I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Day I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 467

Text volume 796. Extremely angry

The angry roar resounded, I believe Danzo can hear it, and it is estimated that he has perceived it a long time ago. If he does not come out, maybe it is really out of control.

The figure of Danzo came out of the tent, and there were two root ninjas behind him. His muddy old eyes looked at the water tree, wondering what this sly old fox was thinking about?

However, at this time, Mizuki didn't think much about useless things, and said directly to Danzo, "Danzo, I heard that you are acting as Hokage? Huh, is there really such a thing?"

There is no honorific speech, just like questioning.

Anyone can see that Mizuki is deeply dissatisfied with Danzo as Hokage, and can even be said to be against it!

The old treacherous and cunning Danzo here probably guessed what Mizuki meant, and said very calmly: "Yes, Tsunade is unconscious now, so I will take the position of Hokage. This also makes sense. Is there anything wrong? "

From the perspective of personal qualifications, Danzo is indeed very old-fashioned. After all, he has competed with the three generations of Hokage earlier, and he is a famous careerist.

But if it's qualifications, isn't it like Konoha Village doesn't have it?At least two of Konoha's senior officials have served as Konoha's consultants all year round, and their background and foundation are equally deep, so this is untenable.

Naturally, Mizuki was very dissatisfied, and said to him very repellingly: "The position of Naruto is very important. Every successor to Naruto must be recognized by Konoha Ninja. The first generation of Naruto was the pioneer of Konoha, this There is no doubt about it. The second generation of Hokage is the younger brother of the first generation of Hokage, no one will have any objection."

"The third generation of Naruto was appointed by the second generation of Naruto. In addition to the Ninja World War at the time, the third generation personally took command of the battle, and no one was dissatisfied!"

"Four generations of Naruto became famous and the third battle between Ninja World, a "golden flash" name everyone knows, and is the hero who saved Konoha 16 years ago."

"The current five generations of Hokage have accepted a mess after the'Konoha collapse'. Although I dare not say how much merit, but there has never been any omission. In addition to this Penn attack, the master has tried his best. They are still in a coma."

"But at this time you ran out to compete for the position of Naruto, based on a Konoha group of dragons without a leader? Then I ask you, how many ninjas in Konoha Village have heard about this and agreed with it?"

What Mizuki said was very straightforward, that was, he hated people like Danzo. It would be fine if he came forward to protect Konoha during the Konoha crisis.

But whether it was the previous "Konoha collapse" or the "Penn attack" at this time, this guy was TMD without even seeing the shadow, and he hadn't had any strength.

Everything is gone now, he ran out now to become Hokage?Why?Mizuki directly said: "Do you want to become Hokage? Bah! I was the first to stand up and refuse to accept!"

At this time, Mizuki was a little angry. In any case, her identity was many. Danzo didn't dare to say that she would directly touch her, but she hadn't considered whether the Hyuga clan would be involved.

Of course, at this time the words are all spoken out, and it is too late to regret it.And it is estimated that Mizuki will not regret it, on the contrary, he is even more excited. The last sentence clearly expresses his disapproval of Danzo as Hokage!

The ninjas at the roots are in a commotion. They are Konoha's ninjas, but they belong to the roots. Danzo is in the position of Naruto, which is good for them.

Mizuki's refusal so bluntly is completely against the roots!

But Danzo was still calm. Although he was publicly questioned, this would damage his credibility, but in this special period, he didn't want to build too many enemies before he officially became Hokage.

Danzo said, "Okay, I see, it seems that you are a bit misunderstanding about me?"

This guy's city is extremely deep, and there is no trace of emotion.

Mizuki was also taken aback when he heard it. He didn't expect what misunderstanding he would say?Do you have any misunderstandings about this guy?

Think about it, is it not?If there is any misunderstanding, it is at best that Danzo's doing things, it may be too gloomy, making his subjective will, there is a deviation of disapproval.

But there is absolutely no misunderstanding. After all, I don’t know what Danzo is. I don’t know much about what he has done. In the end, there are not many things he has done. If it can be said to be a misunderstanding, wouldn’t it be the same? A big joke?

"For any misunderstandings?" Mizuki sneered: "Then I ask you, three years ago, the'Konoha collapse' and this time's'Penn attack' incident, why didn't you see you come out to save Konoha village? Why now Run out, to serve as Hokage quietly?"

Danzo’s exposed eye was originally just a gap, but now it was full of turbidity. His gaze pierced into the eyes where Mizuki was looking at each other, and said: “I support the big tree from the ground, hidden in the shadow of the tree. In the darkness."

When he heard this sentence, Mizuki was stunned, feeling like a short circuit in his brain. Shouldn't he forgive him?

What a strange feeling, it seems that there is some idea that shoots into the eyes of the water tree, affects her brain, and changes the water tree's views on Danzo?

But at this moment, Mizuki’s left eye burst into red light, as if it was a compulsory rebound. He just felt his brain shake, and then forced a certain consciousness out of his brain. In an instant, the brain regained consciousness.

After sorting out what happened just now, at this moment, I saw Danzang's eyes again. One of the blindfolded eyes had a gathering of Chakra?

Immediately Mizuki understood, and there was an uncontrollable anger: "You bastard, actually using illusion on me? Want to affect my brain? Your eyes ~ write round eyes!"

Mizuki understands that Danzo just used to himself: Don’t God!It is the eyes of Uchiha Shisui.

Didn’t expect that Danzo’s method would actually use other gods to interfere with his thoughts?

Danzo did not expect that his other gods would be deciphered. After being surprised by Mizuki, he immediately realized something and quickly ordered: "Hands!"

The ninja at the root is about to take action, collectively using ninjutsu to attack.

Mizuki uttered a loud shout: "Look for death!"

Chakra spurted all over the body. At this moment, the power of the water tree was no longer necessary before, and the power of asura was acquired. Even in the middle of anger, the clouds in the sky changed color!

Text Volume 797. The Eye of the Other Bank Flower

This is an unprecedented outbreak, did not expect the other party's methods to be so insidious?How dare you use other gods on yourself!

Mizuki didn't know how she got rid of control, but it was no time to think about it. Her left eye flashed with scarlet light, like a bloodthirsty beast looking at its prey.

This is because there is a power activated in her body, not only receiving blessings from Ashura, but also power from the depths of the soul.

There was an unprecedented anger that began to erode the brain of the water tree, staring fiercely at Danzo, and said in a cold voice: "Deception, this is my cruelest thing, you dare to use illusion, want to deceive me today? You must die!"

Unable to distinguish with the naked eye, Mizuki shot in an instant, slammed the two root ninjas forcefully, and rushed to Danzo.She pinched his neck and saw the rooted ninja, she wanted to make a rescue action, she let out a loud shout, forming an invisible shock wave, forcibly shaking these people back open.

Absolute power can squeeze Danzo's neck, but Mizuki didn't do this, but used a slow tightening method to make Danzo feel the pain of pinching tighter!

Mizuki said: "What you did did not bring peace to the world, on the contrary, it would destroy the world! What you keep saying, you are the root under the Konoha tree, but all this is an excuse! You are just for yourself Your self-interest, now you have to pay the price!"

If Danzo can really become an anti-temporal hero and do a useful thing, Mizuki would recognize it.

However, looking at the overall plot, Danzo did not drive out a good thing, and induced Sansho Fish Hanzo to kill Yahiko, making Akatsuki a tool to be used.

Uchiha Itachi, who has been influenced by three generations, actually has the idea of ​​bringing peace.But when it was Danzo who used "Sasuke" to make Uchiha Itachi annihilate the race, I have to say it was another failure!

Collusion with Dashewan is not even mentioned, not only is it connected very early, for example, his hands are the product of experiments.As for the two incidents of "Konoha collapse" and "Penn attack", this is needless to say.

He didn’t do anything that would benefit the village of Konoha. Instead, it deteriorated step by step, leading to the forthcoming Fourth Ninja World War. To say that he was an important fuse, this is almost always possible. Isn't it an exaggeration?

Still have the face to be Hokage?It's better to kill him directly!

Mizuki thought this way, the ninja at the root had already come up again, and they were going to rescue Danzo.A rooted ninja Kieyin shouted in a low voice: "The technique of turning the heart!!"

There is also an Anbe ninja whose skin is dyed purple: "Touch of the Phosphorus Worm!!"

Does the former want to control her body with secret techniques so that the latter can touch her body?

Seeing the two people's cooperation so perfect, Mizuki was horrified, and an angry look was shot from his eyes: "Is this you looking for death?!"

The flickering red light in her left eye bloomed, as if a red flower was born in her eyes, and she saw the appearance of this flower.It seems to be a flower from the other shore, and its enchanting appearance is so gorgeous.The slender petals waved, rushing towards the two without any scruples!

This is an unprecedented technique. In fact, even the water tree doesn't know what is in his eyes, but it is clear that he can feel it. This is controlled by his own mind.

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