I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 466

Each family has its own considerations. Unless it is a crisis to the survival of their own family, they will basically consider the pros and cons before acting.

Mizuki could quickly think of the key, but he didn't want to embarrass his companions, but said unwillingly, "This fellow Danzo, wants to be Hokage? I won't agree!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mizuki stood up.

Everyone said in horror: "Mizuki, don't be impulsive, Danzo is an old fox, or let the adults discuss it before you come to think of a solution?!"

Anyhow, they are all companions who grew up together. Mizuki is very clear about what kind of personality she is.

There is really nothing to say here, because Mizuki is going to find Danzo, and he has already moved to kill. This kind of guy is in danger in Konoha, and he ran out after the matter was over.

Wouldn't it be too ridiculous if a selfish person puts himself as the "root of Konoha" on his lips?If you don't beat this guy, it's really hard to quell your hatred!

Everyone rushed to dissuade him. After all, the current Konoha Village is waiting to be flourished, and Danzo’s role as an agent of Naruto is a legitimate thing. If you forcefully confront it, it is definitely not a wise move.

Mizuki understands everyone's meaning, but she is not afraid of Danzo, not to mention that her strength is not what it used to be. If Danzo really turned her face against herself, this would be even better.

Because Mizuki has many special identities afterwards, first of all, as the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, if Danzo wants to turn his face with Mizuki, it must be tantamount to giving the Hyuga clan a face.

At the same time, as a disciple of the fifth generation of Hokage, this is a justifiable fact, and Mizuki has made an indelible contribution to Konoha Village.Once the two parties have conflicts, Danzo will be questioned!

What's more, Mizuki has the identity of Shinobu, representing a member of the Konoha Murakami Shinobi group. Danzo wants to get the approval and voting of Konoha and Shinobu, and any friction is extremely inappropriate.

Of course Mizuki didn't dare to rule it out. Danzang, the old fox, would figure out a way to deal with her, but this didn't matter, because the most important point was that Danzang would not survive the return of the Five Shadows Conference!

Damn, against someone who is bound to kill in a plot, is there a terrible thing about the water tree?Go straight up and fuck his mother!

Ignoring everyone’s dissuasion at all, Mizuki just hummed coldly: "If Danzo appeared when Konoha was in crisis, I would approve of his behavior. But think about what happened three years ago. The'Konoha collapse' incident? Think again about this'Payne attack' incident. Has anyone seen him stand up for Konoha? Now he is jumping out to be Hokage? I will definitely not agree!"

Who does not understand this sentence?Or is there anyone who doesn’t know?However, there is official support for Danzo’s agency for Naruto, and it is definitely not a wise move to oppose the conflict!

Of course, Shui Shu didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly used the bow sling shadow, and went over the crowd to find Tuan Zang to settle the account!Coldly said: "Want to become Hokage? Pass me first!"

After talking about Mizuki's figure, he disappeared again. Obviously, he was using the slingshot again, and it sounded like he was looking for Danzo.

This was a shock to everyone. If Mizuki and Dan hide in conflict, this is definitely not a good thing for Konoha now.

Shikamaru, who reacted immediately, said to everyone: "We hurried to chase Mizuki. Everyone understands her character. The one who goes straight is afraid that she will fight Danzo. Hinata, you hurried to find Nissu-sama. !"

Text volume 795. Never admit it!

Mizuki left his room and saw Konoha Village the first time he went out. Although he had already had some psychological preparations, he was still shocked when he saw it!

Didn't you expect that the battle between yourself and Payne at that time caused such a destructive force?The entire Konoha Village has disappeared!

However, the shock here is the shock. After all, it is psychologically prepared, and I thought that even if the village of Konoha became like this, the guy Danzo would not rescue him, and now he still ran out to compete for the position of Naruto. Unbearable!

Looking for a blind eye, is it not easy to find someone?

With a kung fu, Mizuki appeared in front of a tent. She had already seen it with her white eyes, and Danzo should be inside.

I just wanted to walk in directly, but without waiting for her to act, a number of ninjas wearing masks appeared all of a sudden, and they looked like Anbu.

But by judging the aura of these people, Mizuki sensed that they weren't themselves, the ninjas he had seen in Anbu, so he immediately understood that they were the root ninjas.

The welcome was also grand. Mizuki snorted coldly and said, "Get out of here, I want to see Danzo!"

Stopping a root ninja in front of him, he still forcibly stopped and said: "I'm sorry, let's leave with confidence! Lord Danzo, there is something important."

"Is it important?" It's probably a discussion about preparing to participate in the Five Shadows Conference, right?This Danzo really uses himself as an onion, is he ready to fulfill his obligations that should belong to Hokage?

Mizuki didn't have a good face because of her anger, but she was patient and said, "You can go to the report and say that Mizuki Hyuga is coming to see him and you have to ask him a question!"

This time the Five Shadows Conference, but Danzang went out for the last time, anyway, he was a dying person, so he would give him some face first.

However, looking at these rooted ninjas, it seems that they have no plans to follow. They still stopped and said: "No, Miss Mizuki. We know it is you, but Danzo-sama has an order, no one is allowed to disturb him!"

Hearing what the other party said, Mizuki's face changed on the spot, and he really wanted to scold him: "I am not under yours, TMD will listen to your orders?"

Shui Shu was too lazy to gossiping with them: "It's nothing more than three things, let me say one last thing, get out of the way! I will ask him a question."

The ninjas at the roots looked at each other, seeming to be hesitant, maybe they also felt that the atmosphere of Mizuki was not too right.

They were considering whether to inform them, but a root ninja who seemed to be the leader continued to stand in front of Mizuki. It is estimated that he had really received any order to not allow outsiders to approach or disturb him?

But this can't be taken care of. Mizuki has already given enough face, and he will directly start the fight without coming up. The preparation is to ask a question before the soldiers.

But this kind of blocking is very annoying, especially when it was originally a strong pressure, Mizuki uttered a low voice: "If you don't want to die, get out of it! I asked Danzo what he is qualified to represent Hokage, Pei When Eun attacked Konoha, where did he go?"

People are getting angry, and they are irrational.

Seeing Mizuki's persecution, the ninjas at the roots were uniform, put their hands on the weapons, and prepared to attack immediately if there was a battle!

Such an attitude made Mizuki's expression gloomy, and he cursed directly: "TMD, are you guys still Konoha's ninja? Keep saying that you are: Konoha's root! Wait until Konoha How come you didn’t see you appear when you were in danger? Let Danzo, get out of the dog day’s things!"

Because I have thought too much in my mind, here is how to think about it: Akatsuki’s death, Uchiha’s incident, Konoha’s collapse plan, seeking cooperation with Oshemaru, Penn’s attack, and things done by the Five Shadows Convention What good thing has Danzo done?

Now I jump out to fight for the position of Hokage. If it sounds good, it is a substitute, and if it sounds bad, it is seeking power. If it is more straightforward, what is it if it is not seeking power?

Do not do good things, do all bad things!Keep saying that he is: Konoha's root.Even if it is forcibly washed out in the end, what can it be?What Tuan Zang did is not clear in a single sentence. I am afraid that it will be impossible to jump into the Yellow River!

Because of Mizuki's anger, he could not help but release his murderous aura. This murderous aura can be directly felt. The root ninja surrounding Mizuki is instinctively drawing out the weapon.

"Dare to draw a knife at me? Seek death!"

This is already bright, don't blame me!

Mizuki uttered a loud shout and smashed the ground with one foot: "Tian Shou's foot!!"

All the root ninjas surrounding the water tree jumped away and escaped quickly, only to be shaken to the ground slowly.

But at the same time there were roots, and they began to attack the water tree. A root ninja swung a knife and slashed, and the blade accurately hit the neck. If it were an ordinary person, he must have been beheaded on the spot!

But the Mizuki here was unharmed. Instead, he looked at this ninja who had cut his own roots with a stern look, and sneered: "It seems that I don’t need to talk to Danzo anymore. Your attack on me is enough to accuse you of treason!"

This is no problem, because although the water tree first moved her foot, her attack was on the ground, not against anyone. It can be understood as an angry expression facing the drawing of a knife.

Now I have been chopped, especially the neck in the middle, which is obviously a fatal part. With such a move, how to say Mizuki's mouth is definitely his own advantage!

Of course, the water tree at this time was also in anger, thinking about what Danzo did, avoiding danger when encountering danger, and rushing forward when encountering a benefit, it is completely selfish.Such a person, still thinking of being Hokage?dream!

Grabbing this root, throwing him over the shoulder with his backhand, he fell to the ground in front of him, and punched him down, breaking him and the ground below!

Mizuki’s anger and anger were ignited. Don’t look at the root ninjas here. A dozen people came around at once, but at this time she is no longer what she used to be. Same dishes?

Facing a ninja who rushed up, he slapped and slapped him up, and saw a few foreign objects spit out from this person's mouth, it seemed that even his teeth were slapped off.

Ignoring this hapless guy, luck of his strength, Mizuki shouted loudly: "Danzo! You are not qualified to represent Hokage. If you are more conscious, get out and admit your mistakes, otherwise today will be your next year's memorial day!"

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