I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 463

It's a pity that everything fell short in the end, and reluctantly returned to this world.They should be the clearest, right?

But speaking of this, the dark Asura knows a little bit more.Because he knew that there was Russell's soul in the water tree, he could still understand that she had extremely powerful potential!

Great Dark Asura: Luo Hao, after thinking about it for a while, he said to Mizuki: "Humans, I have to admit that you are indeed more talented than other humans."

It was admitted by an Asura that this was a rare thing. It was normal for Asuras to be dissatisfied for a long time, and to start a fight without a word.

If anyone can be respected by the militant Asura, it is undoubtedly time to meet the real strong.This kind of strength does not necessarily come from strength, but also a persevering character, and fearless courage, these are the personality that Ashura respects.

Hearing Luo Hao's words, both Luo Sha and Luo Hu remembered that when they met Shui Shu, they saw her bursting out of potential, and they also affirmed this one after another.

Didn't expect their attitude to change so quickly?Mizuki was a little dazed when he saw it, and almost thought it was a conspiracy.But through the understanding of Russell’s memory, I quickly understood that this is actually the Asura family, and there is a common personality, right?

Seizing such an opportunity, Mizuki said to several Asuras: "I want to gain the power of your Asuras, just as you want to become stronger. Of course I know that as an Asuras, I won’t Have compassion for the weak, and will not grant strength for no reason. So I want to use a method of signing a contract!"

Contract, this is an early behavior in the ninja world. For example, Naruto and Miaomushan signed a contract, which can help the contractor fight when needed.

Regarding the feasibility of this method, Mizuki has an answer in Russell's memory.Because every world will have the rules of this world, enough to cause a strong suppression of foreign invaders, so the prerequisite for entering a world must be recognized by this world.

When Russell invades a world, in order to prevent himself from being excluded, he will also support a usable object.For example, when Water Tree travels to the Hokage World, she wants Water Tree to cause damage to the rules of the world that should be carried out, so that she can take advantage of the void.

Of course, this approach is very risky, and signing a contract will not be equal.After all, the strengths of Mizuki and Asura are not equal. If you want to sign a contract with them, you must be negotiated.

Mizuki was mentally prepared for this, but when the Asuras spoke, she still made her give up a little.Because Raksha had a bit of animosity with her, she said very uneasy and kindly: "If you want to gain our power, dedicate your soul to me, so that I can help you complete it."

Rakshasa is named "Soul Killing". She has controlled the water tree for a while, and she has personally experienced her powerful potential.She said this just because she wanted to play tricks, and let this human who undermined her plan pay a little price or retreat in the face of difficulties.

The face of Mizuki here is a bit dark, thinking that he is a bit too stupid, will Ashura agree to the contract with him?Not to mention whether they will take advantage of them, even if they sign a contract with them, it is estimated that they will have to pay a considerable price!

I remember the psychic beast of Dashemaru: Wanshe, isn't it such a guy. Every time he is summoned, he must negotiate terms and he needs sacrifices before he is willing to make a move.If this is the case, is there something lacking in consideration when I want to make a contract with Asura?

Luo Hu also said here: "Humans, although we admit that you are very talented and much stronger than ordinary humans, this does not mean that we recognize your strength. You want to sign a contract with our Asura, you have considered The price it will pay?"

Sure enough, there is nothing wrong. Modern Chinese history has already let Mizuki know that weak countries have no diplomacy.

Without sufficient strength, how can the other party talk to you fairly?This involuntarily made Shui Shu's complexion even harder to look.

Daan Asura, who had been watching, looked at the water tree interestingly.But at this moment, his brain flashed, and he said: "You want to gain our power. I can help you with this. But there is one requirement: you must be my agent!"

The "agent" mentioned here has a misunderstanding. It is not to help or act as an agent for him. In fact, it is like the position of "Le Zhengli" in the past. To put it plainly, it is more like a type of "God Envoy".

He knows a little bit more, the water tree with Russell's soul is naturally very potential and thinks it is an investment object.But whether there are other conspiracies and selfishness, this is not very known, but I think it must be there, right?!

Text Volume 790. Contract

Daan Asura is willing to negotiate terms with Mizuki. Although the terms are not very harsh, he just thinks of what happened in the past. This will make Mizuki even more worried. I really owe myself thinking about it!

But this is also no way, because it will soon be the plot of the fourth Ninja War, knowing that the last BOSS is Otsuki Teruya, an existence that is absolutely comparable to a god.Can it work without absolute strength?

Of course, the reason must be more than that. If there was only the fourth Ninja World War, Mizuki would have the power to protect himself.It's really impossible to use the bow and bullet to escape, you are still very sure to escape!

The main concern of Mizuki is another thing, that is, he discovered in Naruto World, the monster in the game "Ragnarok"!Moreover, there are already BOSS-level monsters, so I am worried about whether they are foreign invaders like Ashura?If you don't have enough strength, you will always feel that there is no guarantee.

After weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Mizuki gave his own answer: "Your condition allows me to be your agent. Can you let me know why?"

Asking the other person’s true intentions directly is actually a very stupid act. If the other person intends to hide something, how can they tell you the real answer?

Luo Hao took a look at Shuishu, and then he said: "I remember you should have seen it before, that human being gets my power? If you are not my agent, you will not be able to get the power I bestow."

I don’t know if this explanation is true or false, but it doesn’t sound like a problem.Because through the investigation of Russell's memory, it was discovered that she had done similar things before invading some worlds.

"Agent" is a little nicer to say, but in fact, this is not as good as a person who serves him and uses his humbleness in exchange for strength.

Mizuki can't believe this guy. Although his attitude now seems to be the best Asura for himself, because of Russell's memory, he knows that Luo Hao is not a kind person, and the world he destroyed. Not a lot!

Things are a little deadlocked, and it feels like a little bit of inability to advance or retreat.If you agree to this condition, it will basically be used.What can we do even if we don't agree here?

But at this moment, there was a turning point. When Luohu and Raksha were on the side, hearing the request made by Luo Yu, they all seemed to understand what they were. They said to Mizuki one after another: "If you want to get Of course, our strength is not impossible. We need to break out a war so that we can obtain enough blood and soul to lend you the strength!"

War and killing are the fastest ways to obtain blood and soul. In fact, the relationship between these two guys is more complicated than imagined, because in Russell’s memory in Mizuki’s mind, they are almost at the same time in every world. Appear, and build up a force with each other to fight, and then take advantage of it!

As expected of the Asuras who are chasing power, they always think about it whenever and wherever they want to increase their own strength. As for what will happen, even if a world is broken, they don’t feel at all. , Is it actually for fun?

Mizuki’s face was dark, because she was already recalling the two world wars that occurred in the three-dimensional world and modern history. The casualties in the First World War were conservatively estimated at 30 million, and the Second World War was at least Billion people!Although she was born in a peaceful era, she has heard stories from the older generation about the little devil’s plane bombing day and night, and the family fled everywhere.

How many people have learned about the cruelty of war, how many people have lost their lives when the country is destroyed?Think about Nanjing on December 13, 1937. Is the war a very happy thing?However, the Asuras are always happy, but they want to cause war on purpose!

If you think of the Taketori clan, Mizuki can understand the militant character of the Asura clan, maybe it is because of the environment?Or is it forced to survive?But if you change to your own selfish desire, you want to start a war at all costs, such a terrible desire is simply outrageous!

This is not selfishness and what is it?

Mizuki gritted his teeth involuntarily, already unable to control his emotions, and shouted at several Asuras: "If you want to become stronger, do you have to start a war? You see life as nothing, do you treat yourself Is life also so indifferent?"

It was Mizuki's anger that made such an outcry.

Naturally, this is a completely meaningless move, because the answer given by Ashura actually already knows Mizuki: "Why should we pity the weak?"

Yes, the general rule of nature: the weak eat the strong!The weak who are incapable will surely be eliminated, and only the strong can survive.If it is to scold the Asuras for their ruthlessness, how about Mizuki's sad love for the weak?

At this time, the dark Asura's gaze appeared a little flickering. He faced Mizuki and said: "Among us, there is a companion. She was originally from our clan, the weakest one, and she has not been there since childhood. Show any talent. But her perseverance and perseverance made the heavenly orders horrified."

That's right, Mizuki knew who he was talking about: "Sky Asura! Russell!"

Of course Luohu and Raksha knew that, and said more things: "Weakness is not the original sin. What we Asuras hate is weakness."

Dislike the weak?

Where do the words come from?

Mizuki thought of knowing why: "You are the Asura clan, the most combative clan. You say that you hate the weak. Isn't that too funny?"

This feeling is very strange, like a rich person to the poor: "You have no money, so you are poor."

The Asuras are a race with superior combat power, and the gods are not necessarily their opponents. If they are replaced by other races, such as weak humans, isn't this just funny?

Regarding this question, they also answered: "If you don't want to be killed by the enemy, you can only kill the enemy."

"The weak waiting for charity, a group of trash that complains about others, why should the strong give mercy?"

"We know that many worlds are saying: The Asuras will only fight bravely and like fighting. But how many know, what is the meaning of our fighting?"

"Asuras do not need the weak, we have our own pride! Whether we are fighting against the sky or the earth. What we are chasing can be said to be power, but more importantly, I don't have my own goal!"

Text Volume 791. ContractNext

[In the last chapter, the last sentence, a typo, "I don't have" should mean "We have", it's embarrassing~!It has been corrected.

The outside world is not very friendly to the Asuras, most of them are a group of guys who are brave, like fighting and bloodthirsty.

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