I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 446

Text Volume 762. Sudden Change

Because of the action of the water tree, everyone quickly reacted and found the reappearing enemy.

Mizuki was cautiously vigilant, and did not choose to attack. After all, his physical skills were restrained and it was difficult to exert an attack effect.

Here is the tooth rushing out, yelling: "Don't think you can escape my nose!"

The Inuzuka clan is an olfactory tracker, and he is one of the best in perception. Even the faint smell of Sasuke can be tracked.


Ya thinks that his nose should be able to detect the dirt in time, but in fact, he can only track it with his nose while he is rotating.

But when really launching an attack, the soil can only be easily jumped a step, and it can be easily avoided.Then I saw the tooth and plunged directly into the ground.

Halo, are you funny?

Mizuki held his forehead endlessly, but when he thought of Ya's character, sometimes he didn't use his brain, and some had the urge to fight with Naruto. In the qualifiers of the Zhongnin exam, he had suffered such a loss.

Sakura criticized him: "Ya, don't mess around alone!"

Looking at the tooth sticking into the ground, he shifted his gaze again. At this time, he saw a plant-like thing growing around the soil.

The water tree recognized it at first glance: "Absolutely!"

With both hands already squeezing fists, Mizuki must prepare to make a move to kill this guy who will affect the future.

At this moment he said a message: "Sasuke has won, and Uchiha Itachi is dead."

Hearing this news, everyone's reaction was mixed.Water Tree naturally doesn't know what others think, but from the current water tree, I quickly flipped through the plot.

The death of Uchiha Itachi indicates that Sasuke Uchiha will gain stronger power.The writing wheel eye has evolved into a kaleidoscope, after which the truth will be learned.

Of course, if all the things that were done afterwards were taken into account, Sasuke could be regarded as an indirect cause, right?Because if it weren't for him, if he participated in the action of Akatsuki to capture the tail beast and asked Raiking to hold the Five Shadows Conference, the following things would not be promoted.

Recalling the development of the plot in Mizuki's mind, after hearing Jue's answer, Dai Tu was surprised at first, but the facts proved that this was completely in his expectations.Especially when he was speaking, he restored his original voice: "I will play with you next time!"

The writing wheel eye under the eye mask, the gaze shot out is merciless, full of icy chill.

But listening to what he meant, it seemed that he was about to leave. As soon as he waved his hand, his body turned hypocritical and disappeared into the air.

"Don't go!" Thinking of the guy with soil and the plot that will develop later, Mizuki tried to stop him: "Stop!"

With a move of her mind, she wanted to use the arched shadow, but at this moment, there was a tremor in her brain, like a drum beat in her brain, and her brain crashed almost instantly.Seems to be vaguely, she still sees a smiling face?

I didn’t see clearly what kind of person it was, but this smile was very weird. The reddish pink lips curled up, revealing white teeth like snow. It looked like a female smile. It should have been a very sweet smile, but this This kind of smile is cold!?

At this moment, Mizuki felt his brain as if it was about to explode, suddenly let out a scream, and then lost consciousness when his eyes went dark.

Without consciousness, naturally I don't know anything.

There was no impression of what happened afterwards. If you really wanted to say anything, it would be the exclamation of her companions seeing her falling down before losing consciousness.

So I don't know how long it has been in the coma. When Mizuki woke up again, he found that he had returned to Konoha Village and was lying on the bed of Konoha Hospital.

"Ah, my head hurts!"

God, what's wrong with yourself?

I only felt groggy while holding my forehead, and my body was soft, and I felt a finger as heavy as a lead.

Fortunately, someone in the ward saw Shui Shu waking up, and immediately ran over: "Shui Shu, you finally wake up, don't move, I'll call the master over."

It turned out that it was Sakura who worked in the hospital. After seeing Mizuki wake up, she asked her to lie down on the bed first, and then she had to go to Tsunade.

But when she was about to turn around, she was pulled by the water tree and asked what was going on and about the mission: "I fainted? What happened? What happened after I was unconscious?"

I didn't expect that when Mizuki woke up, he wanted to ask about the mission.

This made Sakura feel a little surprised, but there was more hesitation, but fortunately, after thinking about it, she fainted the water trees one by one, and briefly summarized what happened.

At that time, everyone heard Mizuki scream and fainted and was very anxious. Although Sakura was checked, no injuries were found on Mizuki's body.But very carefully observed that the water tree exudes body chill and sweat.

For a while, everyone was at a loss. Fortunately, Kakashi was an experienced ninja. First, Sakura took care of Mizuki, and the rest followed the enemy's tracks.After all, for ninjas, completing tasks is the most important, sometimes even more than life.

Mizuki expressed his understanding of this: "Senior Kakashi did the right thing, but what happened later? Did you find Sasuke?"

The answer is actually knowing it well. When the group rushed over, they saw a ruin. According to the judgment, it was the masterpiece of Sasuke and Itachi. The entire Uchiha clan's fortress was razed to the ground.

Looking for clues to Uchiha Sasuke, because the sky is not beautiful, it rains heavily, making the smell disappear quickly, and all clues are cut off.

It seems to be the same as in the plot again. Sasuke Uchiha was taken away by soil, and what would happen was already expected.

Thinking of Tiandi Bridge once and missed with Sasuke again, it is estimated that for Naruto, it must be very uncomfortable, right?He let out a sigh, "Where is Naruto? He must be sad, right?"

Naruto wanted to cherish his friends, but he didn't get Sasuke back. This is something that can be thought of.

But when talking about Naruto’s things, Kozakura’s face quickly turned ugly: "Well, Mizuki, Lord Jiraiya has sacrificed. You should know the relationship between Naruto and Jiraiya. You have to know. After the news of Lord Jiraiya’s death, Naruto's mood was very depressed for the past two days."

Jilaiya, sacrificed?

Mizuki should have been mentally prepared for an event that is destined to happen, but after hearing the news, he still couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable.

Text Volume 763. Sick

As early as in the three-dimensional world, Mizuki had seen it in the comics, and Jilai also performed the mission and sacrificed. In the end, his throat was broken, but he still wrote down important information with perseverance.

Just like his firm endurance: "Ninja refers to people with perseverance!"

This kind of forbearance also affects Naruto, allowing him to make unremitting efforts to move forward even in the face of any danger.

Now that I heard about Ji Laiya, the water tree lying on the hospital bed really didn't know what to say. Maybe whatever it said was useless, right?

Kozakura has already called Tsunade and checked with medical ninjutsu. Mizuki's body and spirit have not been found to be abnormal.But Tsunade has a high level of medical skills. Seeing that Mizuki's face is not good, he seems to be a little tired, and he asked, "Your complexion is not good, do you feel that your body is not comfortable?"

Mizuki didn't know what was going on, so he simply told Tsunade what he was thinking in his heart: "Master, I have just heard about the business of Lord Jiraiya."

"Are you thinking about this?" Tsunade glanced at Mizuki, and felt that her complexion was not good, it should be a physical problem.But regarding Ji Laiya's matter, she still replied: "The mission of a ninja is bound to be accompanied by danger, and Ji Lai has long been aware of this."

Because they were born in the chaotic world of wars, they have personally experienced and witnessed the two tragic Ninja battles, and they have a thorough view of life and death.However, this separation of life and death has left the living people with pain that can never be subdued.

At least Mizuki knew that Tsunade's younger brother and her lover stayed in her memory. Although they had good memories, the ending was only sad.

At the same time, he thought of his companions. Because of the experience of losing his companions, Mizuki understood the pain very well.Mizuki squeezed his fist uncontrollably, and said to Tsunade: "I can understand that Konoha collapsed and lost a companion. I can understand the pain. But I am more worried about Naruto, who is a passionate person. People, the death of Jiraiya will definitely hit him very hard, right?!"

Naruto's straightforward character, things he likes and things he doesn't like will all show on his face.When a friend encounters a happy thing, he will accompany his companion to smile.When a friend is sad, he will cry with his companion.

Now that something like this has happened, the grief in his heart must be more than anyone else, right?

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