the soil will be shaken, and it will definitely affect the implementation of the plan.Fortunately, just in case, I had already considered the accident and secretly took out the prepared things.

This is what Uchiha Madara left behind, just to prevent such a situation, when he took out this thing, the light emitted instantly enveloped the three of them.

Text Volume 759. Illusory Reset Part I

Because Naruto met Itachi Uchiha and knew that the person Sasuke was looking for was him. After telling the matter to the tooth, the group was now following the smell of Itachi Uchiha.

Mizuki's shadow clone followed them all the time, and kept in touch with the body at any time, but when the body sensed that someone was watching him, it stopped contacting him in order to concentrate on dealing with the enemy.

I originally thought that after a while, when my own body resolved the enemy, the contact would be restored.However, it was at this time that the shadow clone of Mizuki sensed a trance, and almost disappeared on the spot.

I quickly stabilized my body and kept the shadow clone before it disappeared, but I didn't expect that my brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if it were about to be blown apart!

Of course, he fell from the passing tree, and the screaming and falling sound caught the attention of others. He quickly went down to check the situation and asked, "What happened?"

The feeling of splitting headache is very uncomfortable, even the normal expression ability is lost, Mizuki can only hold his head and cry out.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, they just wanted to help her blindly. Fortunately, the medical ninja Sakura was present, and medical ninjutsu was used to relieve the pain.

However, Mizuki's face was very pale, and he did not get angry for a long time. At this time, Hinata sent her a pot of water: "Sister, drink some water first."

Reluctantly, it finally slowed down, but quickly reacted, this body of his own is a shadow clone, how could it appear in such a situation for no reason?

Mizuki's first reaction was to think of it. In all likelihood, something happened to his own body, and it was definitely a mental attack, which was probably an illusion type of damage.

After coming to this judgment, he said to his companions around him: "It should be that my ontology is in trouble. It may be that I have suffered a strong illusion."

Because there was a problem with his own body, he would hurt the shadow clone. Just now, his head was splitting, and it was obviously a mental attack from an illusion.

"Phantom? The enemy is Uchiha Itachi?"

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