I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 465

These things are exactly the same as in the plot. In the end, the dead villagers in Konoha Village can be resurrected. It is also because of Naruto's credit that he successfully found Payne's body: Nagato.

There is no need for much about these things, Mizuki sighed involuntarily, and said, "If this is the case, Konoha should be fine, right?"

Hanako nodded: "Yes, now our Konoha Village is undergoing reconstruction work, everyone is very motivated!"

How difficult it is to prosper!This involuntarily made Shuishu think that the three-dimensional world occurred in 2008, a major earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan. Although May 12 of this year was definitely the most difficult day in Wenchuan history, but after that The will of the people across the country to fight the earthquake and disaster relief is still fresh in the memory!

After hearing what Hanako said, Mizuki smiled with satisfaction: "Everyone is fine!"

At this moment, there was a little commotion outside the door. It sounds like there are many people?At this time, Hanako remembered: "Miss Mizuki, you have been in a coma for seven days! Your companions are waiting for you to wake up, but I am afraid they will disturb you."

It turned out to be like this. Listening to the voices of people outside, you can vaguely tell who it is.He said to Hanako, "Let them come in, I'm fine."

After eating and drinking enough, my body has recovered a little bit, but I don’t know how, my whole body still has no energy at all. It is probably caused by lying too long, without exercise and hunger?It won't be a big problem if you want to come.

Text Volume 793. Character

A group of familiar partners filed in. They are all friends of Shuixueye. Everyone is very worried about her. After being in a coma for such a long time, they are really worried about what will happen?

After finally hearing the news that Mizuki was waking up, everyone's heart was raised, and now they can finally let go.

The people who came in were male and female, and there were more than a dozen people. Most of them were friends of the same age as Mizuki, because they knew that when Penn attacked Konoha, Mizuki was at the most critical moment, and they fought alone!

It was precisely because of Mizuki's strength that everyone felt that they could hold on until Naruto rushed back, and she was dragging the time so that most of the villagers could escape the danger.

But facing such a powerful enemy, even if it is to fight with the most powerful tactics, the result is ~ alas!

A figure instantly rushed to Shuishu’s body, smelling an elegant body scent, knowing that this is her most beloved cutie, feeling her undulating chest rubbing against her own chest, and can perceive her emotions very much. Excitement.

Mizuki hugged her somehow, and said, "Sister, what's the matter? Why are you crying like this?"

Hinata's voice was choking, apparently he was about to cry: "I'm so scared, I heard the ninja of the family say that when your sister died in battle, I suddenly felt myself, as if I would lose something forever!"

"Since I was a child, my sister has been protecting me and has always been by my side. Although sometimes she likes to bully me and watch me blushing and shy, I know that my sister loves me very much and will never hurt me a little."

"But when I heard the news of your death in battle and saw the toad bring your corpse to me. I realized that no one would be by my side to protect me and make me feel that I was taken care of. Caring and warmth."

The separation of life and death, and the death of a loved one in front of him, was indeed an extremely heavy blow.Do you know that Mizuki is a feeling?

I remember that I was in the three-dimensional world. One day, when I returned from school, I knew that my grandfather who was hospitalized had passed away. The water tree at that time was still young and didn't know what death meant.

It wasn't until I saw my grandfather's body in the funeral home that I suddenly woke up. The grandfather who usually treats him lovingly, will lure himself with delicious food every day, and teach him to play chess, he may never see it again. .

It may have happened from then on. Mizuki had a contact with life and death, but he was young at that time, didn’t he feel very appropriate?

But now seeing my sister, it seems to have realized something again, is this the meaning of life and death?Mizuki thought about this and hugged his sister, and said to Hinata: "I am your sister and a ninja. Do you know what I mean? There is no peace in this world, so I will try my best to protect it!"

"When I played against Payne, I already sensed his intentions. He wanted to destroy Konoha Village! This is the village where my companion paid his life to protect, and I know you are in the village, so I I will fight him desperately. Because I want to protect Konoha Village, and I want to protect you even more, understand?!"

Mizuki's love for Hinata has long since reached the point where it cannot be added.There is a feeling of being afraid of losing it in the hand, and being afraid of turning it in the mouth.

This is the girl that Mizuki has been in love with since the three-dimensional world, and I believe that as long as she is a boy, she will definitely not have the slightest resistance to a girl with a personality like Hinata?

But when he said this, Mizuki had a stern word, he had to say to Hinata: "I just heard Hanako say that you played against Penn for Naruto? Do you know how dangerous Penn is? If he wants to kill you~..."

This is what Mizuki worries most. If Hinata has anything to do, she will definitely go crazy, right?

Naturally, Hinata realized her mistake, and she worried her sister, but speaking of her actions at the time, she wanted to protect Naruto!

Because the only people who could fight Payne at that time were Naruto who came from Miaomu Mountain, and knew that Payne was the murderer of Mizuki, how could she be indifferent?This is also the result of various reasons, right?

At this moment Ino walked over and comforted Mizuki: "You can't say that to Hinata either. She was the bravest person at the time, and you were also so self-willed?"

Mizuki was stunned when he heard Ino's words. Why did he preach to himself?

But at this time everyone also gathered around, because they were all Konoha's companions, arguably the most familiar people, so there was nothing to let go.

Shikamaru nodded and said, "Yes, what Ino said is correct. When you face Penn alone, isn't it to protect the village? How can you say Hinata?"

And Xiao Li and Tiantian also echoed: "Yeah, when we came back, and saw Konoha destroyed, I couldn't imagine how terrible the enemy was. However, when we heard that it was the result of you fighting alone. , You know our psychological side, but how surprised are you?"

"This~" Mizuki thought for a while, where does this start?Helplessly said: "Oh, I understand."

In fact, you can't say that. You must know that Shuishu and Payne had a certainty of winning at that time. If Shuishu did not directly use big moves, he would now solve the hell road, so that Payne could not resurrect himself.

The next one consumed Penn one after another. It wasn't that there was no chance of victory. It was just that without the fairy mode, Mizuki was not sure to fight like Naruto and Penn, which led to the subsequent events.

However, Mizuki would definitely not admit that he would be much worse than Payne, but how is his head-on fighting style, making his abilities somewhat restrained by the opponent, right?

This is really no way, Mizuki spread his hands helplessly: "Well, what you said, it seems that my sister has a temper very similar to me!"

Everyone chuckled involuntarily. Who said that?Everyone knows Mizuki's love for Hinata, but doesn't anyone know about Hinata's care for Naruto?

By the way, speaking of Naruto, Mizuki took a look at the surroundings, everyone was basically there, even Shino, who had the lowest sense of existence, stayed at the door and waited.

But Naruto is the only one here, and it seems that Sakura is not there either. What is the reason for this?Mizuki asked, "Where is Naruto? Why didn't I see him?"

Text volume 794. Afterwards!

Here I ask why when Naruto is not there, I find that everyone's expressions are a little gloomy?Only after asking what happened, it turned out that after Payne attacked Konoha, Tsunade fell into a deep sleep due to excessive consumption.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Danzo seized power as Naruto, although it has not yet been voted by Shangnin, but it has a tendency to act as Naruto.

At the same time, I heard that someone from Yunyin Village was preparing to hold an invitation to the Five Shadows Conference. It was said that they were to discuss matters about Akatsuki's organization because Lei Ya's younger brother was taken away by Sasuke.

After hearing this, Mizuki immediately understood. It seems that Naruto and Sakura should be working for Sasuke, are they trying to find a way?

But when it comes to Danzo’s job as an agent for Naruto, Mizuki said with displeasure: "Where is Danzo who is qualified to serve as Naruto? Is the person who asked him to act as Naruto blind?"

Everyone knows about this. Danzo has been serving as the dark side of Konoha for many years and it is said that he has done many dirty things.The tragedy of the Uchiha clan back then, in fact, everyone knew what was going on, but it was too obscure, so no one dared to mention it.

But the more Mizuki here thinks about it, the more something is wrong. Although she knows that according to the development of the plot, Danzo will act as an agent of Naruto for a short time, but at such a critical time, it is too coincidental, right?Especially in the two incidents of "Konoha Collapse" and "Penn Attack", this guy didn't even see the shadow!

Shikamaru spread out his hands helplessly and said: "Danzo's position as an agent of Naruto is said to have been approved by the daimyo, and the top management has also acquiesced. But in such an extraordinary period, he can't be a Naruto without a vote of Shinobu."

That's what I said, because Naruto is the leader of the village, so naturally he needs the support of ninjas, especially if Shangren doubts the leader, he shouldn't even want to talk about being a shadow.

Mizuki is already a Shinobu, so naturally he has such voting rights, but he still said uncomfortably, "Huh, Danzo, this guy is really bullying! Tsunade-sama didn't wake up, so he wanted to come. Have you seized power?"

The more he talked about it, the more angry he became. Tsunade was in a coma for the sake of Kimha Village and consumed too much.

But this Danzo didn't contribute at all. The last time was the "Konoha collapse" plan, this time it was the "Penn Attack" incident, and now he ran out to be Hokage?Are you dreaming?

Mizuki asked Shikamaru and Ino's parents what they thought of this matter, but the answer was: "They all expressed silence."

There is no way to do this. After all, as the largest underground force in Konoha, Danzo's methods are quite harsh, and no one can offend this guy.

Of course, if it is fear, this is not entirely true. It's just that there is a little relationship between the various families and the root organization. For example, Shino's oil girl family, and Ino's Yamanaka family, actually all have ninjas at the root.

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