I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 447

Tsunade here didn’t speak, and Kozakura didn’t know what to say. He only accompanied Tsunade to visit Mizuki’s Silent, standing aside and saying, “Yes, recently I heard reports from my staff that it’s Naruto for the past two days The mood is very depressed, which is really too confusing."

Everyone in Konoha Village has an impression of Naruto that is optimistic, cheerful, and idealistic.Although there are sometimes emotions, such a long period of depression is really rare.In this way, I can think of the relationship between him and Jilaiya.

Mizuki sighed helplessly, thinking of Naruto at this moment, must the psychological side be very painful?Girls can cry, act coquettishly, and find someone to rely on when they encounter things that are not what they want.

However, many boys cannot be so casual, because they need to be strong, and everything can only be buried in the bottom of their hearts. Even if they are broken by clenching their teeth, they can only swallow them in their stomachs.

After listening to Silent's words, Mizuki thought for a while, and said to Tsunade: "Master, I want to be discharged now, is this okay?"

Tsunade said strangely: "Why? You just woke up now, you have to know that you have fallen asleep for three days. And I think your complexion is not good, this is a sign of illness, it is best to stay in the hospital for two more days."

It is said that an experienced doctor can judge the patient's condition by just looking at the face of the patient.The most famous example is the story of the genius doctor Bian Que.

Tsunade, known as a medical expert, also has the same ability. The experienced she can see that there is a problem with Mizuki's body. If it is not checked and treated in time, I wonder if the condition will get worse?

But Mizuki didn't think at all that because of her persistent exercise all the year round, her physical fitness has been excellent, how could she get sick easily?If it is to say that the spirit is not good, it is probably because of the previous illusion and lying down for two days, and then there will be something about Ji Laiya, right?

Mizuki patted his chest, and said confidently: "Don't worry, I have never caught colds since I was a child. Where can I get sick? Besides, I can also treat ninjutsu. I am considered a medical ninja and can judge myself. His body. What I worry more about is Naruto. Everyone understands his character, and I'm afraid he won't be able to walk through!"

Once this was said, Tsunade reconsider.

Because of persistent physical exercise all the year round, Shuishu has good physical fitness, which is absolutely nothing to say.But Mizuki said that he knew some medical ninjutsu, so he dared to call himself a medical ninja. Is this a bit too much?

A qualified medical ninja does not only need to understand medical ninjutsu, but also needs to be proficient in medicine and pathology.According to the previous statement, it takes at least three years to get started!

Of course, this doesn't matter. Now Tsunade is mainly considering Naruto. After all, she is a past person, but Naruto is not.The blow to him by Jilaiyas death is undoubtedly more than anything in the past, at least from the low mood of the past few days, it can be seen how much.

Thinking of the relationship between Mizuki and Naruto is good, and someone who has had such an experience should help Naruto as soon as possible to get out of the shadow of Ji Lai's murder, right?So I reluctantly agreed: "Well, I will let Sakura help you with the discharge procedures for a while, if you can enlighten Naruto."

After saying this, Tsunade looked at Mizuki. Although he felt a little annoyed by saying too much, he still reminded: "I don't think your complexion is right. You need to always pay attention to your body. If you feel uncomfortable recently, you must come to the hospital for an examination."

Tsunade's reminder Mizuki had heard it, nodded and answered, but whether he really listened to it is not known.

By the way, when talking about this, Mizuki thought of one thing, which is that she and Tsunade had applied for a task beforehand, and now they are making a report.

Text Volume 764. Before Payne Strikes1

What Mizuki said to Tsunade was that she went to find Akatsuki on her own. This was a completely independent task that she had applied for at the time, but it was related to the information of the Yu Xiao organization.

Because she didn't know the reason, whenever she wanted to tell the information about the soil, she felt a kind of uncomfortable feeling like a throat, and it would be accompanied by a strange feeling, as if something was stopping it.

Such a weird sense of horror once made Mizuki feel uneasy, but fortunately, seeing Uchiha Itachi, there was no problem in passing the information he revealed to Tsunade.

The first thing I'm talking about is the time of the Uchiha clan that happened that year. There was nothing to say about this. After all, it was a dark history that Konoha's senior officials knew.

However, the three generations at the time knew the Akatsuki organization, and it is estimated that they had heard of it a long time ago, and heard about the information about the "mask man" reported by Uchiha Itachi.So he agreed to Uchiha Itachi to protect his brother Sasuke's safety, but let him hide in Akatsuki as an undercover.

After Konoha's collapse occurred, Uchiha Itachi returned for a trip due to the sacrifice of three generations of Hokage.Here is a warning, don't let Konoha move his brother: Sasuke.

The first is about Uchiha Itachi personally, and the next is about the undercover Akatsuki's plan that he has heard: "Akatsuki's plan wants to cause a war! Use the terror of the tail beast to intimidate various countries and conquer the world."

When Mizuki heard this plan, he knew that Payne should have made it, because he wanted world peace, not a world with Lin alone.This is the world Penn's best friend is looking forward to. He wants to fulfill this dream.

But now it's too late to say anything. In fact, Penn has been used, and the tail beast has almost been caught, and now it makes no sense to say anything.The fourth Ninja World War that should break out will inevitably break out!

The only thing that can be done here is to make Naruto stronger. After all, he is the son of prophecy and the protagonist of "Naruto". Only he can save the crisis and win the final war!

After finishing what should be said, Sakura helped with the discharge.

After Mizuki was discharged from the hospital, he said goodbye to Tsunade and Sakura, and then went back home first. Originally, he wanted to go home to get something, but he happened to run into the Japanese foot that was about to leave. He seemed to be taking the flower fire away. Row.Stepped forward and asked, "My father, where are you going?"

Seeing that it was Mizuki coming back, Day Foot nodded, confirming and said: "I wanted to go to the hospital to see your condition. Didn't you expect you to have come out? Well, I asked you to go to Zhuo. It’s almost the appointed time to take the letter from the family."

Looking at the fireworks intentionally, wearing a beautiful kimono, suddenly understood what was going on.Thinking of the estimated time, he hurriedly asked: "My father, how long will it take you to go and come back?"

Calculate, if it is in the footsteps of a ninja, it will take two or three days to reach the Taketori clan if it is fast. If it is simply walking, it may take at least five days for the weather and road conditions to be good.If it’s a simple visit, it’s less than ten days and a half months, right?

The Japanese soccer team made a prediction and replied: "Twenty days, right? According to your decision two years ago, Hua Huo is going to inherit the clan, so let her stay in the Taketori clan for a few more days."

Twenty days?In less than a month, Payne will attack Konoha!Mizuki was a little worried.

Seeing that Mizuki's complexion didn't change particularly well, Nizu asked with concern: "Mizuki, what's wrong with you? My face is a bit ugly. If you feel unwell, do you want to go to the hospital for a check?

Khan, this is not the problem, Mizuki waved his hand: "My body is okay, this is not a physical problem."

Originally, Mizuki thought of Payne, who was about to attack Konoha Village, and had nothing to do with his body at all.

Hearing this, I think that Mizuki often exercises, and I haven't even had a cold on weekdays, so it probably has little to do with my body.So he nodded in relief, and then by the way said: "I'm not at home for a while, and the family affairs are all left to you and Hinata. Remember what you said when you were fourteen?"

Mizuki thought about what he said at the time, and then nodded clearly: "Of course I remember, I said that I will protect my sister, and I will definitely protect the Hyuga clan."

"If you are like this, I'm already relieved." Nissau said with satisfaction: "If you can't pay attention, you can discuss with the elder of the family. Although his ideas are conservative and outdated, they may compete with your thinking, but He is doing everything for the benefit of the Hyuga clan."

As the head of the Hyuga clan, his consideration is really meticulous.

Mizuki was a little impatient when he heard it, and waved his hand: "I know, I know, go early and return early. By the way, please say hello to Shingo for me. By the way, how is the relationship between him and Naruto going? Up."

Regarding the character of her own daughter, she could no longer control herself, so she had to give a few words at the end, and then left the Hyuga clan and Konoha village with Huahuo and a few family ninjas and servants.

Looking at the departure of Hyuga Hizu, Mizuki knew that when he came back, Konoha Village would usher in a huge crisis. What must be prepared before this, and also consider the fourth Ninja War!

The hero who saved the village of Konoha, the son of prophecy who saved the world, Naruto is the protagonist of this world.If he wants to save Konoha Village from Penn's hands, he must go to Miaomu Mountain to learn fairy skills.

However, I heard that Naruto's mood was low in the past two days, and he was hit hard by Jiraiya's death. Mizuki had experienced such pain, so he could understand his feelings at this time, and didn't want him to grieve in this way.

With a few things in the house, he was ready to set off to find Naruto.

The timing was not very coincidental. First, I went to Naruto's house and found that he was not at home. It was a bit strange where he would go. I didn't expect to ran into Naruto and Shikamaru on the way.

Mizuki glanced at Naruto's emotions, as if he didn't have the sorrow he had imagined, and then looked at Shikamaru again, and immediately thought of something.

By the way, I remember the development in the plot. It was not Shikamaru who enlightened Naruto: "We will not always be kids. When we grow up, we will become as handsome ninjas as Asma and Jiraiya."

It seems that I am over-hearted. The development of this world is still like a plot, and there is indeed a causal relationship.

Text Volume 765. Before Payne's Attack [2]

When the two people saw the sudden appearance of Mizuki, they should have been taken aback. Shikamaru asked, "Did something happen?"

Mizuki glanced at the two, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then quickly disappeared, walked to Naruto's side, patted him on the shoulder, and said to him: "You have become stronger now! Lord Jiraiya I’ve heard about this. He is an excellent ninja. Do you remember Master Jilaiya’s forbearance?"

Naruto is a disciple of Jiraiya, so it is natural to understand the way of forbearance that Jiraiya implements.Indeed, he did it perfectly, even when he died, he still fulfilled his mission firmly.

It seems that he has walked out of the shadow of Jiraiya's sacrifice, which will make Naruto mature quickly.He is the protagonist of this world, and the future of this world needs to be saved by him!

After saying this, Mizuki looked at Shikamaru again and asked, "Where are you going?"

Shikamaru took out a photo with a frog on it with a string of numbers on his back. It seemed like some kind of secret sign, right?

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