I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 459

Just as Toad Kat took Tsunade and Mizuki away, Naruto asked about Kakashi again, because in the fairy mode, he became extremely sensitive to Chakra.

He had already sensed that Kakashi's Chakra had disappeared, and asked if there was a mission that was not in the village. After receiving a silent answer, he already understood that Kakashi had also sacrificed.

Text Volume 783. Kingdom of the Dead

[The serial number of the previous chapter is wrong, it should be 782, because it is a VIP chapter, so there is no way to modify it, this chapter is 783.

Feeling tired, so I slept like this.

When the consciousness regained, Mizuki suddenly opened his eyes and saw that he was in a gloomy world. The sky was completely gray and dark clouds, and there was no sunlight to shine through.

The earth is a black and lifeless wasteland. It seems that nothing exists here, including time can't flow.

Mizuki didn't react immediately, but the surrounding environment made her suddenly puzzled.Then he understood what he had come over on the spot, and shouted in exclamation: "I, I am not dead?!"

Yes, the water tree reacted.Because she clearly remembered that she and Payne had a big move, and the Asura Tyrannical Phoenix punched in the Shenluo Tianzheng, bursting out with extremely strong brilliance.

But when it happened later, with the shroud of brilliance, she didn't remember anything.

The place she sees now is very similar to the scene seen in the kingdom of the dead. The sky and the earth are extremely dark and thick, full of death and unknown.

After finally regaining consciousness, Shui Shu got up from the ground, clutching his forehead and trying his best to recall: "It looks like it should be dead, right? Ashura Bahuang Fist, you really can't use it indiscriminately, you must first self-defeating a strong move!"

The more powerful the skill, the greater the consumption of the body. Originally, the basis of this skill is that it requires a lot of drugs to recover before it can be used.

Anyway, in the game of "Legend of Ragnarok", the AB who majored in "Ashura Bahuang Boxing", if you don't take a lot of expensive drugs, it is almost a situation that you will die with one punch.

This drug is not in the game in the real world. At least the special drugs seen in Naruto World are mostly drugs that stimulate the body, not "blood back" and "blue back" drugs without side effects.

Therefore, it is very restrictive. Mizuki will give full play to the strength of this profession. If he can't defeat his opponent with one punch, the dead person will definitely be himself.

"I'm really stupid, alas." He sighed helplessly, but now that everything is finished, fortunately Mizuki has long considered it, after all, it is her professional skill, she is very familiar with it: "Asura The Tyrannical Phoenix Fist is powerful, but it is a skill that kills a thousand enemies and hurts 800."

"Fortunately, the result of Penn’s attack on Konoha Village should be resolved by Naruto, right? Although Nagato killed Jiraiya and destroyed Konoha Village, he was finally convinced by Naruto’s mouth. I still have hope of going back?"

It was because she knew that Nagato would be persuaded by Naruto, so she used big moves without scruples at the time, knowing that she might die, but she should be resurrected.

Thinking that Mizuki feels better here, it is estimated that after Naruto defeats Payne, he will be able to get out of here.

But seeing where she is, she somehow aroused her curiosity?You know this is the world after death, it's really not an ordinary place.

Mizuki remembered that in the three-dimensional world, he had seen some supernatural beings, and when he read materials on the Internet, most of them would mention things like "Yin Cao Jifu" and "Six Paths of Reincarnation".

By the way, where is this place?Isn't it the "Yin Cao Jifu"?So, is the legendary ecstasy, is it a tauren or black and white impermanence?

It was when Mizuki was thinking about it, her hair wafted without wind, only a ghost appeared, and a ghost girl appeared from her hair.

I haven't seen the ghost girl for a long time, because since I got out of that place, there is plenty of sunlight outside and the popularity is strong. The ghost girl is a filthy ghost, so naturally she dare not run out.

However, sometimes sleeping and dreaming can still communicate with the ghost girl, but Mizuki's sleep quality is good, and occasionally dreaming is also a spring dream, and the ghost girl is more often bullied, so it doesn't appear for a long time.

Unexpectedly, when she entered this place, she ran out of her own accord. She wanted to come, or the environment here, which fits her dark attributes right?

The first time after the ghost girl ran out, she saw the water tree and hugged her, and cried loudly: "Wow, master, why are you dead too? Ooh, you will also be like me in the future. Are there ghosts?"

Seeing this ghost girl crying in her arms, Mizuki yelled with black lines all over her face: "How long has it been since then, and your skin is itchy again? Come, let's take a look at this wilderness. 'Field Battle', how about you?"

"When is this, the master still said such a serious thing?" The ghost girl still whimpered and said: "Master, don't you know where this is?"

Where is this place?Mizuki really didn't know, but he guessed it with a foreboding, so he said carefully: "It's not'Niforheim', right?"

Nifolheim means "the kingdom of the dead". The background of the game "Ragnarok" originated from the Norse mythology system. This "Niforgem" is a world that only undead can enter.

Mizuki should have been able to think of it long ago. After all, his abilities and skills are largely derived from the setting in the game "Ragnarok". If you refer to this setting, you won’t die and enter the "Land of the Dead". Strange.

However, if you look at it this way, it seems that you have no chance to meet the "Tau Tau Ma Mian" and "Black and White Impermanence.It feels a bit regretful, but at the same time I feel very grateful. Could it be that I really deserved my life?

Seeing Mizuki's emotions, the ghost girl didn't seem to be as depressed as she had imagined, she couldn't help but asked: "Master? Why are you not worried at all!"

"Worry? Why should you worry?" Mizuki thought for a while, touching his head and said, "Is there anything to worry about? When I played games before, it was not that I had never been to the Kingdom of the Dead."

I was dizzy. Seeing the rough nerves of the water tree, the ghost girl didn't know what she should say. She said helplessly: "This is the kingdom of the dead. People who come here will definitely be dead. The master came to this place. You are already dead!"

The water tree understood, and nodded and said, "I know! But what can I do? Can I go back now? Well, I understand what you mean, but don’t forget, I’ll turn The profession is serving, and the third rank is asura. What's so scary here?"

Asura, the existence that is fighting against the gods in the legend, even if the gods are not afraid, will they be afraid of the dead?

Text volume 784. The other bank flower fragrance

Walking in the world of the dead, there is no sight to see. The water trees walk in a daze, without any purpose.

Because this is a matter without the concept of time, I don't know how long I have been here, and how long have I gone like this?

If it weren't for a ghost girl to accompany him, I guess he would have been driven crazy by such a dark and lonely atmosphere?But it is not without a little discovery, that is, in the process of walking, the water tree has observed changes in the surrounding environment.

Although the sky is still full of gray clouds, the earth is still dark wasteland, but as far as you can see, there seems to be a red flower. This is the only different color that the water tree can see in this dim world.

But here is also strange, because the water tree wants to go over and check, but no matter how to go forward, I always feel that this red flower does not seem to be close at all?

At this time, the ghost girl realized what it might be: "Master, the red flower you see is not the legendary flower of the other side?"

The other side flower?Mizuki has heard of this thing, and puts on the flower that is the lead, giving the dead souls pointing the direction.

"Do you know what it is?" Knowing what it is, the water tree is a little speechless: "It is said that the white flowers bloom on the road to heaven. Although it is death, there is another explanation: new life. The red flowers grow in hell. The hesitation and wandering of human pain and regret: depravity."

Thinking of this, Mizuki's eyes flickered: "The so-called difference between angels and demons is just the meaning of color and carrying."

Water tree walking in the world of death, since it is already dead, it has no fear of death.As for entering heaven or falling to hell, it's already dead anyway, what's the obsession?

Unknowingly, I walked a certain distance again, and suddenly inhaled a fragrance of flowers in my nasal cavity, the scent of other shore flowers!Legend has it that the fragrance of this flower has magical powers and can evoke the memories of the deceased. Moreover, this flower only blooms in Huangquan, which is the only scenery on Huangquan Road.

Smelling the scent of flowers shocked Mizuki's soul. Seeing her expression became confused, she seemed to remember something, but her memory was vague.

After thinking about it, Mizuki looked at the flower on the other side in front, and thought: "This is really the flower of attraction!"

Thinking about it and continuing to walk forward, the scent of flowers became much stronger, and the vague memories in his brain became clear.Most of it is meaningless content. Some are three-dimensional worlds. Mizuki is still a dead fat house, watching anime and playing games all day at home, and being a squatter.

Some are in the world of Naruto, they decide to have a perfect new life in the two-dimensional world they love, and want to create their own ideal ending.And when he first came to Dao Naruto World, when he was still very young, he made a wish for himself: "Collect beautiful women and play lilies, save the world as a hero!"

There is also a more special memory, which is not like the subjective will of the water tree, but it is very real in her mind. This feeling is like someone else's memory?Seeing a little girl, from birth to growing up, a person without divine power and talent, in order to prove her life journey.

With the clarity and depth of the memory, Mizuki knew who this girl was: "Russell!"

As for the identity of this Russell, Mizuki already knew something about it. According to the records, one of the four asuras known in existence, the Asura who had the name "Sky".

According to Daoan Asura, the water tree that passed through the Naruto World may have a lot to do with Russell, and it is related to the soul level.But because she didn't feel anything for a long time, she would inevitably be ignored over time.

Now that Russell’s memory appears in his brain, what does this mean?The not stupid Mizuki understands, it seems that his own existence is really related to this Russell!

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