I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 460

Because of the memory of Bi Anhua, the memories buried deep in the mind, with the passage of time, more and more fragments appeared in the mind of Water Tree.

It turns out that Russell was born in another world. This can be understood as the existence of similar "planes" that often appear in the three-dimensional network.

Born into the known Asura family, and they are the four noble ancestry of the Asura kings, but there is a surprising place. Russell has not shown high talent since he was a child, and can even be said to be very low.

Fortunately, Russell is not an ordinary Shura. Although he has not shown terrifying power since he was a child, there is the spirit of the Ashura clan who refuses to admit defeat. Russell, who has no power, has walked on a path of pure power.

According to Russell’s words: “God is afraid of me and dare not surrender to my divine power. I choose a path and use my own power to take back what belongs to me!”

Obsessed with the notion of asura, obsessed with the romance of asura, believes that in order to gain power, you need to fight against the sky and the earth, so it has the title of "king sky".

Russell was born in his own world, but since he grew up, he never returned to his own world, but instead wandered one world after another (planes).

Mizuki followed Russell's memory, seeing all her actions, it was obvious that she belonged to an evil existence, because all the worlds she had visited would inevitably ignite conflicts.She will kill every hero who fights against herself, absorb their souls and devour their power.

All of this is to make yourself stronger, a very simple reason: Everything is aimed at becoming stronger, even if it is to kill thousands of people!

Seeing one after another devastated world, a world with mountains and rivers and broken corpses spreading across the wild, crimson blood penetrated the soil of the earth, and the blood pooled into rivers and gathered into the sea.What an unimaginable scene, there is a kind of fear that sprouts from the heart of the water tree.

She was originally aware of this, because in the previous Taketori family, Mangosteen told her that her existence might bring disaster to the world, but she did not expect it to be like this. If such a scene of a dead mountain and a sea of ​​blood , What would it be like to appear in Naruto World?

Finally Russell’s memories grew more and more, and she came to another world she discovered. Where is this world?The answer is: Earth!To be precise, it is the universe where the earth is (plane).

Here, the water tree knows the truth of a matter, why would he cross it!It turns out that all this is a conspiracy, and she herself is actually a tool to realize the conspiracy!

Text Volume 785. Logic of Law

Naruto World has a conspiracy for a thousand years: Heijue wants to rescue the sealed Kaguya.This method is to gather nine beasts!This is the cause and effect that triggered the fourth Ninja World War.

In Russell’s memory that Mizuki recalled, she clearly saw the plan she had in her mind: "Wait for the fruit to ripen!"

This plan caused Mizuki to chill behind his back, because I remembered the story that happened next. After Payne attacked Konoha Village, the Five Shadows Conference was held immediately, which would be the beginning of the fourth Ninja World War.

As a war to collect Qi-tailed beasts, all the chakras in this world will come together again, which is the birth of Otsuki Kaguya!Waiting for things to develop, it is time for Russell to pick the fruit.

As for what a world will become, it has nothing to do with Russell. Asura does not have any compassion, everything is to make himself stronger!Even if the world is completely destroyed, it is actually almost the same as squeezing an ant to death.

Perceiving Russell's inner thoughts and disregarding a world and billions of creatures, Mizuki shuddered in her heart, and she deeply felt her own existence and powerlessness to be manipulated.

Mizuki didn't understand why, Russell would choose himself?But through Russell's memory, no ideal answer was found. On the contrary, it looked more like Russell's choice at that time.

Russell just wanted to use himself as a tool for influencing a world, just like a few Asuras he had encountered before, because he would be restricted by rules or power and had to be able to descend through various means.For example, the prison blood asuras are obtained through blood; the soul-killing asuras require the power of the soul; the dark asuras choose to come by religion.

Each asura has a different approach, but there are similarities in the same way, that is, there must be a medium.The crossing of the water tree is Russell's medium, because she has Russell's soul mark. As the water tree grows stronger, Russell's soul will begin to awaken.

More importantly, there is one point, because Mizuki is a traverser who is familiar with the world of Naruto. If he changes the development trajectory of this world according to his own preferences, it will lead to the influence of the "paradox of time".This result will make the world, when faced with foreign aggressions like Russell, its resistance will be greatly weakened.

This is the reason why when he met the old man Muzhu in the Zhutoi clan, he told Mizuki: "Don't try to change!"

But such words are said to be light and handy. In fact, there is a bigger problem. Mizuki has already noticed it. In fact, because of her arrival, it has inevitably destroyed the trajectory that this world should have.

Although the world has a strong ability to recover, it can forcefully recover the development of the story, but this recovery requires a price, just like the human liver can detoxify the body, but this detoxification is relatively effective, if It is a long time of non-stop operation, and when it is beyond the capacity, it is very easy to cause the collapse of the entire system, such as: "lesions!"

These are all the information that Water Tree has obtained from Russell’s memory, but it quickly makes Water Tree think of an unexplainable question, why does his power actually come from "Ragnarok"?

There are many assumptions in my mind, but many of them have been rejected. In order to clarify this question, Mizuki asked the ghost girl next to him: "How did you cross?"

Regarding this question, Mizuki had previously addressed the ghost girl body, but the answer given by the ghost girl, she said that she was not very clear: "I don't know how it came, but I just perceive a call of power."

What kind of power call?It's not very clear just relying on the description of words.But one thing is certain: "It is definitely not a force of justice."

Through Russell's memory, Water Tree did not find any information about "Ragnarok". Instead, there were many explorations of the depths of the universe, a more terrifying force.

But judging from the information received, this existence that makes Russell afraid of it shouldn't have something to do with her, at least even if the current water tree wants to care, she doesn't have the ability to do it.

However, it can be seen how much this way, the universe (plane) is a diversified world, just like the Datongmu clan from another world in the orthodox story of Naruto World.

It must be from a higher dimension, at least at the level of Huiye, to be able to care about things.The current Mizuki hasn't even played Penn before, so where is the ability to talk about higher levels?

If it looks like this, it can’t help but let Mizuki realize that he is still too weak. Let’s not talk about Russell. This kind of level of crossing the universe (plane) is estimated to be afraid of the fourth Ninja World War. I can only make one soy sauce.

"Am I going to be stronger?" Mizuki had such an idea, but immediately there was a problem, which I just learned earlier: "The stronger I am, the better the balance of the world will be destroyed. This is really necessary. ?"

Do you want to make yourself stronger at the price of breaking world stability?

I'm not sure to pay attention, because the cost of thinking about this problem is too great, and it doesn't work anyway.

If the water tree gains more power, what can be changed is of course the best!But after gaining stronger power, can it really change?On the contrary, what should be more worried about is the consequences of failure, it may be like Mu Zhu said: "This world is destroyed!"

At the moment when Mizuki was in a dilemma, more memories were awakened, but the three-dimensional world and the Hokage world, some memories of these two lives.

The memory of the three-dimensional world seems to be an insignificant fragment, the science fiction that Mizuki has seen, and the cosmological sociology that is often mentioned: the law of the black forest.

To the effect: "The universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is a hunter with a gun, sneaking in the forest like a ghost, trying not to make a sound. Because there are hunters like him everywhere in the forest. Once all hunters find another life, there is only one thing they can do: shoot and destroy it."

Of course, this is a conjecture inside, and it may not be too serious.

After all, there is a Fermi's law. As a powerful refutation, it is based on the development of civilization. For example, if the earth civilization can develop for one million years, it is enough to fly to all the planets in the galaxy.

So suppose that as long as there is a problem in the Milky Way galaxy that has a civilization that is one million years more advanced than the earth, does it already come to the earth?

However, while thinking of this "rule" theory, I also think of several Asuras I met before. They left an important message to Water Tree, that is, they knew that there was one that could threaten their existence!

If you think about it this way, is it in line with the logic of "The Law of the Black Forest": "There are hunters everywhere in the Black Forest, and other lives are destroyed at any time"?

Text volume 786. The other shore

The water tree here clearly remembers that this type of issue was mentioned when sealing the Asura of the Infernal Blood and the Asura of Killing the Soul.They have already reminded that there will be a stronger presence.

Later, when I was on the Island of the Evilman, I saw the dark Asura and said that what I wanted was the energy of this world, the chakra that ninjas often said, attracting invaders.

Those who come from the other world are bound to have powerful strength, but it can be seen that there will be peace. For example, asura blood in the prison and asura soul-killing, the two have had a battle for interests.

Mizuki can grasp this and achieve a mutual restraint effect!

This idea cannot be said to be bad. It is risky after another thought. The first choice is that Mizuki has no experience. Although she has heard of the political means of "mainland balance", she feels that she may not be this piece of material.

Besides, none of these guys from another world seem to be stupid, right?Let's not say if I can play, what if I lose it?I'm afraid it's my own little trick, maybe it will be used?

In general, if you want to find a balance point, you can play the "balance" method.And for the powerful outsiders, if they don't have absolute strength, I'm afraid these guys won't be the birds themselves, right?This involuntarily caused Mizuki to remember a sentence: "Weak countries have no diplomacy!"

"It seems that lack of strength is the key to the problem!" Thinking of this, Mizuki sighed helplessly: "Sure enough,'Strength is the cornerstone of fulfilling dreams' is not wrong!"

It was when Mizuki sighed, she suddenly saw the ghost girl beside her, as if looking thoughtfully into the distance, looking very restless.

Mizuki asked strangely: "What's wrong, is there anything in which direction?"

The ghost girl pointed forward and said uncomfortably: "Master, don't you feel it? The distance in this direction is filled with a gloomy atmosphere, like an invisible mountain."

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