I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 461

What is it?Mizuki looked in the direction he was pointing, but saw nothing but the gorgeous red flowers on the other side.

No, wait a minute. I didn’t see anything with the naked eye. However, for Chakra’s breath, it may be the breath of energy, or the water tree is indeed aware of it. This is an indescribable dull feeling. "And "depression" to describe it?

Is there something in front?I didn’t see it, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll know if I take a look in the past: "Shall we go take a look?"

Mizuki nodded to the ghost girl and quickly moved forward.

The flower of the other side is indeed the flower of enchantment, with mysterious power, it is the only color of the underworld, because of its existence, it will not let you lose your way.

Finally across the dark barren land, across a river like ink, it is hard to imagine that there is a bridge above it, definitely a product of artificial construction?

When I stepped on this bridge, I saw a famous brand that said crookedly: "Naihe Bridge"

"I'll go, but the bridge is all coming out, is this me dreaming?"

But this is not the point, because just after crossing the bridge, what you see is the flowers of the other bank everywhere, like breaking into the sea of ​​flowers of the other bank.

Seeing such a beautiful picture, Mizuki suddenly understood that this is the real kingdom of the dead, right?

The ghost girl was floating among the flowers, as if she was looking for something, and then ran to Mizuki and said, "Master, there is something weird here."

"Weird? What do you mean?" Mizuki asked, "If this is the world of the dead, I think even if you meet walking skeletons, there is nothing weird about rotting corpses, right?"

This kind of thinking is in line with Shuishu's concept of the underworld, and whether it is in the east or the west, hell and hell are a world where ghosts and monsters run rampant. What is weirder than here?

But then the ghost girl's words caused Mizuki to be stunned on the spot. She said: "Master, you don't know, every flower on the other side here is actually transformed by a dead soul. These dead souls The soul sleeps here, but at this moment it has woken up, they are all now ~ looking at you!"

After hearing what the ghost girl said, Mizuki's face turned pale, and all the ghosts were looking at him?But I can't see it at all?

No, it's not that I can't see it, because at this moment, the flowers of the other bank have turned to the water tree, and all the flowers of the other bank are facing the water tree.

Such a weird scene is really chilling.He usually thinks he is courageous, and a kind of chill rises in his heart: "Is it right, I am a dead person? How could it become like this?"

Shui Shu's concept of death thought he was dead, so he shouldn't be afraid, but he didn't expect that there would be such more terrifying things in the world of the dead.

Fortunately, such a weird scene did not last too long, because after about a minute or two, Mizuki didn't see anything to herself, and the ghost girl at this time seemed to have figured out something.

The ghost girl said to Mizuki: "The dead soul who came here through the Naihe Bridge, this is the other side."

the other side?That's it!I was almost scared to death just now. Didn't you expect that this is "The Other Shore"?But seeing the other shore flowers blooming here, it does have such a meaning.

Uh, it feels a bit wrong, why is this place a little bit familiar?

Mizuki carefully recalled: "By the way, I have seen this place. I remember it is a scroll. There is a record of such a place."

Here she still remembers the sentence: life and death are the shore, and Nirvana is the other shore.

Recalling the discovery back then, the description was almost the same as the correctness, but the painting may express abstraction, so I didn't remember it for a while.Now when I was reminded by the ghost girl, I immediately remembered.

But when I recall the content described on the scroll, if I remember that there is nothing wrong, there is another place behind this other shore. If I actually remember that there is nothing wrong, three words appear: "Training Field"

Didn't you expect to come to this place?

What kind of place the Shura Field is, the water tree is already very clear, the scene of corpses all over the ground, almost instantly surfaced in his mind.

Mizuki remembered the several Asuras he had encountered. Because of short-term contact with them in the past, he had obtained the power of the Asuras of Hellblood, and temporarily activated the skills of Rank 3 professional Asuras.Later, the meeting with Asura of the dark, let her see the opportunity to obtain the soul mode.

After a long time of cultivation, the water tree, which was basically at a standstill, had long wanted to gain the power of Asura, now it seemed to be an opportunity.Although I was a little worried about encountering their attack, but thinking that I was dead anyway, are you afraid to die again?

Text Volume 787. Shura Field

Shura Field, Shura's lifelong goal is to fight, here is where they fight endlessly.Countless creatures who came here will eventually become bones all over the ground!

This is a huge cemetery. On the other side of the other bank, the depression felt by the water tree comes from this place.Because too many souls have died here, death and blood are in the air.

The moment I stepped into this place, I felt the murderous aura, and the scalp was numb, and a chill emerged from the bottom of my heart: “It’s so terrible, I can feel the smell of blood. The place must be strong!"

At this time, the ghost girl was already hiding in the hair of the water tree in fear. She was not a powerful monster herself, and she belonged to a kind of natural kind. The environment here made her very repulsive to this place.

There is no embarrassment for her, and the water tree now has no way to care. I just want to come to this place, I have to see it anyway, which Asuras, right?Of course if they are here.

The gusty wind blew by, and the smell of blood was nauseating.Even Mizuki, who has killed people against the enemy, has never participated in battles, and even tasted the taste of blood, but the strong smell here still makes her a little unbearable.

Mizuki needs to cover his nose and mouth to barely move forward.

This place is just like its name. There are scenes of corpses all over the ground, and the red viscous liquid that gathers on the ground forms terrifying landscapes such as the sea of ​​blood and the dead mountain.

Even more glaring is to see that there are pyramids, but this is not a three-dimensional world, the pyramids of ancient Egyptian civilization are actually piled up with countless heads!This has a proper noun: Jingguan!

The water tree in the three-dimensional world has never been seen, because the country considers it to be a symbol of barbarism, so most of them are covered up and disappeared.But through some history books, we know that this kind of thing is very common in ancient war history.

For example, Chu State during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. After a big victory over Jin State, some ministers proposed to King Chuzhuang to build a Jingguan to show off his achievements.The "Jiading Three Tus" incident in which blood flowed into rivers in the late Ming Dynasty is also recorded as "the accumulation of corpses into mountains".

"This thing is really disgusting, I don't know why there is such a tradition?"

Jingguan has always been a victorious party, showing off his powerful means of force. For Mizuki, who has modern ideas, it is really a barbaric act.

But it seems strange here. Although the mouth expresses an attitude of disgust, there is a vague sense of identity in Mizuki's psychological side?The source of feeling seems to be Russell's memory.

Thinking about it, it is understandable that Russell is an Asura family, only strength is recognized!Although Jingguan is a barbaric act, it is absolutely false that there is no psychological shock in front of a huge Jingguan.

To come to this answer, one thing made Mizuki speechless: "Russell's memory keeps appearing, is it already affecting his thoughts?"

It feels terrible, but it's not the time to care about it now, because Mizuki wants to find Ashura and make himself stronger!

Mizuki doesn't know where Asura is, but don't forget, this place is called: Asura Field.Knowing that there must be asuras, as to how to attract them, this needs to think of a way.

After exhaling a few deep breaths, Mizuki squeezed his fist, held his breath and gathered the power of the whole body, and then burst out in an instant to hit the ground. The strong explosion and violent vibration were enough to transmit the sound to extremely far places. .

This is the method Mizuki came up with: "Knock the mountain and shake the tiger!"

The solution is a bit too high-profile, but it must be clear that this is the Shura Field. God knows what will happen in it?It's better to start by stunning the snake, and to surprise all the hidden threats.

Such a violent move was unexpectedly answered, that is, after the sound wave spread, the water tree seemed to hear the echoing roar from a distance.

That's right, it is really a roaring sound, and soon I feel the ground tremor, it becomes like an earthquake!Unexpectedly, there would be such a strong reaction, and Mizuki's face instantly turned pale: "Is there anything wrong, I just hammered the ground, and this is the earthquake?"

But Mizuki quickly saw what was going on.Just as far as I could see, I saw a white torrent coming.

Looking closely, they turned out to be all snow-white skeletons, and they rushed towards the water tree like an army that launched a charge.

"I wipe it, it really does!"

Those who come are not good, and those who are good do not.

What's more, here is the Shura Field, and those who come will definitely not be good.

Mizuki's response was also very simple. First, he quickly found a favorable terrain, grabbed a high point, and watched the Skeleton Sea rushing forward.

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