I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 464

However, it may be because Mizuki had been in contact with the Taketori clan, who were also said to be militant. After a period of observation, it was somewhat clear that the rumors were mostly inaccurate.

Of course, this is not completely groundless. After all, these asuras have all admitted the fact that Asura likes to fight.But not as rumored outside, it is a race that fights solely for the sake of fighting.

Mizuki has now merged with Russell's memory, so he is already very familiar with the ideas and concepts of the Ashura family.Asura does not have human justice values, to be precise, he never advertises so-called justice!

To cite an analogy, charity is an indisputable act of charity, and giving one's surplus property to the poor is undoubtedly in line with the image of "justice" for ordinary people.

But Asura doesn't think it, because in their concept, giving alms is a stupid act.Because it cannot produce any value, but because this kind of gratuitous gift is totally a kind of damage to the interests.

There have been such examples in the plot of Naruto World.After the Six Dao Immortals became old, they considered having their two sons take over, so he sent them to practice.

The eldest son used his own power to help others easily, but because it was so easy to obtain, these people did not cherish any.

In contrast to the power of the second son, although it is not as powerful as the eldest son, everyone will cherish the things he gave the villagers how to work hard and exchange for their hard work.

In fact, the water tree should be clear, because it is in the three-dimensional world, but I have read relevant reports. Many beggars on the street are actually wasteful of eating and drinking. They pretend to be pitiful in exchange for sympathy.

Weakness is not wrong, but wanting to use weakness to win the sympathy of others is the most despised behavior of Ashura. Although they will do whatever it takes, they are just selfish to make themselves stronger, even if they kill themselves. .But they have their own pride!

If Mizuki wants to gain the power of their Asuras, they definitely can't talk without words, and wait for them to give them power.You must learn to fight for it yourself, or you must agree to their terms as an equivalent exchange for gaining strength.

Mizuki gradually began to understand what the character of Asura is. If you want to get their power, it will definitely not be unconditional, you must pay a corresponding price!

Thinking of this, I also understand that although Mizuki's psychological aspect is unavoidable, there is still resistance, but I have to say: "Well, I can promise to sign such a contract with you."

"But you are in a strong position. If I do something for you and don’t get the rewards I should have, wouldn’t I be a big loser? And there is nothing you can do about it. So I hope you can pay me a little in advance.’ 'Deposit' as a condition!"

Because they are on the weaker side, Mizuki has to be careful. If they are using themselves, don’t they even have no solution?Now ask for a little benefit, let yourself strengthen a little right to speak, so that the time will not be completely eaten up.

"Do you still want to negotiate terms?" Ashura's expression was serious, and he looked a little unhappy: "Human, I advise you to figure out where you are now!"

Mizuki knew that she was in a disadvantaged position, and she shouldn't have negotiated more terms with them, but the power she wanted to gain was not based on being used, which was not what she wanted to see.

In order to express his determination, Mizuki replied very solemnly: "I know that as a human being, you will not look down on me with your eyes, but I think you have to figure out that I am the choice of the three of you. In other words , I can promise one of you, so that I can actually gain the power of Asura!"

Game game!Mizuki used this trick to let them understand that they were in a disadvantaged position, in fact, they had three choices, but the three of them had only Mizuki one choice.

The water tree here chooses to sell itself as the only condition for the three parties to choose, so that the gains of any one of them will necessarily mean the losses of the other two parties. Through such a game of interests, there is no possibility for them to cooperate.

Mizuki looked at them nervously, because this was almost a gambling, which was a temporary method that Ashura had devised according to his "selfish" character.If it doesn't work, it's useless!

Fortunately, after waiting for a while, Ashura's response came: "We know that your plan is nothing more than to borrow our power to help you use it against another world, right?"

It seems that Asura already knew that the other world where Water Tree was located was in a crisis, and the power of another world had already penetrated.

For Ashura, this kind of thing is not about himself at all, but from the perspective of "game theory", it is a loss for others to gain what he has not obtained.

Now it seems that Asura and the other party may not have a conflict of interests, but considering their own safety, the other party gains benefits to strengthen themselves, which is not a good thing for them!

Based on this consideration, even though they are a little reluctant, they are still willing to support the water tree: "Each of us can give you an ability, but it also needs to pay a price in exchange!"

After some discussions, Asura finally decided to give the water tree a power.But exchange is the power itself!

Luo Hui said: "I give you a noble blood, making your body immortal!"

Rakshasa said: "I give you a fearless spirit to make your soul immortal!"

Luo Hao said: "I give you the supreme power, so that your power will cover the sky and the sun!"

The three powers simultaneously bless Mizuki's body, and the splendid brilliance completely enveloped her.Body, soul, and power have received blessings from Ashura, but as a price for power exchange, she will sacrifice these three to them later.

But Mizuki didn't complain, because she knew what she was doing, but as long as the final plan was completed, all of this was nothing!

Russell: "In order to gain stronger power, Ashura will do whatever it takes!"

Text Volume 792. Return to reality

After a period of darkness ended, the water tree returned from the dead world to the living world.

This time it was not considered a death in vain, but a blessing in disguise, the power bestowed by Ashura. Although this power comes at a price, Mizuki believes he can do a good job!

The water tree found the dawn from the darkness, and regained consciousness following this dawn. The sight of the eyes was a little fuzzy, and it was a little unclear about the current situation, but could it vaguely tell if it was in a wooden house?

There is a soft feeling all over my body, my throat is a bit scary, I want to drink water like a fire, and my stomach feels very hungry. I don't know how hungry it looks like for a few days.

Resist the discomfort, barely support the soft body, get up from the tatami, want to eat and find some water and food to eat.

However, it seems that her physical condition is really very bad. The sight of her eyes is like a fog, and she can't see things very clearly, and she feels that her body is light and fluttering, and she can't walk all the way.

A person accidentally fell to the ground. The noise made a little louder. After a while, the door was opened and a figure rushed in. The condition of the water tree was not very good, and the person who came in was not clearly seen, but listen. Hanako's voice came out: "Ah, Miss, you finally woke up, are you okay? Did you fall?"

Mizuki was lifted up by Hanako, and should have been lifted back onto the tatami.

There is no way that the body is really uncomfortable. I feel that this body is not my own. What is going on?But now is not the time to think about this, Mizuki whispered to Hanako, "Water, hungry."

I feel very thirsty now, my throat seems to be smoking, and I am hungry. I can only use the simplest two words to express my needs.

When Hanako heard the words Mizuki, she knew she was thirsty and hungry, and quickly responded, "Okay, Miss, wait two minutes, I'll get you some food."

After talking, let the water tree lie down, and then ran out quickly.

Although it is two minutes, in a state of extreme weakness and thirst and hunger, it feels like a minute or two is too long.

Finally the food and water arrived, but at the same time many people also came, but they were just afraid of noisy water trees, so they were asked to stay outside and wait.

Mizuki first poured a few sips of water. After all, the throat burns uncomfortably now. Drinking water reduces the fire and moisturizes the mouth, which is convenient for chewing food for a while.

This is not delicious either. Two pieces of noodles are not too big, but they taste like tea. Yes, they are a kind of tea cake. They are ground into powder with fine green tea, and the mixed dough is fermented for a day before steaming. It tastes soft, waxy and tea-scented, and has an indescribable sweet taste.

After drinking a few sips of tea and eating two small noodles, his stomach was still hungry in protest.Mizuki wanted to eat more, but Hanako refused: "No, Miss Mizuki, did you know that you have been in a coma for seven days! If you eat too much, it will ruin your stomach!"

What I said was justified. Mizuki had to endure the hunger in his abdomen. What he had to do was to drink more water. As long as the water swelled up the noodles, it would naturally fill the stomach.

But when I heard myself falling asleep and thinking about the situation in Konoha Village, Mizuki quickly asked: "I remember fighting the enemy in the end, as if I was dead? What happened after that?"

There are so many things that Mizuki wants to know, which makes Hanako unable to answer for a while, but simply relays what she knows to Mizuki.

It turned out that almost the entire Konoha Village was destroyed after Mizuki and Payne battled, although everyone thought it was Mizuki's big move, which almost destroyed the entire Konoha Village.But this answer did not get the approval of most people. After all, Mizuki was in a head-to-head confrontation with Penn, and Penn, who was able to kill Mizuki, must have used the same level of ninjutsu.

But anyway, after Penn and Mizuki's fight, although Penn barely won, but in fact the injury was not light, making the subsequent fight with Naruto who rushed over was obviously at a disadvantage.It seems to be a lot easier than in the plot, only after the fairy mode disappeared, Penn took the opportunity to defeat.

One thing I have to say here is that after Naruto was controlled by the black stick, Hinata still stood up at the critical moment and used the newly learned "soft step double lion boxing" to fight Payne.However, Hinata's strength is not good, it is still the same as the plot should happen.

When he heard this, Mizuki sighed very upset: "I know the strength of Payne. You see Hinata rushing up, why didn't anyone stop it?"

It's not that no one wants to stop Hinata's behavior, but the ninja who was with Hinata at the time was injured and there was no way to stop it in time.

Fortunately, Payne avoided Hinata's vitals. Although it hurt her, it was not serious, and it irritated Naruto to transform into Kyuubi, and he also saw the terrifying power of the earth bursting star.

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